Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wills, wills Generation Salaf

Wills, wills Generation Salaf

ByCleric Abu Ihsan Al-Atsari

والسابقون الأولون من المهاجرين والأنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه وأعد لهم جنات تجري تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيهآ أبدا ذلك الفوز العظيم
The people the preceding another in the first place (to Islam) among the people muhajirin and the Ansar and those who follow them well, God's good pleasure to them, and God provided for them Gardens underneath, many rivers flowing beneath to dwell therein for ever.That's a big victory. [At-Tawbah: 100]
In the above verse Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala gave praise to his Companions and those who followed them in goodness. They were the best generation chosen by God as His prophet companion in carrying out the divine message.
Praise of God, is sufficient as proof of their virtue or excess. They are known as the Salaf generation Rabbani generation that always follow in the footsteps of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
With the trail they tread tilasi, the final generation of this people will be able to reach back to the golden age. As said by Imam Malik may Allaah have mercy, "It will not end the people of this generation better than with what makes a good first-generation". It was a speech worthy of being written in gold ink. If the people of this generation's best to take it as an example in all aspects of life will undoubtedly be happy to meet them.
In this opportunity, we will explore how the salaf purify their souls, which we nukil of passage words of wisdom and wisdom is very useful for us.
Salaf and TAZKIYATUN NUFUSOne side of religion that should not be forgotten is tazkiyatun nufus (purification of the soul). God always menyebutan tazkiyatun nufus along with science. He said:
كمآأرسلنا فيكم رسولا منكم يتلوا عليكم ءاياتنا ويزكيكم ويعلمكم الكتاب والحكمة ويعلمكم مالم تكونوا تعلمون
As We sent unto you an Apostle of Our revelations recited to you and purify you and teach you the Book and Wisdom and teach you what you did not know. [Al-Baqarah: 151]
That is, knowledge that may backfire if not accompanied by tazkiyatun nufus. Therefore we can find in the biography of the Salaf about asceticism, sincerity, ketawadhu'an and cleanliness of their souls. That is, they always remind each other about the urgency of this nufus tazkiyatun. From there we find the sayings of the Salaf is plunged into the heart and full of wisdom. Hamdun bin Ahmad was asked: "Why are the words of the Salaf more useful than our words?" He replied: "Because they speak for the glory of Islam, the salvation of souls and to please Ar-Rahman, while we talk to the glory of self, the pursuit of world and to please man! "
Salaf and PERSISTENCE IN SCIENCE DEMANDSImam Adh-Dzahabi said: "Ya'qub ibn Ishaq al-Harawi told of bin Muhammad Salih Al-Hafiz, that he heard Hisham bin Ammar said:" I came to Imam Malik, and then I said to him: "Convey me some hadith! He said: "Read!""No, but tuanlah who read it to me!" I replied."Read!" Imam Malik said again. But I continued to deny him. Finally he said: "O servant, come here! Take this guy and beat him fifteen times!" Then the waitress brought me and hit me fifteen lashes.Then he brought me back to him. The waiter said: "I have whipped him!" So I said to him: 'Why did menzhalimi me? Host has mencambukku fifteen times without any mistakes that I do? I do not excuse the master! ""What's the ransom?" he asked."The ransom is the master must read for me as much as fifteen hadith!" I replied. Then read the fifteenth hadith beliaupun me. I said to him: "Sir can beat me again, so long as the hadith master add me!" Imam Malik laughed and said: "Go!"
Salaf and sinceritySalaf generation is the generation that are maintaining the activity of the liver. A man once asked Tamim Ad-daari about his evening prayers. With anger he said: "By Allah the cycles in the middle of the night I'm doing it secretly, I liked better than praying all night and next morning I told the people!"
Ar-Rabi 'bin Khaitsam said: "The whole act is not intended to please God, then the act will be broken!"
They knew that only with sincerity, people will follow, listen and love them. Imam Mujahid said: "When a servant confronts his heart to God, God will expose the human heart to him."
Admittedly, keeping the heart is very heavy because of the practice itself as if it did not receive any part of it. Sahl bin Abdullah said: "No one is more serious cases of mental rather than sincere intentions, because he (as if-ed.) Did not receive any part of it."
So that Abu Ad-darani Sulaiman said: "Fortunately for those who step foot swinging, but he did not expect to Friends!"
They are also extremely shy away from properties that can damage the sincerity, such as popularity crazy, crazy place, rather praised and lifted up.
As-Sikhtiyaani Ayyub said: "No servant is said to be honest if he still likes to popularity."
Yahya bin Muadh said: "There will be lucky people who have crazy nature of the position."
Abu Uthman ibn Sa'id al-Haddad said: "No matter who turns insane person of God is beyond praise and flattery crazy."
Hence the Salaf very sincere intention to bequeath his students. Ar-Rabi 'bin Shabih said: "One time, we present in the assembly of Al-Hasan Al-Basri, at that time he was giving sermon. Suddenly one of the attendees burst into tears. Al-Hasan said to him: "By Allah, the Day of Judgment Allah will ask you what your goal is to cry at this!"
Salaf and repentanceEach of the Children of Adam must be guilty, and the best of the guilty is to repent to God. Thus the Prophet mentioned sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in a hadeeth. Salaf generation are at the forefront of this issue!
'Aisha Allaah anha said: "Fortunately for those who book filled with many charitable note asking forgiveness."
Al-Hasan Al-Basri had advised: "Expand forgiveness in your home, in front of your dish, on the street, in markets and in the assemblies you are and wherever you are! Because you do not know when the fall of forgiveness! "
GENERATION tears SalafSalaf generation is the generation that has a very soft heart. So that their hearts are easily moved and cried out of fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Especially when reciting verses from the Koran.
When reading the word of God:
وقرن في بيوتكن
"And you shall stay at home" [Al-Ahzab: 33]
'Aisha Allaah' anha sobbed until basahlah clothes.
Similarly, Ibn Umar 'anhu, while reading the verses.
ألم يأن للذين آمنوا أن تخشع قلوبهم لذكر الله
"Has not come time for those who believe, to subject their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and the truth that has come down (to them)." [Al-Hadid: 16]
He cried until there is no power back tears.
When he read Al-Muthaffifin after arriving in paragraph
ليوم عظيم يوم يقوم الناس لرب العالمين
"On a large, (ie) the day (when) people are standing facing the Lord of hosts." [Al-Muthaffifiin: 5-6]
He cries and cries grew louder so that he can not afford to continue reading.
Salaf and TAWADHU 'Never mentioned about tawadhu 'in the presence of Al-Hasan Al-Basri, but he said nothing. When people urged him to speak he said to them: "I see you have much to tell about tawadhu '!" They said: "What is tawadhu' O Abu Sa'id?" He replied: "That every time he left the house and met a Muslim man he always thought that it was better than him. "
Ibn al-Mubarak was asked about a problem before Uyainah bin Sufyan, he said: "We were forbidden to speak in front of people who are more senior than us."
Al-Fudhail bin Iyadh once asked: "What is tawadhu '?" He replied: "That you submit to the truth!"
Mutharrif bin Abdillah said: "No one complimented me feel less than."
NATURE Salaf and politeOn a dark night Umar bin Abdul Aziz entered the mosque. He passed a man who was sleeping soundly. The man woke up and said: "Are you crazy? 'Umar replied:" No. "But the guards tried to round up the man. But Umar bin Abdul Aziz to prevent them and said: "He just asked: Are you crazy! and I answer: No. "
A man reported to Munabbih bin Wahab: "So and so has chided Surely you!" He replied: "It looks like the devil does not find a courier other than you!"
NATURE Salaf and asceticYusuf ibn Sufyan heard Asbath Ats-Tsauri said: "I have never seen a more difficult than the asceticism asceticism of power. We see many people who are ascetic in the matter of food, beverages, clothing and possessions. But when given the power to him then he also will maintain and brave enemies to defend him. "
Imam Ahmad was asked about a man who has a thousand dinars are included ascetic? He replied: "I could, provided he is not too happy when increasing and not be too sad if it is reduced."
Thus some of the salaf pearl extracts which are useful for us, God willing, in leading the process of purification of the soul. May God always gives us strength in pursuing the Salaf generation footprint in every aspect of life.
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah Foundation Published 04/Tahun VI/1423H/2002M Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 08121533647, 08157579296]
Advice About Earthquakes and Natural Disasters

BySheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Dear readers,We have not forgotten the events that bulldoze Aceh tsunami wave at the turn of the years 2004-2005 AD, which cost the lives of thousands of human and natural damage. Unexpectedly before, on Saturday, 28 Rabi Thani 1427H, 2006M coincide with the May 27, we were surprised again a tectonic earthquake, with a strength of 5.9 on the Richter scale. Shock which lasted about 57 seconds has been devastated Klaten (Central Java) and Bantul (Yogya).Thousands of men died. Not a few people were injured. From children to parents. Many homeless shelter, because the houses were destroyed. All seized with indescribable terror.
What disebalik wisdom from every earthquake that occurs on earth God's?Here is the advice of Shaykh 'Abd al-Aziz bin Baz rahimahullah, which we picked up from Majmu' Fatawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah, IX/148-152. Insha Allah very beneficial for the Believers and mankind in general._______________________________________________________________________
الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله وصحابته و من اهتدى بهداهأما بعد:
Verily Allah Almighty and All-Knowing, the Wise of all implemented and established. As well as Allah Almighty, the Wise and the All-Knowing of all of the Shari'ah and all told. Allah Almighty created the signs of what He pleases, and set them to frighten His servants.Reminded of their obligations, which belongs to Allah Almighty.Remind them of shirk and violating orders and conduct that are prohibited.
As Allah Almighty:
وما نرسل بالآيات إلا تخويفا
"We did not give signs of it but to scare." [Al-Israa ': 59].
سنريهم آياتنا في الآفاق وفي أنفسهم حتى يتبين لهم أنه الحق أولم يكف بربك أنه على كل شيء شهيد
"We will show them the signs (of power) We are in all horizons and in themselves, so it is clear to them that al-Qur` an that's true. And if thy Lord is not enough (for you), that He witnessed all things ".[Fushilat: 53].
Allah Almighty says:
قل هو القادر على أن يبعث عليكم عذابا من فوقكم أو من تحت أرجلكم أو يلبسكم شيعا ويذيق بعضكم بأس بعض
"Say (O Muhammad):" He (God) Almighty Allaah Mighty to send to you, from above you or from beneath your feet, or he you mix in the factions (conflicting), and feel to some of you malignancy sebahagian the others ". [al An'am: 65].
Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih from Jabir bin Abdullah Allaah 'anhuma, from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, his (Jabir) said: "When the word of Allah Almighty قل هو القادر على أن يبعث عليكم عذابا من فوقكم down, Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed,' I seek refuge in your face, 'and he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam continued (reading) أو من تحت أرجلكم, the Prophet prayed again, 'I seek refuge in your face ". [1]
Narrated by Abu Mujahid Shaykh al Ashbahani of commentary on this verse:
قل هو القادر على أن يبعث عليكم عذابا من فوقكم
He said the lightning, hail and wind storm. (أو من تحت أرجلكم), earthquakes and landslides.
Clearly, the earthquake that occurred in this period in several places including the verses (signs) of power that used to frighten His servants. Everything that happens in nature, (ie) in the form of earthquakes and other events that pose a danger to the servants, and cause various kinds of suffering, caused by the act of Shirk and immorality.
As Allah Almighty:
وما أصابكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم ويعفو عن كثير
"And whatever misfortune befall you, then the act is caused by your own hands, and God forgive most (of faults)". [Asy Syuura: 30].
Allah Almighty says:
ما أصابك من حسنة فمن الله وما أصابك من سيئة فمن نفسك
"Whatever favors ye have received, then it is from Allah, and whatever disasters befall you, then it is because the (error) yourself". [An-Nisa ': 79].
About earlier peoples, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
فكلا أخذنا بذنبه فمنهم من أرسلنا عليه حاصبا ومنهم من أخذته الصيحة ومنهم من خسفنا به الأرض ومنهم من أغرقنا وما كان الله ليظلمهم ولكن كانوا أنفسهم يظلمون
"Each one (they were) We seized due to his sin, then among them there are casts him we hail stones, and among them there is a loud voice that thundered overwritten (lightning), and among them there are we immersed into the earth, and among them some We drowned, and Allah is not going to persecute them, but they who wronged themselves. " [Al Ankabut: 40].
It is obligatory for every Muslim who mukallaf and others, to repent to Allah Almighty, consistently above the din (religion) it, and be aware of all that is prohibited, namely in the form of shirk and immoral. Thus, they are safe from all danger in the world and the Hereafter, and Allah Allaah reject all of them, and gave them all kinds of goodness.
As Allah Almighty:
ولو أن أهل القرى آمنوا واتقوا لفتحنا عليهم بركات من السماء والأرض ولكن كذبوا فأخذناهم بما كانوا يكسبون
"Had the people of the country believe and fear Allah, surely We will be bestowed upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth, but they rejected (Our Signs), then We seized them for their deeds".[Al A'raaf: 96].
Allah Almighty says about the Book:
ولو أنهم أقاموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليهم من ربهم لأكلوا من فوقهم ومن تحت أرجلهم
"And except those actually running the (law) the Torah, the Gospel and the (al-Qur'an) sent down to them from his Lord, they will get their food from above and from beneath their feet". [Al Maidah: 66].
Allah Almighty says:
أفأمن أهل القرى أن يأتيهم بأسنا بياتا وهم نائمون أوأمن أهل القرى أن يأتيهم بأسنا ضحى وهم يلعبون أفأمنوا مكر الله فلا يأمن مكر الله إلا القوم الخاسرون
"So if people in these countries feel secure from Our punishment coming to them in the evening at the time they are sleeping or are resident in these countries feel secure from Our punishment coming to them in the sun sepenggalahan up when they're playing? Do they feel safe from Allaah (the unexpected)? Nor who feel safe from Allaah except the people are the losers ". [Al A'raaf: 97-99].
Allama Ibn Qayyim Al rahimahullah said: "At some time, the Allah Almighty to grant permission to the earth to breathe, and there was a devastating earthquake. Of the event, and the fear of self arises servants of Allah Almighty, a sense of repentance and the cease of immoral deeds, submit to Allah Almighty and regret. As the words of some Salaf after the earthquake, 'Surely your Rabb inveigh'. Umar Allaah 'anhu, after the earthquake in Medina delivered the sermon and advice; he Allaah' anhu said, "If an earthquake happens again, I will not allow you to stay in Madinah '." Done - the words of Ibn al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy.
Atsar-atsar of the Salaf about it very much. So when an earthquake or other event, such as eclipses, hurricanes or floods, obliged to repent to Allah Almighty, grovel and beg Him 'afiyah Him, Dhikr and seek forgiveness.
As the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when the eclipses:
فإذا رأيتم شيئا من ذلك فافزعوا إلى ذكره ودعائه واستغفاره
"If you look at it, then immediately dhikr of Allah Almighty, and pray to Him beristighfar". [2]
Sunnah also loves the poor and bershadaqah to them.
Based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
ارحموا ترحموا
"Have mercy on, surely you would pity" [3].
Words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء
"Those who sow mercy will be loved by the Essence of the All-Merciful. Have mercy on earth, you would be spared by the sky". [4]
Words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
من لا يرحم لا يرحم
"People who have no compassion, there will be loved". [5].
It was narrated from 'Umar ibn' Abdul 'Aziz rahimahullah, that when an earthquake happens, he wrote a letter to local authorities to bershadaqah.
Among the factors were saved from every evil, that government would soon take control of the people and required to be consistent with al haq, apply the law of Almighty God in the midst of them, ordered that doing good and forbidding.
As Allah Almighty:
والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة ويطيعون الله ورسوله أولئك سيرحمهم الله إن الله عزيز حكيم
"And those who believe that men and women, some of them (are) to be helpers of one another. They told (to do) is doing good, prevent it from being evil, establishing prayers, practice regular charity and they obey Allah and His Messenger. They will be given the grace of God. Allah is Mighty, Wise ". [At Tawbah: 71].
He said:
ولينصرن الله من ينصره إن الله لقوي عزيز الذين إن مكناهم في الأرض أقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر ولله عاقبة الأمور
"Verily, Allah surely help those who help (religion) Him. Allah truly is Strong, Almighty, (ie) those who, if We teguhkan their position on earth, they will establish prayer, give charity, do tell are doing good and preventing of unjust deeds, and to Allah return all matters ". [Al-Hajj: 40-41].
Allah Almighty says:
ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه
"Those who have fear of Allah, He will make her way out. And give him good luck from unexpected directions, but thought tidada. And whoever is sole trust in Allah, Allah will suffice (need) them". [Ath Thalaaq: 2-3].
The verses on this subject very much.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من كان في حاجة أخيه كان الله في حاجته
"Whoever helps his brother, then Allah Almighty will help him" [6].[Agreed alaih].
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من نفس عن مؤمن كربة من كرب الدنيا نفس الله عنه كربة من كرب يوم القيامة ومن يسر على معسر يسر الله عليه في الدنيا والآخرة ومن ستر مسلما ستره الله في الدنيا والآخرة والله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه
"Whoever frees a believer from a distress distress distress-world, then Allah Almighty will remove it from the trouble in the trouble-trouble hereafter. Whoever provides convenience to those who need it, then Allah Almighty will facilitate him in the world andHereafter. Whoever closes disgrace Muslims, then Allah Almighty will cover the shame of the world and the hereafter. And Allah Almighty will always help a servant for the servant helps his brother [7]. [Reported by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh ].
Creator of the hadiths which are many.
Only in God we ask that improve the condition of the Muslims, to provide an understanding of religion and confers power to istiqamah, to repent to Allah from all sin k. May Allah improve the condition of the rulers of the Muslims; may God help al haq through them and humiliate baatil, guiding them to implement the Shari'ah of Allah Almighty for His servants. And may God protect them and all the Muslims from slander and vicious trap that is misleading.
Allah is Mighty to it.
وصلى الله على نبينا محمد و آله و صحبه و من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين
[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine X/1427H/2006M 04/Tahun Edition. Foundation published Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Gondangrejo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]
Be aware of this reality

BySheikh Khalid al-Raasyid

Have we ever thought, how many people died in our town for a month? Or for one year? Or even every day all over the earth?Decree of Allah wa Ta'ala Subhanhu keep going. Some are born into the world and some died. Someday, surely we will get a turn. It's a reality of life that can not be denied. Unfortunately, many people forget or forget about death.
Whereas formerly the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam lot to talk about the death of friends, while the living conditions of their hearts.This is very different from the reality is this. How many events are created, measures designed to divert attention away from death.When we desperately need it to make us aware of the omissions and soften hardened hearts already! If we want to answer honestly, Who is a greater need to talk about death, we or the Companions Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam? The answer, of course we are.
Therefore, we picked up the conversation about death. Talks about a horrible event. The event that decides the whole pleasure and bury all wishful thinking. Death means parting with loved ones. Cut the chance of death charity, and deliver to the gates of reckoning!
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has been advised by counsel that touched us. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أكثروا ذكر هاذم اللذات: الموت, فإنه لم يذكره أحد في ضيق من العيش إلا وسعه عليه, ولا ذكره في سعة إلا ضيقها عليه
"Expand remember breaker pleasure, which is death. Since the death, if remembered by those who are in need of life, it will be able to relieve his misery. And if remembered by people who are happy, then happiness will be able to restrict it". [HR. ath-Thabrani and al-Hakim. See also Saheeh al-Sagheer Jâmi'ush: no. 1222; Shahîhut Targhîb, no: 3333]
Given that death can turn on the liver. People who are really ashamed of the Almighty Allah will not neglect deaths and would not underestimate the preparation for death. As mentioned in the hadith:
عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم استحيوا من الله حق الحياء قال قلنا يا رسول الله إنا نستحيي والحمد لله قال ليس ذاك ولكن الاستحياء من الله حق الحياء أن تحفظ الرأس وما وعى والبطن وما حوى ولتذكر الموت والبلى ومن أراد الآخرة ترك زينة الدنيا فمن فعل ذلك فقد استحيا من الله حق الحياء
"From 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud Allaah' anhu, he said," The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "You shall truly ashamed to Allah". We said,' Messenger of Allah, Praise be to Allaah we are ashamed (to Allah) ". He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," It's not that (as you suppose-pen). but (is) really shy before Allah is you keep the head and its contents, keeping stomach and anything associated with it;and you shall remember the death and destruction. And whoever desires the Hereafter, he left the jewelry world. Whoever has done it, he was really shy before Allah Almighty ". [HR. Tirmidhi, no. 2458; Ahmad, no. 3662; Shaykh al-Albani states rahimahullah 'lighairihi Hasan, in the book Shahîhut Targhîb, 3/6, no. 2638, the publisher.Maktabah al-Ma'arif]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not let the opportunity pass you by. If there is a chance, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam constantly reminds his companions about the death and the various series persistiwa to be escorted.
عن البراء قال كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في جنازة فجلس على شفير القبر فبكى حتى بل الثرى ثم قال يا إخواني لمثل هذا فأعدوا
From al-Bara 'Allaah' anhu, he said, "We shared the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam on (burial-red) of a corpse, and he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam sat on the edge of the grave, then he cried so that the soil becomes wet, then he said: "O my brothers!Be prepared for anything like this! "[HR. Ibn Majah, no: 4190, in her hasan by Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullah]
In another report, al-Bara 'bin' Azib said:
بينما نحن مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذ بصر بجماعة فقال: علام اجتمع عليه هؤلاء?قيل: على قبر يحفرونه, قال: ففزع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فبدر بين يدي أصحابه مسرعا حتى انتهى إلى القبر فجثا عليه, قال: فاستقبلته من بين يديه لأنظر ما يصنع, فبكى حتى بل الثرى من دموعه ثم أقبل علينا قال: أي إخواني لمثل اليوم فأعدوا
"When we were with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, all of a sudden he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallm saw a group of people, then he asked, 'Why do they congregate?' Is said to him, 'They are gathered at the grave they dug'. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam surprise, then rushed ahead of his companions, so until the grave, then he knelt down to the grave. Bara' said, 'So I went ahead, he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam to see what he would do '. Then he cried so that the soil becomes wet with his tears. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam facing us and said, "O my brothers! Get ready for the sepertil today!" [See Silsilatush Saheehah, no. 1751,Shaykh al-Albani's work rahimahullah]
Similarly, righteous ones, they remember the death and remind others to him. It is reported that the Uwais al-Qarni told the people of Kufa rahimahullah, "O people of Kufa, in fact when you sleep, you are cushioned by death. Therefore, if you were awake, and teach that death is always in front of you. "
Given that death has a profound influence on the soul aware of the omission. Death is the greatest lesson. An expert ascetic was asked, "What is the lesson of the most influential?" He replied, "Seeing the place of those who died". Ascetic other experts said, "People who do not quit from disobedience by (counsel) al-Qur'ân and death, if the mountains collide in front of him, he will not stop!"
Indeed, grave pilgrimage, saw the bodies, to see people dying, death sakaratul contemplate, contemplating the face of deceased after death, would curb the soul of a variety of fun and excitement to expel the liver.
People who are preparing for death, he will do good in earnest and shorten wishful thinking.
Al-Lubaidi said, "I saw Abu Ishaq rahimahullah at the time of his life, always remove a piece of paper and read it. When he died, I saw the paper, was written to him 'Perbaguslah deeds, real ajalmu been close! Perbaguslah deeds, real ajalmu been close! '.
My brethren, real people living with remains wary of the end of life, he would lead a life with continued preparations. So that when death came, he had no regrets or if any regret but not overly.
Therefore, it is reported that al-Balkhi Syaqiq rahimahullah said, "Get ready! If death come to you, you do not yell desperately pleaded life. But the petition not be granted ".
With this advice I want to awaken the hearts of his sleep, stop wallowing in the spirit of error and syahwatnya.
With this advice I want someone who worships increased keshalihannya and person who fails to get up before the regret or before his death.
You have seen this life passes quickly, but most people do not realize it. Some are born while others died. Removing the uterus the baby, while the earth swallow deceased.
My brothers, this life time is limited. He must be ended. Righteous people will die, as well as the bad guys. Pious people will die, so also are sinful.
The hero and mujahid, the cowards and those who fled the battlefield jihad, all will die. People who live for the next glorious and greedy people who live only for the pleasures of the world, semuanta will not escape from death.
People who have high ideals or live only for the lust of pubic and stomach, everything would have revoked his life.
Allah Almighty says:
"Everything on earth will perish". [Ar-Rahmân/55: 26]
"Every soul shall taste death". [Ali Imran / 3:185]
All animate creatures will die. He is the essence, but we always try to run away from it. Death is nature, which can be overturned:
- Pride of the people who bersombong- Opposition to the people who deviate- Kezhaliman the taghout who raised him as a god who must be obeyed.
The death of a nature that would be experienced by all the dead, even the Prophets and Apostles. Allah said:
"We do not make eternal life for a human being before thee (Muhammad): Then if you die, will they be eternal?" [Al-Anbiya '/ 21:34]
Death is a reality that sounded throughout the ages and in every place. He sounded in the ears, into the thoughts of all men of understanding and the hearts of all who live. He gasped out that all people will die, but the glory and the One who has courage.
"Every thing must perish except Allah". [Al-Qashshash/28: 88]
Death is a reality that may be avoided. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"Say, 'Verily the death from which you flee from him, then surely death will find you, then you will be returned to (Allah), who knows the Unseen and the Visible, and He will tell you what you did". [Al-Gomaa / 62: 8]
Yes, death will surely meet you ... wherever you are, you will die,O strong men ...O strong men, young nan ...O intelligent people and the genius ...Dear leaders, princes ...O the poor and common people ...All those who weep (because of the death of a loved one), he also would make other people cry (when he died) ...All the news anchor's death, he also will be informed of his death ...All deposits are lost treasure ...All the mentioned will be forgotten ...Nothing is eternal except Allah.If there are people who feel high, then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala higher.
Know, may Allah take care of you, the living will surely die ... and he who dies will be lost (from life) ... and all who will come will come about the time ...
"Those who expect the meeting with Allah, then indeed the (promised) that Allâh, would come". [Al-Ankabut/29: 5]
O my brother, your life is essential to start after your death ... Prepare everything for the provision of real live life. Good deeds, that provision is facing Allah Almighty.
[Adapted by Isma'il Abu Muslim al-Ablaghul Atsari of a paper titled 'Izhaat, by Sheikh Khalid al-Raasyid]
[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine XIV/1431/2010M 04-05/Tahun Edition. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl.Solo-Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo 57 183 Tel.0271-7574821]
Not allowed Futur claimant Science, Not allowed Watchful Against Discouragement And Tired

ByAl-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

A claimant should not be futur science in its efforts to acquire and practice the science. Futur is feeling lazy, reluctant and slow preceding his diligent, earnest, and energetic.
Futur is a disease that often affects most religious scholars, preachers, and the prosecution of science. So the person becomes weak and lazy, sometimes even stop altogether of good activity.
People affected by the disease futur is in three categories, namely:
1). Group that stops at all of its activities with the futur because, and this class a lot.
2). Group that continues in the spirit of laziness and broken, but not to stop at all of its activities, and this class more.
3). Group returned to its original state, and this group is very small.[1]
Futur has many and varied reasons. If a Muslim survivors of the part, then very little chance of surviving than others. This causes any part of a general nature and there is a special character.
Among the causes are.
1). Loss of sincerity.2). Weak syar'i science.3). Dependence of the heart to the world and forget about the Hereafter.4). Fitnah (trials) in the form of wives and children.5). Living in a society that is broken.6). Make friends with people who have a weak desire and worldly ambitions.7). Sin and maksiyat and eat the forbidden.8). Not having a clear goal (both in their studies and preaching).9). Weak faith.10). Alone (not in congregation).11). Weak education. [2]
Futur is a highly malignant disease, but it is not God but He lowered disease was lower cure. Will know about the people who want to know, and will not know the people who are reluctant to know.
Among the futur medicine.
1). Renewed faith.That is, with mentauhidkan God and ask Him to plus faith, and the emphasis on worship, maintaining that the five obligatory prayers in congregation, working rawatib sunnah prayers, prayers and Witr tahajjud. So also with the charity, friendship, birrul walidain, and much of the deeds of obedience.2). Was always watched a lot of dhikr Allah and to Him.3). Sincerity and piety.4). Purify the liver (from stool shirk, bid'ah and maksiyat).5). Studying, diligently to attend lessons, assemblies taklim, muhadharah ilmiyyah, and daurah-daurah syar'iyyah.6). Set the time and reflection.7). Looking for a good friend (righteous).8). Multiply given the death and fear of suul khatimah (end of life is ugly).9). Be patient and learn to be patient.10). Pray and ask God pertologan. [3]
Therefore, the boredom is a deadly disease, killing one's ideals of nature in him bored. Each time the person is surrendered to the boredom, the knowledge will be minor. Sometimes some of us to say with his behavior, even with his tongue, "I have gone to a lot of science assemblies, but I could not benefit except a little."
Remember, O my brother, your presence in the assemblies of science is enough to make you get a reward. What if you collect the reward and benefits? Therefore, do not despair. Know, there are some people that if I tell their story, then you will be amazed. Among other things, the author of al-Hanabilah Dzail Thabaqaat. When writing a biography, he mentions many of the stories of some people when they are studying.
'Abdurrahman ibn-an-Nafis one-Hanbali madhhab scholars used to be a singer. He has a good voice, and he repented of this misguidance. He was studying and he was memorize the book of al-Haraqi, one of the famous book of Hanbali madhhab. Look at how he was before. When he was sincere in repentance, what he got?
Similarly with 'Abdullah bin Hasan al-Jubba'i Abi'l. Formerly he was a Christians can. Christians can also Kelurganya pastor father even those Christians can greatly magnify them. Eventually he converted to Islam, memorize Al-Qur-an and study. Some people who had seen him say, "He has the influence and glory in the city of Baghdad."
Similarly, the Nashiruddin Ahmad bin 'Abdis Salam. Formerly he was a highwayman (robber). He tells the story of his repentance: One day when he was confront passers-by, he sat under a palm tree or under a fence dates. Then look at the birds move from palm trees regularly. He was surprised and then climb into one of the palm tree.He saw that blind snake and the bird threw him food. He was astonished by what is seen, then he repent of his sins. Then he heard the demands of science and many of the scholars. Many also of those who heard his lesson.
This figures who formerly was a highwayman, singers and some are Christians can. However, they became leaders of the clergy, they figure their thumbs and charity was mentioned after they died.
Do not despair, seek earnestly, ask for the help of Allah and do not be weak. Although today you do not get the science, it continues to pour your efforts on the second day, third, fourth, .... year, two years, and so on ... [4]
Science should not be a claimant in a hurry to achieve syar'i science. Syar'i studying can not flash or dikursuskan in no time. It must be remembered, that the journey in studying the long term and, therefore, must be patient and always ask help from God in order to remain committed and in truth.
[Copied from the book The Road to Heaven Sciences Demand "Demand Free Science", Author of Yazid ibn Abdul Qadir Jawas, Publishers Library At-Taqwa, PO BOX 264 - 16 001 Bogor West Java - Indonesia, Rabi'uts Thani First published 1428H/April 2007M]
Science claimant must make a living and Trying Not to Be Other People's Expenses

ByAl-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

Prosecutors science should provide for cost of living, especially for those who have been married even obligatory for them. He should not be lazy to work and be a burden to others, especially with begging.
Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has condemned the act was in the words of his
"Meaning: Someone always begging for the man until he would come on the Day of Judgment in the absence of any piece of flesh on his face." [1]
A claimant must make a living science in order to maintain her dignity even have to sell firewood in the market. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Meaning: Honestly, one of you take a rope and bring a bundle of firewood on his back and then he sold it to her God to keep his honor, it's better for him than he had to beg to man, they give or not give." [2]
'Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiyallaahu' anhu once said, "O our readers the Qur-an, a race-lombalah you in goodness, look for some of the grace of God, and do not you become a burden for people." [3]
Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib rahimahullaah said, "There is no goodness in people who do not accumulate wealth (living), which is the treasure that he could maintain his honor and carry out its mandate." [4]
However, the experiment must be from the business is lawful and justified the Shari'ah and not greedy in collecting property because the property is a fitnah (test) for the Islamic Ummah. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said
"It means: Every community has a fitnah (test), and slander my ummah is a treasure." [5]
Abu Darda 'radhiyallaahu' anhu said, "Including of kefaqihan (kefahaman) a Muslim is to his efforts in improving their livelihoods." He also said, "The good livelihood, including of good faith, and religion, including the good of the common good." [6]
Abu 'Umar Ibn' Abd al-Barr rahimahullaah saying, "According to the scholars, the disgraceful property is property which is sought from businesses that are not true and taken from the income that is not kosher. The atsar-atsar denouncing the property as follows
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Meaning: Two hungry wolves are released in a bunch of goats is not more damaging than the love of (greed) a person of wealth and honor in his religion." [7]
'Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiyallaahu' anhu said, "It is not God Almighty open the (door) dinars and dirhams or gold and silver upon a people, but of them would shed their blood and their relationship to break." [8]
Claimant given the breadth of science rizki by the Almighty, he must give thanks to God Almighty for him he can seek knowledge, buying books and books that are useful, helpful preaching, he also can help people is difficult, give alms , helping relatives, and left his heir in affluent circumstances.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Meaning: The hand on the hand is better than below. Which is above the hand that gives (berinfak) and under the hand that receives (request). "[9]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once told Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash,
"Meaning: Honestly, have you forsaken heir in a state rich (wealthy) are better than you left it in a state of faqir, they raise your hands (begging) to humans. And not a living that you menginfakkan kautujukan to seek God's face, but you will be rewarded for it. "[10]
[Copied from the book The Road to Heaven Sciences Demand "Demand Free Science", Author of Yazid ibn Abdul Qadir Jawas, Publishers Library At-Taqwa, PO BOX 264 - 16 001 Bogor West Java - Indonesia, Rabi'uts Thani First published 1428H/April 2007M]
Advice For the Organization Founder, Jama And Party

[Tafsir Al-Quran Surat Al-An `am: 159]
ByAl-Ustadz Aunur Rofiq bin Ghufron

"Meaning: Those who divide their religion and (split) into several classes, not an iota of responsibility towards them. Surely none of their business is (up) to Allah, then Allah will tell them what they do "[al-An` am: 159]
ProlegomenaPropagation Institute today spread everywhere. They set up organizations, parties and a few prayers, they argue to fight for Islam. But the reality is, they are broken to-split. They feel the group is most true, its followers were proud of their leaders, the decision of the leader as divine revelation not to be denied and must be adhered to, threatened his life when criticized for the wrong decision, not to criticize but do not want to be criticized, sometimes refusing preachers faction is not considered detrimental to the group even if the preacher was right, they feel sad when members exit. This is a reality that can not be denied to those who know its nature. Really so the way we fight for Islam? Insha Allah by observing the following discussion and Sunnah scholars fatwa we will know the answer.
GENERAL MEANING OF PARAGRAPHIbn Katsit rahimahullah said: "Members of previous religions disagree with each other in the pattern of thinking. Each claiming that his group is right, people are also at odds with one another in religion, everything was lost except the one that is Ahlus Su'nnah wal Jama'ah, that those who hold fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasululloh peace ' alaihi wa sallam, and the first generation of the Companions of Allaah 'and the tabi'in anhum and the scholars of the Muslims (salaf) past and present, as narrated by Imam Hakim in his book Mustadrok when Rosululloh sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam was asked about group who survived, then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "These are people who follow Sunnahku today and best friend" [Tafsir Ibn Kathir 5/282]
This verse is taken seriously by the scholars of Sunnah, therefore it was very lucky when we Dalat take their science. Let's look at their advice.
PARAGRAPH FAWAID[A]. Sign of the polytheists, like broken to them apart.Rahimahullah Ibn Kathir said: "People like to change and transform polytheist religion, their faith against the majority will but reject others. They leave their religion as the Jews, Christians, Magians, idolaters, and all followers of a false religion, as laid down in this verse (Al-An `am: 159)" [Tafsir Ibn Kathir 6/282)
[B]. Avoid damaging the party and class unity and religionsIbn Jarir At-Thobari rahimahullah said: "People who lost their faith and truly left the party and the group has split the blessed religion of Allah to His servants, so that some become Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian. This is called the split, they bergolong factions would not unite, they understand the true religion, but left it and divisive "[Tafsir At-Thobari 8/78]
[C]. Divisive rather than classes of people of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallamNarrated by Ibn Abi Hatim and Sheikh of Abu Al-Sudi that the verse "O Prophet ordered you not to fight them", then deleted these provisions with the letter Al-Baqoroh: 92, and he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded to fight them. Abul Ahwash said: "your Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam innocent of his time to the dispute" [Durul Mansur 3/400]
The faidah the other, there are very many, as written in the book and other commentary.
ORGANIZATION, AND THE LEGAL PARTYOrganization is a collection of some people who have the task of each with the same goal and arranged structured.
Unity is a composite of several parts that have been united in an institution.
The set is an organization or association which united in one place for one ideology [Dictionary of Contemporary Indonesian: 1063]
The Foundation is a legal entity that is not member, addressed by the board, was founded with the goal of seeking social services and assistance such as schools, hospitals and so on. [Page: 1727]
A political party is a collection of people who have principles, direction, vision and common purpose in politics. [Page: 1099]
From the above in mind that an organization or group established to worldly affairs according to its legal origin is lawful, unless the organization is carrying mafsadah or personal damage, race or religion of Islam, then it is haraam, as the proposed rule that says al-fil-asyya ashlu '-al-ibahah (permissible legal origin of all things).
"He is Allah who made everything on earth for you" [al-Baqoroh: 29]
Establishing ORGANIZATION LAW preachingWhat if the established parties, prayers, groups with the goal of preaching!? Here is the answer.
"And do not include those who ascribe partners to Allah are those who divide their religion and they became some of the classes.Each group was pleased with what is in their class "[Al-Rum: 31-32]
Rahimahullah Ibn Taymiyyah said: "There should be for anyone to lift people to invite people to follow the pattern of life and its rules, love and hate for him other than the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Sunnah and ijma scholars. The experts characterize their heresy raised leader of this people, or people making the rules that resulted in broken to pieces, because they love the people follow the rules and the faction hostile to people who do not follow the faction "[Dar'ut Ta'arudh 1/149]
Then he rahimahullah said: "And one should not make laws that he loved the people, or hostile to the basic rules, not rules set forth in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam" [Majmu Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah 20 / 164]
Shaykh Salih Fauzan (members of the Ulama Kibarul Saudi Arabia) asked: "We often hear about the congregation, the congregation (factions) Islam today that has spread globally. Where the term of this naming?
He replied: "The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has told us how to do good, he does not leave anything that can bring these people kepda Allah, but he had to explain it, and not leave something that makes people far away from Allah, but he had to explain it. Including this case you ask, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily, whosoever of you life (after I'm dead) will find a lot of disputes. How to cope when these events occur? He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:' Obligation to you to hold on to sunnahku first four caliphs and the sunnah of the rightly guided after me, you should hold him, and gear gigitlah with gerahammu, keep away from the new case, as each new case of heresy and each bid'ah and every innovation is lost'. (Classed as saheeh by al-Albani. See Al-Irwa: 2455)So from an existing congregation, when he stood on the instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions, especially the first four caliphs and the glorious century, the congregation and groups wherever we go in it, and we must work together with them. The congregation is menyelisihi instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, we must stay away, although he said the Islamic congregation. The size is not the name, but a reality. The names are many and we have witnessed rampant everywhere, but nil and falsehood as well. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It has been broken to the Jewish people apart widened seventy-two groups, and these people will bepecah split into seventy-three sects, all in hell except one. We said: 'O Messenger of Allah Who is he? He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:' People like me on the stand today and stand to the Sunnah of my best friend '
This information is clearly and vividly. If we encounter this congregation and its sign, they follow the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions, then they are true Moslems. The congregation is menyelisihi this path, and walking on the street the other, the congregation was not our class, and we did not type them, we do not go in it, and they do not fall into the category we are, they are not called jama 'ah, but they were firqoh (divisive class) of firqoh lost. That's why the congregation is not there but on the right manhaj, the man united on it, while baatil must divide and not unite, Allah SWT says.
"... And if they turn away they actually are in a feud (with you)" [Al-Baqarah: 137] [Al-Al-Mufidah Ajwibah an As'ilatil Manahajil jadidah 6-8]
Shaykh Bakr Abu Zaid bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia Ulama Kibarul member) said: "No one shall be appointed to invite these people to the road but our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Anyone who picked apart the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the guide of life then he got lost and innovation experts "[Hukmul intima Ilal Firoq wal Jama'at Islamiya wa Ahzab: 96-97]
Sheikh Abu Anas Ali said: "Verily the party and the group that has rules menyelisihi the Qur'an and Sunnah is rejected by Islam, because there is no argument from the Qur'an and the Hadith which allow the Muslims belong to a party and bergolong- group, on the contrary we find many texts that denounce the establishment of several parties and groups, such as his word specified in the Al-An `am: 159 and Ar-Rum: 32, we know the impact even in the presence of many parties and groups of other mutual vilify, revile and memfasikan, perhaps even more than that, mengkafirkan others without argument "[Kaifa Nualiju Waqanal Alim 199-200]
Propagation REALLY WILL NOT GO WITHOUT ORGANIZATION?Sheikh Abu Anas Ali said: "There are people who say: 'No way will erect and spread propaganda, but if under the auspices of the party and faction'. So we said: Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said:' This opinion is wrong, but rather be strong and spread propaganda is strong when sticking kepda the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the many people who follow the Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions. Know, O youth!Indeed the number of the congregation or group is a painful fact that healthy and not facts. I think Muslims should be only one party, namely the return to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam "[Al-Islamiyah Shohwatul Dhowabith wa Taujihat by Shaykh Ibn' Uthaymeen: 258-259]
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy said: "As a people-broken to split into so many groups so that each said he was the most correct, not only is just, even they consider heretical another group, another group membid'ahkan, get people away from the group another, it is no doubt that this is pendiskreditan and disability for Muslims. This is the most powerful weapon to destroy the Islamic revival is full of blessing. Then you need to advise our brothers, you should be united, avoid fragmentation, the path of truth kembalikah This is the duty of every Muslim "[Study of each month by Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen first edition p.31]
Al-Al-Albani Muhaddits when asked: "How is the view of Islamic law, Muslims bergolong-class, different partisan association of Islam, when the system is different from each other, the way, his call, and different aqidahnya foundation to hold their grip, correct when only one group, as mentioned in the saheeh hadeeth?. He replied: "It is no doubt for people who are knowledgeable of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and comprehend with an understanding of the blessed deeds salafush Allaah, that belong to a party, join different groups berfikirnya pattern, this is a first. And manhaj or different ways and means of all, this was the second, then Islam does not allow it at all, even our Creator Allah forbids us apart broken to not just one verse, for example, a Ar-Rum: 32, Hud: 118-119 In this verse Allah Almighty does not exclude disputes are inevitable, (because this is the will kauni should happen, rather than the will syar'i), then God just blessed to exclude groups, namely: "Unless people are blessed by Raabmu" [Hud: 119] [Fatawa Shaykh al-Albani cassette tape number: 608, or see the Book of Kaifa Nualiju Waqianal Alim: 201]
Shaykh Ibn Jibrin when asked: "How can the Muslim law establishing a political party?" He replied: "Islam calls us together, and broken to forbid us apart, Muslims are prohibited from broken to-split based on his word in Al-Imran: 105 , letter of Ar-Rum: 31-32
Scholars of the Sunnah of the above description it is clear that the facts, parties and classes whose foundations deviate from the Sunnah is not the cause of the growing propaganda Islamiyah, but otherwise damage the aqeedah of the people. How many party leaders to justify the unlawful, justify heresy and polytheism, loyal to a religion other than Islam because they want to find followers and want to find a seat. But the contrary is made by an individual preaching of the Sunnah scholars who return to the understanding salafush righteous, they succeeded, they were united, even though another place and time. See Imam Ahmad rahimahullah propaganda and other hadith scholars, jurists and commentators salafush Salih, Ibn Taymiyyah, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and Sunnah scholars who had just died, for example, Ibn Baz, al-Albani, Ibn Uthaymeen and others who have died either world or who are still alive, their real mission, illuminating the world's population, rohmatan lil alamin. They managed to eradicate polytheism and kebid'ahan, a very dangerous disease that damages the world monotheism and Sunnah, but they do not establish a party, organization, and the congregation lost.
HAZARD CATEGORY fanaticSheikh Al-Rabi ibn Hadi Madkhali said: "It is to some scholars have described the damage caused by humans who are fanatical to the schools in Islam or group, of whom Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, he describes the damage as follows.
[1]. Nash is strong against the Qur'an and Sunnah, due to the fanatical groups, and sometimes had enough with the opinion.
The author said: "Indeed they do, in fact, a lot of followers exposed to magic and deceived by their leaders, so that is what the religious leaders'.
[2]. Taking the hadith is weak and false as the basis to maintain his opinion, they even lie and dare to make the hadith to support his opinion.
The author said: "Among the features of innovation experts, they refused and took the saheeh hadeeth weak hadith".
[3]. They put the opinion of people who are considered knowledgeable today than on righteous salafush science scholars.
The author said: "Yes, because the scholars of the Salaf of old deemed not know fiqhul waqi 'or political, and charged with alleged bad"
[4]. Ensnared by personal opinion, and do not want to take the science or the truth of the other schools, do not want to read the advice of the clergy, due to the fanatical leaders
The author said: "Indeed, not a few leaders who are corrupt aqeedah and its moral, but as a leader, be a mirror of life by his followers".
[5]. Generally, statutes or articles of association of each class of propositions syar'i quiet even membecinya.
The author said: "Yes, what is not, because the team perumusnya from various streams, while the provisions taken by majority vote, that's where a lot of wins.
[6]. Spread of taqlid, rigid and closed the door of ijtihad.
[Summarized from the At-Taasshub wa Al-Dzamim Atsarohu by Rabbi Dr. Umar bin Al-Hadi Madkhali 5-15]
Shaykh Bakr Abu Zaid bin Abdillah explained that there were forty-one danger with the establishment of Islamic parties and groups of them.
1) They bind wala and bara or the like and hate people because of class.2). Most groups / group calling itself the group / class of damaging Islam Islam, see Baha'iyah and Qodyaniah groups, and so on.3). We asked: "Is any party allowed if matched by the other party in a country? If the answer may be, this is an unreasonable answer, and do not want this to be good people. If not turned, how to allow themselves and prevent other people? Though all the parties they supposedly want to defend Islam ".4). How many political parties are basically just mere silence of the basic principles of Islam, which eventually destroy Islam and the Islamic da'wah to be bleak.5). With the existence of several groups in the body of the Muslims showed a split in it6). With so many parties would emasculate the activities of Islamic charities7). Each class of Parati and hide the truth of Islam because of illness fanatic groups.8). Parties and groups must be a Muslim brotherhood9). With the establishment of many groups must be denounced and gave a bad title to another group. It is characteristic of the destroyer of ignorance of Islam.10). Parties and groups are built on the basis of sound that much, do not want dikriitik and denied.12). At first the party was founded to create an Islamic charity to be a human being who bertauhid, but generally turns into a strange shape in the human body, because they want to compete with the other party.13). The most apparent danger to the establishment of groups and parties is a road leading to the disappearance of God's mission in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam14). Propaganda of the party founded on the thinking patterns and design group
This is partly due to danger of emergence of many parties and groups. For those who want to harm others, please read the book Hukmul intima 'Ilal Firoq Ahzab Wal Wal Jama'at Al-Islamiah by Shaykh Bakr Abdullah Abu Zaid case. 135-152]
MUSLIMS MUST-broken to split BUT MUST BE uniteSlander that appears at the end of time that the Muslim-broken to split into several groups, each group claiming the right, like the Jews and the Christians, they were broken to-split and the faction that claimed that only true
"And the Jews say: 'The Christian does not have a grip', and the Christians say: 'The Jews did not have a handle anything'. Yet they (both) make the Book "[Al-Baqarah: 113]
As for the argument that explains bring Muslims must be broken to the end of the age-divide them is the hadeeth of Allaah Anas bin Malik 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam.
"Behold the children of Israel broken to split into seventy-one, and real people will be broken to split into seventy-two, all of them in Hell except one, and he is a congregation" [Ibn Majah HR; 3983] Classed as saheeh Saheeh Al-Albani Ibn Majah 2/364.
The meaning of the congregation in this hadith is to return to the haq, or as explained by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that is, those who stand to Sunnahku on that day and the Sunnah of my best friend.
Muslim disunity kauny this is destiny (God's will to create it) that at the end of time the people of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam apart must be broken to, but that does not mean we can be broken to-split, as the argument that always echoed by experts bid' ah in order to cover their shame, they postulate a false hadith 'ikhtilafu umati grace' (this disunity is a blessing). Know these words are not hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam but the fake hadith. Shaykh Al-Albani said: "Scientists have been trying to find a hadith expert sanad of this hadith but did not find it" [See Genealogy of ahadith Dho'ifah 1/141]
Their proposition is absurd, because impossible people who fought and broken to apart of his life is full of grace. Are not couples quarrel threatened when his soul, how to disagree in terms of religious faith and conviction and feeling of grace?! Therefore, innovation expert and fanatic group of people who feel pain criticized him bika fault.
Know this disunity is a test for those who believe, let them choose the right path and leave the other lost. As for the argument of the necessity of a unified, not divided and broken to bergolong-class.
"And hold you all to the straps (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce disarray, and remember the favor of Allah unto you when you first (period of ignorance) hostile hostility, God unites hearts, then God becomes for you because it favors those who brothers "[Ali-Imran: 103]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"God bless you and hate you the three cases of three cases; He bless you if you worship Him and not associate anything to him, and if you hold fast to the rope of Allah all and you are not broken to-split" [Reported by Muslim: 3236]
HOW TO MUSLIMS united?Verse and the hadith above shows how to unite the Muslims, that we should go back to the rope of Allah, while Allah is the meaning of the rope of the Qur'an and Sunnah as described in the hadith.
"The Book of God is the God who stretched a rope from heaven to earth" [See Genealogy of the As-Saheehah 5/37]
As for the argument that shows that the As-Sunnah including the rope of Allah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
"I am leaving you two things, you will not be lost forever is the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet '[HR 1395 stems from Imam Malik Umar Allaah' anhu dihasankan by Al-Albani in his book Manzilatus Sunnah fil Islam 1/18]
Muslims today are not enough to just bepegang the Qur'an and authentic hadith to unite the people, because innovation experts also claim to adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah, but they had fallen and broken to-split, because It was not Muslims be united, but when in the hold to the Qur'an and authentic hadith be accompanied by an understanding salafush Salih, from among the Companions, tabi'in and hadith experts, because if people understand the argument character texts with understanding the righteous salafush they would not have broken to pieces even though they disagree on an issue, because they err on the issue ijtihadiah fall.
As for the argument of the necessity of understanding the argument of the texts with understanding salafush righteous are as follows.
"The people the preceding another in the first place (to Islam) among the people and Anshor immigrants and those who follow them well, God is pleased with them and they pleased God, and God, and God prepared for them a paradise underneath which rivers flow, therein to dwell therein for ever. That is the great "[At-Tawbah: 100]
In the above verse Allah praised the Companions and those who follow them well, which is now known as the Sunnah wal Jama'ah ahlus or followers salafush as-Salih.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"Whoever come across it (disunity) should he stick to the Sunnah of the kholifah Sunnahku and who show kindness and guidance, this Sunnah gigitlah molars" [Tirmidhi 2600 and other Al-Albani dishahihkan see pedigree As-Saheehah 6 / 610]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam not only advised his people to adhere to the Sunnah, but also to the Sunnah of friends anyway.
Abu Burdah of Allaah 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said.
"And my friend is one who can be trusted to my people, so if they had gone, then will come what is promised to my people" [Reported by Muslim, 4596]
Imama rahimahullah Nawawi said: "The meaning of" what was promised "the emergence of innovation, a new case in matters of religion, and the emergence of slander" [Sharh Muslim Imam 16/83]
Further understanding of the people who reject it will be liable to be friends of the lost.
"And those who oppose the messenger after the obvious truth for him, and follow the path that is not the way the believers. We let him freely to the error that has mastered it and we put it into Jahannam, that Jahannam and an evil refuge! "[An-Nisa: 115]
Shaykh Al-Albani said: "It is true what is said by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that Muslims today-except for a few of them-when they do not hold fast to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam they get lost and contemptible, that is because they cling to the opinion of their leader.
When disputes occur, they are basically re-establishment of their leader, if there are signs that fit, they take, if not, they refuse. Even some of them said: "Every verse or hadith contrary to their opinion, then dimansukh (deleted)". May God have mercy on Imam Malik may Allaah have mercy, he said: "And do not be a good race at the end of this age but when they come back as the first scholars to improve the people" [Hajjatun Prophet 1/71]
In conclusion the community leaders should invite people to return to the righteous salafush understanding when to take arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah, so that the people remain united and not the feeling self-righteous and condemn the righteous.
Figures his people should be careful in leading Muslims not to be the cause of damage to people.
Tsauban of Allaah 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said.
"Indeed I am afraid most of my people are the leaders of the misleading" [Tirmidhi 2155 classed as saheeh by al-Albani Saheeh al-Jami '2316]
Figure people should fear before God's judgment upon the followers complained to the Day of Resurrection. Read the letter Ibarhim: 21-22 and a letter Ghofir: 47-48, letter of As-Saba: 31-33. Hopefully Allaah gives guidance to all of us, a leader who invites people to the haq is blessed by Allah Jalla Luhu Jala.
[Copied from the magazine Al-Furqan, Issue 6, Th. 7th 1429/2008.Published By Lajnah Da'wa Al-Furqan Ma'had Al-Islami, Address: Ma'had Al-Furqan, Srowo Sidayu Gresik in East Java]
Advice For The Preacher Salafi

ByShaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen

Among the preachers who adab required to run them, is a mutual help among them. And they should not desirous that her words are acceptable and shall take precedence over others. But should desire a preacher is to preach (the truth), received either by himself or others. As long as you desire is the establishment of religion (on earth) then do not you perdulikan where it will spread the truth, whether from you or others.
It is true that one wishes to goodness it was in his hand, but he should not resent it if if there is also good in the hands of others.Which is mandatory for him to Allah's religion comes up from anywhere. If a missionary has built up his thoughts on this rule, then he will help his brother in preaching in the way of God more human though inclined to others than to himself.
Is mandatory for the preacher was among them worked together and consulted each other, stand on a footing and fought for God, either two by two, or three or four [Saba: 46]
If we have seen that the heretic preachers can unite and help each other, then why the preacher does not practice the truth of this? So that they can counsel, advise if there is something wrong, both in science and methods of propaganda or otherwise.
If we want to pay attention to the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah then we will face that Allah Ta'ala has characterize believers with saifat properties indicating that they were united and help each other help.Allah Ta'ala says.
"Which means: And those who believe that men and women, sebahagian they (are) a helper for another sebahagian. They asked (to do) that ma'ruf, prevent it from being evil, establishing prayers, practice regular charity and they obey Allah and His Messenger.They will be given the grace of God. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise "[At-Tawbah: 71]
And Allah also says.
"Which means: And let none of you are calling a class of people to virtue, sent to the ma'ruf and prevent it from being evil; they're the lucky ones. And do not be like the people to disperse and come at loggerheads after a clear explanation to them, they are the ones who get severe punishment "[Ali-Imran: 104-105]
Allow to take possession satan into the heart of a preacher, a preacher of hate against semisalnya if successful in preaching. He was not happy when nothing works like the preaching, even if he's really hate other people more advanced and more acceptable to humans. Hence Shaykh al-Islam is rahimahullah said about the definition of envy: "Hasad is the hatred of one's blessings that God bestowed on others. Although famous among the scholars that envy is one's desire will favor the loss of others. We say once again that envy is hatred of (someone) would favor God bestowed on other people, both men are willing to remove enjoyable or not ".
O preacher, mandatory for you to help a fellow brother in missionary preacher, although he was more successful and managed from you in the mission, as long as you only want the establishment of the religion of Allah.
Know then, O my brother, that the heretic preachers want to split the preacher of truth, because they know that the union (the preacher of truth) is a success because, while they split is because of failure.Allah Ta'ala says.
"It means: You shall not arguing, that causes you to flinch and lose strength and be patient. Verily Allah along with those who patiently "[Al-Anfal: 46]
No doubt that each of us must have a fault, therefore we are obliged to mutual help in removing these errors, by way of communicating and explaining the error. Maybe we thought it was a mistake but it was not, then in this way (communication) we will know what is wrong.
As for making mistakes as a weapon to berate and alienate people from that person, then it is not included traits of believers especially as a preacher.
At the recent (partial) youth-alhamdulillah-start walking on a straight line in preaching, but there is an error in it that they cling to their own opinion regardless of the opinions of others (from the clergy-pent), even among them being ujub with science and thought they had though ignorance is inherent in them.
Among his mistake, he's underestimating others and unwilling to submit to the truth even mentioned to him a priest of the Muslims who have been famous to be scientific, religious and amanahnya.He said: "Who is the person (alim), is not he the man and I'm also a man?!
Whereas recognition as men are just based on sheer stupidity.You'll find it can not combine the arguments. He takes one argument and leave the other arguments. He does not care if he was told: Think think and look at all the arguments and look at the opinion of scholars jumhur. However, these people do not want to think and assume that does not comply with it is above the sleaze and only he who is the truth as if he got a divine revelation.
No doubt that this is the wrong method. Should not be for someone to believe, that someone else would be wrong and he is correct in case the door of ijtihad is still open. If the person believes this, it is as if he put himself on the throne of prophethood and sainthood. If someone else can go wrong and you also can go wrong, and you preach the truth which is also preached by selainmu. This is where the majority of youth (salafi-pent) attribute itself to a particular group or a pious person and take and defend it either right or wrong. This can lead to disunity and undermine their power. And this makes the young men who walk the path of this religion as a gossip and insults by the misguided.
Mandatory for us to be people who have been falsely attributed to God.
"Which means: Verily (religious monotheism), it is religion you all, religion is one, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me" [Al-Mukminun: 52]
And is mandatory for us is to unite the ranks, but that does not mean we are obliged to unite opinion or must not dispute (which is allowed) because it is not possible. But I say: In the event of a dispute between us in terms of a possible dispute, it is mandatory to keep our hearts in order not to quarrel and our hearts should stick together and stay in love (for God).
I demonstrated for example in a minor problem compared to the critical issue in Islam is to sit (rest) in the prayer when going up to the second or fourth rak'ah, part of the scholars here consider the Sunnah and some consider not the sunnah and others detailing the problems.
This dispute has been famous, but if my friend believes in preaching disunnahkannya sit (rest) and I do not agree with it, then it is allowed for us to make this dispute as a reason to hate us most of the others, as the material for us to spread the (error- fault)? No, by Allah is not allowed. When the Companions of Allaah 'anhum dispute in a bigger problem than this, is they never mentahdzir others and not hate each other, then why do we hate each other simply because the problem is trivial when compared to more important issues in this religion? !
It is not most of us know that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when returning from the war Ahzab Jibril came to him and ordered him to go to the Children Quraizhah because they had canceled the agreement, then he ordered the Companions of Allaah' anhum went to Bani Quraizhah saying: " Let not any one of you pray Asr except in Bani Quraizhah "[HR. Bukhari]. So they set out from Medina and the 'Asr prayer when the time arrived some of them said: "We should not' Asr prayer but at Banu Quraizhah, until they also delay the Asr prayer until the time outside. And some others say: We Asr prayer on time even though we have not reached the Bani Quraizhah. This was heard by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, but he did not blame one of them and they are not hated each other even if the dispute is more severe than a dispute in the matter sit (rest) when going up to the second or fourth rak'ah .
What I expect from my brethren preachers is that they do not make the problems that the door is still open ijihad in it as a cause of division, and mutual recrimination hizbiyyah misguided people who disagree with him, as this will weaken their power in the eyes of the enemy. You already know that there are many enemies that lurk us, but God is always with him baragsiapa that it will be good and he will rescue the world and the Hereafter, as Allaah says.
"It means: We help our messengers and those who believe in this life and on the day when the witnesses (the Hour)" [Ghofir: 51]
I ask Allaah to make me and all of you as a helper of his religion, and as a preacher who is always on top of science and always have mercy on us all, in fact He is the Giver.
[Al-Asholah Magazine, Issue 51 by Abu As-Salafi Abdurrohman Lc]
[Copied from the magazine Al-Adh-Islamiyya Dzakhiirah Vol. 5 stars. 2 Issue 26 Muharram 1428H. Publisher Ma'had Ershad Ali Al-As-Salafi Surabaya. Jl. No Sidotopo Kidul. 51 Surabaya]
Advice For The Preacher To Spread As-Sunnah And Teach Humans

BySheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

QuestionSheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz was asked: We ask for permission to provide motivation for Shaikh preachers and Talib 'ilm (knowledge syar'i prosecution) that they conduct studies and lectures throughout the country, because in fact , there are some parts of the vacuum, a preacher and a little lazy and reluctant to hold the most demanding scientific studies and lectures, in which this has resulted in widespread ignorance and not knowing the Sunnah and the outbreak of acts of shirk and bid perbauatan ' ah. May God always keep and maintain the Shaykh.
Answer.No doubt, that the duty of the scholars, wherever they are, is to spread the truth, spread the Sunnah and teach people and not reluctant or embarrassed to do so. Mandatory even for the experts to spread the truth through science studies in their neighborhood mosque, although they are not the imams of mosques are. While the priests were obliged to preach the mosque, at least through Friday Khutba-sermon. So each Friday sermons they must care for and meet the needs of the community.
Similarly, lectures and seminars, should be able to meet the needs of the community, practitioners should explain the propagation of religious matters which are still vague on the community, explaining about the obligations of others, whether neighbors or others.Anyway, all of which relate to commanding the good and prohibiting unjust and invite to the path of Allah, should be submitted. In addition, should also adopt the method of tenderness and wisdom in mendakwahi ignorant.
If the clergy do not speak up, not to advise and guide the people, the ignorant people would appear to speak, as a result they are misguided and misleading. It has been mentioned in the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that he said.
"Which means: Verily Allah does not pull out all the science with the deprivation of the servants away, but God will pull out of science by turning off the scholars, so that when there is no more pious, man will lift fools as leaders, then they asked (about science) and then they give fatwa without based on science, so that (consequently) their false and misleading ". [Reported by Imam Al-Bukhari in the book Shahihnya, the book of Al-Iman 100]
May Allah save us and all Muslims from all evils.
From this explanation can be known, that are required for scientists wherever they are, both in cities and villages, both in this country and in other countries, is to teach people and guide them in accordance with the guidance of Allah Almighty and His Messengersallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. As he found difficulty in this case, they must refer to the Book and the Sunnah and the sayings of the scholars.
A scholar must learn to die, that is learning to solve the difficulties encountered, refer to the opinion among the sciences with a foundation of their arguments, so that way he can give a fatwa to the public and educate and engage them based on established science.
Indeed, it requires a man of science until he died, even the friends sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once. So, every man should seek knowledge, understanding of religion, reviewing and studying, nefarious Al-Qur'an and live it, to study the hadiths of noble and description, and examines the opinions of scientists, so that way he can take the benefits and know the things that has not been known, can teach others the knowledge that God has bestowed to him, be it at home, at school, in college, at a mosque near his home, in cars, on airplanes, anywhere, even in cemetery as a place to bury the dead, which when completed buried, people were asked to stay for a moment and then reminded of God, as was done by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
That is, should a pious use of the opportunity in every appropriate place and at any meeting of a decent, do not waste the opportunity, even use it to provide propaganda to the warning and deliver a good speech, language is smooth and steady, to remain vigilant so as not to the name of Allah without knowledge. Wallahu waliyut taufiq.
[Al-Buhuts magazine Al-Islmiyyah, issue 36, p. 127-128, Sheikh Bin Baz]
[Copied from bukuAl-Fatawa ash-Fi Syar'iyyah Masa'il Al-Fatawa al-Ulama Ashriyyah Min Al-Balad Al-Haram Al-Khalid Composer Juraisy, Issue Fatwa Fatwa Latest Indonesia, translator Amir Hamzah et al, publisher of Darul Haq]
Advice for Muslim Youth Science And Prosecutor

ByShaykh Muhammad al-Albani Nashiruddin

First, I exhort you and myself to fear of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu, then what part / branch of piety to Allah wa Ta'ala Tabaarakan like:
[1]. You shall seek knowledge simply because Jalaluhu sincere to Allah Almighty, with no desire behind it and a thank you reply. Nor wants to be a leader in science assemblies. Purpose of studying is to achieve a degree that Allah Almighty has Jalaluhu specialize to the scholars. His Word.
"It means: ... Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge ...?" [Al-Mujaadilah: 11]
[2]. Steer clear of matters that can menggelincirkanmu, the most "Thalibul Ilmi" (knowledge seekers) has plunged and fell on him.
Among the matters that:
[A] They very quickly dominated by the nature ujub (amazed at myself) and deceived, so want to ride their own heads.
[B] Removing the fatwa to himself and to others according to what appears in his view, without asking for help (from the opinions) of the Salaf of this Ummah predecessors, who had left the "inheritance" of knowledge that enlightens and illuminates the world of science Islam. (The legacy) that if used as a tool in the effort to the completion of calamities / disasters piled up along the course of time. As where we've come through / feeling, where all time is in a very dark black.
Ask for help in the opinion by referring to the words and opinions of the Salaf, will greatly help us to eliminate a variety of dark and we return to the pure sources of Islam, the Qur'an and as-Sunnah that Saheehah.
Something that is not closed to you bahwasannya I live in an age where I've had him two cases of contradiction and contrast, which is the time when the Muslims, neither the prosecutor nor the science sheikh, or laity who have the knowledge, live in the depths of taqlid , not only in schools, even more than that bertaqlid on their ancestors.
While we are in an effort to stop such behavior, invites human beings to al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah. The same thing happens in many Islamic countries. There are certain people who seek what we seek, so we also live like a "Ghuraba" (foreigners) who has been described by the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam in his ahaadeeth that have been tolerated, such as:
"Which means: Verily Islam's beginnings as an alien / strange, and stranger will come back as the beginning, then be happy for people who are strangers"
In some versions, "The Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:
"It means: They (al-ghurabaa) are the ones with small amounts around the pious people, who disobeys them more than they obey" [Hadith Reported by Ahmad]
In another narration he said:
"It means: They're the ones who fix what has been damaged by man-Sunnahku of Sunnah after me".
I say: "We have experienced those days, and then we started to build a good influence for the mission will be undertaken by the ghuraba them, with the aim of holding the middle ranks of the youth improved believers. Thus we find that the youth beristiqomah in earnest in the various countries Muslims, is active in holding fast to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when he knows keshahihannya ".
However, our excitement we felt on the rise in recent years did not last long. We have been shocked by the attitude of "turn around", and the tremendous changes in the youths themselves, in some countries [1]. Attitude, almost destroying the influence and good fruit as a result of this revival, what causes it? Herein lies an important lesson, the cause is because they are struck by the feeling ujub (pride) and deluded by the clarity that they are in the science of hadeeth. The feeling is not only around each of the displaced Muslim youth, even to the scholars. Feelings that arise when the feel that they have the advantage with the birth of this revival, for the scholars, scientists and the sheikhs who were scattered in various parts of the Islamic world.
As they also do not appreciate the blessings of Allah Almighty has given Jalaluhu Taufik and instructions to them to know the science is right and their manners-adabnya. They are deceived by themselves and think they have actually been in the position and status of certain positions.
And they began issuing fatwas that are not cooked raw alias, do not stand on an understanding that comes from al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah. And I saw that the fatwas of the opinions that are not mature, then they think that's why science is drawn from the Qur'an and as-Sunnah, then they were lost with their opinions, and also lead many astray.
One thing that is not the same for you, as a result of it all emerged a group of people ("the congregation") in some Islamic countries that are loud mengkafirkan each congregation, the congregation Muslims with the philosophies that can not be disclosed in detail inopportunity so soon, let alone our goal on this occasion only to advise and remind the prosecutor of science and the du'at (preacher).
Therefore, I advise our brothers and expert sunnah hadith experts who are in every Muslim country, so be patient in their studies, let not deceived by what they have achieved in the form of knowledge he had. In essence they are just following the path, and not just rely on pure understandings they are or what they call "their ijtihad".
I have heard too many of our brothers, they spoke the words, with a very simple and easy without thinking about the consequences: "I'm diligence". Or "I think this" or "I do not think so", and when you ask them; You ijtihad based on what, so do you think so and so? Do you rely on an understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and ijma' (consensus) among the scholars of the Friends of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the others? Or do you think this is only the passions and the understanding of the short in analyzing and beristidlal (making the argument)?. This is the reality, the opinion is based on passion, understanding and analyzing beristidlal dwarf. It's all in my faith because ujub feelings, amazed at himself and deluded.
Therefore, I have encountered a phenomenon in the Islamic world (phenomenon) is very strange, looking at some writings.
Phenomenon appears when a hadith which was as an enemy, became a writer in the science of hadith that says that he has work in the science of hadith. And if you go back to see his writings in this noble science, you'll find just a collection of excerpts, excerpt from here and from there, then become a work. Well if the factors driving force (in doing this), O young man? Factor was the issue because they want to look and appear on the surface. So it is true that people say.
"Feelings of love / love to perform would be to break the back (will berkaibat bad)"
Once again I advise my brothers the prosecution of science, in order to avoid any un-Islamic mannerism, like feeling deceived by what has been given to them in the form of science, and do not be defeated by ujub sense of self.
In closing let them advise the advice of this man with the best possible way, to refrain from the use of rigid ways and hard in preaching, because we believe that Allah is Exalted Jalaluhu when spoken.
"Meaning: Call upon streets Rabbmu man with wisdom and good warning, and they debatlah the best way ..." [An-Nahl: 125]
Jalaluhu that Allah Almighty is not to say it but the truth (al-Haq), the human spirit feels heavy, so he tended to boast to menerimannya, unless they are willed by God. Therefore, if the match between the severity of the truth of the human spirit plus a harder way of preaching rigid, this means making people increasingly distant from the call propaganda, while you already know the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
"Which means: Verily among you there are people who shy (men of religion); he said three times".
[This advice was quoted from the book "Hayat al-Albani" page: 452-455]
[Copied from the magazine: as-Salafi, 5/Th 1420-1421 41-48, with the original title "Hukmu Fiqhil Waqi 'wa Ahammiyyatuhu". Ashalah, translated by BM Mubarak Bamuallim LC in the book "Biography of Shaykh Al-Albani and Expert Hadith mujaddid this century," p. 127-150 Publication Library Imam ash-Shafi'i.]


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