Friday, July 19, 2013



Ustadz Abdullah bin al-Buthoni Taslim, M.A

Talking about the beauty of asthma-ul Husna (names of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala the Most Beautiful) means talking about a perfect kemahaindahan and above all the beauty that can be described and conceived by the human mind.

Why not, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the One mighty beautiful and perfect in all His names and attributes, which is due kemahaindahan and kemahasempurnaan this that no one else being able to limit who deserve praise and adulation for his glory.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam illustrated this in his famous a prayer:

لا أحصي ثناء عليك, أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك

I was not able to count / limit compliments / flattery against you, as you are (praise and flattery) that you designated for Yourself [1]

Then, as the perfection of His attributes are not limited to, as well as praise and adulation for him is not limited to, due praise and adulation that according to the One who praised. Therefore, all praise and flattery addressed to him however many, long lafazhnya and delivered with sincerity, then the glory of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu greater (than the praise and flattery), his power is more noble, the properties of perfection- His larger and more, as well as gifts and His goodness (to His creatures) wider and perfect [2].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has been confirmed in al-Qur `an that no one else in this world creature capable of limiting and write to complete all forms of majesty and beauty of the names and His attributes, however large and the extent of being The. Allah Almighty says:

قل لو كان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي ولو جئنا بمثله مددا

Say: Had it the sea were ink for (writing) the sentences Rabbku, really finished long before the run (written) sentences Rabbku, though We were to bring as much of it (also) [al-Kahfi/18: 109]

In another verse, Allah Jalla Jalaluhu also said:

ولو أنما في الأرض من شجرة أقلام والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر ما نفدت كلمات الله إن الله عزيز حكيم

And if all the trees on earth were pens and the sea (were ink), added to her seven seas (again) after (dry) it, there would be an inexhaustible (written) words of Allah. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise [Luqmân/31: 27]

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said: "(In this verse), Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala preach about the greatness, and the greatness of His glory, and His names are many colors, his attributes will be exalted and sentence- His sentences are perfect maha, who are not able to be covered by anyone (from His creatures), and no one who knows the nature and able to limit (counting) it, as mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ... Then Ibn Kathir rahimahullah hadith mentioned above ... this verse means is if all the trees (existing) made the earth and the sea pen (on earth) used as ink and added another seven seas (like that) with him, to write sentences that Almighty Allah shows the majesty and glory, and (perfection) of his properties, then (surely) will be destroyed and the pens are depleted ocean water (ink) is (while the words of His majesty and glory will not run) " [3].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه سيجزون ما كانوا يعملون

Belongs only to Allah-lah Asma-ul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to Him with those names, and leave those who deviate (from the truth) in (call and understand) the names- His. Later they would be rewarded for what they have done [al-A'raf / 7:180]

Understanding al-Husna (many colors) in this verse is that kemahaindahannya reach the peak of perfection, because it contains the names of the attributes of perfection that no reproach to her (lack of) one bit from all sides [4].

For example, the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala "al-Hayyu" (The Ever Living), this name contains properties berpermulaan perfection of life that is not and will not expire. These properties contain a perfect life perfection consequence of other properties, such as al-'sciences (all-knowing), al-Qudrah (all powerful / capable), as-Sam'u (maha heard) and al-basharu (all-seeing) .

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

وتوكل على الحي الذي لا يموت

And put thy trust Allah the Most Life (Eternal) and will not die [al-Furqân/25: 58]

Similarly the name of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu "al-'Alîmu" (The All-Knowing), this name contains the perfection of nature of science (knowledge) that is not preceded by ignorance and forgetfulness will not be overwhelmed in the slightest, as Allah Almighty says:

قال علمها عند ربي في كتاب لا يضل ربي ولا ينسى

Moses said: "The knowledge of it is on the side Rabbku in a book, Rabbku (Allâh) will not be wrong and not (also) forgetting" [Thâhâ/20: 52]

His knowledge is vast and includes everything in outline and detail, as his word:

وعنده مفاتح الغيب لا يعلمها إلا هو ويعلم ما في البر والبحر وما تسقط من ورقة إلا يعلمها ولا حبة في ظلمات الأرض ولا رطب ولا يابس إلا في كتاب مبين

And on the one hand Allâh keys of the Unseen; nobody knew except Himself, and He knows what is on land and at sea, and no matter what autumn leaf but He knows it (anyway), and do not fall no seed in the darkness of the earth and not something that is wet or dry, but is written in a Clear Book (Tablet Mahfuz) [al-An `am / 6:59]

Also his name "Al-Rahman" (the Most Merciful), this name contains properties mercy (compassion) vast and perfect, as described by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his words: "Truly Allah is more merciful towards His servants than a mother to her baby boy "[5] [6].

His testimony brought here along with additional information from other scholars.

1. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because each contains praise for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, none of those names that do not contain praise and adulation for him.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Almighty Allah almighty entirely beautiful, nothing at all is not a single name (show) kemahaindahan. Explanation that has passed between his names there are absolutized (set) for him in terms of his actions, such as 'al-Khaliq "(the Creator),' ar-Razzaq '(sustenance Grantor),' al -Muhyi '(Maha turn) and' al-Mumît '(Maha Deadly), this shows that all his actions are merely the good and no evil at all to him ... "[7].

2. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because these names are not just names alone, but also contains the properties for the perfection of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Then the names of all of them showed the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and each contains the properties for the perfection of His [8].

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Allah Almighty knows best who is most beautiful is (the names of which indicate the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and (once) aushâf (properties perfection to Allah Subhanahu wa Exalted contained the names). His character does not conflict with his name, in contrast to the nature of his creatures (mostly) against their name ... "[9].

3. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names, all these names indicate the properties of perfection and all the properties of the Essence of Allah Almighty is the nature of the most perfect, the most widespread and most noble.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

للذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة مثل السوء ولله المثل الأعلى وهو العزيز الحكيم

People who do not believe in the Hereafter, has a terrible temper, and has properties that Allâh Most High, and He is the Mighty, the Wise [an-Nahl/16: 60]

That is, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has properties that absolute perfection (not limited to) of all terms [10].

4. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is due to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded His servants to pray to him with the names and it is the primary means to draw closer to Him, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta ' love the style of His names, and He loves those who love k such names, as well as those who memorize it, explore the meaning and content of worship Him with consequences that contained the names.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها

Belongs only to Allah Asmaul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to him with the names of the [al-A'raf / 7:180]

What is meant by praying in this paragraph includes two types of prayer, prayer requests and supplications, and prayers of worship and praise [11].

Definition of intercessory prayer (du'âut thalab) is praying to Allah Jalla Jalaluhu name corresponding to the demand that we submit to Him. For example, we pray: "O Allah, forgive me my sins and rahmatilah me, verily You are al-Ghafur (the Forgiving) and ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful)"; "O Allah, accept taubatku, verily You are the at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance) ". "O Allah, bestow lawful sustenance to me, verily You are the ar-Razzaq (Grantor sustenance)".

The prayer of worship is with us to worship Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in accordance with the content of his names are many colors. Concretely, we repent to Him because we know that Allah Almighty is at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance), we dhikr to Him with our oral because we know that Allah Almighty is as-Sami '(All-Hearing) , we do righteous deeds with our limbs knowing that Allah Almighty is al-Bashir (Seer), and so on [12].

Such is a brief description of the beauty of the Beautiful Names, and of course the nature of beauty far above anything that can be described by humans.

Hopefully this article useful for Muslims to help them understand the beauty and perfection of the names and attributes of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, who realize that they can worship Him with truth, because the main foundation of worship, which is love to him, and will not be achieved except by knowing the names and His attributes properly.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Whoever knows Allah Almighty with the names, attributes and His deeds, then he will definitely love him" [13].

Finally, we will close this paper by praying to Almighty Allah with His names are many colors and qualities of His almighty perfect, so he always confer upon us His guidance and taufik to understand and practice the womb of nature His qualities of perfection.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 12/Tahun XIV/1431H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

VERSE FOR toughest Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam

Ustadz Abu Ahmad Said Yai

Allah Almighty says:

فاستقم كما أمرت ومن تاب معك ولا تطغوا إنه بما تعملون بصير

Then keep you (the right way), as commanded, and (also) those who have repented with you. And you do not exceed the limit. Verily He is Most see what you are doing [Hûd/11: 112]

SUMMARY interpretation [1]
(So ​​you keep [the right way]), ie beristiqomahlah you, (as commanded) in his book, ber'aqîdahlah right, and leave the evil deeds solehlah without deviating to the left or to the right and continue in a state meneruslah like it until you die. (And [also] those who have repented with you), that the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam and the believers, so that you get a good reply later in the calculation (Yaumul-reckoning) and the day of Judgement (Yaumul-Jaza ').

(And do not you exceed the limits), with exaggeration of the limits set by Allah Almighty, both in faith and charity.

(Verily, He doth see what you are doing) He (Allah Almighty) will never neglect to what you are doing and know everything Maha-hide a hidden, though not visible in the sight of men.

VERSE BY toughest Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
The above mentioned verses which, according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam very hard to implement.

Ibn 'Abbas radi anhuma said:

ما نزل على رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - آية هي أشد ولا أشق من هذه الآية عليه, ولذلك قال لأصحابه حين قالوا له: لقد أسرع إليك الشيب! فقال: شيبتني هود وأخواتها

There is not a single verse that was revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam heavier and more difficult than this paragraph. Therefore, when he asked, 'How quickly you gray', he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to his companions,' Who has made me gray is the HUD letter and letters semisalnya [2]

WHY ARE CONSIDERED VERY HEAVY VERSES BY Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam?
Because in that paragraph contains commands for beristiqomah. Actually like what that meant istiqomah, so the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam to feel very heavy when get the order? This is what the discussion of this article, and I add it to the causes in order to beristiqomah, the easiest way to beristiqomah, the things that can damage and block the attitudes and virtues istiqomah beristiqomah people.

Weighing beristiqomah command can be understood by some scholars following definitions:

1. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radi 'anhu when interpreting (tsummas-taqâmû): "Do not commit shirk against Allah Almighty with all whatsoever." [3]

2. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi' anhu: "constancy is straight on obedience (execute command) and away from the ban, and do not turn (to the left and to the right) as beloknya wolf." [4]

3. Abul-Qasim al-Qushayri rahimahullah: "constancy is a degree that with all matters (religion) to be perfect and we will get her goodness and order." [5]

4. An-Nawawi rahimahullah: "Straight in the obedience to diwafatkan with such circumstances." [6]

5. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali rahimahullah: "Stepping on the straight path, that is the right religion, without any twist to the right and to the left. This includes working with whole act obedient, inwardly and outwardly, and leave the whole ban like that anyway. "[7]

From the definitions (concepts) above we can draw the conclusion that the essence istiqâmah include the following:

1. Mentauhidkan Almighty Allah and do not commit shirk
2. Walking in the truth (religion of truth).
3. Execute all commands, whether mandatory or the Sunnah, inwardly and outwardly.
4. Leaving all prohibitions, both are unclean and are makruh.
5. Working regularly in obedience.
6. Constantly in a state like that, do not turn to the right or to the left until his death.

And once again for emphasis, evident hard and weighs beristiqomah manifested by obedience to Allah Almighty continuously, whereas humans have ups and downs faith and face a variety of potential libel very worldly spirit beristiqomah fade.

Primacy of person who can air-istiqâmah very much at all. However, in general the virtues listed in the following three paragraphs:

إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون) 30 (نحن أولياؤكم في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ولكم فيها ما تشتهي أنفسكم ولكم فيها ما تدعون) 31 (نزلا من غفور رحيم

Indeed, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah" and then they confirmed their establishment (air-istiqâmah), then the angels will descend upon them, saying: "Do not be afraid and do not feel sad, and announce to them the promised Jannah by Allah to you. We are the protectors in the life of this world and the Hereafter; within it you will have what you want and getting (too) in it what you are asking. As an entree (you) from (Rabb) is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful [ Fushshilat/41 :30-32]

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said [8], "... Therefore, the religion (Islam) are all contained in the word of Allâh [9]: {فاستقم كما أمرت} and
His words [10]: {إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون}

Really great virtue istiqomah!

Someone could air-istiqâmah for reasons as follows:

1. Taufik and Hidayah from Allah Azza Wa Jalla
This is why the most important. Almighty Allah says, which means:

فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء

Whoever wants Allah will give him guidance, He will vacate his chest to Islam. And whoever desired by Allah astray, surely Allah will make a narrow chest tightness again, as if he were climbing the sky [al-An `am / 6:125]

Therefore, as much as possible we do things that are loved by Allah Almighty so that Allah Almighty gave taufik and hidayahnya to us.

2. Prayer
Almighty Allah granted the prayer of His servants. Therefore, if someone wants istiqomah, then it must be a lot of pleading to Allah Almighty in order to become a Mustaqim (who beristiqomah). Allah Almighty says:

وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان

And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I grant the request of a person who prays when he pleaded with me [al-Baqarah / 2: 186]

3. Following Manhaj Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah
Ikhlash and diligent prayer intentions alone are not enough to be beristiqomah. Someone who wants air-istiqâmah must walk the path of truth. Otherwise, it's useless to him beristiqomah error it will be menjerumuskannya into the fires of hell. Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah preach that there is only one group that always carry the truth, as the words he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا تزال طائفة من أمتى ظاهرين على الحق لا يضرهم من خذلهم حتى يأتى أمر الله وهم كذلك

There is always a group of people among my nation who always seemed to truth. People who do not heed them can not give harm to come to them and their cases remain with Allâh truth [11]

4. Perform frequent Muhâsabatun process nafs (self-reflective)
People who want beristiqomah must often run muhasabatun process nafs. If someone is not aware of the nature of what it does in the form of goodness and sin, then he will not want to change. The more a person introspection, so the more he will realize that the good deeds that he did not yet how and the sin which does so much already and reams.

'Umar anhu said:

حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن تحاسبوا وزنوا أنفسكم قبل أن توزنوا, فإنه أهون عليكم في الحساب غدا, أن تحاسبوا أنفسكم اليوم

Introspeksilah self-yourselves, before later you indicated your deeds-deeds (in the calculations)! Weigh-weigh yourself, before you guys later weighed (in the mizan / weighing charity)! Indeed, at this time of introspection easier than later indicated deeds-deeds (in the Reckoning). "[12]

5. Working Deeds Good Deeds After Working Poor
One reason for the arrival of istiqomah accompany all evil / evil / sin with good deeds. For example, if someone ever steals, then he has to repent and return the loot it, then multiply alms. Hopefully with the charity, his sins can be forgiven by Allah Almighty says:

إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات

Indeed good deeds was abolished (sin) bad deeds
[Hûd/11: 114]

6. Leaving no deeds-deeds Kindness Done That Already Ordinary
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah denounce people who never worship with certain deeds then that person left, as explained in the following hadith:

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص - رضى الله عنهما - قال: قال لي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: يا عبد الله لا تكن مثل فلان كان يقوم الليل فترك قيام الليل.

It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn' Amr ibn al-'Ash anhu that the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamberkata to me, "O' Abdullah! Do you like So and so (John Doe), the night before he made his prayers and then he left. "[13]

Should be noted, that the claim is being worked on sustainability in a practice, even though it is a little practice, not quantity.

Istiqomah a case which is not easily achieved. To reach it, run mujâhadatun-nafs can not be negotiable. Because it plays an important role in the formation of personality that always istiqomah. Mujâhadatun-nafs is the process of forcing, train themselves and fight tooth and nail so that the soul can always be submissive and obedient to the law. Mujâhadatun-nafs should be done with attention to the following matters:

1. Should Determined To Transform Yourself Strong (al-'Azm) and sole trust To Allah Azza Wa Jalla
Without strong determination, to-istiqâmah's not going to be achieved. Allah Almighty says:

فإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله إن الله يحب المتوكلين

Then when you've made up my mind, then put thy trust in Allah. Truly Allah loves those who sole trust in Him (Surah Ali 'Imran / 2:159)

2. And Allah loves His Messenger Exceed Everything
One way to foster beristiqomah determination is to constantly look for reasons to be loved Almighty Allah and His Messenger n on top of everything. - Istiqomah keimananan is closely associated with a person. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

ثلاث من كن فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان: أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما, وأن يحب المرء لا يحبه إلا لله, وأن يكره أن يعود في الكفر كما يكره أن يقذف في النار

There are three things that if those three things are on someone, then he will taste the sweetness of faith, namely: making love to Allah and His Messenger more than his love for everything other than them, loving someone who she does not love him except for Allah and hate for the re- to kufr as hatred if he is thrown into the fire [14]

With a love which, as mentioned above, then the person will continue to spur himself to be air-istiqâmah.

3. Set the Time and Daily Activities As well, as dense and effectively as possible
A person who wants beristiqomah should really make a schedule of activities for each day, each week, each month and each year. For daily activities, for example: when trying to train yourself for night prayer (Tahajjud), then he should try to sleep early (not long after 'Isha') and set the alarm clock or the like to be able to wake him up in the last third of the night.

For each week of activities, for example, targeting every week there was one day where he had to make themselves available for berinfak to all people, help others and neighbors.

For annual events, such as getting used to beri'tikâf in the last ten days of Ramadan, so she had been planning a holiday (vacation) from all its activities.

4. As good as the implementing Worship-Worship Worship Maybe As If Such Is The Last Kali Worship And Dying Will Pick
People who want beristiqomah should familiarize yourself when working on a particular worship, he imagined that as if he was not going to live much longer, so he will be really serious in improving the quality of worship and worship.

5. On the practice was introspective self-abandonment of the practice was Good That Has And Against Poor deeds-deeds he had done.
After installing targets worship and deeds-deeds, introspection is needed every day. This is done so that a person can improve himself.

6. In a co-share of Da'wah
After Allah Almighty says in the primacy of the person beristiqomah Fushshilat letter that has been set out by the above, Almighty Allah praised those who preach. Allah Almighty says:

ومن أحسن قولا ممن دعا إلى الله وعمل صالحا وقال إنني من المسلمين

Who better words than those who call to Allah, works righteousness, and says: 'Behold, I am among those who surrender themselves.'? [Fushshilat/42: 33]

This suggests there are close links between achievement istiqomah with preaching.

6. Train Yourself To Be patient willingly And Curb Lust For Years and Years
To be beristiqomah not easy. We must be willing to curb our desires and keep bermujâhadah nasu for years. Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir rahimahullah said:

كابدت نفسي أربعين سنة حتى استقمت

I curb my soul for forty years before I could beristiqomah [15]

1. Devil
Allah Almighty says:

قال فبما أغويتني لأقعدن لهم صراطك المستقيم

He said: 'Because You have punished me astray, I really would (hinder) them from the straight path [al-A'raf / 7:16 AM]

2. HawaNafsu
3. Weak Intention To Change
4. Society And The Broken Family And Islam Which Foreign Considered
Communities and families are broken / bad can hinder a person to be air-istiqâmah. Someone who wants to repent and want beristiqomah often feel bad if menyelisihi people or families are broken.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamtelah preach that Islam in the end times will look familiar in his saying:

بدأ الإسلام غريبا وسيعود كما بدأ غريبا فطوبى للغرباء

Islam appeared in the foreign state and will return as the emergence foreign. Therefore, the lucky ones who alienated [16]

And also the word he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam following:

((طوبى للغرباء)), فقيل: من الغرباء يا رسول الله? قال: ((أناس صالحون في أناس سوء كثير, من يعصيهم أكثر ممن يطيعهم)).

Fortunately for those unfamiliar. He was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?" He also said, "(They are) the righteous people among those ugly / damaged that (number) a lot. People who menyelisihi them more than those who obey him. "

Therefore, if one wants to practice Islam and beristiqamah, definitely will look familiar. For instance veil, Salaf generation do not disagree that the veil is prescribed in Islam, veiled women are not more than veiled Afdhal and the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam required to wear veils. In the current era, the veil is very visible foreigner, even the most ordinary people / not knowledgeable identified it with terrorism. Worse, some people considered knowledgeable in the society issued a similar statement.

5. The Full Period Defamation Different With Age Salaf
The times in which we live today is very different from the Salaf generation times beforehand. At this time, Muslims will get a huge slander. If someone wants to stay away, slander is exactly what is coming to him. It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

يأتي على الناس زمان الصابر فيهم على دينه كالقابض على الجمر

People will come to a time, (when it's) a patient person practice their faith in them as a person who holds coals [18] [19]

6. The Absence Frequently Advising
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamselalu giving advice and guidance to his companions, so that Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

وإنك لتهدي إلى صراط مستقيم

And indeed you actually gave guidance to the straight path [asy-Syûrâ/42: 52]

The absence of an adviser in an area then it is a huge disaster and can hinder a person to beristiqomah. Therefore, the reader should be reminded that in the region are not (yet) exist in Islamic studies that is authentic to immediately bring the adviser, or go to studies or by other means in order to always listen to the advice of the good that can soothe and strengthen the soul on the truth.

7. Many Involved In World Affairs
Many involved with the affairs of the world also may block all istiqâmah's. Allah Almighty says:

وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور

And the life of this world is nothing but pleasure wile [Ali 'Imran / 3:85]

8. The Ugly Friend
There is no doubt that the ugly friend who is very influential on one's personality. Therefore, choose a good and pious friends who can invite us to be beristiqomah.

9. For People Who says fear Saleh, Alim, Obey Or semisalnya
It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah, especially those who have a high sense of shame. Public comment need not be good in order to praise or booing. It was all a test. Oang truly loves Allah Almighty, I will ignore it.

10. Discouragement With Grace And Forgiveness of Allah Azza Wa Jalla So Do Not Want to Repent
People who wallow in sin, usually terbesik in his heart, "How can I become an air-istiqâmah, while I was wallowing in sin and hardly any kindness I've ever done?" Behold, Almighty Allah is Forgiving and receive repentance servants. Almighty Allah says, which means:

قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم) 53 (وأنيبوا إلى ربكم وأسلموا له من قبل أن يأتيكم العذاب ثم لا تنصرون

Say: "O My servants who go beyond the limits of themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Verily Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (54) And ye returned to your Lord and submit to Him am left before coming doom to you then you can not be helped (again) [az-Zumar/39 :53-54]

1. Verse according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamsangat heavy to be implemented is the paragraph that contains the command to beristiqomah the HUD letter.
2. Istiqomah essence include the following: the truth is, execute all orders, leaving all the restrictions, regularly in obedience and sustainability with such circumstances until the end of life.
3. Someone who wants to have to beristiqomah ways to deliver him.
4. Mujâhadatun nafs, was instrumental in achieving istiqomah
5. Many factors interfere with a Muslim for beristiqomah. Therefore, a believer away from him as much as possible.
6. People who achieve degrees istiqomah will be rewarded very large, as already mentioned. Allah knows best

May Allah Almighty help us achieve istiqomah favor till his death later. Amen.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 09/Tahun XIV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc,

Implement the zakat fithri period has passed with the passing of the month of Ramadan. May the Almighty Allah accept our deeds are done for the month. But besides Zakat ul-Fitr, there is still another charity to be done by the Muslims who are already qualified the zakat mal (wealth zakat). Zakat is different from the zakat fithri of the execution time, because zakat is not tied to a particular time, means it can be done in every month as long as the conditions are met. Then, if the conditions that must be met? The scholars set out five conditions, namely:

1. Islam.
Zakat mal is taken from the Muslims only and is not taken and not accepted from the infidels [1], both pagan and infidel dhimmi harbi, because Allah Almighty says:

وما منعهم أن تقبل منهم نفقاتهم إلا أنهم كفروا بالله وبرسوله ولا يأتون الصلاة إلا وهم كسالى ولا ينفقون إلا وهم كارهون

And nothing prevents them to be accepted from them a living-a living but because they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger and they are not to pray, but to lazy and not (also) spend (treasure) they, but unwillingly. [At-Tawbah / 9:54].

This is also supported by the message the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when Allaah sent Mu'adh bin Jabal to Yemen to mendakwahi anhu them to embrace Islam first. If already embraced Islam, only then, they were ordered to pay zakat. Thus it is clear that Islam is a mandatory requirement of zakat. [See above Raudh Hâsyiah Ibn Qasim al-Murbi ', 3/166].

2. Merdeka.
Zakat is not charged to the mall slave, because he does not own property. All his property is a treasure employer or master. Based on the hadith Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khathab radi anhuma, he said:

N يقول سمعت رسول الله: من ابتاع نخلا بعد أن تؤبر فثمرتها للبائع إلا أن يشترط المبتاع, ومن ابتاع عبدا وله مال فماله للذي باعه إلا أن يشترط المبتاع

I have heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Those who buy palm tree after breeding the fruit belongs to the seller unless the buyer require it. Anyone who bought a slave who own property then owned his property the seller unless the buyer require it. [Agreed upon].

This is also corroborated by the statement of Ibn Umar anhuma friend:

ليس في مال العبد زكاة حتى يعتق

There is no obligation of zakat on the property of a slave until he was freed. [2]

3. Have nishab
A Muslim is obliged to pay zakat mal independence, if it has reached nishab treasure. Nishab is a standard size (minimal) set Shari'a be liable for zakat. Nishab varies according to the type of property.

This requirement inferred from the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi' anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

ليس فيما دون خمسة أوسق صدقة ولا فيما دون خمس ذود صدقة, ولا فيما دون خمس أواقي صدقة

There is no zakat (to property) that do not reach five wasaq; Also on the property are not achieving five male camels; And that does not reach five auqiyah [Agreed upon]

If a Muslim does not have the property that reaches nishab then not required to tithe.

4. The property belonged to him in full
That is, the property is owned in full by someone [3] so that it is free to manage and there is no relationship with the rights of others. [4]

Thus, there is no obligation of zakat on wealth gentleman who still owes or has not submitted his slaves to free themselves, because there is still treasure belongs to master fully.

Likewise not required zakat on waqf property is not given to certain individuals, such as waqf property to the poor or to mosques or schools. While endowments are given to certain individuals such as family waqf for so and so and he remains subject to the obligation of zakat for fulfilling the other criteria. [5]

5. Passed a year
This requirement is set based on the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadith' A'isha radi anhuma which reads:

سمعت رسول الله n يقول: لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

I have heard the Messenger of Allah said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR. Ibn Majah rahimahullah, no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

Also hadith Ali radi 'anhu which reads:

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ليس في مال زكاة حتى يحول عليه الحول

Narrated the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR Abu Dawud no. 1571 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Daud 1/346].

Similarly, in the hadith of Ibn Umar anhuma, radi anhuma he said:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من استفاد مالا فلا زكاة عليه حتى يحول عليه الحول

Prophet said, "Whoever does not make use of the property until the property is no zakat it was passed a year" [HR at-Tirmidhi in his Sunan vol no. 631 and dishahihkan al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 1/348].

The point is that there is no zakat on the property until ownership of the property was passed for twelve months. If a year has passed since the early days of ownership, then he must issue of who owned the zakat.

This requirement only applies to three types of property, ie livestock grazing, gold and silver (atsmân) and zakat goods trade. [6]

Thus there are some who are not required Zakat perfect year, namely:

a. al-Mu'asyar the treasures that required him 10% or 5%. This Zakat on agriculture and plantations; since zakat is required when harvesting, although not until a year. This is based on the word of Almighty Allah:

كلوا من ثمره إذا أثمر وآتوا حقه يوم حصاده

Eat of the fruit (a variety of it) when they bear fruit and pay their due on harvest day (with the wherewithal to the poor); [al-'An `am / 6:141].

b. Children of farm animals [7] because haul (one year size) for the children of farm animals that follow the count haul parent. Children's farm animals counted in zakat although not yet reached the age of one year if the parent has reached nishab.

For example one has forty goats. Then in a year, each goat is giving birth to two tails except for one who gave birth to three tails. Thus, the overall number is 121 tail consisting of 40 plus 81 breeding young goats. Zakat means to be incurred are two goats, 81 goats despite the less than one year.

Another example: one has 120 goats, should have issued compulsory zakat is 2 goats, but a month before the perfect haulnya, 100 goats born so late in the year (when perfectly haul) totaling 220 tails. In this case he must issue 3 goats, although that has not reached the age of 100 birds a year.

If the parent-parent nishab not reached, then the birth parent-parent their children so as to achieve nishab. That's when it reaches the beginning haulnya nishab. For example, one has thirty goats and the goats gave birth to ten head, then haul the goats count since even forty goats.

c. Capital gains from the trade has been reached and passed one year nishab. Suppose, one has reached nishab and used the money to trade and make a profit. Then all the treasure, capital and profits hit by compulsory zakat, even though the benefits have not reached a year.

For example, a start up business with a capital of 30 million in Muharram 1431 AH, while nishab for commercial property is 85 grams of gold and 1 gram gold price is Rp 350,000; thus 85 X 350,000 = 29.75 million. Later in the month of Muharram, he got a profit of Rp. 3,000,000; in the month of Safar Rp. 2,000,000, and so on, so that in the month of Muharram 1432 H total capital plus profit is Rp. 75,000,000; Then the obligatory zakat is 2.5% of the issued Rp. 75,000,000; namely Rp. 1,875,000.

If capital is not reached then nishab benefit until reaching nishab, then the count starts counting since nishab haulnya perfect.

d. Rikaz or treasure is the treasure trove that is a legacy of ignorance or days of yore. This property is gathered when the item was found. This is based on words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

في الركاز الخمس

At no zakat treasure fifth (20%). [Agreed upon].

Also because the existence resemble fruits and seeds out of the ground. So that when required to get it

e. Mine (al-mi'dan) are all issued from the earth in the form of goods other than land made in the ground and worth, such as iron, gemstones (al-Yaqut), Aqiq stone, asphalt, petroleum and other called minerals. If a mine and get the goods reach nishab, then it is obligatory zakat accomplished directly when get it. Not treated and is gathered until cleared. Zakat is 2.5%. [9]

Imam al-Khiraqi stated, "If the material removed from the mines of gold or silver mitsqal number twenty two hundred dirhams or the worth of zinc (Zenk), lead, brass or otherwise of the excavated (exploitation) of the earth, then zakat diwaktunya required. [10]

Haul disconnected or has failed with the following causes:
1. If nishab diminished amid years before the perfect haul, then terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats and perfect before a year is reduced, then it is not mandatory menzakati rest. Because of the nishab in a year is a mandatory requirement of zakat.

2. When selling a portion of nishabnya provided that:
a. Payer is not similar
b. Not because of fear of zakat
c. The property is not included traded goods.

If these conditions are met, then he is not required to tithe. For Example, a 40 goats have perfect a year ago before he sold two goats with the money for 2 million Euro is not out of fear issuing charity. The goat is also not prepared to be traded. Then terputuslah haulnya.

3. If the property is already in nishab replaced with other types amid not haul it to avoid zakat obligation terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats nishab period a year ago before he was replaced by the camel or cow. Then haul their zakat and start new again interrupted by camel or cow haul it starts on the turn when it reaches camels and cows nishab.

But when he sold part with similar nishabnya then haulnya uninterrupted. For example, a gold necklace has amounted nishab (85 grams) amounted to 5 pieces of fruit and then sold two gold bracelets and exchanged with the whole weight of the haul is 85 grams of gold bracelets that come haul gold necklace. So when he had the gold senishab on 1 Ramadhan 1431 H, then he exchange with the bracelet on the 6th of Rajab 1432 H. Then continue to pay their zakat as a whole on the 1st of Ramadan 1432 H.

Indeed, the problem of the exchange has reached Zakat Zakat nishab with others who are also good senishab regular exchange or buying and selling there is a difference of opinion of the scholars. Differences of opinion are explained below:

a. If the property is sold or exchanged with others who also have reached similar nishab or more, then haulnya nishab calculated based on the first, so it may still be liable if the perfect dizakati year (haul). This is the opinion of Imam Malik and Ahmad. This opinion is in line with the opinion of the imam Abu Hînifah valuables (al-atsmaan). Whereas in the commodity trade haulnya not cut off entirely with the exchange and purchase.

b. If Zakat has reached nishab bartered or sold with other types of Zakat has also reached nishab or more, then terputuslah calculations of the Zakat haul first and starts a new count of haul for the second Zakat; Unless the gold with silver or vice versa, there history of the two schools of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. The first opinion states uninterrupted dirâjihkan haulnya and this is what the writer of Zâdul Mustaqni ', ddan silver because gold is the same property that such a property. Second opinions expressed haulnya disconnected and not equated between the gold and silver, as both types are different, as presented Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

الذهب بالذهب والفضة بالفضة والبر بالبر والشعير بالشعير والتمر بالتمر والملح بالملح مثلا بمثل سواء بسواء يدا بيد فإذا اختلفت هذه الأصناف فبيعوا كيف شئتم إذا كان يدا بيد

Gold exchange gold, silver for silver, barley by barley, wheat and oats with dates with dates and salt by salt should be equal and cash. If the types are different then at will sell you the cash requirement. [HR. Muslim, no. 1587].

This keduan opinion dirâjihkan Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in Syarhul Mumti '6/44.

c. While Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah argues, haul the treasure that has been reached nishab not combined with another treasure haul at all. He based his opinion with the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

There is no zakat on wealth until a year passes [HR. Ibn Majah no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

This opinion is different from Ibn Qudamah vol. He rahimahullah said, "Our opinion is a treasure that has reached nishab haul coupled with growing wealth in a matter Haul, so haul similar replacement built on the haul, the same as commercial commodities. Hadith ditas devoted to the growth, yield gains and commodity goods trade. so we qiaskan (analogy) the issue to him. [12]

d. There is a history of Imam Ahmad that states if Zakat has reached nishab sold or exchanged for new treasures that have reached nishab, then haul treasures both continue calculations first absolute treasure haul, either similar or opposite sex. This opinion dirâjihkan by Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di rahimahullah. He rahimahullah said, "The truth is the opinion of the Shafi'i Imam Ahmad that states that exchange with nishab nishab Zakat Zakat zakat obligation does not preclude the other and did not cut it, either both are similar or opposite sex. Distinction between similar goods and similar no their argument. Essentially there is no difference between the two. Also because of the opinion that if the states decide calculation haul Zakat exchanged with other types of engineering resulting in the opening of the door to avoid zakat. [13]

As a matter of haul goods then the commodity trade is not interrupted haulnya with cause exchanges and trading. [14]

If there is an advantage in that it is a matter of commercial profits haul haul is calculated on the basis of count of capital. Likewise, if an increase in the price of goods, then zakat is required on all its worth and if there is price drop then dizakati value of goods that are applicable to the existing price. [15]

Similarly, some issues surrounding the calculation of zakat Haul may be useful and could be enlightening to the obligatory zakat and amilnya.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 06/Tahun XV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

Ustadz Abdullah bin al-Buthoni Taslim, M.A

Talking about the beauty of asthma-ul Husna (names of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala the Most Beautiful) means talking about a perfect kemahaindahan and above all the beauty that can be described and conceived by the human mind.

Why not, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the One mighty beautiful and perfect in all His names and attributes, which is due kemahaindahan and kemahasempurnaan this that no one else being able to limit who deserve praise and adulation for his glory.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam illustrated this in his famous a prayer:

لا أحصي ثناء عليك, أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك

I was not able to count / limit compliments / flattery against you, as you are (praise and flattery) that you designated for Yourself [1]

Then, as the perfection of His attributes are not limited to, as well as praise and adulation for him is not limited to, due praise and adulation that according to the One who praised. Therefore, all praise and flattery addressed to him however many, long lafazhnya and delivered with sincerity, then the glory of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu greater (than the praise and flattery), his power is more noble, the properties of perfection- His larger and more, as well as gifts and His goodness (to His creatures) wider and perfect [2].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has been confirmed in al-Qur `an that no one else in this world creature capable of limiting and write to complete all forms of majesty and beauty of the names and His attributes, however large and the extent of being The. Allah Almighty says:

قل لو كان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي ولو جئنا بمثله مددا

Say: Had it the sea were ink for (writing) the sentences Rabbku, really finished long before the run (written) sentences Rabbku, though We were to bring as much of it (also) [al-Kahfi/18: 109]

In another verse, Allah Jalla Jalaluhu also said:

ولو أنما في الأرض من شجرة أقلام والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر ما نفدت كلمات الله إن الله عزيز حكيم

And if all the trees on earth were pens and the sea (were ink), added to her seven seas (again) after (dry) it, there would be an inexhaustible (written) words of Allah. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise [Luqmân/31: 27]

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said: "(In this verse), Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala preach about the greatness, and the greatness of His glory, and His names are many colors, his attributes will be exalted and sentence- His sentences are perfect maha, who are not able to be covered by anyone (from His creatures), and no one who knows the nature and able to limit (counting) it, as mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ... Then Ibn Kathir rahimahullah hadith mentioned above ... this verse means is if all the trees (existing) made the earth and the sea pen (on earth) used as ink and added another seven seas (like that) with him, to write sentences that Almighty Allah shows the majesty and glory, and (perfection) of his properties, then (surely) will be destroyed and the pens are depleted ocean water (ink) is (while the words of His majesty and glory will not run) " [3].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه سيجزون ما كانوا يعملون

Belongs only to Allah-lah Asma-ul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to Him with those names, and leave those who deviate (from the truth) in (call and understand) the names- His. Later they would be rewarded for what they have done [al-A'raf / 7:180]

Understanding al-Husna (many colors) in this verse is that kemahaindahannya reach the peak of perfection, because it contains the names of the attributes of perfection that no reproach to her (lack of) one bit from all sides [4].

For example, the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala "al-Hayyu" (The Ever Living), this name contains properties berpermulaan perfection of life that is not and will not expire. These properties contain a perfect life perfection consequence of other properties, such as al-'sciences (all-knowing), al-Qudrah (all powerful / capable), as-Sam'u (maha heard) and al-basharu (all-seeing) .

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

وتوكل على الحي الذي لا يموت

And put thy trust Allah the Most Life (Eternal) and will not die [al-Furqân/25: 58]

Similarly the name of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu "al-'Alîmu" (The All-Knowing), this name contains the perfection of nature of science (knowledge) that is not preceded by ignorance and forgetfulness will not be overwhelmed in the slightest, as Allah Almighty says:

قال علمها عند ربي في كتاب لا يضل ربي ولا ينسى

Moses said: "The knowledge of it is on the side Rabbku in a book, Rabbku (Allâh) will not be wrong and not (also) forgetting" [Thâhâ/20: 52]

His knowledge is vast and includes everything in outline and detail, as his word:

وعنده مفاتح الغيب لا يعلمها إلا هو ويعلم ما في البر والبحر وما تسقط من ورقة إلا يعلمها ولا حبة في ظلمات الأرض ولا رطب ولا يابس إلا في كتاب مبين

And on the one hand Allâh keys of the Unseen; nobody knew except Himself, and He knows what is on land and at sea, and no matter what autumn leaf but He knows it (anyway), and do not fall no seed in the darkness of the earth and not something that is wet or dry, but is written in a Clear Book (Tablet Mahfuz) [al-An `am / 6:59]

Also his name "Al-Rahman" (the Most Merciful), this name contains properties mercy (compassion) vast and perfect, as described by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his words: "Truly Allah is more merciful towards His servants than a mother to her baby boy "[5] [6].

His testimony brought here along with additional information from other scholars.

1. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because each contains praise for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, none of those names that do not contain praise and adulation for him.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Almighty Allah almighty entirely beautiful, nothing at all is not a single name (show) kemahaindahan. Explanation that has passed between his names there are absolutized (set) for him in terms of his actions, such as 'al-Khaliq "(the Creator),' ar-Razzaq '(sustenance Grantor),' al -Muhyi '(Maha turn) and' al-Mumît '(Maha Deadly), this shows that all his actions are merely the good and no evil at all to him ... "[7].

2. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because these names are not just names alone, but also contains the properties for the perfection of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Then the names of all of them showed the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and each contains the properties for the perfection of His [8].

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Allah Almighty knows best who is most beautiful is (the names of which indicate the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and (once) aushâf (properties perfection to Allah Subhanahu wa Exalted contained the names). His character does not conflict with his name, in contrast to the nature of his creatures (mostly) against their name ... "[9].

3. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names, all these names indicate the properties of perfection and all the properties of the Essence of Allah Almighty is the nature of the most perfect, the most widespread and most noble.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

للذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة مثل السوء ولله المثل الأعلى وهو العزيز الحكيم

People who do not believe in the Hereafter, has a terrible temper, and has properties that Allâh Most High, and He is the Mighty, the Wise [an-Nahl/16: 60]

That is, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has properties that absolute perfection (not limited to) of all terms [10].

4. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is due to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded His servants to pray to him with the names and it is the primary means to draw closer to Him, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta ' love the style of His names, and He loves those who love k such names, as well as those who memorize it, explore the meaning and content of worship Him with consequences that contained the names.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها

Belongs only to Allah Asmaul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to him with the names of the [al-A'raf / 7:180]

What is meant by praying in this paragraph includes two types of prayer, prayer requests and supplications, and prayers of worship and praise [11].

Definition of intercessory prayer (du'âut thalab) is praying to Allah Jalla Jalaluhu name corresponding to the demand that we submit to Him. For example, we pray: "O Allah, forgive me my sins and rahmatilah me, verily You are al-Ghafur (the Forgiving) and ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful)"; "O Allah, accept taubatku, verily You are the at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance) ". "O Allah, bestow lawful sustenance to me, verily You are the ar-Razzaq (Grantor sustenance)".

The prayer of worship is with us to worship Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in accordance with the content of his names are many colors. Concretely, we repent to Him because we know that Allah Almighty is at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance), we dhikr to Him with our oral because we know that Allah Almighty is as-Sami '(All-Hearing) , we do righteous deeds with our limbs knowing that Allah Almighty is al-Bashir (Seer), and so on [12].

Such is a brief description of the beauty of the Beautiful Names, and of course the nature of beauty far above anything that can be described by humans.

Hopefully this article useful for Muslims to help them understand the beauty and perfection of the names and attributes of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, who realize that they can worship Him with truth, because the main foundation of worship, which is love to him, and will not be achieved except by knowing the names and His attributes properly.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Whoever knows Allah Almighty with the names, attributes and His deeds, then he will definitely love him" [13].

Finally, we will close this paper by praying to Almighty Allah with His names are many colors and qualities of His almighty perfect, so he always confer upon us His guidance and taufik to understand and practice the womb of nature His qualities of perfection.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 12/Tahun XIV/1431H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

VERSE FOR toughest Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam

Ustadz Abu Ahmad Said Yai

Allah Almighty says:

فاستقم كما أمرت ومن تاب معك ولا تطغوا إنه بما تعملون بصير

Then keep you (the right way), as commanded, and (also) those who have repented with you. And you do not exceed the limit. Verily He is Most see what you are doing [Hûd/11: 112]

SUMMARY interpretation [1]
(So ​​you keep [the right way]), ie beristiqomahlah you, (as commanded) in his book, ber'aqîdahlah right, and leave the evil deeds solehlah without deviating to the left or to the right and continue in a state meneruslah like it until you die. (And [also] those who have repented with you), that the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam and the believers, so that you get a good reply later in the calculation (Yaumul-reckoning) and the day of Judgement (Yaumul-Jaza ').

(And do not you exceed the limits), with exaggeration of the limits set by Allah Almighty, both in faith and charity.

(Verily, He doth see what you are doing) He (Allah Almighty) will never neglect to what you are doing and know everything Maha-hide a hidden, though not visible in the sight of men.

VERSE BY toughest Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
The above mentioned verses which, according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam very hard to implement.

Ibn 'Abbas radi anhuma said:

ما نزل على رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - آية هي أشد ولا أشق من هذه الآية عليه, ولذلك قال لأصحابه حين قالوا له: لقد أسرع إليك الشيب! فقال: شيبتني هود وأخواتها

There is not a single verse that was revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam heavier and more difficult than this paragraph. Therefore, when he asked, 'How quickly you gray', he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to his companions,' Who has made me gray is the HUD letter and letters semisalnya [2]

WHY ARE CONSIDERED VERY HEAVY VERSES BY Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam?
Because in that paragraph contains commands for beristiqomah. Actually like what that meant istiqomah, so the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam to feel very heavy when get the order? This is what the discussion of this article, and I add it to the causes in order to beristiqomah, the easiest way to beristiqomah, the things that can damage and block the attitudes and virtues istiqomah beristiqomah people.

Weighing beristiqomah command can be understood by some scholars following definitions:

1. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radi 'anhu when interpreting (tsummas-taqâmû): "Do not commit shirk against Allah Almighty with all whatsoever." [3]

2. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi' anhu: "constancy is straight on obedience (execute command) and away from the ban, and do not turn (to the left and to the right) as beloknya wolf." [4]

3. Abul-Qasim al-Qushayri rahimahullah: "constancy is a degree that with all matters (religion) to be perfect and we will get her goodness and order." [5]

4. An-Nawawi rahimahullah: "Straight in the obedience to diwafatkan with such circumstances." [6]

5. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali rahimahullah: "Stepping on the straight path, that is the right religion, without any twist to the right and to the left. This includes working with whole act obedient, inwardly and outwardly, and leave the whole ban like that anyway. "[7]

From the definitions (concepts) above we can draw the conclusion that the essence istiqâmah include the following:

1. Mentauhidkan Almighty Allah and do not commit shirk
2. Walking in the truth (religion of truth).
3. Execute all commands, whether mandatory or the Sunnah, inwardly and outwardly.
4. Leaving all prohibitions, both are unclean and are makruh.
5. Working regularly in obedience.
6. Constantly in a state like that, do not turn to the right or to the left until his death.

And once again for emphasis, evident hard and weighs beristiqomah manifested by obedience to Allah Almighty continuously, whereas humans have ups and downs faith and face a variety of potential libel very worldly spirit beristiqomah fade.

Primacy of person who can air-istiqâmah very much at all. However, in general the virtues listed in the following three paragraphs:

إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون) 30 (نحن أولياؤكم في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ولكم فيها ما تشتهي أنفسكم ولكم فيها ما تدعون) 31 (نزلا من غفور رحيم

Indeed, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah" and then they confirmed their establishment (air-istiqâmah), then the angels will descend upon them, saying: "Do not be afraid and do not feel sad, and announce to them the promised Jannah by Allah to you. We are the protectors in the life of this world and the Hereafter; within it you will have what you want and getting (too) in it what you are asking. As an entree (you) from (Rabb) is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful [ Fushshilat/41 :30-32]

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said [8], "... Therefore, the religion (Islam) are all contained in the word of Allâh [9]: {فاستقم كما أمرت} and
His words [10]: {إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون}

Really great virtue istiqomah!

Someone could air-istiqâmah for reasons as follows:

1. Taufik and Hidayah from Allah Azza Wa Jalla
This is why the most important. Almighty Allah says, which means:

فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء

Whoever wants Allah will give him guidance, He will vacate his chest to Islam. And whoever desired by Allah astray, surely Allah will make a narrow chest tightness again, as if he were climbing the sky [al-An `am / 6:125]

Therefore, as much as possible we do things that are loved by Allah Almighty so that Allah Almighty gave taufik and hidayahnya to us.

2. Prayer
Almighty Allah granted the prayer of His servants. Therefore, if someone wants istiqomah, then it must be a lot of pleading to Allah Almighty in order to become a Mustaqim (who beristiqomah). Allah Almighty says:

وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان

And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I grant the request of a person who prays when he pleaded with me [al-Baqarah / 2: 186]

3. Following Manhaj Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah
Ikhlash and diligent prayer intentions alone are not enough to be beristiqomah. Someone who wants air-istiqâmah must walk the path of truth. Otherwise, it's useless to him beristiqomah error it will be menjerumuskannya into the fires of hell. Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah preach that there is only one group that always carry the truth, as the words he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا تزال طائفة من أمتى ظاهرين على الحق لا يضرهم من خذلهم حتى يأتى أمر الله وهم كذلك

There is always a group of people among my nation who always seemed to truth. People who do not heed them can not give harm to come to them and their cases remain with Allâh truth [11]

4. Perform frequent Muhâsabatun process nafs (self-reflective)
People who want beristiqomah must often run muhasabatun process nafs. If someone is not aware of the nature of what it does in the form of goodness and sin, then he will not want to change. The more a person introspection, so the more he will realize that the good deeds that he did not yet how and the sin which does so much already and reams.

'Umar anhu said:

حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن تحاسبوا وزنوا أنفسكم قبل أن توزنوا, فإنه أهون عليكم في الحساب غدا, أن تحاسبوا أنفسكم اليوم

Introspeksilah self-yourselves, before later you indicated your deeds-deeds (in the calculations)! Weigh-weigh yourself, before you guys later weighed (in the mizan / weighing charity)! Indeed, at this time of introspection easier than later indicated deeds-deeds (in the Reckoning). "[12]

5. Working Deeds Good Deeds After Working Poor
One reason for the arrival of istiqomah accompany all evil / evil / sin with good deeds. For example, if someone ever steals, then he has to repent and return the loot it, then multiply alms. Hopefully with the charity, his sins can be forgiven by Allah Almighty says:

إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات

Indeed good deeds was abolished (sin) bad deeds
[Hûd/11: 114]

6. Leaving no deeds-deeds Kindness Done That Already Ordinary
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah denounce people who never worship with certain deeds then that person left, as explained in the following hadith:

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص - رضى الله عنهما - قال: قال لي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: يا عبد الله لا تكن مثل فلان كان يقوم الليل فترك قيام الليل.

It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn' Amr ibn al-'Ash anhu that the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamberkata to me, "O' Abdullah! Do you like So and so (John Doe), the night before he made his prayers and then he left. "[13]

Should be noted, that the claim is being worked on sustainability in a practice, even though it is a little practice, not quantity.

Istiqomah a case which is not easily achieved. To reach it, run mujâhadatun-nafs can not be negotiable. Because it plays an important role in the formation of personality that always istiqomah. Mujâhadatun-nafs is the process of forcing, train themselves and fight tooth and nail so that the soul can always be submissive and obedient to the law. Mujâhadatun-nafs should be done with attention to the following matters:

1. Should Determined To Transform Yourself Strong (al-'Azm) and sole trust To Allah Azza Wa Jalla
Without strong determination, to-istiqâmah's not going to be achieved. Allah Almighty says:

فإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله إن الله يحب المتوكلين

Then when you've made up my mind, then put thy trust in Allah. Truly Allah loves those who sole trust in Him (Surah Ali 'Imran / 2:159)

2. And Allah loves His Messenger Exceed Everything
One way to foster beristiqomah determination is to constantly look for reasons to be loved Almighty Allah and His Messenger n on top of everything. - Istiqomah keimananan is closely associated with a person. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

ثلاث من كن فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان: أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما, وأن يحب المرء لا يحبه إلا لله, وأن يكره أن يعود في الكفر كما يكره أن يقذف في النار

There are three things that if those three things are on someone, then he will taste the sweetness of faith, namely: making love to Allah and His Messenger more than his love for everything other than them, loving someone who she does not love him except for Allah and hate for the re- to kufr as hatred if he is thrown into the fire [14]

With a love which, as mentioned above, then the person will continue to spur himself to be air-istiqâmah.

3. Set the Time and Daily Activities As well, as dense and effectively as possible
A person who wants beristiqomah should really make a schedule of activities for each day, each week, each month and each year. For daily activities, for example: when trying to train yourself for night prayer (Tahajjud), then he should try to sleep early (not long after 'Isha') and set the alarm clock or the like to be able to wake him up in the last third of the night.

For each week of activities, for example, targeting every week there was one day where he had to make themselves available for berinfak to all people, help others and neighbors.

For annual events, such as getting used to beri'tikâf in the last ten days of Ramadan, so she had been planning a holiday (vacation) from all its activities.

4. As good as the implementing Worship-Worship Worship Maybe As If Such Is The Last Kali Worship And Dying Will Pick
People who want beristiqomah should familiarize yourself when working on a particular worship, he imagined that as if he was not going to live much longer, so he will be really serious in improving the quality of worship and worship.

5. On the practice was introspective self-abandonment of the practice was Good That Has And Against Poor deeds-deeds he had done.
After installing targets worship and deeds-deeds, introspection is needed every day. This is done so that a person can improve himself.

6. In a co-share of Da'wah
After Allah Almighty says in the primacy of the person beristiqomah Fushshilat letter that has been set out by the above, Almighty Allah praised those who preach. Allah Almighty says:

ومن أحسن قولا ممن دعا إلى الله وعمل صالحا وقال إنني من المسلمين

Who better words than those who call to Allah, works righteousness, and says: 'Behold, I am among those who surrender themselves.'? [Fushshilat/42: 33]

This suggests there are close links between achievement istiqomah with preaching.

6. Train Yourself To Be patient willingly And Curb Lust For Years and Years
To be beristiqomah not easy. We must be willing to curb our desires and keep bermujâhadah nasu for years. Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir rahimahullah said:

كابدت نفسي أربعين سنة حتى استقمت

I curb my soul for forty years before I could beristiqomah [15]

1. Devil
Allah Almighty says:

قال فبما أغويتني لأقعدن لهم صراطك المستقيم

He said: 'Because You have punished me astray, I really would (hinder) them from the straight path [al-A'raf / 7:16 AM]

2. HawaNafsu
3. Weak Intention To Change
4. Society And The Broken Family And Islam Which Foreign Considered
Communities and families are broken / bad can hinder a person to be air-istiqâmah. Someone who wants to repent and want beristiqomah often feel bad if menyelisihi people or families are broken.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamtelah preach that Islam in the end times will look familiar in his saying:

بدأ الإسلام غريبا وسيعود كما بدأ غريبا فطوبى للغرباء

Islam appeared in the foreign state and will return as the emergence foreign. Therefore, the lucky ones who alienated [16]

And also the word he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam following:

((طوبى للغرباء)), فقيل: من الغرباء يا رسول الله? قال: ((أناس صالحون في أناس سوء كثير, من يعصيهم أكثر ممن يطيعهم)).

Fortunately for those unfamiliar. He was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?" He also said, "(They are) the righteous people among those ugly / damaged that (number) a lot. People who menyelisihi them more than those who obey him. "

Therefore, if one wants to practice Islam and beristiqamah, definitely will look familiar. For instance veil, Salaf generation do not disagree that the veil is prescribed in Islam, veiled women are not more than veiled Afdhal and the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam required to wear veils. In the current era, the veil is very visible foreigner, even the most ordinary people / not knowledgeable identified it with terrorism. Worse, some people considered knowledgeable in the society issued a similar statement.

5. The Full Period Defamation Different With Age Salaf
The times in which we live today is very different from the Salaf generation times beforehand. At this time, Muslims will get a huge slander. If someone wants to stay away, slander is exactly what is coming to him. It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

يأتي على الناس زمان الصابر فيهم على دينه كالقابض على الجمر

People will come to a time, (when it's) a patient person practice their faith in them as a person who holds coals [18] [19]

6. The Absence Frequently Advising
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamselalu giving advice and guidance to his companions, so that Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

وإنك لتهدي إلى صراط مستقيم

And indeed you actually gave guidance to the straight path [asy-Syûrâ/42: 52]

The absence of an adviser in an area then it is a huge disaster and can hinder a person to beristiqomah. Therefore, the reader should be reminded that in the region are not (yet) exist in Islamic studies that is authentic to immediately bring the adviser, or go to studies or by other means in order to always listen to the advice of the good that can soothe and strengthen the soul on the truth.

7. Many Involved In World Affairs
Many involved with the affairs of the world also may block all istiqâmah's. Allah Almighty says:

وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور

And the life of this world is nothing but pleasure wile [Ali 'Imran / 3:85]

8. The Ugly Friend
There is no doubt that the ugly friend who is very influential on one's personality. Therefore, choose a good and pious friends who can invite us to be beristiqomah.

9. For People Who says fear Saleh, Alim, Obey Or semisalnya
It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah, especially those who have a high sense of shame. Public comment need not be good in order to praise or booing. It was all a test. Oang truly loves Allah Almighty, I will ignore it.

10. Discouragement With Grace And Forgiveness of Allah Azza Wa Jalla So Do Not Want to Repent
People who wallow in sin, usually terbesik in his heart, "How can I become an air-istiqâmah, while I was wallowing in sin and hardly any kindness I've ever done?" Behold, Almighty Allah is Forgiving and receive repentance servants. Almighty Allah says, which means:

قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم) 53 (وأنيبوا إلى ربكم وأسلموا له من قبل أن يأتيكم العذاب ثم لا تنصرون

Say: "O My servants who go beyond the limits of themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Verily Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (54) And ye returned to your Lord and submit to Him am left before coming doom to you then you can not be helped (again) [az-Zumar/39 :53-54]

1. Verse according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamsangat heavy to be implemented is the paragraph that contains the command to beristiqomah the HUD letter.
2. Istiqomah essence include the following: the truth is, execute all orders, leaving all the restrictions, regularly in obedience and sustainability with such circumstances until the end of life.
3. Someone who wants to have to beristiqomah ways to deliver him.
4. Mujâhadatun nafs, was instrumental in achieving istiqomah
5. Many factors interfere with a Muslim for beristiqomah. Therefore, a believer away from him as much as possible.
6. People who achieve degrees istiqomah will be rewarded very large, as already mentioned. Allah knows best

May Allah Almighty help us achieve istiqomah favor till his death later. Amen.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 09/Tahun XIV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc,

Implement the zakat fithri period has passed with the passing of the month of Ramadan. May the Almighty Allah accept our deeds are done for the month. But besides Zakat ul-Fitr, there is still another charity to be done by the Muslims who are already qualified the zakat mal (wealth zakat). Zakat is different from the zakat fithri of the execution time, because zakat is not tied to a particular time, means it can be done in every month as long as the conditions are met. Then, if the conditions that must be met? The scholars set out five conditions, namely:

1. Islam.
Zakat mal is taken from the Muslims only and is not taken and not accepted from the infidels [1], both pagan and infidel dhimmi harbi, because Allah Almighty says:

وما منعهم أن تقبل منهم نفقاتهم إلا أنهم كفروا بالله وبرسوله ولا يأتون الصلاة إلا وهم كسالى ولا ينفقون إلا وهم كارهون

And nothing prevents them to be accepted from them a living-a living but because they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger and they are not to pray, but to lazy and not (also) spend (treasure) they, but unwillingly. [At-Tawbah / 9:54].

This is also supported by the message the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when Allaah sent Mu'adh bin Jabal to Yemen to mendakwahi anhu them to embrace Islam first. If already embraced Islam, only then, they were ordered to pay zakat. Thus it is clear that Islam is a mandatory requirement of zakat. [See above Raudh Hâsyiah Ibn Qasim al-Murbi ', 3/166].

2. Merdeka.
Zakat is not charged to the mall slave, because he does not own property. All his property is a treasure employer or master. Based on the hadith Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khathab radi anhuma, he said:

N يقول سمعت رسول الله: من ابتاع نخلا بعد أن تؤبر فثمرتها للبائع إلا أن يشترط المبتاع, ومن ابتاع عبدا وله مال فماله للذي باعه إلا أن يشترط المبتاع

I have heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Those who buy palm tree after breeding the fruit belongs to the seller unless the buyer require it. Anyone who bought a slave who own property then owned his property the seller unless the buyer require it. [Agreed upon].

This is also corroborated by the statement of Ibn Umar anhuma friend:

ليس في مال العبد زكاة حتى يعتق

There is no obligation of zakat on the property of a slave until he was freed. [2]

3. Have nishab
A Muslim is obliged to pay zakat mal independence, if it has reached nishab treasure. Nishab is a standard size (minimal) set Shari'a be liable for zakat. Nishab varies according to the type of property.

This requirement inferred from the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi' anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

ليس فيما دون خمسة أوسق صدقة ولا فيما دون خمس ذود صدقة, ولا فيما دون خمس أواقي صدقة

There is no zakat (to property) that do not reach five wasaq; Also on the property are not achieving five male camels; And that does not reach five auqiyah [Agreed upon]

If a Muslim does not have the property that reaches nishab then not required to tithe.

4. The property belonged to him in full
That is, the property is owned in full by someone [3] so that it is free to manage and there is no relationship with the rights of others. [4]

Thus, there is no obligation of zakat on wealth gentleman who still owes or has not submitted his slaves to free themselves, because there is still treasure belongs to master fully.

Likewise not required zakat on waqf property is not given to certain individuals, such as waqf property to the poor or to mosques or schools. While endowments are given to certain individuals such as family waqf for so and so and he remains subject to the obligation of zakat for fulfilling the other criteria. [5]

5. Passed a year
This requirement is set based on the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadith' A'isha radi anhuma which reads:

سمعت رسول الله n يقول: لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

I have heard the Messenger of Allah said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR. Ibn Majah rahimahullah, no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

Also hadith Ali radi 'anhu which reads:

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ليس في مال زكاة حتى يحول عليه الحول

Narrated the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR Abu Dawud no. 1571 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Daud 1/346].

Similarly, in the hadith of Ibn Umar anhuma, radi anhuma he said:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من استفاد مالا فلا زكاة عليه حتى يحول عليه الحول

Prophet said, "Whoever does not make use of the property until the property is no zakat it was passed a year" [HR at-Tirmidhi in his Sunan vol no. 631 and dishahihkan al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 1/348].

The point is that there is no zakat on the property until ownership of the property was passed for twelve months. If a year has passed since the early days of ownership, then he must issue of who owned the zakat.

This requirement only applies to three types of property, ie livestock grazing, gold and silver (atsmân) and zakat goods trade. [6]

Thus there are some who are not required Zakat perfect year, namely:

a. al-Mu'asyar the treasures that required him 10% or 5%. This Zakat on agriculture and plantations; since zakat is required when harvesting, although not until a year. This is based on the word of Almighty Allah:

كلوا من ثمره إذا أثمر وآتوا حقه يوم حصاده

Eat of the fruit (a variety of it) when they bear fruit and pay their due on harvest day (with the wherewithal to the poor); [al-'An `am / 6:141].

b. Children of farm animals [7] because haul (one year size) for the children of farm animals that follow the count haul parent. Children's farm animals counted in zakat although not yet reached the age of one year if the parent has reached nishab.

For example one has forty goats. Then in a year, each goat is giving birth to two tails except for one who gave birth to three tails. Thus, the overall number is 121 tail consisting of 40 plus 81 breeding young goats. Zakat means to be incurred are two goats, 81 goats despite the less than one year.

Another example: one has 120 goats, should have issued compulsory zakat is 2 goats, but a month before the perfect haulnya, 100 goats born so late in the year (when perfectly haul) totaling 220 tails. In this case he must issue 3 goats, although that has not reached the age of 100 birds a year.

If the parent-parent nishab not reached, then the birth parent-parent their children so as to achieve nishab. That's when it reaches the beginning haulnya nishab. For example, one has thirty goats and the goats gave birth to ten head, then haul the goats count since even forty goats.

c. Capital gains from the trade has been reached and passed one year nishab. Suppose, one has reached nishab and used the money to trade and make a profit. Then all the treasure, capital and profits hit by compulsory zakat, even though the benefits have not reached a year.

For example, a start up business with a capital of 30 million in Muharram 1431 AH, while nishab for commercial property is 85 grams of gold and 1 gram gold price is Rp 350,000; thus 85 X 350,000 = 29.75 million. Later in the month of Muharram, he got a profit of Rp. 3,000,000; in the month of Safar Rp. 2,000,000, and so on, so that in the month of Muharram 1432 H total capital plus profit is Rp. 75,000,000; Then the obligatory zakat is 2.5% of the issued Rp. 75,000,000; namely Rp. 1,875,000.

If capital is not reached then nishab benefit until reaching nishab, then the count starts counting since nishab haulnya perfect.

d. Rikaz or treasure is the treasure trove that is a legacy of ignorance or days of yore. This property is gathered when the item was found. This is based on words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

في الركاز الخمس

At no zakat treasure fifth (20%). [Agreed upon].

Also because the existence resemble fruits and seeds out of the ground. So that when required to get it

e. Mine (al-mi'dan) are all issued from the earth in the form of goods other than land made in the ground and worth, such as iron, gemstones (al-Yaqut), Aqiq stone, asphalt, petroleum and other called minerals. If a mine and get the goods reach nishab, then it is obligatory zakat accomplished directly when get it. Not treated and is gathered until cleared. Zakat is 2.5%. [9]

Imam al-Khiraqi stated, "If the material removed from the mines of gold or silver mitsqal number twenty two hundred dirhams or the worth of zinc (Zenk), lead, brass or otherwise of the excavated (exploitation) of the earth, then zakat diwaktunya required. [10]

Haul disconnected or has failed with the following causes:
1. If nishab diminished amid years before the perfect haul, then terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats and perfect before a year is reduced, then it is not mandatory menzakati rest. Because of the nishab in a year is a mandatory requirement of zakat.

2. When selling a portion of nishabnya provided that:
a. Payer is not similar
b. Not because of fear of zakat
c. The property is not included traded goods.

If these conditions are met, then he is not required to tithe. For Example, a 40 goats have perfect a year ago before he sold two goats with the money for 2 million Euro is not out of fear issuing charity. The goat is also not prepared to be traded. Then terputuslah haulnya.

3. If the property is already in nishab replaced with other types amid not haul it to avoid zakat obligation terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats nishab period a year ago before he was replaced by the camel or cow. Then haul their zakat and start new again interrupted by camel or cow haul it starts on the turn when it reaches camels and cows nishab.

But when he sold part with similar nishabnya then haulnya uninterrupted. For example, a gold necklace has amounted nishab (85 grams) amounted to 5 pieces of fruit and then sold two gold bracelets and exchanged with the whole weight of the haul is 85 grams of gold bracelets that come haul gold necklace. So when he had the gold senishab on 1 Ramadhan 1431 H, then he exchange with the bracelet on the 6th of Rajab 1432 H. Then continue to pay their zakat as a whole on the 1st of Ramadan 1432 H.

Indeed, the problem of the exchange has reached Zakat Zakat nishab with others who are also good senishab regular exchange or buying and selling there is a difference of opinion of the scholars. Differences of opinion are explained below:

a. If the property is sold or exchanged with others who also have reached similar nishab or more, then haulnya nishab calculated based on the first, so it may still be liable if the perfect dizakati year (haul). This is the opinion of Imam Malik and Ahmad. This opinion is in line with the opinion of the imam Abu Hînifah valuables (al-atsmaan). Whereas in the commodity trade haulnya not cut off entirely with the exchange and purchase.

b. If Zakat has reached nishab bartered or sold with other types of Zakat has also reached nishab or more, then terputuslah calculations of the Zakat haul first and starts a new count of haul for the second Zakat; Unless the gold with silver or vice versa, there history of the two schools of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. The first opinion states uninterrupted dirâjihkan haulnya and this is what the writer of Zâdul Mustaqni ', ddan silver because gold is the same property that such a property. Second opinions expressed haulnya disconnected and not equated between the gold and silver, as both types are different, as presented Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

الذهب بالذهب والفضة بالفضة والبر بالبر والشعير بالشعير والتمر بالتمر والملح بالملح مثلا بمثل سواء بسواء يدا بيد فإذا اختلفت هذه الأصناف فبيعوا كيف شئتم إذا كان يدا بيد

Gold exchange gold, silver for silver, barley by barley, wheat and oats with dates with dates and salt by salt should be equal and cash. If the types are different then at will sell you the cash requirement. [HR. Muslim, no. 1587].

This keduan opinion dirâjihkan Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in Syarhul Mumti '6/44.

c. While Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah argues, haul the treasure that has been reached nishab not combined with another treasure haul at all. He based his opinion with the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

There is no zakat on wealth until a year passes [HR. Ibn Majah no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

This opinion is different from Ibn Qudamah vol. He rahimahullah said, "Our opinion is a treasure that has reached nishab haul coupled with growing wealth in a matter Haul, so haul similar replacement built on the haul, the same as commercial commodities. Hadith ditas devoted to the growth, yield gains and commodity goods trade. so we qiaskan (analogy) the issue to him. [12]

d. There is a history of Imam Ahmad that states if Zakat has reached nishab sold or exchanged for new treasures that have reached nishab, then haul treasures both continue calculations first absolute treasure haul, either similar or opposite sex. This opinion dirâjihkan by Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di rahimahullah. He rahimahullah said, "The truth is the opinion of the Shafi'i Imam Ahmad that states that exchange with nishab nishab Zakat Zakat zakat obligation does not preclude the other and did not cut it, either both are similar or opposite sex. Distinction between similar goods and similar no their argument. Essentially there is no difference between the two. Also because of the opinion that if the states decide calculation haul Zakat exchanged with other types of engineering resulting in the opening of the door to avoid zakat. [13]

As a matter of haul goods then the commodity trade is not interrupted haulnya with cause exchanges and trading. [14]

If there is an advantage in that it is a matter of commercial profits haul haul is calculated on the basis of count of capital. Likewise, if an increase in the price of goods, then zakat is required on all its worth and if there is price drop then dizakati value of goods that are applicable to the existing price. [15]

Similarly, some issues surrounding the calculation of zakat Haul may be useful and could be enlightening to the obligatory zakat and amilnya.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 06/Tahun XV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196] ASMA-UL HUSNA

Ustadz Abdullah bin al-Buthoni Taslim, M.A

Talking about the beauty of asthma-ul Husna (names of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala the Most Beautiful) means talking about a perfect kemahaindahan and above all the beauty that can be described and conceived by the human mind.

Why not, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the One mighty beautiful and perfect in all His names and attributes, which is due kemahaindahan and kemahasempurnaan this that no one else being able to limit who deserve praise and adulation for his glory.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam illustrated this in his famous a prayer:

لا أحصي ثناء عليك, أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك

I was not able to count / limit compliments / flattery against you, as you are (praise and flattery) that you designated for Yourself [1]

Then, as the perfection of His attributes are not limited to, as well as praise and adulation for him is not limited to, due praise and adulation that according to the One who praised. Therefore, all praise and flattery addressed to him however many, long lafazhnya and delivered with sincerity, then the glory of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu greater (than the praise and flattery), his power is more noble, the properties of perfection- His larger and more, as well as gifts and His goodness (to His creatures) wider and perfect [2].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has been confirmed in al-Qur `an that no one else in this world creature capable of limiting and write to complete all forms of majesty and beauty of the names and His attributes, however large and the extent of being The. Allah Almighty says:

قل لو كان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي ولو جئنا بمثله مددا

Say: Had it the sea were ink for (writing) the sentences Rabbku, really finished long before the run (written) sentences Rabbku, though We were to bring as much of it (also) [al-Kahfi/18: 109]

In another verse, Allah Jalla Jalaluhu also said:

ولو أنما في الأرض من شجرة أقلام والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر ما نفدت كلمات الله إن الله عزيز حكيم

And if all the trees on earth were pens and the sea (were ink), added to her seven seas (again) after (dry) it, there would be an inexhaustible (written) words of Allah. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise [Luqmân/31: 27]

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said: "(In this verse), Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala preach about the greatness, and the greatness of His glory, and His names are many colors, his attributes will be exalted and sentence- His sentences are perfect maha, who are not able to be covered by anyone (from His creatures), and no one who knows the nature and able to limit (counting) it, as mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ... Then Ibn Kathir rahimahullah hadith mentioned above ... this verse means is if all the trees (existing) made the earth and the sea pen (on earth) used as ink and added another seven seas (like that) with him, to write sentences that Almighty Allah shows the majesty and glory, and (perfection) of his properties, then (surely) will be destroyed and the pens are depleted ocean water (ink) is (while the words of His majesty and glory will not run) " [3].

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه سيجزون ما كانوا يعملون

Belongs only to Allah-lah Asma-ul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to Him with those names, and leave those who deviate (from the truth) in (call and understand) the names- His. Later they would be rewarded for what they have done [al-A'raf / 7:180]

Understanding al-Husna (many colors) in this verse is that kemahaindahannya reach the peak of perfection, because it contains the names of the attributes of perfection that no reproach to her (lack of) one bit from all sides [4].

For example, the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala "al-Hayyu" (The Ever Living), this name contains properties berpermulaan perfection of life that is not and will not expire. These properties contain a perfect life perfection consequence of other properties, such as al-'sciences (all-knowing), al-Qudrah (all powerful / capable), as-Sam'u (maha heard) and al-basharu (all-seeing) .

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

وتوكل على الحي الذي لا يموت

And put thy trust Allah the Most Life (Eternal) and will not die [al-Furqân/25: 58]

Similarly the name of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu "al-'Alîmu" (The All-Knowing), this name contains the perfection of nature of science (knowledge) that is not preceded by ignorance and forgetfulness will not be overwhelmed in the slightest, as Allah Almighty says:

قال علمها عند ربي في كتاب لا يضل ربي ولا ينسى

Moses said: "The knowledge of it is on the side Rabbku in a book, Rabbku (Allâh) will not be wrong and not (also) forgetting" [Thâhâ/20: 52]

His knowledge is vast and includes everything in outline and detail, as his word:

وعنده مفاتح الغيب لا يعلمها إلا هو ويعلم ما في البر والبحر وما تسقط من ورقة إلا يعلمها ولا حبة في ظلمات الأرض ولا رطب ولا يابس إلا في كتاب مبين

And on the one hand Allâh keys of the Unseen; nobody knew except Himself, and He knows what is on land and at sea, and no matter what autumn leaf but He knows it (anyway), and do not fall no seed in the darkness of the earth and not something that is wet or dry, but is written in a Clear Book (Tablet Mahfuz) [al-An `am / 6:59]

Also his name "Al-Rahman" (the Most Merciful), this name contains properties mercy (compassion) vast and perfect, as described by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his words: "Truly Allah is more merciful towards His servants than a mother to her baby boy "[5] [6].

His testimony brought here along with additional information from other scholars.

1. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because each contains praise for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, none of those names that do not contain praise and adulation for him.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Almighty Allah almighty entirely beautiful, nothing at all is not a single name (show) kemahaindahan. Explanation that has passed between his names there are absolutized (set) for him in terms of his actions, such as 'al-Khaliq "(the Creator),' ar-Razzaq '(sustenance Grantor),' al -Muhyi '(Maha turn) and' al-Mumît '(Maha Deadly), this shows that all his actions are merely the good and no evil at all to him ... "[7].

2. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is because these names are not just names alone, but also contains the properties for the perfection of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Then the names of all of them showed the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and each contains the properties for the perfection of His [8].

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Verily, the names of Allah Almighty knows best who is most beautiful is (the names of which indicate the Essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and (once) aushâf (properties perfection to Allah Subhanahu wa Exalted contained the names). His character does not conflict with his name, in contrast to the nature of his creatures (mostly) against their name ... "[9].

3. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names, all these names indicate the properties of perfection and all the properties of the Essence of Allah Almighty is the nature of the most perfect, the most widespread and most noble.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

للذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة مثل السوء ولله المثل الأعلى وهو العزيز الحكيم

People who do not believe in the Hereafter, has a terrible temper, and has properties that Allâh Most High, and He is the Mighty, the Wise [an-Nahl/16: 60]

That is, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has properties that absolute perfection (not limited to) of all terms [10].

4. Including terms that indicate kemahaindahan Beautiful Names is due to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded His servants to pray to him with the names and it is the primary means to draw closer to Him, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta ' love the style of His names, and He loves those who love k such names, as well as those who memorize it, explore the meaning and content of worship Him with consequences that contained the names.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها

Belongs only to Allah Asmaul Husna (the names of the Most Beautiful), then pray to him with the names of the [al-A'raf / 7:180]

What is meant by praying in this paragraph includes two types of prayer, prayer requests and supplications, and prayers of worship and praise [11].

Definition of intercessory prayer (du'âut thalab) is praying to Allah Jalla Jalaluhu name corresponding to the demand that we submit to Him. For example, we pray: "O Allah, forgive me my sins and rahmatilah me, verily You are al-Ghafur (the Forgiving) and ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful)"; "O Allah, accept taubatku, verily You are the at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance) ". "O Allah, bestow lawful sustenance to me, verily You are the ar-Razzaq (Grantor sustenance)".

The prayer of worship is with us to worship Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in accordance with the content of his names are many colors. Concretely, we repent to Him because we know that Allah Almighty is at-Tawwâb (Oft repentance), we dhikr to Him with our oral because we know that Allah Almighty is as-Sami '(All-Hearing) , we do righteous deeds with our limbs knowing that Allah Almighty is al-Bashir (Seer), and so on [12].

Such is a brief description of the beauty of the Beautiful Names, and of course the nature of beauty far above anything that can be described by humans.

Hopefully this article useful for Muslims to help them understand the beauty and perfection of the names and attributes of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, who realize that they can worship Him with truth, because the main foundation of worship, which is love to him, and will not be achieved except by knowing the names and His attributes properly.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Whoever knows Allah Almighty with the names, attributes and His deeds, then he will definitely love him" [13].

Finally, we will close this paper by praying to Almighty Allah with His names are many colors and qualities of His almighty perfect, so he always confer upon us His guidance and taufik to understand and practice the womb of nature His qualities of perfection.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 12/Tahun XIV/1431H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

VERSE FOR toughest Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam

Ustadz Abu Ahmad Said Yai

Allah Almighty says:

فاستقم كما أمرت ومن تاب معك ولا تطغوا إنه بما تعملون بصير

Then keep you (the right way), as commanded, and (also) those who have repented with you. And you do not exceed the limit. Verily He is Most see what you are doing [Hûd/11: 112]

SUMMARY interpretation [1]
(So ​​you keep [the right way]), ie beristiqomahlah you, (as commanded) in his book, ber'aqîdahlah right, and leave the evil deeds solehlah without deviating to the left or to the right and continue in a state meneruslah like it until you die. (And [also] those who have repented with you), that the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam and the believers, so that you get a good reply later in the calculation (Yaumul-reckoning) and the day of Judgement (Yaumul-Jaza ').

(And do not you exceed the limits), with exaggeration of the limits set by Allah Almighty, both in faith and charity.

(Verily, He doth see what you are doing) He (Allah Almighty) will never neglect to what you are doing and know everything Maha-hide a hidden, though not visible in the sight of men.

VERSE BY toughest Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
The above mentioned verses which, according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam very hard to implement.

Ibn 'Abbas radi anhuma said:

ما نزل على رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - آية هي أشد ولا أشق من هذه الآية عليه, ولذلك قال لأصحابه حين قالوا له: لقد أسرع إليك الشيب! فقال: شيبتني هود وأخواتها

There is not a single verse that was revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam heavier and more difficult than this paragraph. Therefore, when he asked, 'How quickly you gray', he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to his companions,' Who has made me gray is the HUD letter and letters semisalnya [2]

WHY ARE CONSIDERED VERY HEAVY VERSES BY Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam?
Because in that paragraph contains commands for beristiqomah. Actually like what that meant istiqomah, so the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam to feel very heavy when get the order? This is what the discussion of this article, and I add it to the causes in order to beristiqomah, the easiest way to beristiqomah, the things that can damage and block the attitudes and virtues istiqomah beristiqomah people.

Weighing beristiqomah command can be understood by some scholars following definitions:

1. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radi 'anhu when interpreting (tsummas-taqâmû): "Do not commit shirk against Allah Almighty with all whatsoever." [3]

2. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi' anhu: "constancy is straight on obedience (execute command) and away from the ban, and do not turn (to the left and to the right) as beloknya wolf." [4]

3. Abul-Qasim al-Qushayri rahimahullah: "constancy is a degree that with all matters (religion) to be perfect and we will get her goodness and order." [5]

4. An-Nawawi rahimahullah: "Straight in the obedience to diwafatkan with such circumstances." [6]

5. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali rahimahullah: "Stepping on the straight path, that is the right religion, without any twist to the right and to the left. This includes working with whole act obedient, inwardly and outwardly, and leave the whole ban like that anyway. "[7]

From the definitions (concepts) above we can draw the conclusion that the essence istiqâmah include the following:

1. Mentauhidkan Almighty Allah and do not commit shirk
2. Walking in the truth (religion of truth).
3. Execute all commands, whether mandatory or the Sunnah, inwardly and outwardly.
4. Leaving all prohibitions, both are unclean and are makruh.
5. Working regularly in obedience.
6. Constantly in a state like that, do not turn to the right or to the left until his death.

And once again for emphasis, evident hard and weighs beristiqomah manifested by obedience to Allah Almighty continuously, whereas humans have ups and downs faith and face a variety of potential libel very worldly spirit beristiqomah fade.

Primacy of person who can air-istiqâmah very much at all. However, in general the virtues listed in the following three paragraphs:

إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون) 30 (نحن أولياؤكم في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ولكم فيها ما تشتهي أنفسكم ولكم فيها ما تدعون) 31 (نزلا من غفور رحيم

Indeed, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah" and then they confirmed their establishment (air-istiqâmah), then the angels will descend upon them, saying: "Do not be afraid and do not feel sad, and announce to them the promised Jannah by Allah to you. We are the protectors in the life of this world and the Hereafter; within it you will have what you want and getting (too) in it what you are asking. As an entree (you) from (Rabb) is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful [ Fushshilat/41 :30-32]

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said [8], "... Therefore, the religion (Islam) are all contained in the word of Allâh [9]: {فاستقم كما أمرت} and
His words [10]: {إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون}

Really great virtue istiqomah!

Someone could air-istiqâmah for reasons as follows:

1. Taufik and Hidayah from Allah Azza Wa Jalla
This is why the most important. Almighty Allah says, which means:

فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء

Whoever wants Allah will give him guidance, He will vacate his chest to Islam. And whoever desired by Allah astray, surely Allah will make a narrow chest tightness again, as if he were climbing the sky [al-An `am / 6:125]

Therefore, as much as possible we do things that are loved by Allah Almighty so that Allah Almighty gave taufik and hidayahnya to us.

2. Prayer
Almighty Allah granted the prayer of His servants. Therefore, if someone wants istiqomah, then it must be a lot of pleading to Allah Almighty in order to become a Mustaqim (who beristiqomah). Allah Almighty says:

وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان

And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I grant the request of a person who prays when he pleaded with me [al-Baqarah / 2: 186]

3. Following Manhaj Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah
Ikhlash and diligent prayer intentions alone are not enough to be beristiqomah. Someone who wants air-istiqâmah must walk the path of truth. Otherwise, it's useless to him beristiqomah error it will be menjerumuskannya into the fires of hell. Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah preach that there is only one group that always carry the truth, as the words he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا تزال طائفة من أمتى ظاهرين على الحق لا يضرهم من خذلهم حتى يأتى أمر الله وهم كذلك

There is always a group of people among my nation who always seemed to truth. People who do not heed them can not give harm to come to them and their cases remain with Allâh truth [11]

4. Perform frequent Muhâsabatun process nafs (self-reflective)
People who want beristiqomah must often run muhasabatun process nafs. If someone is not aware of the nature of what it does in the form of goodness and sin, then he will not want to change. The more a person introspection, so the more he will realize that the good deeds that he did not yet how and the sin which does so much already and reams.

'Umar anhu said:

حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن تحاسبوا وزنوا أنفسكم قبل أن توزنوا, فإنه أهون عليكم في الحساب غدا, أن تحاسبوا أنفسكم اليوم

Introspeksilah self-yourselves, before later you indicated your deeds-deeds (in the calculations)! Weigh-weigh yourself, before you guys later weighed (in the mizan / weighing charity)! Indeed, at this time of introspection easier than later indicated deeds-deeds (in the Reckoning). "[12]

5. Working Deeds Good Deeds After Working Poor
One reason for the arrival of istiqomah accompany all evil / evil / sin with good deeds. For example, if someone ever steals, then he has to repent and return the loot it, then multiply alms. Hopefully with the charity, his sins can be forgiven by Allah Almighty says:

إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات

Indeed good deeds was abolished (sin) bad deeds
[Hûd/11: 114]

6. Leaving no deeds-deeds Kindness Done That Already Ordinary
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallampernah denounce people who never worship with certain deeds then that person left, as explained in the following hadith:

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص - رضى الله عنهما - قال: قال لي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: يا عبد الله لا تكن مثل فلان كان يقوم الليل فترك قيام الليل.

It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn' Amr ibn al-'Ash anhu that the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamberkata to me, "O' Abdullah! Do you like So and so (John Doe), the night before he made his prayers and then he left. "[13]

Should be noted, that the claim is being worked on sustainability in a practice, even though it is a little practice, not quantity.

Istiqomah a case which is not easily achieved. To reach it, run mujâhadatun-nafs can not be negotiable. Because it plays an important role in the formation of personality that always istiqomah. Mujâhadatun-nafs is the process of forcing, train themselves and fight tooth and nail so that the soul can always be submissive and obedient to the law. Mujâhadatun-nafs should be done with attention to the following matters:

1. Should Determined To Transform Yourself Strong (al-'Azm) and sole trust To Allah Azza Wa Jalla
Without strong determination, to-istiqâmah's not going to be achieved. Allah Almighty says:

فإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله إن الله يحب المتوكلين

Then when you've made up my mind, then put thy trust in Allah. Truly Allah loves those who sole trust in Him (Surah Ali 'Imran / 2:159)

2. And Allah loves His Messenger Exceed Everything
One way to foster beristiqomah determination is to constantly look for reasons to be loved Almighty Allah and His Messenger n on top of everything. - Istiqomah keimananan is closely associated with a person. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

ثلاث من كن فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان: أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما, وأن يحب المرء لا يحبه إلا لله, وأن يكره أن يعود في الكفر كما يكره أن يقذف في النار

There are three things that if those three things are on someone, then he will taste the sweetness of faith, namely: making love to Allah and His Messenger more than his love for everything other than them, loving someone who she does not love him except for Allah and hate for the re- to kufr as hatred if he is thrown into the fire [14]

With a love which, as mentioned above, then the person will continue to spur himself to be air-istiqâmah.

3. Set the Time and Daily Activities As well, as dense and effectively as possible
A person who wants beristiqomah should really make a schedule of activities for each day, each week, each month and each year. For daily activities, for example: when trying to train yourself for night prayer (Tahajjud), then he should try to sleep early (not long after 'Isha') and set the alarm clock or the like to be able to wake him up in the last third of the night.

For each week of activities, for example, targeting every week there was one day where he had to make themselves available for berinfak to all people, help others and neighbors.

For annual events, such as getting used to beri'tikâf in the last ten days of Ramadan, so she had been planning a holiday (vacation) from all its activities.

4. As good as the implementing Worship-Worship Worship Maybe As If Such Is The Last Kali Worship And Dying Will Pick
People who want beristiqomah should familiarize yourself when working on a particular worship, he imagined that as if he was not going to live much longer, so he will be really serious in improving the quality of worship and worship.

5. On the practice was introspective self-abandonment of the practice was Good That Has And Against Poor deeds-deeds he had done.
After installing targets worship and deeds-deeds, introspection is needed every day. This is done so that a person can improve himself.

6. In a co-share of Da'wah
After Allah Almighty says in the primacy of the person beristiqomah Fushshilat letter that has been set out by the above, Almighty Allah praised those who preach. Allah Almighty says:

ومن أحسن قولا ممن دعا إلى الله وعمل صالحا وقال إنني من المسلمين

Who better words than those who call to Allah, works righteousness, and says: 'Behold, I am among those who surrender themselves.'? [Fushshilat/42: 33]

This suggests there are close links between achievement istiqomah with preaching.

6. Train Yourself To Be patient willingly And Curb Lust For Years and Years
To be beristiqomah not easy. We must be willing to curb our desires and keep bermujâhadah nasu for years. Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir rahimahullah said:

كابدت نفسي أربعين سنة حتى استقمت

I curb my soul for forty years before I could beristiqomah [15]

1. Devil
Allah Almighty says:

قال فبما أغويتني لأقعدن لهم صراطك المستقيم

He said: 'Because You have punished me astray, I really would (hinder) them from the straight path [al-A'raf / 7:16 AM]

2. HawaNafsu
3. Weak Intention To Change
4. Society And The Broken Family And Islam Which Foreign Considered
Communities and families are broken / bad can hinder a person to be air-istiqâmah. Someone who wants to repent and want beristiqomah often feel bad if menyelisihi people or families are broken.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamtelah preach that Islam in the end times will look familiar in his saying:

بدأ الإسلام غريبا وسيعود كما بدأ غريبا فطوبى للغرباء

Islam appeared in the foreign state and will return as the emergence foreign. Therefore, the lucky ones who alienated [16]

And also the word he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam following:

((طوبى للغرباء)), فقيل: من الغرباء يا رسول الله? قال: ((أناس صالحون في أناس سوء كثير, من يعصيهم أكثر ممن يطيعهم)).

Fortunately for those unfamiliar. He was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?" He also said, "(They are) the righteous people among those ugly / damaged that (number) a lot. People who menyelisihi them more than those who obey him. "

Therefore, if one wants to practice Islam and beristiqamah, definitely will look familiar. For instance veil, Salaf generation do not disagree that the veil is prescribed in Islam, veiled women are not more than veiled Afdhal and the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam required to wear veils. In the current era, the veil is very visible foreigner, even the most ordinary people / not knowledgeable identified it with terrorism. Worse, some people considered knowledgeable in the society issued a similar statement.

5. The Full Period Defamation Different With Age Salaf
The times in which we live today is very different from the Salaf generation times beforehand. At this time, Muslims will get a huge slander. If someone wants to stay away, slander is exactly what is coming to him. It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallambersabda:

يأتي على الناس زمان الصابر فيهم على دينه كالقابض على الجمر

People will come to a time, (when it's) a patient person practice their faith in them as a person who holds coals [18] [19]

6. The Absence Frequently Advising
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamselalu giving advice and guidance to his companions, so that Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

وإنك لتهدي إلى صراط مستقيم

And indeed you actually gave guidance to the straight path [asy-Syûrâ/42: 52]

The absence of an adviser in an area then it is a huge disaster and can hinder a person to beristiqomah. Therefore, the reader should be reminded that in the region are not (yet) exist in Islamic studies that is authentic to immediately bring the adviser, or go to studies or by other means in order to always listen to the advice of the good that can soothe and strengthen the soul on the truth.

7. Many Involved In World Affairs
Many involved with the affairs of the world also may block all istiqâmah's. Allah Almighty says:

وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور

And the life of this world is nothing but pleasure wile [Ali 'Imran / 3:85]

8. The Ugly Friend
There is no doubt that the ugly friend who is very influential on one's personality. Therefore, choose a good and pious friends who can invite us to be beristiqomah.

9. For People Who says fear Saleh, Alim, Obey Or semisalnya
It can also hinder a person to beristiqomah, especially those who have a high sense of shame. Public comment need not be good in order to praise or booing. It was all a test. Oang truly loves Allah Almighty, I will ignore it.

10. Discouragement With Grace And Forgiveness of Allah Azza Wa Jalla So Do Not Want to Repent
People who wallow in sin, usually terbesik in his heart, "How can I become an air-istiqâmah, while I was wallowing in sin and hardly any kindness I've ever done?" Behold, Almighty Allah is Forgiving and receive repentance servants. Almighty Allah says, which means:

قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم) 53 (وأنيبوا إلى ربكم وأسلموا له من قبل أن يأتيكم العذاب ثم لا تنصرون

Say: "O My servants who go beyond the limits of themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Verily Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (54) And ye returned to your Lord and submit to Him am left before coming doom to you then you can not be helped (again) [az-Zumar/39 :53-54]

1. Verse according to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallamsangat heavy to be implemented is the paragraph that contains the command to beristiqomah the HUD letter.
2. Istiqomah essence include the following: the truth is, execute all orders, leaving all the restrictions, regularly in obedience and sustainability with such circumstances until the end of life.
3. Someone who wants to have to beristiqomah ways to deliver him.
4. Mujâhadatun nafs, was instrumental in achieving istiqomah
5. Many factors interfere with a Muslim for beristiqomah. Therefore, a believer away from him as much as possible.
6. People who achieve degrees istiqomah will be rewarded very large, as already mentioned. Allah knows best

May Allah Almighty help us achieve istiqomah favor till his death later. Amen.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 09/Tahun XIV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc,

Implement the zakat fithri period has passed with the passing of the month of Ramadan. May the Almighty Allah accept our deeds are done for the month. But besides Zakat ul-Fitr, there is still another charity to be done by the Muslims who are already qualified the zakat mal (wealth zakat). Zakat is different from the zakat fithri of the execution time, because zakat is not tied to a particular time, means it can be done in every month as long as the conditions are met. Then, if the conditions that must be met? The scholars set out five conditions, namely:

1. Islam.
Zakat mal is taken from the Muslims only and is not taken and not accepted from the infidels [1], both pagan and infidel dhimmi harbi, because Allah Almighty says:

وما منعهم أن تقبل منهم نفقاتهم إلا أنهم كفروا بالله وبرسوله ولا يأتون الصلاة إلا وهم كسالى ولا ينفقون إلا وهم كارهون

And nothing prevents them to be accepted from them a living-a living but because they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger and they are not to pray, but to lazy and not (also) spend (treasure) they, but unwillingly. [At-Tawbah / 9:54].

This is also supported by the message the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when Allaah sent Mu'adh bin Jabal to Yemen to mendakwahi anhu them to embrace Islam first. If already embraced Islam, only then, they were ordered to pay zakat. Thus it is clear that Islam is a mandatory requirement of zakat. [See above Raudh Hâsyiah Ibn Qasim al-Murbi ', 3/166].

2. Merdeka.
Zakat is not charged to the mall slave, because he does not own property. All his property is a treasure employer or master. Based on the hadith Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khathab radi anhuma, he said:

N يقول سمعت رسول الله: من ابتاع نخلا بعد أن تؤبر فثمرتها للبائع إلا أن يشترط المبتاع, ومن ابتاع عبدا وله مال فماله للذي باعه إلا أن يشترط المبتاع

I have heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Those who buy palm tree after breeding the fruit belongs to the seller unless the buyer require it. Anyone who bought a slave who own property then owned his property the seller unless the buyer require it. [Agreed upon].

This is also corroborated by the statement of Ibn Umar anhuma friend:

ليس في مال العبد زكاة حتى يعتق

There is no obligation of zakat on the property of a slave until he was freed. [2]

3. Have nishab
A Muslim is obliged to pay zakat mal independence, if it has reached nishab treasure. Nishab is a standard size (minimal) set Shari'a be liable for zakat. Nishab varies according to the type of property.

This requirement inferred from the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi' anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

ليس فيما دون خمسة أوسق صدقة ولا فيما دون خمس ذود صدقة, ولا فيما دون خمس أواقي صدقة

There is no zakat (to property) that do not reach five wasaq; Also on the property are not achieving five male camels; And that does not reach five auqiyah [Agreed upon]

If a Muslim does not have the property that reaches nishab then not required to tithe.

4. The property belonged to him in full
That is, the property is owned in full by someone [3] so that it is free to manage and there is no relationship with the rights of others. [4]

Thus, there is no obligation of zakat on wealth gentleman who still owes or has not submitted his slaves to free themselves, because there is still treasure belongs to master fully.

Likewise not required zakat on waqf property is not given to certain individuals, such as waqf property to the poor or to mosques or schools. While endowments are given to certain individuals such as family waqf for so and so and he remains subject to the obligation of zakat for fulfilling the other criteria. [5]

5. Passed a year
This requirement is set based on the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the hadith' A'isha radi anhuma which reads:

سمعت رسول الله n يقول: لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

I have heard the Messenger of Allah said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR. Ibn Majah rahimahullah, no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

Also hadith Ali radi 'anhu which reads:

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ليس في مال زكاة حتى يحول عليه الحول

Narrated the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said, "There is no zakat on the property until the property was passed a year [HR Abu Dawud no. 1571 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Daud 1/346].

Similarly, in the hadith of Ibn Umar anhuma, radi anhuma he said:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من استفاد مالا فلا زكاة عليه حتى يحول عليه الحول

Prophet said, "Whoever does not make use of the property until the property is no zakat it was passed a year" [HR at-Tirmidhi in his Sunan vol no. 631 and dishahihkan al-Albani rahimahullah in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 1/348].

The point is that there is no zakat on the property until ownership of the property was passed for twelve months. If a year has passed since the early days of ownership, then he must issue of who owned the zakat.

This requirement only applies to three types of property, ie livestock grazing, gold and silver (atsmân) and zakat goods trade. [6]

Thus there are some who are not required Zakat perfect year, namely:

a. al-Mu'asyar the treasures that required him 10% or 5%. This Zakat on agriculture and plantations; since zakat is required when harvesting, although not until a year. This is based on the word of Almighty Allah:

كلوا من ثمره إذا أثمر وآتوا حقه يوم حصاده

Eat of the fruit (a variety of it) when they bear fruit and pay their due on harvest day (with the wherewithal to the poor); [al-'An `am / 6:141].

b. Children of farm animals [7] because haul (one year size) for the children of farm animals that follow the count haul parent. Children's farm animals counted in zakat although not yet reached the age of one year if the parent has reached nishab.

For example one has forty goats. Then in a year, each goat is giving birth to two tails except for one who gave birth to three tails. Thus, the overall number is 121 tail consisting of 40 plus 81 breeding young goats. Zakat means to be incurred are two goats, 81 goats despite the less than one year.

Another example: one has 120 goats, should have issued compulsory zakat is 2 goats, but a month before the perfect haulnya, 100 goats born so late in the year (when perfectly haul) totaling 220 tails. In this case he must issue 3 goats, although that has not reached the age of 100 birds a year.

If the parent-parent nishab not reached, then the birth parent-parent their children so as to achieve nishab. That's when it reaches the beginning haulnya nishab. For example, one has thirty goats and the goats gave birth to ten head, then haul the goats count since even forty goats.

c. Capital gains from the trade has been reached and passed one year nishab. Suppose, one has reached nishab and used the money to trade and make a profit. Then all the treasure, capital and profits hit by compulsory zakat, even though the benefits have not reached a year.

For example, a start up business with a capital of 30 million in Muharram 1431 AH, while nishab for commercial property is 85 grams of gold and 1 gram gold price is Rp 350,000; thus 85 X 350,000 = 29.75 million. Later in the month of Muharram, he got a profit of Rp. 3,000,000; in the month of Safar Rp. 2,000,000, and so on, so that in the month of Muharram 1432 H total capital plus profit is Rp. 75,000,000; Then the obligatory zakat is 2.5% of the issued Rp. 75,000,000; namely Rp. 1,875,000.

If capital is not reached then nishab benefit until reaching nishab, then the count starts counting since nishab haulnya perfect.

d. Rikaz or treasure is the treasure trove that is a legacy of ignorance or days of yore. This property is gathered when the item was found. This is based on words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

في الركاز الخمس

At no zakat treasure fifth (20%). [Agreed upon].

Also because the existence resemble fruits and seeds out of the ground. So that when required to get it

e. Mine (al-mi'dan) are all issued from the earth in the form of goods other than land made in the ground and worth, such as iron, gemstones (al-Yaqut), Aqiq stone, asphalt, petroleum and other called minerals. If a mine and get the goods reach nishab, then it is obligatory zakat accomplished directly when get it. Not treated and is gathered until cleared. Zakat is 2.5%. [9]

Imam al-Khiraqi stated, "If the material removed from the mines of gold or silver mitsqal number twenty two hundred dirhams or the worth of zinc (Zenk), lead, brass or otherwise of the excavated (exploitation) of the earth, then zakat diwaktunya required. [10]

Haul disconnected or has failed with the following causes:
1. If nishab diminished amid years before the perfect haul, then terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats and perfect before a year is reduced, then it is not mandatory menzakati rest. Because of the nishab in a year is a mandatory requirement of zakat.

2. When selling a portion of nishabnya provided that:
a. Payer is not similar
b. Not because of fear of zakat
c. The property is not included traded goods.

If these conditions are met, then he is not required to tithe. For Example, a 40 goats have perfect a year ago before he sold two goats with the money for 2 million Euro is not out of fear issuing charity. The goat is also not prepared to be traded. Then terputuslah haulnya.

3. If the property is already in nishab replaced with other types amid not haul it to avoid zakat obligation terputuslah haul. For example, one has 40 goats nishab period a year ago before he was replaced by the camel or cow. Then haul their zakat and start new again interrupted by camel or cow haul it starts on the turn when it reaches camels and cows nishab.

But when he sold part with similar nishabnya then haulnya uninterrupted. For example, a gold necklace has amounted nishab (85 grams) amounted to 5 pieces of fruit and then sold two gold bracelets and exchanged with the whole weight of the haul is 85 grams of gold bracelets that come haul gold necklace. So when he had the gold senishab on 1 Ramadhan 1431 H, then he exchange with the bracelet on the 6th of Rajab 1432 H. Then continue to pay their zakat as a whole on the 1st of Ramadan 1432 H.

Indeed, the problem of the exchange has reached Zakat Zakat nishab with others who are also good senishab regular exchange or buying and selling there is a difference of opinion of the scholars. Differences of opinion are explained below:

a. If the property is sold or exchanged with others who also have reached similar nishab or more, then haulnya nishab calculated based on the first, so it may still be liable if the perfect dizakati year (haul). This is the opinion of Imam Malik and Ahmad. This opinion is in line with the opinion of the imam Abu Hînifah valuables (al-atsmaan). Whereas in the commodity trade haulnya not cut off entirely with the exchange and purchase.

b. If Zakat has reached nishab bartered or sold with other types of Zakat has also reached nishab or more, then terputuslah calculations of the Zakat haul first and starts a new count of haul for the second Zakat; Unless the gold with silver or vice versa, there history of the two schools of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. The first opinion states uninterrupted dirâjihkan haulnya and this is what the writer of Zâdul Mustaqni ', ddan silver because gold is the same property that such a property. Second opinions expressed haulnya disconnected and not equated between the gold and silver, as both types are different, as presented Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

الذهب بالذهب والفضة بالفضة والبر بالبر والشعير بالشعير والتمر بالتمر والملح بالملح مثلا بمثل سواء بسواء يدا بيد فإذا اختلفت هذه الأصناف فبيعوا كيف شئتم إذا كان يدا بيد

Gold exchange gold, silver for silver, barley by barley, wheat and oats with dates with dates and salt by salt should be equal and cash. If the types are different then at will sell you the cash requirement. [HR. Muslim, no. 1587].

This keduan opinion dirâjihkan Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in Syarhul Mumti '6/44.

c. While Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah argues, haul the treasure that has been reached nishab not combined with another treasure haul at all. He based his opinion with the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول

There is no zakat on wealth until a year passes [HR. Ibn Majah no. 1792 and classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah 2/98].

This opinion is different from Ibn Qudamah vol. He rahimahullah said, "Our opinion is a treasure that has reached nishab haul coupled with growing wealth in a matter Haul, so haul similar replacement built on the haul, the same as commercial commodities. Hadith ditas devoted to the growth, yield gains and commodity goods trade. so we qiaskan (analogy) the issue to him. [12]

d. There is a history of Imam Ahmad that states if Zakat has reached nishab sold or exchanged for new treasures that have reached nishab, then haul treasures both continue calculations first absolute treasure haul, either similar or opposite sex. This opinion dirâjihkan by Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di rahimahullah. He rahimahullah said, "The truth is the opinion of the Shafi'i Imam Ahmad that states that exchange with nishab nishab Zakat Zakat zakat obligation does not preclude the other and did not cut it, either both are similar or opposite sex. Distinction between similar goods and similar no their argument. Essentially there is no difference between the two. Also because of the opinion that if the states decide calculation haul Zakat exchanged with other types of engineering resulting in the opening of the door to avoid zakat. [13]

As a matter of haul goods then the commodity trade is not interrupted haulnya with cause exchanges and trading. [14]

If there is an advantage in that it is a matter of commercial profits haul haul is calculated on the basis of count of capital. Likewise, if an increase in the price of goods, then zakat is required on all its worth and if there is price drop then dizakati value of goods that are applicable to the existing price. [15]

Similarly, some issues surrounding the calculation of zakat Haul may be useful and could be enlightening to the obligatory zakat and amilnya.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 06/Tahun XV/1432H/2011. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

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