The virtue of Dhikr To Allaah
Al-Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas حفظه الله تعالى
عن عبد الله بن بسر أن أعرابيا قال لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, يا رسول الله إن شرائع الإسلام قد كثرت علي, فأنبئني منها بشيء أتشبث به? قال: لا يزال لسانك رطبا من ذكر الله
From 'Abdullah ibn Busr radi anhu said, "A Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam then said, 'O Messenger of Allah, verily Sharia-Islamic law has a lot to us. Tell us something we can cling to him? 'The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, 'Let your tongue always dhikr of Allah Almighty "
This is narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad (IV/188, 190), at-Tirmidhi (no. 3375). He said, "This hadeeth is hasan gharib."; Ibn Majah (no. 3793) and the wording is his. Ibn Abi Syaibah (X/89, no. 29,944), Al-Bayhaqi (III/371)
This hadith dishahihkan by Ibn Hibban (no. 811-at-Ta'lîqâtul hisan) and al-Hakim (I/495) and approved by adh-Dhahabi. Dishahihkan also by Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al Jâmi'is Sagheer (no. 7700), Saheeh al-Tayeb Kalimut (no. 3), and Shahîhut targhib wat Tarheeb (no. 1491)
Sharh Hadith
Ibn Hibban [1] narrated this hadith in Mu'adh bin Jabal shahihnya of radi 'anhu, he said, "I asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, 'Charity is the most loved by Allah Almighty?' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, 'You died in a state of tongue wet with dhikr of Allah Almighty.' "
Almighty Allah commanded the believers to a lot of dhikr to Him and praise Allah that many people dhikr. Allah Almighty says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اذكروا الله ذكرا كثيرا) 41 (وسبحوه بكرة وأصيلا
O ye who believe! Remember to Allah, keeping in mind (his name) as much as possible, and glorify Him morning and evening. "[Al-Ahzâb/33 :41-42]
Almighty Allah also says, which means, "... men and women who many call (name of) Allah, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward." [Al-Ahzâb/33: 35]
From Abu Hurayrah that anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
سبق المفردون قالوا: وما المفردون يا رسول الله? قال: الذاكرون الله كثيرا والذاكرات
"Al-Mufarridûn have preceded." The friend said, "Who is al-Mufarridûn O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Men and women are much dhikr of Allah." [2]
From the above hadith, it seems the meaning of al-mufarridun, namely the continuous dhikr of Allah and love it. People are much dhikr of Allah Almighty sincerely for Allah Almighty, to follow the example of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his recall to the Almighty Allah and His boundaries, then he was among those who fear Allah. Companion 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radi' anhu has explained the meaning of piety when he interprets the word of Almighty Allah, which means, "O ye who believe! But fear of you to Allah with true piety truth to him ..." [ Ali 'Imran / 3:102]
He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أن يطاع فلا يعصى, وأن يذكر فلا ينسى, وأن يشكر فلا يكفر
Let it be obeyed Allah and not dimaksiati, remembered and not forgotten, and be grateful and not dikufuri. [3]
Examples of our example is the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He dhikr of Allah Almighty in every situation. Aisha radi anhuma said:
كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يذكر الله على كل أحيانه
Is the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam always remember Allah in every situation. [4]
One of the seven people who sheltered Allah Almighty in His shade on the day there is no shade besides His shade among these people in the dhikr of Allah when alone then berlinanglah tears.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
... ورجل ذكر الله خاليا ففاضت عيناه ...
"... And a man who dhikr of Allah in the time alone later berlinanglah tears ..." [5]
The hearts of those who love Allah Almighty will not calm except with dhikr to Him and the souls of those who miss him uneasy but want to meet him. Allah Almighty ordered to dhikr to Him in every circumstance and praised those who make dhikr. Almighty Allah which means, "(Namely) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, lying down or in a state, and they are thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying), 'Our Lord, You have not created all this in vain, Glory to Thee, save us from the torment of Hell. '"[Ali' Imran / 3:191]
Even Allah Almighty ordered to dhikr in jihad, fighting the enemy. Allah Almighty says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا لقيتم فئة فاثبتوا واذكروا الله كثيرا لعلكم تفلحون
O ye who believe! If you meet the troops (enemy), then be firm and careful call it (the name of) Allah, many-many (remembrance and pray) that ye may prosper. "[Al-Anfal / 8:45]
Almighty Allah also commanded dhikr after the prayer:
فإذا قضيتم الصلاة فاذكروا الله قياما وقعودا وعلى جنوبكم
Furthermore, if you have finished the prayer (mu), remember Allah when ye stand, when to sit and when lying down ... "[al-Nisa '/ 4:103]
The meaning of this verse is prayer in khauf Salat (prayer at the time of fear). Therefore, Allah Almighty says:
فإذا اطمأننتم فأقيموا الصلاة إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا
Then, when you have to feel safe, then deliver it to pray that (as usual). Indeed it is the obligation of prayer timed over those who believe. "[Al-Nisa / 4:103]
Almighty Allah also commanded dhikr after Hajj. Almighty Allah says, which means, "When you have completed the pilgrimage, then berdzikirlah (the call) of Allah, as you mentioned (bragged) fathers, or (even) berdzikirlah much more than that ... "[al-Baqarah / 2:200]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also recommends dhikr when we are sitting or are in the assembly.
من قعد مقعدا لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة ومن اضطجع مضجعا لا يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة
Whoever sits in a place, then no dhikr of Allah in it, he must get a loss from Allah, and he who lay in a place and not dhikr of Allah, must be deprived of Allah. [6]
ما جلس قوم مجلسا لم يذكر الله فيه, ولم يصلوا على نبيهم إلا كان عليهم ترة, فإن شاء عذبهم وإن شاء غفرلهم.
When a people sitting in assemblies, then no dhikr of Allah and do not read the blessings on the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he must be deficient and regret them. And if Allah willed, He would torture them and if wills, He will forgive them. "[7]
مامن قوم يقومون من مجلس لا يذكرون الله فيه إلا قاموا عن مثل جيفة حمار وكان لهم حسرة
Every nation that rose from the assembly that they are not dhikr of Allah in it, then the completion of the assembly seperrti donkey carcass and it is a regret them (in the Kamat). [8]
Almighty Allah also commanded dhikr dhikr that many at the time for a living and after the Friday prayers. Almighty Allah says, which means, "Where prayer has been implemented, then bertebaranlah you on earth; seek Allah's bounty, and remember Allah a lot so you're lucky." [Al-Jumu'ah / 62:10]
In this verse, Allah Almighty combines the search for gifts (for a living) with a lot of dhikr to Him. Therefore, there is a hadith about the primacy of dhikr in the marketplaces and neglect places like the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
من دخل السوق فقال: لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له, له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو حي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير, كتب الله له ألف ألف حسنة, ومحا عنه ألف ألف سيئة, ورفع له ألف ألف درجة
Whoever enters the market, there is something in it being shouted and traded then said, 'There is no god worthy of worship except Allah alone that there is no partner for Him, kingdom and praise belong to Him. He turn on, turn off, Mahahidup, and not die. The whole goodness is in His hands and He has power over all things, 'then Allah writes for him a million good, erase a million mistakes from him, and raised him one million degrees [9].
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned a great virtue in dhikr in the market, because the market is a place that many people lie, cheat, perjury, and other immoral-immoral. Abu Ubaidah ibn Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said, "As long as one's heart dhikr of Allah, then he is in prayer. If he was in the market she moves her mouth, the better. "[10]
As we know that Almighty Allah requires Muslims dhikr to Him every day and night as much as five times by setting up a prayer at the times specified. In addition to the five daily prayers, Allah Almighty dhikr mensyari'atkan them as much as possible. Allah Almighty mensyari'atkan pray that His human dhikr (remembering Allah) and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala mensyari'atkan sunnah prayers, and filling his time with the obligatory deeds and Sunnah so that people always remember to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Allah Almighty says:
إنني أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدني وأقم الصلاة لذكري
Indeed it is Allah I, there is no Ilah (which is right) but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. "[Thâha/20: 14]
Almighty Allah also says which means, "Recite what has been revealed unto you the Book (the Qur'an), and be steadfast in prayer. Indeed prayer restrains from (deeds) shameful and unjust. And remembrance of Allah (prayer) is greater (primacy of worship others)., and Allah knows what you do. "[al-'Ankabût/29: 45]
Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said about the interpretation of this verse, "That is, pray it includes two things: (first) left the various atrocities and munkar, meaning of prayer routine can lead to the attitude of leaving these things ... (second) prayer to embrace the mind of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, this is the greatest demands "[11]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said, "Verily the prayers there (two things): (First) hates reject something that is shameful and unjust deeds-, and (second) realizing something that is loved, that dhikr (remember) Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'style.
Then, the achievement of something loved is greater than the hated reject it. Because dzikirullâh Allaah is a worship that is solely due to Allah, and Allah is worship of the heart to the core purpose desired. The ugliness utterly rejected from the heart, then it is intended for other than Him, that is, as a broadcaster alone. "[12]
That is if he is sincere in dhikr and in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, giving rise to the fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the indecency and evil will be rejected from his heart. Allah knows best.
Dhikr with oral, is prescribed at all times and disunnahkan in most time with mu-akkadah Sunnah (sunnah which is emphasized).
Dhikr-Dhikr is done with care and oral. Heart glorify Allah Almighty and verbal are saying the dhikr-remembrance, and obedience to implement limbs Almighty Allah and refrain from sin and sinners.
For example, lafadz Lâ ilaha illallah, a person who uttered this lafadz should know about the meaning of la ilaha illa Allah, his heart shall believe that Allah is the only One who has the right diibadahi, all god worshiped by man is vanity. No one has the right diibadahi correctly except Allah. Then a servant must carry out all forms of worship only to Allah only and should not be turned to other than Allah.
Therefore, dhikr is charity. It appears in the Qur'an, how righteous deeds were always accompanied by dhikr.
Lâ ilaha illallah which is the creed is the most Afdhal dhikr (main).
At the time of dhikr is that dhikr is emphasized after the obligatory prayers five times as much as a hundred times that dhikr. Dhikr-shaped beads that read سبحان الله (33X), which is read الحمدلله tahmid (33X), Takbeer is read الله أكبر (33X), and closed with
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير.
Dhikr is also disunnahkan after the morning prayer and Asr prayer. So, dhikr is prescribed morning after the morning prayer until the sun rises. Dhikr disyari'atkan afternoon after Asr prayer until sunset. The second time is the best time of day for dhikr. Therefore, Allah Almighty ordered the Muslims dhikr i second this time. Allah Almighty says:
وسبحوه بكرة وأصيلا
And glorify Him morning and evening. [Al-Ahzâb/33: 42]
واذكر اسم ربك بكرة وأصيلا
And call it the name of your Lord at (time) in the morning and evening [al-Insân/76: 25]
Also his word, which means, "... And call it (name) your Lord a lot, and hymn (praise Him) in the evening and morning." [Ali 'Imran / 3:41]
Also his word, which means, "... Allah revealed to them, 'exalt you in the morning and evening.'" [Maryam/19: 11]
Also his word, which means, "So glorify Allah in the evening and in the morning (the dawn)." [Ar-Rûm/30: 17]
Also his word, which means, "... And glorify your Lord while praising in the evening and morning." [Ghâfir/40: 55]
And many more other verses.
Dhikr of the most well-crafted in the second period is after the morning prayer and Asr prayer which is the most important prayer, Asr prayer called Salat also Wustha. Whoever is keeping the second prayer (Shubuh and Asr), so he goes to heaven. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من صلى البردين دخل الجنة
Whoever is keeping both prayer (Shubuh and Asr) then she goes to heaven. [13]
Dhikr morning after morning prayer and dhikr afternoon after Asr prayer. Dhikr in a second time is better than other charities, then after (dhikr) was read al-Qur'ân. Dhikr-remembrance and prayer-do'adi morning and evening narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam much at all. [14]
Other times after the second time is the evening. Therefore, the rosary and evening prayers mentioned in the Qur'an after the second time.
If after Isha prayer 'he wants to sleep, he slept in a state of purity disunnahkan and dhikr. He hymn, bertahmid, bertakbir, as many as one hundred times as taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima z x. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told both act like that if you want to sleep, followed by bedtime dhikr-dhikr narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Dhikr-remembrance before bed it varies, for example, reading the Qur'an, and berdizkir to Allah. After that, he had to sleep. [15]
If he wakes up in the middle of the night and change position in bed, let him dhikr of Allah Almighty every time he changed positions. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever woke up and said:
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير, وسبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
There is no god except Allah who is entitled diibadahi just that there is no partner for Him. Kingdom and praise belong to Him, He has power over all things. Glory to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god except Allah diibadahi entitled, Allah is the Greatest, there is no power except with Allah and effort
, ثم قال: رب اغفرلي, أو قال: ثم دعا استجيب له, فإن عزم وتوضأ, ثم صلى قبلت صلاته.
Then say, 'O Allah, forgive me,' he said-or, then he prays-then do'anya granted. If he made ablution, then prayer, then his prayer is accepted. "[16]
A husband woke up for night prayers and then he wakes his wife to pray thus, both the multitude of dhikr. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إذا أيقظ الرجل أهله من الليل فصليا - أو صلى ركعتين جميعا - كتب من الذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات.
If a man wakes his wife at night, and the two prayer-or each prayed two rak-it note as both the men and women who remember Allah much. [17]
Then finish Tahajjud and Witr should beristighfar at the dawn of time, because Allah Almighty praises those who beristighfar at meal time.
الصابرين والصادقين والقانتين والمنفقين والمستغفرين بالأسحار
(Also) the patient, the true, the obedient, those who menginfakkan his property, and the people who begged forgiveness at the time before dawn. [Ali 'Imran / 3:17]
If dawn has risen, he is working on two cycles later sunnah prayers Shubuh. After that, he was busy with dhikr narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam until sunrise as already mentioned.
Whoever condition like that, it never stopped her tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah Almighty. He dhikr when going to sleep, when the body berbolak and forth on the bed, then started again when I wake up dhikr. This is proof of the truth of love for Allah Almighty.
And religion and world affairs who first worked someone in the middle of night and day, then most of it is prescribed dhikr with the name of Allah. Dhikr with the name of Allah and praise Him when he prescribed eating, drinking, dressing, conjugal relations, entered the house, out of the house, in and out of the shower, drive, slaughter, and so forth.
He prescribed praised Allah Almighty when sneezing, shelter and safety pleading when he saw the people who were tested in the religion and the world, say hello when you meet with Muslims, and mendo'akan visit them when sick, praising Allah Almighty when getting new favors that she liked and hated the loss of pain. The most perfect of it all is he praised Allah upon love, grief, crisis, and sustenance. So he praised Allah in all circumstances and conditions.
He prescribed dhikr and berdo'akepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when entering the market, hear the sound of cock crowing at night, heard the thunder, the rain fell, the wind blew hard, look at the moon, and see the first tree to bear fruit.
He also disyari'atkan dhikr and praying to Allah when sick, get a disaster, when going out for traveling, stopping at places along the way and when it arrived from the trip and other dhikr-remembrance.
He prescribed refuge to Allah when angry, saw something he did not like in a dream, heard the sound of dogs and donkeys at night.
He prescribed istikharah (ask for choices) to Allah when they want something that he has not have a choice in it.
A Muslim is obliged by Allah Almighty to immediately repent to Him and seek forgiveness of all sins, sins big and small. Allah Almighty says:
والذين إذا فعلوا فاحشة أو ظلموا أنفسهم ذكروا الله فاستغفروا لذنوبهم ومن يغفر الذنوب إلا الله ولم يصروا على ما فعلوا وهم يعلمون
And (also) those who, if guilty of lewdness or menzhalimi yourself, (immediately) remember Allah, and beg forgiveness for their sins, and who (else) who can forgive sins but Allah? And they did not pursue that sin, knowingly. "[Ali 'Imran / 3:135]
Whoever performs dhikr wake up until he started sleeping again, and he did it all with a consistent, sincere and ittiba 'to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, then the tongue will continuously wet by the dhikr of Allah in all conditions.
A believer should use the best possible time to worship the Almighty Allah, prayer, dhikr, making a living, studying, and others. And the easiest is dhikr of Allah Almighty, because a believer can dhikr anywhere and anytime can be done when he was walking, driving, riding the bus, the train, while waiting for a bus or a train or public transport. Oral should always be wet with dhikr of Allah to every time and it is easy and light, can be done by every believer and Mukminah. Even a mukminah he could make dhikr while holding her, nursing her child, or when cooking and others.
Primacy of dhikr
With the dhikr, the heart will be calm. Allah Almighty says:
الذين آمنوا وتطمئن قلوبهم بذكر الله ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
(Namely) those who believe and their hearts become peaceful by remembering Allah. Remember, just by remembering Allah do hearts become peaceful. [Ar-Ra'd / 13:28]
It was narrated from Abu Darda radi anhu he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ألا أنبئكم بخير أعمالكم وأزكاها عند مليككم وأرفعها في درجاتكم وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهب والورق وخير لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم? قالوا: بلى يا رسول الله! قال: ((ذكرالله تعالى))
Would you like me to show best practice and on the side of your Lord most holy, and most raised derajatmu, menginfakkan better for you than gold and silver, and better for you than met the enemy and then you cut off his neck or they cut your throat? "The friends who attended said, "O Messenger of Allah Want!" He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Dhikr to Allah the Most High." [18]
It was narrated from Abu Musa al-Ash'ari radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
مثل الذي يذكر ربه والذي لا يذكر ربه, مثل الحي و الميت
Parable of the dhikr of his Lord and one who does not make dhikr to his Lord is like the difference between people who live with people who died [19]
BENEFITS OR avail dhikr (remembering GOD Almighty)
Benefits to the dhikr of Allah Almighty so many, these are:
1. Casting out demons, beat and abolish it.
2. Eliminates sadness and gloom of the liver.
3. Bring excitement and pleasure in the heart.
4. Paved bring good luck and blessings.
5. Yielded submission, the form of surrender to Allah and return to Him. While he's more of a way back to the dhikr of Allah, then in any such circumstances he would return to Allah with his heart, so that Allah becomes a place to complain and place back, happiness and pleasure, where dependent when some misfortune and calamity.
6. Yielded closeness to Allah Almighty. How far he is doing dhikr to Allah, so far anyway proximity to Allah, and how far he was negligent in the dhikr, so far as it is also the distance that separates it from Allah.
7. Makes the heart alive. T Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Dhikr to be equal to the water for the fish, then how things will happen to fish if the water part with???"
8. Cleanse the heart of the rust, because everything there is rust and rust of the heart is inattentive and lust. As for cleaning the rust is to repent and seek forgiveness.
9. Servant who knows Allah, dhikr berdo'adan manner while roomy, then Allah will know him when he was in trouble.
10. Save him from the wrath of Allah as said Mu'adh bin Jabal radi anhu and he memarfu'kannya "No son of Adam a charity done more to save him from the wrath of Allah, apart from the dhikr of Allah Almighty" [20].
11. Cause a decline in serenity, grace and the coming of the Angels surround the dhikr, as said at the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
12. Of oral busy doing backbiting, fighting sheep, lies, deceit and falsehood.
It is appropriate for a servant to speak good, if speech is not dhikr to Allah, but a forbidden things, then no one can save him except with dhikr to Allah.
Quite a lot of experiences and events that prove this. Who is accustom his tongue to dhikr, the more awake tongue of falsehood and vain words. But anyone who has never known his tongue dhikr, the falsehood and deceit much spoken of his tongue.
13. Dhikr gives a sense of security of regret on the Day of Resurrection. Because majlis in which there is no remembrance to Allah, it will be a regret for the culprit on the Day of Judgment.
14. Dhikr is the worship of the easiest, yet most glorious and foremost. Because the tongue movement is a movement of the body is the lightest and most easily. Suppose there are other parts of the body that should be moving, such as tongue movement during the day and night, of course it will be difficult to implement and even impossible. [21]
Hopefully Allah Almighty make us including of sincere servants and a lot of dhikr in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Hopefully this article useful.
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 10/Tahun XV/1433H/2012M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
[1]. Saheeh: HR. Ibn Hibban (no. 815-at-Ta'lîqâtul hisan).
[2]. HR. Muslim (no. 2676).
[3]. Atsar Saheeh: HR. ath-Tabarani in al-Kabir Mu'jamul (no. 8502), al-Hakim (II/294), in Tafseer Ibn Jarir Tabari (III/375-376), and Ibn Kathir in his tafsir (II/87) .
[4]. Saheeh: HR. Muslim (no. 373), Abu Dawood (no. 18), at-Tirmidhi (no. 3384), and in others.
[5]. Saheeh: HR. al-Bukhari (no. 660), Muslim (no. 1031), at-Tirmidhi (no. 2391) and Ahmad (II/439).
[6]. Saheeh: HR. Abu Dawood (no. 4856); Saheeh Abi Dawood (III/920, no. 4065) from Abu Hurayrah that anhu
[7]. Saheeh: HR. at-Tirmidhi (no. 3380), Ahmad (II/446, 453, 481) from Abu Hurayrah that anhu. See Genealogical al-ahadith al-Shahîhah (no. 74).
[8]. Saheeh: HR. Abu Dawood (no. 4855), Ahmad (II/389), al-Hakim (I/492), and others. Al-Hakim said, "That hadith is saheeh according to the terms agreed upon by Imam Muslim and adh-Dhahabi." View Lineage al-ahadith al-Shahîhah (no. 77) from Abu Hurayrah that anhu.
[9]. HR. Ahmad (I/47), at-Tirmidhi (no. 3428, 3429), Ibn Majah (no. 2235), ad-Darimi (II/293), al-Baghawi (no. 1338), ath-Tabarani in ad- Du'a (no. 792-793) of the companions' Umar radi anhuma. Classed as saheeh by al-Hakim (I/538) and approved by adh-Dhahabi. This hadith dihasankan by Shaykh al-Albani in Silsilah al-ahadith al-Shahîhah (no. 3139).
[10]. Hilyatul Auliya '(IV/227).
[11]. See Ibni Kathir Tafsir (VI/280-282) with summarized.
[12]. al-'ubudiyya (pp. 120-121), tahqiq Shaykh' Ali bin Hasan al-Halabi.
[13]. Saheeh: HR. Muslim (no. 635).
[14]. Read books and wirid Benediction Author, Reader Imam Shafi'i, cet 12th, Jakarta.
[15]. Read the book and the author Du'a and Dhikr wirid morning and evening, Imam Shafi'i Library, Jakarta.
[16]. Saheeh: HR. at-Tirmidhi (no. 3414), Ibn Majah (no. 3878).
[17]. Saheeh: HR. Abu Dawood (no. 1309) and Ibn Majah (no. 1335) from the companions of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi anhu. Shaykh al-Albani said in Takhrîj Hidâyatir Ruwât (II/49, no. 1194), "isnad is authentic. Classed as saheeh by al-Hakim, adh-Dhahabi, an-Nawawi and al-'Iraqi.
[18]. Saheeh: HR. at-Tirmidhi (no. 3377), Ibn Majah (no. 3790), and al-Hakim (I / 496) of the companions of Abu Darda radi anhu. This hadith wording wording at-Tirmidhi. Classed as saheeh by al-Hakim and adh-Dhahabi agreed by.
[19]. Saheeh: HR. al-Bukhari (no. 6407) / Fathul Baari (XI/208).
[20]. HR. Ahmad (V/239).
[21]. Summarized from Saheeh al-Wâbilus Shayyib works of Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, takhrij Slaim Shaykh bin 'Eid al-Hilali. See also the book author Benediction and wirid, Imam Shafi'i Library, Jakarta.
Dismantling Roots of Orientalism
Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc,
Once Allah Almighty sent the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam convey the divine teachings to Muslims. The Arabs in particular and Muslims in general to be the people who join together as a sturdy building, complementarity and mutual support between its parts. That create an atmosphere of well-established, comfortable and noble. This makes people noble life-saving non-Islamic people hate and envy. Background hatred and envy there some Jews and Zoroastrian deploy and enter treason and deceit. They are carefully planned conspiracy and ripe to shake and destroy the Muslims sturdy building.
The first time they planted the mines in the ranks of the Muslims with smuggling and making a political plot that managed to kill the caliph Uthman ibn Affan radi anhu and killed the Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu cousin of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam once the fourth caliph. Makar they did not stop there, they continue to try to undermine and destroy the ranks of the Muslims.
The second step, after successfully pull apart ranks of the Muslims politically, they began to establish and enforce such heretical groups by spreading Aqeedah Jews, Zoroastrians and Christians can and paganism were damaged on the Muslims. They strengthen the aqidah damaged by falsehood in the name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and made false hadiths. Seeing and this rotten behavior, Muslims are not standing still. They began to rise up to fight and try to destroy them is treason and deceit. They unify the ranks after al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu relented and handed over the leadership of the Muslims stacks Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan the radi anhu. Finally the affairs of the Muslims begin their regular lineup again and again united politically. [1]
Thus Muslims always face the physical and thinking war with the enemy. The enemies of Islam want to subjugate the country and seize the land of the Muslims and their beliefs not because of sin and mistakes done by the Muslims. Their movement is solely because Muslims draw people to the Aqeedah that led them to worship only to Allah Almighty not to others. A creed that respects human reason and nature are and guide them into a noble man and far from poor and low morals.
Although Islam was so noble goal, but still do not like the enemies of Islam with Islamic teachings and sound belief. They continue to lie after lie made against Islam and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They mobilize all the skills and tools they have both print and electronic, audio or visual. Everything is deployed to attack Muslims and Islam so doubtful thoughts and their lies into the aqidah and minds of the Muslims. [2]
One of the enemy soldiers, who are the pioneers destroyer sanctity and glory of Islam and the most dangerous for the youth of Islam and cendikiwan is Orientalism and the characters. Because they hide behind propaganda Ilmiyah research objective and sincere devotion Ilmiyah. From here the figures Orientalists wrote books related to Islam and sound belief. Since more than one hundred and fifty years ago until now figures Orientalists have published more than sixty thousand books on Islam, Muslims and their country, as stated by DR. Akram Dhiya 'al-Umari in Mauqif book al-Sunna was Mustasyriqin Minas Sirah, pp. 6-7.
Among these figures is Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921) (197) in the book of al-Aqidah wa al-Shari'ah and Islamic fil Tarikh books Madzâhib at-Tafsir al-Islami [3]. Likewise arent January Wensinck (1882-1939) (417) in the book Aqidah Islamiyah, Nasy'atuha Tathawwuruha wa at-Târîkhi (in English) and Muhammed books Joden te en de Medina (in Dutch). Sir Hamilton Gibb Raskeen Alexander (1895-1971) (174) in Mohammedanism books and book Modern Trends in Islam. Gustave E. Von Grunebaum (1909-1972) (182) in his book Medieval Islam (al-Islam Fi al-'Asr al-Wasith) and Muhâwalât book Fi al-Islam Syarhil Mu'ashir.
WHAT IS Orientalism?
The researchers Islam defines Orientalism with research or academic studies conducted non-Muslims from non-Arab countries both from the east (asia) or west to aqidah, law, language and civilization of Islam with the aim of religion casts doubt on the straight and keep people away from him. [ 4]
Thus orientalis (al-mustasyriqûn) is a general term includes non-Arab groups who work in the field of oriental science research in general and Islam in particular. Their goal is not to science and education, but the goal is to create and spread doubt on the Muslims to their religion. So if we consider the example of their research about al-Qur'ân sure we will see confusion and effort peraguan. Even if there is no lafadz showing it openly, but they must use like a vague and could lead to doubt. [5]
OFFICIALLY, THERE WHEN orientalism? [6]
Researchers disagree about the history of the beginning of this orientalism, but officially begins with the publication of statutes Majma '(conference) Viena church in 1312 H by forming a number of research institutions in a number of university Arabic Europe. Thus allowing for the orientalism unofficially before. Hence historians are nearly unanimous that the 13th century was the beginning of an official nature orientalis
Since then, they did not stop studying Islam and Arabic language and translate the meaning of the content of the Qur'an and some Arabic books and literature to enter the 18th century AD. It turns out that a number of western scholars emerged as 0rientalis and publishes magazines throughout the empire and European countries. They are looking for Arabic manuscripts in Arabic and Islamic countries then buy it from the owner of the manuscripts that do not understand or steal from public libraries. They move to the country and their libraries. Finally, a large number of rare Arabic manuscripts to the library moved to Europe in the early 19th century AD found two hundred and fifty thousand volumes and continues to grow to this day.
Orientalism has obvious characteristics and become an integral part of the notion of Orientalism. Among the most important are:
1. Bound and closely associated with colonialism (imperialism / colonialism).
Particularly the British and French occupation since the late 18th century until the end of World War 2. Then closely linked to the U.S. occupation until now. Where occupation extends also extends the study of Orientalism. Kadah is no doubt that the occupation is always accompanied by orientalism, because the bond is a bond between the two members of its parts. No one except the colonial state has institutions of Orientalism.
2. Tied and deal directly with missionaries (Christianization movement).
History of Christianity at all tied to the history of orientalism. Both are integral in the history of political colonialism, thinking and behavior.
3. Ties and ties closely with the manufacturing provisions against political Islam and the Muslims.
Planning orientalism to Christianity or destruction of the Islamic world have made strong and close ties between research orientalism and political decision-making against the Muslims. Lots of orientalists who formerly or still a government advisor in planning their politics of colonialism and Christianity.
For example:
a. Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (8/2/1857-26/6/1936) [8] The Dutch Orientalist works as a political adviser to the Dutch government in the fight against Islamic societies known Indonesian Indonesian society. Dissertation on Het Mekkanche feest '(Journey of Hajj to Mecca). He lived in Indonesia, a Dutch colony until 17 years starting from 1889 AD to the position as advisor to the Dutch government in Indonesia. First worked for two years as an advisor to the Dutch government on the issue of Islam in Indonesia and live in Java. Then in March 1891 moved an adviser in the eastern state language and Islamic law in the office of the Dutch colonial government and stay in Aceh in 1891-1892. After that he learned to speak Malay and traveled to Sumatra to master the Malay language well and wrote a book De Atjehers' (Acehnese) in two volumes (1893-1894). New in 1906 he returned to Leiden, Netherlands, and was appointed as an advisor to the Dutch government and the Arab affairs in the country in January 1907 M.
b. Duncan Black Macdonald (1863-1943 AD) British Orientalist whose work sebagau perncanaan political adviser in the government against the Muslims in the Indian region.
c. Louis Massignon (1883-1962 AD). [9] An advisor to the French government in designing politiknyta against the Muslims in North Africa and in particular al-Jazaair.
4. Not a commitment to objectivity and does not mandate Ilmiyah.
Orientalists can not mandate a commitment to objectivity and Ilmiyah especially when dealing with Islam. However great their objectivity and trustful Ilmiyah hum, but reality belie that. Seems to be caused by the following points:
• Maintenance and development of the church and the characters of the orientalists since the beginning of development until now. Therefore, the researchers stated that the characters in the works of Orientalists ilmiyahnya not be able to escape from their previous thoughts and feelings that have been inherited (from their religion), as many of them have the worldly goals of the study Orientalism damaged. (See ar-Rasul al-fi Kitâbât Mustasyriqin, pp. 16).
• Damage Manhaj ilmi no attention to them because of its basic principles. Because the rationale of the Orientalist assumption al-Qur'ân is the product of man and not in the prophethood and the prophethood of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
• Do not pay attention to the basic sources of Islam are the principal and replenish with research originating from referral sources are not the principal and original.
• Many of fraud and deceit to show objectivity in research and comprehensive research data, then insert damaging toxins secretly and uslub manner that reveals truth, thoroughness and accuracy of such thinking. Yet the reality is not so.
There are a number of reasons that encourage leaders to lie above orientalis Islam, including:
a. Because religion.
Crusade leaves a very deep influence on the life of Europeans, because they saw the victory of the army and the Muslim civilization possessed. Besides, the rapid spread of Islam followers amid Christians can, so they converted to Islam with satisfaction. As well as those many Christians can feel awe towards Islam and the Muslims. All of this encourages pastors to perform movements and translate pempelajaran Arabic Islamic heritage with the aim of damaging the good image of Islam in the eyes of Christians can society. Then developed into an attempt to cast doubt on the glory and sanctity of Islam and Muslims in the Muslim proselytizing efforts.
Pastor Peter shouted major expressed that it was al-Qur'ân is the source of aberration and terrorism which threaten Christians can order religious (Christian). If you want to defeat it must learn and called on (to the public) that the Qur'an is the holy book full of contradictions and conflicts and also contains things that are denied reasonable.
Likewise, their alliance with the Jews pushed their orientalism led to this. The Jews are able to establish themselves to be a part of the foundation on which religious movements European orientalism Christians can. The Jews did not want to work in the movement as a Jewish Orientalist until they are separated and then little influence them. Therefore, they work with the name of the European orientalists. Thus they have two advantages:
1. Enter directly in the Orientalism movement
2. Realize their goal to destroy Islam. This is the desire of the majority of Christians can orientalis.
From here they breathed poison against Islam and entered in this field in a hidden state under the slogan of science.
b. For Colonialism.
Although the main cause of religion, but this is a pioneer for the colonization of Islamic countries.
c. For Ilmiyah.
Indeed, there are still some individuals who fall into the causes driving orientalism happy to know human civilization and knowledge as well as sound belief.
d. For Economics and Commerce,
In addition to the above reasons there are also economic reasons and commerce. The Europeans are trying to master the east country rich in natural resources to support their economies. It is necessary for the research and study of natural and environmental conditions in the eastern states. This is a research study that would support the revival of the European economy and their industry after the industrial revolution that occurred after the time of their resurrection.
From the explanation of the driving factors and because the construction of the country to the east of Orientalism movement in general and Muslim nations in particular, can take some of the goal of this movement as follows:
1. Orientalism movement from the beginning aimed to keep adherents to infiltrate Christians can become Muslims with concentration of damage and scar the beautiful face of Islam so that the Christians can be sure that it is not true Islam. (See further in the book of al-fil Mûjiz Adyan wal Madzâhib, p 181)
2. Then change the direction of research was the object of orientalism as Muslims. They began to fabricate lies and deception over the Aqeedah and Shari'ah as well as a source of reference, in order to weaken the spirit of Islam on Muslims and Muslims spread to internal divisions and bend over backwards to mengkristenisasikannya.
3. Then tied after that the occupation of Islamic countries with the aim of reinforcing the colonialism. With this they were able to force these countries are subject to receiving their thoughts and glorify the basic principles of the capitalist West and Islam and remove those that committed to him.
Fikrul author of al-Islami al-hadith states that the objectives and targets orientalis with any kind focused on the realization of low mental attitudes and lead to feelings of lacking on the psyche of the Muslims and the east and take them out of the way and are subject to approval by the guidance and west direction. (P. 431)
This makes the orientalists prove progress and greatness of Europe from one side and reveal all the movements that took the commitment to Islam as antiquated and backward.
Targets and goals that brought the missionaries and Orientalists still exist on their students in our country. They considered the height of civilization and progress can only be achieved by tagging and echoed to the west and away they describe Islamic fundamentalists and other languages.
MEANS Orientalism to the attack
The figures orientalists know with certainty that the Muslims could not be attenuated unless the Aqeedah and separated from the true Islamic law. They use all the means available to achieve this. Among the most important are:
First: In the Field of Writing (at-Ta'liif).
1. Written books on diverse themes of Islam, thinking, Apostle and Koran. The majority of these papers are filled with tahrif (deviations) that rely on penukilan texts or cut it up. Also in understanding the reality of history and the results.
2. They work together to write encyclopedias about Islam that is named "Da` Irah al-Maarif al-Islamiyah "and published in various languages. Likewise summarized published and printed in various languages such as enseklopedia. Researchers encyclopedia Islam considers this as the best works of the orientalists in realizing their goals of Islam. The danger point is the orientalists and the ability to devote all their pens to publish this inseklopedia. So that it is now a source of reference (reference) researchers for many Muslims in his research. Though it contains many ambiguities and errors as well as a large fanatical against Islam and the Muslims.
Second: In the Field of Education and Tarbiyah.
The figures Orientalist movement directed into the center of educational institutions and tarbiyah and use it as a means of realizing their objectives perfectly. They tried to instill the basic principles of western education (westernization education) role in the souls of children the Muslims.
Likewise, they gave public lectures at universities and institutions of Islamic education. Until they are called to be a guest lecturer to teach Islam in many universities in Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, Karachi, Lahore, Indonesia and other Muslim countries. It's dangerous how the children of the Muslims take their religion from the mouths of the enemies of Islam?
Third: In the field of Humanities and Social Community.
The missionaries and Orientalists set up hospitals, social organizations (NGOs), schools, refugee camps, orphanages and other Islamic countries to realize their goal to Christianize the world.
Fourth: Mu'tamar (Conference) and World Assembly.
In the 19th century began to organize international conferences to orientalis (al-Mu'tamar ad-Dauliyah) to strengthen the coordination and cooperation among them. Their first conference took place in Paris in 1873 AD, then held after the conference again a few to more than thirty international conferences.
Fifth: Magazine-Magazine Orientalism.
Orientalism movement is moving publishes magazines, newsletters large amounts can reach more than 300 magazines in different languages. We mention as examples:
1. Magazine "al-Islam" M was replaced in 1895 by the magazine "al-'Alam al-Islami" published in 1906 by yaang bi'tsah al-al-al-Faransiyah Ilmiyah in Morocco.
2. Magazine "Der Islam" in 1910 AD in Germany.
3. Magazine "Mirlslama" taahun 1912 in Russia
4. Magazine "The Muslim Word" in England in 11911 M Samuel Marinus Zwemer was founded by.
So much effort and sincerity enemies of Islam in destroying Islam and destroyed the unity of the Muslims. Everything is done to deter people from the path of truth.
Hopefully this article gives benefits to us and makes us aware of the effort mislead us all the enemies of Islam.
Maraji '
1. Mustasyriqin Iftirâ'ât Min al-'Ala al-Usul al-aqidah fi al-Islam, DR Abdulmun'im Fu'aad, Maktabah al-Ubaikaan, first printed in 1422/2001
2. Zawâbi 'Fi Wajhis Qadîman Sunnah wa Hadîtsan work Maqbul Ahmad Shaikh Salahuddin, Majma' al-Buhuts al-Ilmiyah al-Islamiya, India, first printed in 1411-1991.
3. Mausû'ah al-Mustasyriqin, DR Abdurrahman Badawi, Darul Ilmi Lil Malayyin, as Beirut, the third cet 1993.
4. Etc..
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 10/Tahun XV/1433H/2012M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-85819