Tuesday, July 2, 2013



By Ustadz Abu Olaya Lc

Allah Almighty preserve and keep faith with the people who bring religion mentajdid Him and keep atsar-atsar His Messenger and hoist the banner of Sunnah. He has determined that the selected beings 'uduul, which turn the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, defend and spread it among the people. Them into lamps that illuminate the road race, and illuminate the hearts of the Mslimin with the inherited knowledge, counsel submitted, noble character who practiced, and worship are occupied.
About the virtues of Ulama, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said in Muqaddimah book about the biography of Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah entitled Tawali at-Ta `sis li Ma'ali Muhammad ibn Idris (hlm.25):" Praise be to Allah Almighty which has made stars of the sky as a guide for people who confused direction on land and sea because of the dark night, and made stars of the earth - that the scholars - jahl hint of darkness (ignorance), and put most of them in the upper part another in pemahanan level and intelligence, as He Almighty priority in most of the other stars in the beauty and brightness of the light ". [Excerpt from al-Imâmu al-Albani wa durûs mawâqif wa 'Ibar, Shaykh Abdul Aziz as-Sadhan p. 8]
The exposure history of the clergy was very beneficial for generations to come later so as to imitate the figures of people. Ibn Khalikân rahimahullah said in al-A'yân Wafayâtu (1/20): "I mentioned (biography) number of people that I see and I quote them directly about their news, or the people who live in my time, but I do not had met their goal for the people (generations) who come after me can find (good) their condition ". [Excerpt from al-Albani wa durûs mawâqif wa 'Ibar hlm.7]
Thus, to know tarjamah (biography) of the Ulama very useful for the people, especially the thullâbul 'ilmi. When a Muslim examine those biographies of glory, knowledge that will help straighten out his life and at the same way as material deficiencies introspection to find out on her own. Through the history books that the scholars have been living and present in the present because one can hang out and explore their lives. who had gone displayed again, as stated by Imam al-Sakhawi rahimahullah said:
من ورخ مؤمنا فكأنما أحياه
"He who writes the history of a believer, as if he were turning it (back to reality)" [Snippet of Prolegomena Adhwâul Bayan, 'Salim Athiyyah p. Xii]
Commander of the Faithful lineage FIELD HADITS Field that deserves great attention and tercurahkannya all her abilities - after the Book of Allah - is the hadiths the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, security safe from straying obtained by preserving and maintaining the Qur'aan and Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as spoken Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:
تركت فيكم ما إن تمسكتم به لن تضلوا بعدي كتاب الله وسنتي
I leave in the middle of you if you held it will not get lost, the Book of Allah and my Sunnah [HR. al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak 1/93 from Abu Hurairah and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Saheeh al-Jami Shahîhah no.1761 and '1/39]
Among the more prominent leading figure in the field of science with khidmahnya hadith, that Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ismail commonly known as Imam al-Bukhari. A very well known name in the history of Islam, especially by the men and women working in the field of science of hadith.
He is the son of Muhammad ibn Isma'il ibn Ibrahim ibn Mughirah Bardizbah. Born in Bukhara after Friday prayers, precisely on 13 Shawwal 194 H. Imam al-Bukhari's father, a devout and wara ', had learned from Imam Malik rahimahullah and met Hammad ibn Zayd and Ibn Mubarak. But God willed mewafatkannya Imam al-Bukhari was a child. Because of that, he grew up in the care of the mother and tarbiyah.
In the childhood, Muhammad bin Ismail had suffered blindness One night, she dreamed of seeing the Ibrahim al-Khalil Alaihissallam and said to his mother, "Dear woman, Allâh has restored sight to your son because you cry a lot (a lot of prayer)". In the morning, seeing her son return to normal [1]
PHYSICAL FORM OF IMAM AL-BUKHARI Imam Ibn 'Adi rahimahullah said,' I've heard Hasan ibn Husayn al-Bazzaz said, 'I saw Muhammad bin Ismail lean man, not tall and not (too) short'. [2]
SINCE LEARNING young Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullah start early scientific journey. He had memorized the Qur `an as a child as well. This is one of the factors that led to his
Almighty Allah Muhammad ibn Isma'il inspire the young to please memorize hadeeth the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullah narrates, "I was given inspiration to memorize the hadith since I was in the madrassa. At that time, I was about 10 years, until I got out of the madrassa at the age of 10 years. I started learning to ad-Daakhili and other scholars. One time, he read a hadith in front of the people (with the chain of transmission from) Sufyan, from Abu Zubayr from Ibrahim ... So I said to him, "Verily Abu Zubair is not narrated (the hadith) of Ibrahim". He also menghardikku. Then I say, "Try again examine the original book". He entered the house and examine the back, then came out and asked, "What about the explanation, O young man?". I replied, "(The meaning) is Zubair bin 'Adi from Ibrahiim ..". He then took my pen and correcting his book, and said, "You're right". Abu 'Abdillah also never tells, "I've learned to Marv jurists. At that time I was a child. If I come to attend majlis them, I'm ashamed to say hello to them. One of them asked me, "How many (hadith) to whom you write?". I replied, "Two (hadith)". The people who attended were laughing. Then one of the sheikh said, "Do not laugh. It may be that one day he just laughs at you ".
Thus the picture of scientific talent has been apparent. At age 16, he had memorized the book written by Imam Waki ​​'and Ibn al-Mubarak. Then at the age of 17 years, he has been appointed by one of his teachers Muhammad bin Salam al-Biikandi for correcting essay-writing.
With my mother and brother, at the age of 18 years, Muhammad ibn Isma'il go on the pilgrimage to Mecca. He remained in the holy city to continue studying the hadith with the scholars there, while his family home.
Studying TEACHERS WITH MORE THAN A THOUSAND First, Imam al-Bukhari gain knowledge of local Ulama. He studied to Muhammad bin Salam al-Biikandi, Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ja'far al-Ju'fi Yamaan al-Musnidi, and other scholars. Subsequently, he left his hometown and came to many of the city to wander deepen the science of hadith.
City of Balkh, Naisabur, Ray, Baghdad, Basra, Kufa, Mecca, Medina, Egypt, Sham, he went in search of and coming to Shaykh-Shaykh qualified in the field of hadith. Inevitably, the sheikh (teacher) he also numbered many, even he himself expressed it, "I'm writing (history) more than a thousand sheikhs. Every sheikh From that, I wrote a history of ten thousand or more. Hadith is not no me but me sanadnya mentioned (too) ". [View as-Siyar: 12/407, al-Bidayah 11/22]
Before he died, Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullah once said, "I have written (hadith) of 1080 people. Everything is ahlul hadith. They all believe, 'Faith is qaul and charity, berrtambah and reduced'. [As-Siyar: 12/395]
He entered the city of Baghdad to eight times. And each entered, he met and gathered by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Imam Ahmad advise him to settle in Baghdad alone, not in Khurasan.
Among the big names cleric who became his teacher: Imam Ishaq bin Rahuyah, Imam Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Firyaabi, Imam Abu Fadl bin Nu'aim Dukain, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam 'Ali ibn al-Madeeni, Imam Yahya ibn Ma' in, Imam of Abraham ibn Makki al-Balkhi, Abdaan bi Utsmaan, Imam an-Nabiil Abu Asim, Muhammad bin 'ISAA ath-Thabbaa', Khalid ibn Yazid al-Muqri `disciple of Imam Hamzah, and many more. [3]
Not surprisingly, the number of his teachers very much. It seems that a large number of teachers is due to two factors: (1) Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullah lmiahnya since he embarked on a journey, and (2) Many of the city that he went for such a noble purpose.
POWER OF IMAM AL-BUKHARI rote Strength rote Imam al-Bukhari by the scholars already terakui in his time. Even many who expressed that he instantly memorize a book just by reading it just once.
Hasyid bin Isma'il once told, "Once Abu 'Abdillah together we went to the teachers Basrah. At that time he was still young, and does not (seem) a record of what has been heard. It lasted a few days. We also asked him, "You are with us listen hadith, without a note. What do you do exactly?. Sixteen days later, Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullah finally replied, 'You have often asked and urged me. Try to show what you have written '. So we put out what we had that amount to more than 15 thousand hadith. Furthermore, he mentions entirely by rote, until we fix our notes through memory. Then he said, "Do you think I do with you just play alone and wasting my days?" So, we were aware, there was no one who surpass them '. [4]
Rote greatness when he also seemed to hear the coming of Baghdad cleric Abu 'Abdillah into their town. Deliberately, they were preparing one hundred hadith and then swap and change and sanadnya honor. They exchanged matan a sanad with another hadith texts, and vice versa. Every person holding ten hadith that will be thrown into Abu 'Abd as material strength test memory.
The people had gathered in the majlis. The first person asked Imam al-Bukhari hadith ten he had one by one. Whenever asked, Imam al-Bukhari said, until the tenth hadith, "I know knew him (the hadith with sanad mentioned). The scholars who attended were each turned to the other and said, "This man (really) understand". While people who do not know the purpose of assessing the majlis was held Imam al-Bukhari as weak memory.
And there came forth two people, doing the same thing. And each time listening to one hadith, he commented the same, "I do not know". Further appear until the final third person. And his comments were nothing more than saying, "I do not know".
After all finished delivering his sayings, Imam al-Bukhari turned to the first man as he straightened, "the first Haditsmu properly so, that the two should therefore, that all three should be so, to justify the tenth hadith. Each hadith he united with honor-matannya correct. He did the same thing to the 'examiners' other until the last man. Eventually, people even really acknowledge the greatness of his recitation. [5]
In Samarkand, he also faced the same thing. Four hundred hadith scholars to examine his hadiths sanad-sanad and name Rijal (the narrator) who was confused, placing sanad resident population sanad Syam into Iraq, put not on sanadnya Matan hadith. Then, they read the hadiths plus sanad-sanadnya already mixed this in front of Imam al-Bukhari vol. Deftly, he corrects all the sanad and the hadith and hadith to unite every sanadnya correct. The cleric who witnessed it, was not able to find an error in honor of laying and positioning of the narrators. [View as-Siyar 12/411, al-Bidayah 11/22]
The two events are very reasonably be clues to the strength and robustness of the memory of Imam al-Bukhari, because without the slightest preparation and does not know what he would encounter, it turns out he was able to pass the 'test' is.
Abu Ja'far Abu Abdillah once asked, "Have you memorized the entire (history) that you include in your book?". "There is nothing vague on (rote) my whole". [As-Siyar: 12/403]
Abu Abdillah had told me about him, "(One time) I remember Anas students. In an instant 300 conceived in my mind ".
About how to produce a good memory, he did not see any food or beverages should be consumed one to strengthen memory. He says: لا أعلم شيئا أنفع للحفظ من نهمة الرجل ومداومة النظر
I do not know anything more rewarding (reinforcing) rote rather than a strong desire someone and often studying (writing) '[6]
HOW MANY ARE Beliu HADITHs HAFALKAN Title Commander of the Faithful in the field of hadith attached to Imam al-Bukhari background will certainly depth mastery - which outperformed the other-the hadith and the sciences related thereto; understanding, memorizing and intricacies related degrees rijâlul hadith (the narrators ). Many aspects of his recitation of the hadith was certainly very prominent. This has been recognized and is told by his disciples and other scholars.
So much that he memorized hadeeth, Imam Al-Fallas t to say, "Every hadith which is not known by al-Bukhari hadeeth rahimahullahbukanlah". [7]
Not only that his hadeeth just memorize, hadith-hadith are not authentic he is also a concern. Rahimahullahpernah Imam al-Bukhari said, "I memorized one hundred thousand authentic hadith and two hundred thousand hadith are not authentic". [8]
BETWEEN SCIENCE AND CHARITY Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullahjuga be exemplary in morals as a form of worship and practice of science. Every night, he made his prayers the night as many as 13 cycles, and every night in the month of Ramadan, he mengkhatamkan reading al-Qur `an. He berinfak and charity in the afternoon and evening. He was known as a brave, forgiving, charitable lot, noble character, ascetic of the world and be careful in speaking. Including during Jarh, he used the phrase subtle to assess narrators problematic or weak degree.
Rahimahullahpernah Imam al-Bukhari said, "I wish to meet Allah Almighty, with no one to sue me because I have menggunjingnya".
ULAMA PRAISE OF IMAM AL-BUKHARI Seeing his reputation, he deserve to be commended. Compliments flowed to Imam al-Bukhari of the Muslim scholars in the past, both from teachers and peers. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (one of his teachers) say, 'Foreign Khurasan never gave birth as her'. This is definitely a martyrdom (testimony) is very special because it was delivered by Imam Experts Sunnah wal Jamaah.
Imam Ishaq bin Rahuyah (teacher) said, "If he (al-Bukhari) lived Hasan al-Basri surely need people for his mastery and understanding of the hadith".
Muhammad bin Basysyaar (teacher) said, "Huffaazh (Expert Hadith) in the world there are four: Abu Zur'ah of Ray, ad-Daarimi of Samarkand, Bukhara Muhammad ibn Ismail and Muslim from Naisabur".
Qutaibah Imam said, "If Muhammad lived among Friend then it is a miracle".
Imam al-haafiz King said, "It is a sign of the power of God who walked the earth".
Imam Ibn Khuzaimah rahimahullah (one of his students) said, 'I've never seen under the sky who knows the Hadeeth of the Prophet, on occasion stronger than Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari ".
Imam at-Tirmidhi vol (one of his students) said, "I have never seen in Iraq, nor in Khurasan, someone who is more knowledgeable about 'Ilal, chronicle and knowledge of hadith sanad than Muhammad ibn Isma'il".
Muhammad bin Munir, one of his teachers, even admitted, "I'm including student Muhammad ibn Isma'il (al-Bukhari). She is a teacher ". [As-Siyar: 12/415]
BECOME A TEACHER OF IMAM HADITS Mastery rahimahullahyang Imam al-Bukhari hadith depth in the areas of science, has been prominent since his teens. Many people come to throng to him both in council and in other places.
Ever, the magicians of the city of Basra walked behind him to listen to the hadith, and eventually they could stop him in the street. Thousands of people gathered near him sit. Most of them write the history of his. At that time, he was still a teenager who has not grown his beard. He dminta to sit on the road and play hadith narrations.
Depth of knowledge in the field of hadith is supported by intelligence and remarkable memory, and understanding of the content of the hadith and hadith rijaalul mastery and god-illahnya formed he became a prominent hadith scholars throughout the ages. The obvious advantages of interest to the claimant to attend majlis science knowledge.
Famous names decorate a list of people who studied at the Imam al-Bukhari vol. Among them is, Imam Muslim rahimahullah, Imam at-Tirmidhi vol, vol Imam Abu Hatim, Imam Ibn Abi Dunya rahimahullah, Imam Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Harbi rahimahullah, Imam Ibn Khuzaimah vol.
His prayer was efficacious Imam Ibn Kathir in al-Bidayah (11/24) mentions that Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullahtermasuk people mustajâbu da `wah, his prayer was granted. It happened, the governor of Bukhara's throw from the city. The expulsions were not based on that, Imam al-Bukhari rahimahullahpun pray. Barely a month goes, the governor dismissed and imprisoned in Baghdad until his death in it. The people who participated in the expulsion berpran Imam al-Bukhari was unfortunate.
He moved towards the area called Khortank, staying with some relatives there.
IMAM AL-BUKHARI vol DEAD After filling the day-to-day life in a flurry of spreading science (hadith), which has been determined to pick death of Imam al-Bukhari. He was sick before he died. Died on Saturday night, evening Eid, the year 256H at the age of 62 years. His corpse covered with three sheets of white cloth, without wearing qamis and Imamat, as the contents of a will which he conveyed before dying. When the funeral, the more scattered the fragrant scent of the oil from the grave and had a few drawbacks fragrant smell for a few days.
Much useful knowledge that he has passed on to all the Muslims. His science is not broke, keep it flowing over a good-faith effort has been lavished in his life. As narrated by Imam Muslim, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: (منها) علم ينتفع به
If the son of Adam dies, then terputuslah deeds except from three cases: (among others) useful knowledge
The books which he bequeathed to Muslims is Saheeh al-Bukhari, al-Adabul simplex, at-Tarikh al-Sagheer, at-Tarikh al-Kabir, at-Tarikh al-Ausath, Khalqu Af'ali al-'Ibaad, juz fi al-Imam khalfal Qira `ah.
PENUTUPYANG Ma'shum ONLY Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam
By Muslim cleric Abu Isma'il al-Atsari

Allah Almighty sent the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that he issued a man of many kegelapapan into the light. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has performed this duty as well as possible, to fulfill the mandate, communicating the message, and advise people.
And the position he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam requires people to follow He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in all the cases that he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. This position is not owned by anyone other than man He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Allah Almighty says:
فلا وربك لا يؤمنون حتى يحكموك فيما شجر بينهم ثم لا يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا مما قضيت ويسلموا تسليما
So by your Lord, they are (in fact) do not believe until they make you judge in the case that they can not agree, then they have no reservations in their hearts against the verdict you gave, and they were received with the utmost. [An-Nisa '/ 4: 65]
Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "Allah Almighty swore by Himself glorious, holy, that one does not have faith until he makes the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the judge in the case. So what he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam decide is haq, mandatory inwardly and outwardly. Because of this Allah says, (which means), "then they have no reservations in their hearts against the verdict you gave, and they were received with the utmost." Ie if they have to make you as a judge, they obey you in their hearts, then they have no reservations in their hearts against the verdict you gave, and they are subject to him physically and spiritually, as well as accept it fully, without reject and deny ". [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, a letter an-Nisa '/ 4:65]
Allah Almighty also says.
وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا
And it is not fitting for a believing man and not (also) for a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute, will be there for those options (the others) about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed he has perverted the clear error. [Al-Ahzab/33: 36)]
Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "This verse is general (includes) all things, that if Allah and His Messenger have set something, then there is no right for anyone to menyelisihinya, and here there is no choice (other) for anyone, not there are also opinions and words. "[Ibn Kathir tafseer, letter al-Ahzâb/33: 36]
Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al-Albani rahimahullah said, "That there is no difference between the decision of Almighty Allah, His Messenger with the decision, the believers there is no option for menyelisihi both, and that the sinners with sinners to the Apostle of Allah Almighty, the constitute plain error. "[al-Hadith Hujjatun Binafsihi, p. 33]
THE ONLY PROPHET Ma'shum With the above explanation, then we know that the human being who adhered to the absolute degree is prophetic. Had the Prophet made a mistake, then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala immediately reminded him, so that mistakes are not followed by the people. As for other than the Prophet, as the scholars or the other, then they are not Ma'shum, so not all words have to be followed. Because should not obey creatures in adulterous upon his Creator.
Kema'shuman is the translation of the word 'ish-mah in Arabic, derived from the word' ashoma (عصم). Imam Ibn Qutaibah rahimahullah said, "'Ashama (عصم) means mana'a, it appears the word' ish-mah (العصمة) in religion, namely: awake from disobedience. [At-Taqrîb 1/324, Imam Ibn Qutaibah works; Quoted from the Book of Imam Ma'shum Aqîdatil Naskh, p. 3]
According to the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, kema'shûman is the nature of the Prophets, that they are all awake of errors in conveying the religious. They are also protected from major sins. As for the small sins, or forget, or false, then the Prophet sometimes experience. And if they make a mistake, then Allah Ta'ala immediately straighten it.
The scholars who are members of al-lil Standing Committee Buhûts al-'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta' (Permanent Institute for Research and Fatwa Ilmiyyah) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stated, "The Prophets and Apostles sometimes make mistakes, but Allah Almighty does not let them in their error, even Allâh explaining their mistake to them, out of compassion (his) to them and his people, and slippage Allah forgive them and accept their repentance, the grace and mercy of His, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. " [Fataawa al-lil Standing Committee Buhûts al-'ilmiyyah wal Ifta', 3/264, Fatwa no. 6290]
Ahlus Sunnah establish the nature of this Ma'shum only to the Prophet, not to the rest of humanity. Because so many people besides the Prophet made a mistake. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
كل بني آدم خطاء وخير الخطائين التوابون
Every son of Adam a lot of mistakes, and the best of many good people who make mistakes are those who repent lot. [HR. Ibn Majah, from Anas bin Malik radi anhu; dihasankan by Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan al Misykah and Ibni Majah]
Similarly Ahlus Sunnah establish the nature of this Ma'shum for Muslims when they ijma 'in a case. Therefore ijma 'must be followed, because it is the truth.
عن ابن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: إن الله لا يجمع أمتى - أو قال أمة محمد - على ضلالة
From Ibn 'Umar, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily Allah will not gather my Ummah-or-above the Ummah of Muhammad straying". [HR. Tirmidhi; classed as saheeh by al-Albani]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said, "Ahlus Sunnah do not make one of them the word (ie the Ulama such as Imam Malik, Shafi'i, Ahmad, and others-pen) Ma'shum (preserved from error) which is mandatory. Even if they disagree about something, they return to Allah and His Messenger. "[Minhâjus Sunnah an-Nabawiyah, 4/123]
If among these people there is not someone who Ma'shum than the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and ijma' of the people, then the words of anyone but he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam from among the people, not to be followed absolutely. If the word is in accordance with the direction of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then it is accepted, and if contrary to the direction of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, then rejected, whoever the person.
Rahimahuhullah Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Verily, the words of a Ma'shum (people who awake from errors) will not contradictions. And there is no dispute among the Muslims that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Ma'shum in case he says of Allah Almighty. So he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was Ma'shum in which case he syari'atkan for people with ijma' of the Muslims. Similarly, the people (Muslims) is Ma'shum of agreed upon misguidance, different in others. It is therefore the opinion of religion priests is every human being, his opinion could be taken and abandoned, except the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Because Allah has mewajikan to all the people believe he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and obey them, too (require) justifies what he made lawful, and forbid what he forbade. By He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Allah split between the believer with the Gentiles, the people of Paradise with a population of hell, with a hint of error, and the lust participate by contributing truth. As for the believers, the people of Paradise, those who follow the guidance and the truth, they are the ones who ittiba '(follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam). While the pagans, the population of hell, people who follow the passions and delusion, they are the ones who do not follow him (Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). "[Majmu' Fataawa, 33/28]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah also said, "He requires obedience to a person other than the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, in all cases which he commanded; And requiring people to believe the truth of the whole matter that he preached, and specify the nature of the error Ma'shum or awake in all cases which he commanded, and he preached from religious matters, then he has made in the likeness of the counterculture and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the things that became the specificity of the apostles according to the levels. Both are used as a match for the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was some friends, or relatives of the prophet, or a priest, or a sheikh, or the leader of the kings and others. [Jâmi'ur Rasa'il, 1/273]
He also said, "This includes the case agreed upon by Islamic scholars: that must believe in all the Prophets, and whoever denies one the Prophet then he infidels, and whoever denounced a prophet, he shall be killed by Ulama agreement. As to other than the Prophet, it is not so, well besides the Prophet was called guardians, priests, sages, scholars', or other. Whoever made in addition to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as one who Ma'shum, which must be believed everything he said, then he has to give him the meaning / nature of prophecy, although he did not give him prophetic wording (ie it does not refer to it as the prophet-pen). " [Minhâjus Sunnah, 6/187-188]
INCLUDING straying Rafidhah Once we know the information above, we see that the various distorted firqah kema'shûman to have confidence in addition to the Prophets, and they were not able to bring the argument that is authentic (strong) and sharih (obviously) their beliefs that underlie this. They only doubtful proposition and sheer lust.
Among the deviant group is Shia Imami. They believe kema'shûman their twelve imams, they even elevate the degree of the priests that exceed the degree of the Prophets and angels. They stated that 'ishmah (kema'shûman) is, "The power of the mind that prevents the owner from the burden menyelisihi (shari'ah rules) when he was able to menyelisihi". [Ash-Shi'a FII 'Aqâidihim wa Ahkâmihim, p. 322; work of al-Kazhimi a-Qazwaini]
Khomeini declared, "Behold kema'shûman owned by al-Ma'shum (according to the twelve Shiite imams-pent) is due to causes high position and rank of the commendable that are not reached by the angels near (to Allah) and the Prophet sent. Also because his power (priests Ma'shum) relating to the universe, which all the atoms are subject to the power of nature. "[Al-Hukûmah al-Islamiyyah, p. 47]
Look at how this ghuluwnya Shi'ites, until they raised their priests to the degree of divinity degree. For the sake of Allah, this is shirk real. Ya Allah! Show us and define us in the straight path.
INCLUDING straying SHUFI As Shiites, it also established the group shûfiyah Ma'shum to their peers who are considered as guardians. Although they deceive people by using the term hifzh (guard) instead of the term 'ishmah (kema'shûman).
al-Qushayri, a figure shûfi, guardian explaining the definition as follows: "People who always obeyed without interspersed disobedience, and that Allâh hifzh care (custody) against him, so that Allah did not create khidzlân (insult), the ability to commit immoral acts." [ar -Risala al-Qusyairiyah; quoted from the Book of Auliyâ'ullâh Baina al-ash-shûfi understand wal manhaj as-as-Salafi Sunni, Shaykh Abdurrahman work Dimasyqiyyah]
Because of such beliefs, it is not unusual in practice deeds among shufi a murshid (supervisor; sheikh; teacher) has considered the nature Ma'shum, so that a student should never be denied the teacher, even though in his heart! So no ma'ruf amar nahi unjust and against the teacher.
They said, "Among the student-teacher adab is not denied in all cases conducted by the teacher, although zhahirnya haram. And a pupil before his teacher being in the presence of such deceased person washing. "[Tanwirul Qulub FII Mu'âmalati 'Allâmil Ghuyûb, p. 479 and 529; quoted from the Book of Auliyâ'ullâh Baina al-ash-shûfi understand wal manhaj as-as-Salafi Sunni, Shaykh Abdurrahman work Dimasyqiyyah]
Al-Qushayri said, "Whoever accompanies a teacher, then he denied it with his heart, it must let loose persahaatan agreement (with the teacher)." [Ar-Risalah al-Qusyairiyah, p. 150; quoted from the Book of Auliyâ'ullâh Baina al-ash-shûfi understand wal manhaj as-as-Salafi Sunni, Shaykh Abdurrahman work Dimasyqiyyah]
With an understanding of the irregularities that have properties other than the Prophet Ma'shum, then accompanied by absolute obedience to him, then surely this will bring up a number of irregularities in the religious fanaticism and class teachers, even divisions and other evils. Then there is no way to survive except religion brought back by the noble Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, who had been practiced by the main disciple, faithful companions, leaving the entire innovation (new cases) in the religion, which has ruined the beauty of Islam that has been perfect.
May Allah show us the truth as truth, and give us the strength to follow it. And may Allah show us the falsehood as kebatian and give us the strength to leave. Ameen.
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XV/1433H/2012. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196] Here's a bit of history is nicknamed Amir Mu `minin in the field of hadith. History of an amazing human being again loaded with 'ibrah (lesson) the people after him. Shaykh 'Athiyyah may Allaah have mercy Salim said, "I really believe that is the biography of the Ulama madrasa (place coaching) for the next generation, namely through the sciences and the lives of those who stand" [Bayan Adhwâul 1/xii].
May the grace of Allah Almighty always tercurahkan on all Islamic scholars in every age and place. Allah knows best
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XV/1433H/2012. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

IMAM TWELVE Shia, HUMAN fictitious
By Ustadz Abu Olaya Lc

Shi'ites WAIT TO RETURN OF TWELVE THEIR IMAM Muntazhar Mahdi (the Shiite Mahdi awaited his arrival), including discussion of the often discussed in the Shiite reference books. What they mean by that term in view of the twelfth Shia imam named Muhammad ibn Hasan al-'Askari. According to their version, he was born on Friday month of Sha'ban in the year 255H.
At age 5, he was hiding in sirdaab (cave shelter from the scorching sun) Surra city man Ra `a, located between the cities of Baghdad and Tikrit, because it will be killed by the wrongdoers.
Ath-Thusi, past a Shiite cleric, said, "There is no reason that prevents occurrence but because he feared killed. For if there are no worries, he can not hide. "(Al-Ghaibah: 199)
Their beliefs with the Shiite Mahdi, waiting to make their appearance in the mouth sirdaam by calling out his name to get out of hiding.
IMAM ELEVENTH no children By the nature of His wisdom, God Almighty, the Knower, set Hasan al-Askari - according to the eleventh Shia Imam, died without having children and descendants. Of course, the reality is troublesome Shia figure, how a priest dies without berputra one will ever replace imamahnya?. Though the presence of the priest is very important in their beliefs, even the pillars of Islam including beating the urgency fard prayer. (?!) Substitute a priest must priestly descent before. After a period of Imamat Hasan and Husayn radi radi anhu anhu, a priest can not be derived from brother priests, must be from the offspring. Thus the Shia faith.
History has recorded that the people who they consider to be the Top Eleven Imam, Hasan al-'Askari, had no children. Khilafah ruling 'Abbasid period was also the subject knowing. Therefore, they keep track of Hasan al-Askari who are sick. Some doctors sent to monitor her health. Judge assigns local authorities to choose 10 people to be at home reliable Hasan al-Askari. They are there until his death Hasan al-'Askari.
After the death of Hasan al-Askari, a trusted messengers that examine the contents of the house and the room to find out if she has children or not. They also brought the women who know the problems of pregnancy to check the female slaves dimiliknya. As a result, there is a slave girl who seemed to be contained. So, this woman was placed in one room and everything prepared for labor.
After Hasan was buried, authorities still seeking to children Hasan al-Askari. The estate had not been distributed. But after it was confirmed that the pregnancy is one of the slaves was empty, then the legacy of Hasan al-Askari shared with her mother and brother Ja'far. No one opposed this division.
This incident shows the evil Shia belief Imam Mahdi automatically. Shiite parties could not deny and destroy the evidence of this history. Interestingly, it turns out, the books of the Shia clergy mention this reality, that indeed Hasan al-Askari died without having a son. Among them are:
1. al-Kulaini in al-Kafi (1/505) 2. al-Mufid in al-Ershad (hlm.338-339) 3. al-Majlisi in Jalâul 'Ainain 4. Ibn al-Fushûl Shabbâgh in al-Muhimmah fi Ma'rifati Ahwâlil Aimmah (hlm.288-289) 5. al-'Abbas al-Qummi in Muntahal charity.
The fact that Hasan al-Askari did not have confidence in children will lead them to self-destruct. Therefore, the continuation of the Imamate is automatically stopped. When the majority Shia Shiite stream of anxiety will vanish in the absence of the twelfth imam, then some of them think of ways to save this stream.
Finally, they get way out of what is believed by the Zoroastrians who believe their human memiliiki savior has been waiting for his arrival. From there, one of Shiite named Muhammad ibn an-Namîri Nushair and his friends got the idea to claim that Hasan al-Askari had a son that he hid in the sirdab for fear of people killed by the evil and injustice. Their goal statement is rolled out to deceive the people so that the layman Shia Shiite cleric can still ask for payment of zakat wealth and the general public on behalf of the Imam that awaited his arrival.
MYSTERY OF IMAM MAHDI hiding Shia Think of it al-Mahdi was ever born, then there is no benefit for so long he was hiding in the cave. Shiites if asked wisdom hiding al-Mahdi in a cave and did not appear in public, they would be justified because he feared he was killed. That's it. (!)
The reason given by the ath-Thusi and those similar to it is obviously very weak. Sleaze reason they looked at some of the following points:
1. It has been mentioned in the books of their main reference that al-Mahdi beings who helped and assisted God, he will rule the western and eastern hemisphere. If al-Mahdi will be helped and won by God, why did he have to hide away and do not appear in public?!. The disappearance of al-Mahdi with sirdaab hiding in a very long tempo run and raises the question of why leaves have to hide? When al-Mahdi believes the news his victory against his enemies, why should he be afraid?
2. Shia belief that Imam Mahdi will be killed Shiites worry that hide themselves, consequential death of imamahnya. Because, according to the Shia, a priest must be the bravest man. Mentioned in reference to them, "A priest has a few signs: he is the most pious, most wise, most pious and most daring". (Al-Anwar an-Nu'mâniyyah 1/34, al-Jazairi Ni'matullâh)
While people who feared she would be killed so it disappears and brave man is not hiding.
3. The strange belief also means that al-Mahdi will not appear until the wrongdoers countries and destroyer disappeared, so that he could feel safe from the threat of suicide. Because kezhaliman will remain significant occurrence is needed.
4. History records, Shia has had power and government, such as Iran as a real example. The country certainly would have tried to protect al-Mahdi if you want to bring up, but why not show up as well?
5. People who can not defend themselves and protect themselves from the threat of murder then obviously not be able to protect others. Is it reasonable, Shiites await the arrival of which he said would suppress their enemies with a resounding?
Thus, they reason to cover oddities hidden Imam Mahdi disappeared and their subsequent fall and this suggests that the existence of Imam Mahdi they essentially did not exist and never existed.
WHEN HIDING, PEOPLE DO NOT GET ANYTHING BENEFITS Another clue that indicates sleaze hiding Aqeedah Shia Imam Mahdi, that there is not one iota of beneficiaries and benefits obtained mankind including Muslims and the Shiites, both related to the worldly or religious beneficiaries obtained from the Shiite Mahdi persembunyiaan.
Could be calculated until now, the Shiite Mahdi is hiding no less than 1173 years (?!), Because according to them he entered the cave in 260h at the age of 5 years. Are the benefits of hiding its existence if he does truly exist and are still alive? What if he was not actually there. For anyone who believes the 12th imam, the benefit does he get to religion and his world. Thus, there are only two conditions, the priest is missing or does not exist. In these two conditions, there is no benefit to religion or one's world.
Based on the view that considers Shia Imamate as the pillars of religion, the Shia Mahdi's disappearance - when considered there - resulting in paralysis of the implementation of the law and the benefit of other religions. No wonder, Friday and congregational prayers are not conducted in Shiite enclaves, citing the absence of a priest. (?!)
Thus, it can be seen that the fictitious story (khurofat) Imam Mahdi Shia Aqeedah rolled out to cover their mistakes that had been damaged earlier than principle. Walillâhil hamdi wal minnah 'alal Islam Hidayah wal.
COMMON SENSE WHEN LOST, EVEN THE MOST WEIRD JUSTIFIABLE Once it believes it can be concluded that the Shia Imam Mahdi does not exist, and it is more appropriate beliefs about category khurofat story, it helps us see a few comments about the Muslim cleric's faith broken.
After uncovering the properties of Experts Sunnah Imam Mahdi described by the Prophet Muhammad in the hadiths shahihnya, Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahulla, an expert commentary, history and jurisprudence, (d. H) concluded on the Shi'ite Mahdi has been hiding for over 100 years Inside the cave, saying, "Truly (Shia Mahdi form) that there is no essence, no eyes have ever witnessed was also no evidence to explain". (Al-Malahim wal Fitan 1/23-24)
Elsewhere he states, "including the fact that confidence hadzayân (sheer delirium), the evidence is very far from the guidance, very strong proximity with the devil. Therefore, there is no argument and instructions (which justifies) both from al-Qur `an, Hadith (Sahih), common sense and istihsaan". (Al-Malahim wal Fitan 1/29)
While 'Allama Shaykh as-Safarini rahimahullah also call it as delirium mere belief that there is no per se. (Lawâmi'ul Anwar 2/71)
Similarly, Khalid Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali al-Hajj stated, "In short, the Shia claim (that the Twelve Imams they hiding) it has no basis at all. There is no one great scholar (Expert Sunnah) is narrated. There is no element of truth in the slightest. However, if the sense (common) has been lost, then everything (which is odd) the case may be ". (Al-Kasysyâful Faridi 'an Ma'âwil Hadmi Naqâidhi at-Tawhid wa 1/123-124)
PEDNUTUP Aqeedah Shia Imam Mahdi style shows very clearly how a fragile aqidah, odd strange at the same time, a reasonable person should not believe in it. Reasonable person and loves al-haq will reject it outright.
Haqiqi truth very clear, and not blurry for those who know, as an expert gold would not be difficult to distinguish between real gold and fake gold. As for the ignorant, blind, or do not know, it could be considered heresy, kemungkaran, and deviations as al-haq to be believed, practiced and defended desperately.
This has resulted in some people fall into the irregularities and apparent error sometimes can not be accepted by common sense. Therefore, it would be easy to spread falsehood and behavior in the midst of people who are not knowledgeable, dumb and blind to the Sharai knowledge and teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and the practice of Islam by the Companions.
May the Almighty Allah continue to set hidayahNya on us and we on top mewafatkan Sunnah. And Allaah knows best.
MARAJI. 1. Badzlul Majhûdi fi Itsbâti Musyâbahati Râfidhati lil Jews, 'Abdullah al-Jumaili, Maktabah al-' Ghuraba al-Madinah Atsariyyah 2. Tahqiq book Muqaddimah al-Imamat fir Raddi 'ala al-Hafiz Abu Rafidhah Nu'aim al-Asfahani by DR. 'Ali Muhammad Nasir al-Faqîhi 3. Ash-Shawârifu 'annealing Haqqi, Hamd al-' Uthman Cet. II Th1426H
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XV/1433H/2012. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

By Ustadz Abu Olaya, Lc

ويل للمطففين) 1 (الذين إذا اكتالوا على الناس يستوفون) 2 (وإذا كالوهم أو وزنوهم يخسرون) 3 (ألا يظن أولئك أنهم مبعوثون) 4 (ليوم عظيم) 5 (يوم يقوم الناس لرب العالمين
Woe to those who cheat. (Namely) those who, when receiving doses of other people, they ask met. And when they measure or weigh for others, they reduce. Do not these people actually believe that they will be resurrected. On a great day. (It is) the day (when) man standing armies facing Rabb (Surah al-Muthaffifîn/83 :1-6)
EXPLANATION OF VERSES 1-3: Meaning muthaffifîn Word wail (ويل) meaning terrible torment in the Hereafter. Ibn Abbas radi anhuma said, "It is a chasm in Jahannam, where the flow of pus-pus dwellers of the Fire." [1]
While the word التطفيف (at-tathfîf) meaningful reduction. This word comes from the word that means something الطفيف little. [2] (perp-red) called mutathaffif because he is not stealing (taking) other people through the process of dosing and weighing unless a lower rate. [3]
According Lughah Ulama (Arabic), al-muthaffifûn are the ones who reduced their dose and scales, do not fulfill and perfect it. [4]
Allah Almighty directly interpret nature muthaffifîn (which do cheating) in the second paragraph and the next, by saying [5] which means, "That is when the people who received doses of other people fulfilled their request. And when they measure or weigh for others, they reduce. " (Al-Muthaffifîn/83 :1-6)
Fraudulent practices described them as Allah Almighty, if others weigh or measure for themselves, then they demand a full measure and weight and at the same time ask for additional. They asked their rights fulfilled as well as possible, even asking exceeded. But when they measure or weigh for the others, they reduce the levels a bit, either by using a pint and scales that have been engineered, or does not comply with the measure and scales, or by other fraudulent means.
They do not like other people get the same treatment as the treatment for him (with the full weight and measure when buying). [6]
People who commit fraud is threatened by a terrible punishment or Hell.
WEIGHTS AND REDUCE HAZARDS dosages The fraud is definitely a form of practice sariqah (theft) of the property of others and do not want to be fair with others. [7] Thus, when taking the property of others through underhanded measure and scales, although a little prayer accident resulting threat. And of course it would be a great threat for anyone who seize property and property of others in greater numbers.
Shaykh 'Abdurrahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah in his commentary says, "If such a threat to the people who reduced their dose and the scales of others, then the people who take other people's wealth by force and steal it, he is more worthy than muthaffifîn exposed to this threat. [8]
About the dangers of this fraud on the community, Shaykh 'Athiyyah Salim rahimahullah said, "The opening of this letter to begin a prayer for the perpetrators accident cheating in scales that measure and indicate how dangerous this bad behavior. And it is true, it is a dangerous act. Because the scales and measure a footstool for the world economy and the principle in the transaction. If there was fraud in it, it will cause khalal (chaos) in the economy, and in turn will lead to ikhtilâl (shock) the transaction relationship. This is one of the great damage "[9]
PERFECT ORDER AND WEIGHTS dosages Islam with perfection, glory and greatness of his teachings, ordered his people to establish muamalah with others on the basis of justice and contentment. Among them, with perfect balance and measure. Allah Almighty says
وأقيموا الوزن بالقسط ولا تخسروا الميزان
And tegakkanlah scales fairly and do not reduce the balance of the [ar-Rahmân/55: 9].
وأوفوا الكيل والميزان بالقسط لا نكلف نفسا إلا وسعها
And complete the measure and weight with justice. We do not impose a burden on a person rather than his ability [al-An `am / 6:152].
Syinqîthi ash-Shaykh rahimahullah said, "Through this verse, Allah Almighty ordered completion (content) and scales with a fair dose. And states that anyone without deliberate shortages in quantities and scales, it does not matter because it was not intentional ".
In another verse, Allah Almighty mentions that meet the primary measure and scales more and better benefits. Allah Almighty says:
وأوفوا الكيل إذا كلتم وزنوا بالقسطاس المستقيم ذلك خير وأحسن تأويلا
And complete the measure when ye measure, and weigh with a right balance. That is good for you and better in the [al-Isra `/ 17:35].
In another verse, the order perfect accompaniment measure command to worship Allah Almighty. Therefore, the implementation of these two things means that entitles the owner the right, without any reduction. [10]
Person who violates the provisions of this fair means has plunged itself in the destruction threat. And until now, this practice is still a character most people who buy and sell, both merchants and shoppers. By pressing, the buyer requested dose and full scales, and added. While most traders do the opposite, make every ruse to reduce the dose and scales in order to reap more benefits from this imposture. History has said that Allah Almighty sent Prophet Shoaib Alaihissallam to a people who did this bad habit. Prophet Shoaib Alaihissallam already called his people, tribe Madyan (people Thicket), to stay away from the bad habit.
Allah Almighty says.
وإلى مدين أخاهم شعيبا قال يا قوم اعبدوا الله ما لكم من إله غيره ولا تنقصوا المكيال والميزان إني أراكم بخير وإني أخاف عليكم عذاب يوم محيط) 84 (ويا قوم أوفوا المكيال والميزان بالقسط ولا تبخسوا الناس أشياءهم ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين) 85 (بقيت الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين وما أنا عليكم بحفيظ
And the (population) Madyan, (We sent their brother), Shoaib. He said, "O my people, worship Allah, occasionally there is no god for you besides Him. And do not reduce the dose and weight, in fact I see you in good shape (capable of) and that I am worried about you will doom day destroy (Doomsday) ". Shoaib and said, "O my people, being content with a fair dose and scales, and do not harm humans on their rights and do not create evil on earth to create mischief. Residual profits of Allah is better for you if ye are believers. And I am not a guardian over you [Hûd/11 :84-86]
But the Prophet Shoaib reject and deny his preaching. Almighty Allah tells them say, "Hi Shoaib, does your religion tells you that we left what was worshiped by our fathers or forbid we perpetrate what we want on our property" [Hûd/11: 87]
He replied: "And I'm not willing to violate you doing what I prohibit. I do not intend to unless (bring) repairs as long as I still berkesanggupan. And no taufik me but with (help) Allah. I sole trust only to Allah and unto Him shall I return "[Hûd/11: 88]
Finally, Almighty Allah destroy them with punishment. Allah Almighty says:
فكذبوه فأخذهم عذاب يوم الظلة إنه كان عذاب يوم عظيم
Then they rejected Shoaib, then they are overwritten doom on the day they shaded clouds. Doom doom it is a great day [ash-Syu'arâ / 26:189]
Allah Almighty says:
وأخذت الذين ظلموا الصيحة فأصبحوا في ديارهم جاثمين) 94 (كأن لم يغنوا فيها
And the people who zhalim destroyed by a thunder sound, then they become dead lying in his house. As if they had never dwelt in that place. [Hûd/11 :94-95]
Allah Almighty says:
فأخذتهم الرجفة فأصبحوا في دارهم جاثمين
Then they are overwritten earthquake, then they become corpses lying in their homes [al-A'raf / 7:91]
Lack of knowledge (jahâlah) on trade and trade procedures are good and Sharai is one factor underlying the practice of cheating in the dosage and balance (as well as trade in general). Thus, the duty of those who went into business (trade) to explore Buyu fiqh (law muamalah sale and Islam). The goal, in order to avoid cheating, usury, lies, and lost kezhaliman blessing.
Caliph 'Umar radi' anhu once warned, "Those who have not studied religion, should not support trading in our markets".
Companions 'Ali bin Abi Talib radi' anhu once said, "Traders if (businesses) do not faqih (religious understanding) then it will fall into riba, then fall and fall (continued)".
EXPLANATION VERSE: 4 Although the people are cheating in weights and measure it, has been threatened with punishment, it's still cheating they do, Allah Almighty says:
ألا يظن أولئك أنهم مبعوثون) 4 (ليوم عظيم) 5 (يوم يقوم الناس لرب العالمين
Do not these people actually believe that they will be resurrected. On a great day. (It is) the day (when) man standing armies facing Rabb
Imam Ibn Jarir Tabari rahimahullah said, "Do not the people who reduce human rights in the scales and measure it believes that they will be resurrected from their tombs after their death, on a day that is very important, more powerful scary? ". [11]
Are not they afraid of the day of resurrection and standing before (Allah) Essence of the All-Knowing all the hidden and covered on a very big danger, cause a lot of grief, and grand affairs. Whoever lost, certainly will be cast into a burning fire? [12]
Even if they do not believe in the Day of Judgment, is not it better to think there is, then meditate, find out about it, and finally took a cautious step survived with no prejudice to the rights of others. [13]
People who practice fraud (and other actors sin) will face the punishment of Allah Almighty on the day. Great day. Allah has mentioned it as a great day to show the greatness and importance of the day. Allah Almighty has mentioned the day as a scary, miserable, and slicing unsettling feeling. (See letter at-takwir, al-Insyiqâq and al-Infithâr).
Everyone will be facing Lord of the worlds of the entire Eastern and Western Hemisphere, raised above a roomy place. One day during the whole 50 thousand years. The sun is very close to them. There are no trees, buildings or anything that could be used as a shelter, but the shade of Allah Almighty granted to those who desired him. On this great day, muthaffifûn reply will feel the punishment. Should the people who cheat in measuring and weighing the fear of that day, and the fear of Allah Almighty and give the rights of others as a whole (perfect). If you provide additional, then it's better. They should also take away their rights in full, but if you are willing to tolerate, then it's better. May the Almighty Allah give us the taufik. [14]
Here, the Shaykh as-Sa'di rahimahullah concluded that they dare do that encourages cheating in measuring and weighing is because they do not believe in the Hereafter. If they are believing it, and are confident that they will stand before Allah k to account for their actions, large and small, will undoubtedly refrain from fraudulent practices and then repent of it. "[15]
VERSES ON THE INFLUENCE FRIENDS Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Companion Ibn 'Abbas radi' anhu narrates, "When I first came to the Prophet n (city) Medina, they (the residents) including the worst man in the measure. Then Allah Almighty lower (verse). Furthermore, they improve dosing way. "(Reported by Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban and classed as saheeh by al-Albani).
Al-Fara `said," They have become the most complete measure (and scales) to this day. "[16]
IMPORTANT NOTES Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen rahimahullah warned, "This verse though closely related to dose and weight, it's just a worker or employee if he wants honornya intact, but he come to work late or go home first, he included muthaffifin which Allâh threatens to crash. For if his salary is reduced 1 riyal course, would have said, "Why not?".
LESSONS FROM THE PASSAGES 1. Severe threat to people cheating in the sale (transaction). 2. Hazard and dose cheating in scales. 3. Human obligation, gives the entire property of others dependents. 4. People understand the importance of religion. 5. Fulfill the contract obligations (improve balance and dose) already exist in Sharia-law before. 6. Kenekadan the sinner departed from the thinness of the Faith to the End. 7. All person accountable for all his deeds in the world in the presence of Allah Almighty. 8. Each person should be fair in the entire speech and actions. 9. Determination of the Last Day, the Day of Judgment and the Day of Reckoning. 10. Glorious Day of Judgment, the man stood before the Lord of the Alamin servants to account and reward charities. 11. The importance of faith-based community development to the End. Allah knows best
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XV/1433H/2012. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


جعل الله الأسباب للمطالب العالية مبشرات لتطمين القلوب وزيادة الإيمان
Allah makes prantara high for all purposes as mubassyirat (bearer of glad tidings) to the liver to be calm and faith grow
Almighty Allah Almighty to achieve all the goals and objectives desired by His servants without cause or prantara. But Allah Almighty and intentionally make or cause to prantara set a goal of becoming mubassyirat (bearer of glad tidings), and thus the heart will be calm and faith will grow.
It can be found in many places, for example, when the Almighty Allah explains about sending reinforcements in the battle of Badr. Delivery of all assistance bala is a cause of victory prantara or desired by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the Muslims. Allah Almighty says:
وما جعله الله إلا بشرى ولتطمئن به قلوبكم
And Allah does not make it (ie sending reinforcements that), but as good news and that your hearts be at rest [al-Anfal / 8:10]
Allah Almighty is able to deliver a victory without having to send in reinforcements. But that was a signal victory, then sent reinforcements. So, sending reinforcements as mubassyirat (bearer of glad tidings) that Winning is coming soon, so be careful of the Muslims and their faith grew calm.
In another verse, when explaining about the causes and prantara rizki and rain coming, Allah Almighty says:
ومن آياته أن يرسل الرياح مبشرات وليذيقكم من رحمته ولتجري الفلك بأمره ولتبتغوا من فضله
And among the signs of His power is that He sends the winds as heralds joy and to feel thee some of His mercy, and that the ships may sail by His command, and (also) that ye may seek of His bounty; [ar -Rûm/30: 46]
Rizki and rain including destination desired by humans. Almighty Allah the Almighty is able to bring it all without prantara and cause. But Allah Almighty made the cause and prantara for this purpose in the form of wind. Allah Almighty winds, rain will sign it as mubassyirat (bearer of glad tidings) that rain will soon fall and the plants will turn green, so that the hearts of those who hope to get good luck can be calm and faith will grow.
Meaning the more common of the two paragraphs above is Busyra [1] that there is in the word of Almighty Allah:
ألا إن أولياء الله لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون) 62 (الذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقون) 63 (لهم البشرى في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة لا تبديل لكلمات الله ذلك هو الفوز العظيم
Remember, the real guardians of Allah, there is no fear come upon them and not (also) they grieve. (They are) those who believe and they are always cautious. Good news for those in the life of the world and (in the life of the Hereafter}. Was no change for sentences (promises of) Allah. Were so it was a great victory. [Yûnus/10 :62-64]
Busyra means all the cues that indicate to them that the Almighty Allah wants goodness for them or cues that indicate that they are the guardians of Allah Almighty. Thus, a good compliment, good dreams, tenderness Allah Almighty that they can see, also taufiq, the ease with which Allah gave as well as from the inevitable difficulties and so forth, these are the Busyra or mubassyirat (bearer of glad tidings) before they obtain the ultimate goal of heaven with diverse pleasures.
Including prantara of a goal that Allah Almighty made as a gesture of good news however is rarely known to the Almighty Allah to make hardship or difficulty as a cue coming way out or a solution. If we consider and reflect on the story of the prophets and their difficulties, which Almighty Allah relates in al-Qur'ân, then it will get a very riveting.
أم حسبتم أن تدخلوا الجنة ولما يأتكم مثل الذين خلوا من قبلكم مستهم البأساء والضراء وزلزلوا حتى يقول الرسول والذين آمنوا معه متى نصر الله ألا إن نصر الله قريب
Do ye think that ye would enter heaven, but has not come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you? they are overwritten by misfortune and misery, and shaken (with a variety of trials) that said the Apostle and those who believe with him: "When will come the help of Allah?" Remember, Verily Allah's help is very near. [Al-Baqarah / 2:214]
فإن مع العسر يسرا) 5 (إن مع العسر يسرا
For verily, with every hardship comes ease. Verily with every difficulty there is relief. [As-Syarh/94 :5-6]
سيجعل الله بعد عسر يسرا
Allah will soon give spaciousness after narrowness. [Ath-Thalâq/65: 7]
واعلم أن النصر مع الصبر وأن الفرج مع الكرب وأن مع العسر يسرا
Know, actually win with patience, and in fact it together keusahan solution and ease The real trouble with it. [2]
And there are many examples of the application of this rule in the Qur'an. Hopefully this.
(Quoted from the book Al-Qawâidul Hisan, Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir as-Sa `in, the page.)
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 08/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


This rule is one of the rules that are very useful. When this rule is applied by an in understanding the verses of al-Qur'ân, then he will reap many benefits. Because of a verb or the like with it, if it is associated with something, then it is a verb meaning something tied to it. But if it's something that's a binder removed, then the meaning will be widespread. So sometimes throw ma'mûl better and more useful than mentioned. Examples of the application of the rule in al-Qur'ân aplenty. For example, in many verses, Allah Almighty says:
لعلكم تعقلون
So ... you understand. [An-Nûr/24: 61]
لعلكم تذكرون
So ... you remember. [Al-An `am / 6:152]
لعلكم تتقون
That ye may ward off ... (keep self-red), [al-Baqarah / 2:21]
In the above verses pieces, not to mention something ma'mûl (object) it, so that the meaning of the first pieces to be so that you understand all that Allah Almighty show, teach and sent down to you. The second piece, the meaning being that you remember all the good of the world and your religion. The third piece, meaning being that you keep away from all that is required to avoid such sinful and immoral.
Entered in this generality, all related to the context of the sentence talks. For example, in the word of Almighty Allah:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون
O ye who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you as required above those before you that ye may ward off (keep away), [al-Baqarah / 2:183].
Sentence, 'that you fear (keep away)' broad meaning. It means includes all mentioned as the wisdom of fasting. It means that you can keep away from all that is forbidden in general, as well as for keeping away from all that is forbidden on the people who are fasting, so you can also have the character of those who fear Allah. And so on, it applies to all contexts mentioned to him this sentence.
Another example, in the word of Almighty Allah:
إن الذين اتقوا إذا مسهم طائف من الشيطان تذكروا فإذا هم مبصرون
Indeed those who fear Allah when they are overwritten misgivings from Satan, they remember to Allah, and when they saw it also (mistakes). [Al-A'raf / 7:201]
In this verse, the above rule can be applied in three sentences: First: Word of Allah, which means, "Verily those who ward off (which keep away)" here is something to be ma'mûl (object) it is not mentioned, so that the meaning becomes common. It means that people who protect themselves from the wrath of Allah Almighty; keep away from the fire of hell; guard against falling prey to immoral acts and all things that should be shunned. All this is included in the scope of the generality of the above paragraph.
Second: Word of Almighty Allah, which means, "Verily those who fear Allah when they are overwritten misgivings from Satan, they remember," In this verse pieces, the people who used to fear Allah and leave all that is forbidden by Almighty Allah, when there are devils that decorate so that it looks beautiful for her sins, he will be remembered. What did he remember? Because something is being ma'mûl (object) is not mentioned then it became more common meaning that he remembers everything that caused him to be moved to repent soon as remember the greatness of Allah Almighty; remember to what the demands of faith and piety; remember His wrath and punishment; remember the bad consequences of sin.
Third: the Word of Almighty Allah, which means, "... and then when they see it too." What do they see? Broad meaning, including seeing the truth; see the benefits of leaving the sinners; see a gap that could be utilized to tease devil; see a way out that could save him from this sin, so that he could immediately offer repentance to Allah Almighty with nasuha repentance. Thus, he will immediately return to its original rank, while the devil back with disappointment.
Another example is the word of Almighty Allah related to the Muslims, who sometimes use the wording al-Mukminûn or sometimes Innal LADZIINA AAMANUU without mentioning what must be believed, then it is also a broad meaning, covering everything obligatory to believe.
Included also are ordered to the good or evil done tyang should be shunned. If not specified object type, then the meaning is general, covering all good or all evil.
So is the word of Almighty Allah:
وأحسنوا إن الله يحب المحسنين
... And do good, for verily Allah loves those who do good. [Al-Baqarah / 2:195]
للذين أحسنوا الحسنى وزيادة
For people who do good, there is the best reward (heaven) and enhancements [Yûnus/10: 26]
هل جزاء الإحسان إلا الإحسان
No replies goodness except goodness (also) [ar-Rahmân/55: 60]
Because something is being ma'mûl (object) of the said Ihsan (doing good) is not mentioned, then it means covers all types of Ihsan, Ihsan good to Allah Almighty described by the word of his Messenger of n sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك
You pray to Almighty Allah as if you see Him, if you can not see Him, verily Allah Almighty saw
Also includes Ihsan (doing good) to a creature, either by words, actions, status, knowledge, wealth and so on.
Ma'mûlnya discarded due generality of meaning can also be found in the word of Almighty Allah:
ألهاكم التكاثر
Boast-megahan have neglected you [at-Takâtsur/102: 1]
In this verse does not mention what it used to boast-megahan, thus meaning that covers all commonly used for such pepularitas pride, wealth, position, and the offspring of other things that the target of many people as well as the neglect of obedience to Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Here are some examples of the application of this rule in the Qur'an and many other examples. Hopefully these examples, the understanding and application of the rules become clearer. And Allaah knows best.
(Quoted from the book Al-Qawâidul Hisan, Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir as-Sa `in, the page.)
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 07/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196] _______ Footnote [1]. In language, ma'mul FIH is a phrase or a word that means reading is affected by the other. This is something that affects so-called Amil. Among the examples is maf'ûl ma'mul BIH (object).

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