In the example the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam Women Facing Temptation
Ustadz ' Asim bin Mustafa
قال رب السجن أحب إلي مما يدعونني إليه وإلا تصرف عني كيدهن أصب إليهن وأكن من الجاهلين ) 33 ( فاستجاب له ربه فصرف عنه كيدهن إنه هو السميع العليم
He said: "O Rabbku , I prefer jail more than fulfill their invitation to me . And if Thou turn away their snare from me , of course I'd be inclined to ( fulfill their desires ) and lapse into ignorance . Then his Lord Yusuf allow prayer , and turned away from him their guile . Verily He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing . [ Yusuf/12 :33 - 34 ]
• Looking Back Woman Slander The Prophet Joseph Alaihisallam Threaten .
Having survived the hole and bounced into the hands of the Egyptian authorities , then the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam live in luxury . He apparently treated well , not like a serf in general . When he was a teenager , handsome face became a symbol attached to him . In the event of Isra ' Mi'raj , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam meet him at the third level of the sky and he commented : " Indeed , he was given half of the beauty ( world population ) " . [ 1 ]
Alaihissallam Joseph 's handsomeness has made his master's wife was hooked , and he made a plan to deceive and to lead them to the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam fâhisyah act ( adultery ) . However , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamelindungi him from such immoral acts .
News tergodanya Egyptian authorities with his slave wife spread to the ears of the Eve of the time . Initially , they denounced wives Egyptian authorities for the incident . However , Egyptian authorities wives woman no less resourceful . He was a way to get the women to justify themselves so enamored with a teenager named Joseph Alaihissallam .
Then be brought so that the women witnessed the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam handsomeness . Sure enough , they were really mesmerized by its beauty . They even consider it as an angel , because he looks so handsome .
This fascination and admiration until they do not realize have resulted slicing their hands with knives purposely have been provided by the wife of Egyptian authorities , to avenge trickery of these women , who actually also harbored a great desire to witness the beauty of the face of the Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam with their own eyes . Not purely for denouncing the wife of the Egyptian authorities .
Furthermore , the wife of Egyptian authorities informed the women in attendance , the great personality that embedded in the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam . Namely , the nature of ' iffah ( toughness to guard her honor ) , was not going to welcome the invitation to misbehave . Because of the rejection, the threat comes from the mouth of the Egyptian authorities wives woman . Ie the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam dijeblosankannya into prison and living in a state of humiliation .
• Protection of the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam Invoke Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala .
That's when the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam shelter himself with his Lord, and he begged for help to him from the ugliness and fabrications .
قال رب السجن أحب إلي مما يدعونني إليه
( O Rabbku , I prefer jail more than fulfill their invitation to me ) .
This indicates that the women were advised Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam so obedient to her master , and seek to deceive Joseph Alaihissallam in this issue . However , the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam prefers confined in prison and torture worldly than momentary pleasure that will bring grievous torment . [ 2 ]
Simultaneously , the above verse also reflects wife that officials are still urging the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam to accept his invitation , and threatened him with imprisonment and confinement , when the invitation was declined . Because , if the woman was not hit and launched a threat , then it is impossible to make the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam to say "O Rabbku , I prefer jail more than meets they call me " . [ 3 ]
Although many conditions are very supportive of the fornication which will be presented one by one , but the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam prefer the pleasure and fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . So is the love of his , had encouraged her to choose to live his days in jail rather than commit adultery . [ 4 ]
وإلا تصرف عني كيدهن أصب إليهن
[ And if Thou turn away their snare from me , of course I'd be inclined to ( fulfill their desires ) ]
If thou ( O Rabbku ) handed control of the affairs of this to myself , in fact I am weak , no power , has no power , can not cause harm and benefit, but with the help and your strength . You are the place for help , thy place to rest , do not you have given to myself [ 5 ]
وأكن من الجاهلين
( and so lapse into ignorance ) .
Imam Tabari rahimahullah said : " With kecondonganku to them , I would be the ones who do not know your rights, and against thy commandments and prohibitions " [ 6 ]
Welcome to call it , causes a person to fall into sin and was entitled to censure or has acted with people who act stupid . Because it means more priority momentary pleasure , and will be very menyengsarakannya in the hereafter rather than lasting enjoyment and pleasure of various kinds in Jannatun - Na'im . People who choose this rather than that , is there anyone who is more ignorant of it ? [ 7 ] and is based on ijma ' of the scholars , who were forced to fornicate with the threat of jail , still it should not be to do so . [ 8 ]
Ibn al - Qayyim rahimahullah said : " He knew that he was not able to avoid the invitation . Had not keep his Lord and save her from the women 's rebellion , on the basis of instinct will gravitate to them and included in the class of people who are ignorant . This is indication perfection ma'rifat Alllah and he told her ( weak ) " . [ 9 ]
With this , the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam means has reached the perfect position . The factors that contribute to adultery , as adolescents age and beauty and grace of personal perfection , seduced by her employer , an Egyptian officer 's wife who also faced beautiful , rich and rank, but such a situation does not destabilize the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam determination . He preferred to live humiliated in prison bars than do bad deeds , because belaiu fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aladan expect a reward from Him . [ 10 ]
Shaykh as- Sa'di rahimahullah mentions Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam secret can be saved from such a precarious state . Namely , ( after taufiq of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ) , as well as science and common sense are invited to prioritize the greatest benefit and enjoyment , and to put forward the case that its conclusion is commendable . [ 11 ]
That is, when the aspects jahâlah ( ignorance ) handcuff people , both still in its early stages or already concentrated light . Human passions always whisper to a bad - bad object , which is not useful anymore harm in the future. Similarly , the side because jahâlah ( ignorance ) which controls the soul . Therefore , anyone who watch Al - Qur ` anul - Karim , it will stop at the conclusion that kebodohanlah factors that trigger the occurrence of sins and sinners . Not surprisingly, the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam , as told by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alapada paragraph above , would rate him as a foolish man welcomed her invitation Egyptian ruler 's wife , his mistress . Alaihissallam Joseph said : " And if Thou turn away their snare from me , of course I'd be inclined to ( fulfill their desires ) and the lapse of the ignorant " .
Imam al - Baghawi rahimahullah said : " In this verse there is the argument , that a believer who sins , he did so because the element of encouragement jahâlah ( foolishness to him , Ed. ) " [ 12 ] . Likewise Shaykh Abu Bakr al - Jazairi Hafizhahullah said , al - jahlu ( ignorance / do not know ) Allah , the names and attributes his good promises and threats , as well as Islamic law does not recognize a cause of every evil in the world . [ 13 ] Many of the verses describing the same sense ( al - jahlu ) with the above paragraph .
Of which Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says when telling people of Prophet Moses Alaihissallam .
قالوا يا موسى اجعل لنا إلها كما لهم آلهة قال إنكم قوم تجهلون
Children of Israel said : " O Moses , make for us a god ( idol ) as they have several gods ( idols ) " . He said: " Surely ye are a people who do not know ( the properties of god ) " . [ al - A'raf / 7:138 ]
Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala .
ولوطا إذ قال لقومه أتأتون الفاحشة وأنتم تبصرون ) 54 ( أئنكم لتأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل أنتم قوم تجهلون
And (remember) Lut , when he said to his people : " Do ye fahisyah actions that are you see ( it ) ? " Why do you approach men to ( meet ) lust ( mu ) , not ( come ) a woman ? Actually, you are a people who do not know ( what you've done ) " . [ An-Naml/27 : 54-55 ]
Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala .
قل أفغير الله تأمروني أعبد أيها الجاهلون
Say : " Will ye worship besides Allah sent me , you who are not knowledgeable ? " [ az-Zumâr/39 : 64 ] .
Therefore , those who engage in immoral to God and commit sin , then that person is ignorant ( fool ) , as it has been understood by the fact that the generation Salafush - Salih .
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :
إنما التوبة على الله للذين يعملون السوء بجهالة ثم يتوبون من قريب فأولئك يتوب الله عليهم
Verily in Allah's repentance is repentance for those who do evil ignorance , which then they repent immediately , then they are the ones who accepted the repentance of God ... [ al-Nisa ' / 4:17 ] .
Jahâlah bi meaning is ignorance ( ignorance ) the perpetrator against the harmful effects of his actions , which can bring the wrath and punishment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . So that everyone who engage in immoral to Allaah , then he was stupid in terms of this . Although he knows ( has knowledge ) that the act was indeed forbidden ; ignorance towards Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala oversight , ignorance of the impact of faith sinners can reduce or eliminate it .
Qatadah rahimahullah said , " The companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ever assembled , and they looked at each case with which disobeyed God , meaning it forms jahâlah ( ignorance ) , whether done intentionally or not . "
As- Suddi rahimahullah said : " As long as someone still engage in immoral to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala , meaning he was stupid " . [ 14 ]
• Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grant the Petition Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam .
فاستجاب له ربه
( So his Lord answered his prayer permit ) when offered prayers to Him .
فصرف عنه كيدهن
( and turned away from him their guile ) : she was still eager to tempt the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam , and he was able to take every means which he did , but the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam unmoved , and broke him , and Allah turned their fabrications of the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam .
إنه هو السميع العليم
( Verily He is the All-Hearing ) : The Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam prayer when he prayed for God to spare him from the woman's deceit , and every prayer of His creatures ( the Knower ) , wishes and needs of the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam and every thing that can improve condition and determine the needs of all creatures , and the things that can improve their condition [ 15 ] . This is a manifestation of Allah Subhanahu wa help Ta'alakepada Alaihissallam of slander the Prophet Joseph and the crushing weight of this . [ 16 ]
Why is mentioned that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamemperkenankan Alaihissallam prayer of the Prophet Joseph , but there is no prayer that comes from the lips , and the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam only tell if she preferred prison rather than engage in immoral to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ?
The answer , that's because the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam submit a complaint to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aladan [ And if Thou turn away their snare from me , of course I'd be inclined to ( fulfill their desires ) ] contains the meaning of the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam prayers to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alauntuk avoid treason the teaser . Therefore , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamengabulkan then his prayer . [ 17 ]
In this context , of course, the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam hadith included in the content of the seven groups who won the auspices of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alapada day no shade except His shade . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :
سبعة يظلهم الله في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله ( وفيه ) ورجل طلبته امرأة ذات منصب وجمال فقال إني أخاف الله
There are seven classes , God will shelter them with His shade on the day there is no shade except His shade from . ( One of them mentioned ) : A man who invited a woman who has a position and looks beautiful ( to commit adultery ) , but he said : " I fear Allah " . [ Bukhari and Muslim ] .
Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam has been preaching to men , that slander is slander toughest women perceived a man . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :
ما تركت بعدي فتنة هي أضر على الرجال من النساء
It is not I leave sepeninggalkan a slander is more dangerous for men than women slander . [ Bukhari and Muslim ] .
Even some scholars conclude , treason and deceit that women are more dangerous than the cunning of Satan . Ie by comparing explanation Ta'alatentang Allah Subhanahu wa vicious deceit by deceit women in this letter .
Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatentang cunning of Satan , ( as indeed is the cunning of Satan is weak ) -an -Nisa ` / 4 verse 76 - while the women's fabrications , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alaberfirman ( Actually they devised the very large ) -Yusuf/12 paragraph 28 . This comparison shows that women are more dangerous deception than the cunning of Satan . [ 18 ]
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatelah convey the enormity of adultery facing slander the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam . Many factors could plunge the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam into the valley of evil , which was never found by anyone .
The explanation is as follows .
1 . Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam instinct as a man , he has a passion for women .
2 . Status as a youth , who generally have a strong stimulation lust . Moreover, their status is still single , no women or slaves could be used to channel the desire manhood , as well as no family member placed on them .
3 . Joseph's handsomeness owned Alaihissallam a source of very powerful allure , thus causing women are attracted to him .
4 . Its presence as a foreigner , far from family and home. Habits of people who live in the neighborhood itself would feel ashamed to misbehave . Worry when deeds nistanya uncovered , which in turn can be collapsed honor in the eyes of society . However , even in a strange place , the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam not stained temptation .
5 . Status as the Mamluks ( serf ) . A slave , he was often out to the employer's premises . He did not think too much about things that are avoided by someone who is independent .
6 . Seductive woman has a high social status , as well as handsome .
7 . Who started flirting is the woman , not the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam . So there goes a man to carry the load moves love to be able to seduce a woman . Also lost her sense of fear of rejection . Not to mention the woman's aggressiveness in approaching Joseph Alaihissallam , which means the action is not intended to test the robustness and the sanctity of the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam , but it really did insult him . However , the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam could keep myself so avoid the disgusting act .
8 . The scene inside the house owner who is in power , namely the teaser female . So that he freely and know quiet times , to allow adultery unnoticed . The woman was making threats when his desires are not met , but the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam avoid and resist it .
9 . Similarly, female homeowner had locked the doors to the meeting , to anticipate the sudden influx of someone . The state of the house was completely empty except for the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam and women . But Joseph did not flinch Alaihissallam .
10 . When he failed to seduce Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam , then the magnifying wife woman invites other women , causing opinions to discredit the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam .
11 . The woman's husband was not too magnifying show jealousy , thus separating the two. Harsh action against his wife , magnifying the only request that the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam forget the incident , and demanded his wife to repent . In fact, the jealousy of a husband can be a great antidote in such cases , so as not to be repeated in the future .
Although very tense , the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam not willing to welcome her invitation . He prefers the rights of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aladaripada female employer rights . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatelah maintain his honor . Why the Prophet Joseph said Alaihissallam managed to keep his honor , while Al - Qur `an states that Joseph was a desire .
Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :
ولقد همت به وهم بها لولا أن رأى برهان ربه
Surely she had intended ( doing the deed ) to Joseph , and Joseph was intended ( to do anyway ) with the woman suppose he did not see the sign ( of ) his Lord . [ Yusuf/12 : 24 ]
The answer [ 20 ] , al hamm ( desire ) that he just emerged from khatharât ( inner voice alone ) , which then get rid of it because of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamembalasnya with kindness . While raging desire in women it is hamm ishrâr ( continuous desire ) . She exert every effort to make it happen . But failed . Thus , two existing desire to Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam with different women .
Imam Ahmad rahimahullah said : " The desire is there are two kinds , hamm khatharât and ishrâr . Hammul - khatharât not counted as sin , and hammul - ishrâr counted as sin " .
In summary , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatelah give protection to the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam with a variety of contributing factors , so he was spared the ignominious deeds . These factors include : devotion to God , pay attention to the right of employers who have glorified it , nourish themselves from acts of persecution that would not make the perpetrator survived . Likewise , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamemberikan gift of a strong faith , so as to produce obedience to the commands work and avoid His prohibitions .
The substance of that protection, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatelah Alaihissallam Joseph turned from vice and indecency , as he considered his servants who are sincere to Him in worship . God also has mengikhlaskan liver , and mengistimewakannya choose for himself , devoting her various pleasure , and save him from a variety of evils . By God's providence , he became the man of his choice .
كذلك لنصرف عنه السوء والفحشاء إنه من عبادنا المخلصين
Thus , in order that We turned thereof kemungkaran and abominations . Surely Joseph was including our servants are elected . [ Yusuf/12 : 24 ] .
Shaykh al - Islam rahimahullah said : " If the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam have sinned , He will repent . Ta'alatidak Allah Subhanahu wa sin the prophet mentions events unless accompanied by repentance . While ( here ) , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alatidak call problem repentance . So in his case it is known , q he did not sin . Allaah knows best " . [ 21 ]
1 . Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam prefer to inhabit the prison rather than commit adultery . This should be a slave , if faced on two test options : commit adultery or worldly punishment , so he chose the earthly sanctions rather than committing sin that leads to severe punishment in this world and the hereafter . Because of that , including from the sign of faith, which is a servant hates to return to kufr after Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aladarinya rescued , as he hates to be cast into the flames .
2 . Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam chose to go to jail rather than the vile acts while under threat . This attitude marks belong to the category of faith the truth .
3 . Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam choose a lighter danger . This is a rule Syar'iyyah that has been used by previous scholars , to avoid the danger of more severe .
4 . Inhabit the prison is not always an indication that the person is bad berkelakukan . Because, as shown , is a lover of Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . Even go to jail can be a milestone for the beginning of a better future .
5 . If a servant saw a place containing slander and factors teaser to commit adultery , should he hurried away and menjau him .
6 . Aware of the dangers seclusion , ie alone with female ( male ) stranger , who feared to cause a scandal . Also , be wary of the vibration of love ignited fears danger .
7 . Desire appear on the Prophet Joseph Alaihissallam against the woman , who then get rid of it because God , being one of the stair lift to God to the position that is close to him .
8 . A servant , should always seek refuge in Allah and shelter under his care when dealing with triggers immoral , then distanced themselves an air of confidence that there is in power and force of personality .
9 . Someone is not preserved from sin except by the help of Allah Almighty .
10 . Allah will not waste the firmness of faith , the seriousness of the liver , and the efforts of the servant muhsin .
11 . Someone who has been immersed in his faith , he was a man of sincere for God in all his actions . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alaakan get rid of ugliness , indecency and immorality ( from him ) to the power of faith and sincerity , as a reward for his faith and sincerity . Ta'alatelah Allaah says , which means : So that we turned thereof kemungkaran and abominations . Surely Joseph was including slaves We were elected .
12 . This story shows the inner beauty of Prophet Yusuf Alaihissallam , namely the nature iffah ( guard of honor ) are greater than the temptations of sin.
13 . Indeed science is right and healthy mind will guide the owner to keep him out of ugliness and kindness . Instead , ignorance will always indulge plunges someone whisper their desires , even an immoral that are harmful to the perpetrator .
14 . The story in this verse shows the ignorance of the poor , and the scorn for the stupid ( ignorant ) .
Maraji ` :
1 . Al - Qur `an and Translation, ed . Mujamma ' Malik Fahd , Medina .
2 . Ad - Da ` wad - Dawa ' , Imam Ibn al - Qayyim , KSA , ed . III , Th . H 1419 - 1999 M.
3 . Adhwâul - fi Bayani Idhâhil - Qur ` ani bil - Qur ` an , Shaykh Muhammad al - Amin al- Syinqithi , Maktabah Ibni Taymiyya , Cairo , Egypt , 1415 H - 1995 M.
4 . Ahkâmul - Qur `an , Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn ' Abdullah ( Ibn al - ' Arabi ) , Verification : ' Abdur - Razzaq al - Mahdi , Kitâbil Dar al - ' Arabi , Cet I, Th . H 1421 - 2000 AD
5 . Aisarut - Tafâsîr , Abu Bakr Jabir al - Jazairi , Maktabah ' Uloom wal - Hikam , Medina .
6 . Al - Jami - li Ahkâmîl Qur'an ( Tafsir al - Qurtubi ) , Abu ' Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al - Ansari al - Qurtubi , Verification : ' Abdur - Razzaq al - Mahdi , Darul - Kitâbil - ' Arabi , ed . IV , Th . 1422H - 2001M .
7 . Asbâbu Ziyâdatil - Iman wa Nuqshâni , Prof . Dr. . ' Abdur - Razzaq ibn Abdul - Muhsin al - ' Abbad , Publisher Ghirâs , ed . III , Th . H 1424 - 2003 M.
8 . Ilf Ithâful bi - Alfi Fawâidil Dzikril - wan - Naive min q write to Yusuf , Muhammad bin Musa Nasr Alu and Salim bin ' Id al - Hilali , Maktabah ar - Rushd , ed . I, Th . H 1424 - 2003 M.
9 . Jami'ul - Bayan 'an Ta ` wil Ay Al - Qur ` an , Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari , Dar Ibn Hazm , ed . I, Th . H 1423 - 2002 M.
10 . Ma'âlimut - tanzil , Imam Abu Muhammad al - Husayn ibn Mas'ud al - Baghawi , Verification and Takhrîj : Muhammad ' Abdullah an- Namr , ' Uthman Jum'ah Dhumairiyyah , and Sulaiman Muslim al - Dar Kharsy Thaibah , Th . 1411 H.
11 . Tafsîrul - Qur ` anil - ' Azhîm , al - Hafiz Abul - Fida Isma'il bin ' Umar bin Kathir al - Qurasyi , tahqiq : Sami bin Muhammad as- Salama , Dar Thaibah , Riyadh , ed . I, Th . H 1422 - 2002 M.
12 . Taisîrul - Karîmir - Rahman , ' Allama Shaykh Abdur - Rahman bin Nasir as- Sa'di , Dar al - Mughni , Riyadh , ed . I, Th . H 1419 - 1999 M.
[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 08/Tahun XI/1428H/2007 . Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]
Noting the importance of the Youth Education
Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan al - Fauzan .
Fear Allah with true piety truth . Be firm hold with rope of God . Remember , happiness can only be achieved by sticking with it . Be thankful to God . With grateful , undoubtedly it will continue to increase pleasure .
Youth is the golden age , the productive period . The most glorious period to gather as many supplies to the afterlife . Islam thus very concerned to the youth . The case with the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , he paid close attention to the youth . Of whom the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :
سبعة يظلهم الله في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله الإمام العادل وشاب نشأ في عبادة ربه
Seven people who will be protected by Allah on the day that there is no protection except his protection , ( ie ) a fair leader and a young man who grew up in obedience to God . [ Muttafqun alaihi ] .
Responsibility for the formation of young men tough and obedient generation , it is an obligation and a great job on the shoulders of the parents , in order to educate their children since the early with the right education , the education is taught by Islam , as the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :
مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين واضربوهم عليها وهم أبناء عشر وفرقوا بينهم في المضاجع
Instruct your children in order to pray when they are seven years old , and beat them when they are ten years old , and a separate bed . [ Abu Dawud ] .
This hadith , although associated with educating children in the matter of prayer , however , actually includes other education of Islamic law . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam also said to Ibn ' Abbas that at that time he was a kid :
يا غلام إني أعلمك كلمات احفظ الله يحفظك احفظ الله تجده تجاهك إذا سألت فاسأل الله وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله
O , little boy ! The truth is I'm going to teach you a few sentences ; keep Allah , Allah will take care of you ; keep Allah, you will find him always in front of you : when you ask , ask Allah , and when you ask for help , ask for His help . [ Tirmidhi ] .
Educate them with Islamic education . Give the young man with the right direction . Let the parents be good role models for their children , thus making it an qudwah hasanah .
One wasilah very helpful in shaping the personality of the child , is by cleaning the houses of the various means by which we can bring to the damage , so that a child will be safe from fraud , will always be awake fithrahnya , and a righteous child who will benefit her parents ; was not only in the world , but also in the hereafter . Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will gather with his parents in heaven . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says ,
والذين آمنوا واتبعتهم ذريتهم بإيمان ألحقنا بهم ذريتهم وما ألتناهم من عملهم من شيء كل امرئ بما كسب رهين
And those who believe , and whose children and grandchildren they follow them in faith , We connect them with their children and grandchildren , and we no prejudice to the least of the reward of their deeds . Every human being is bound to apayang doing. [ ath-Thûr/52 paragraph 21 ]
To achieve this great glory , would require patience , struggle , and the most attention from the parents . Moreover, in this day and age , a variety of facilities available and very easy to harm the character and personality of a child . Youth in this age , he is like a goat who was in the crowd of wolves ready to eat .
Thus , we can understand why the Salafush - righteous very concerned about their children's education . They are trying to make the children as penghafal Al - Qur `an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam . They handed over their children's education to the teachers whose mandate . Even the few possessions they spend . Period and the length of time they take . All of these , they sacrificed for the sake of achieving the ideals of hope , which has a generation of obedience to God . They do not let the times there is just empty decorate his children , because empty can be a dangerous time for a young man . Therefore , a young man who has the power and desire , should take advantage of his time with busyness . Keep their time appropriately . Similarly , do not give them excessive wealth , but give according to need . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :
والذين إذا أنفقوا لم يسرفوا ولم يقتروا وكان بين ذلك قواما
And those who when they spend ( property ) , they are not excessive , and not ( also ) miserly , and is ( spending it ) in the middle between such . [ al-Furqân/25 : 67 ] .
As for the teachers or educators , they actually have a duty and a great responsibility to educate the children of the Muslims . Making them Rabbani generation ; generations who always goes above provisions Allah and His Messenger , generations continue the struggle of the Companions , the generation which is ready to carry the message of Islam . Teach phrase of unity , teach - Sunnah Sunnah the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , teach moral values . That's the job of a teacher is a great task and a great mandate .
Know the truth, the enemy is always trying to destroy the personality of Islamic youth . They always make plots to plunge the young men to the brink of destruction . The enemies of Islam provides a range of facilities which can be misleading to the lust for corrupts Muslim youth , such as drugs for the mind as well as body damage , even the enemies of Islam infiltrated through education in a way that does not include lessons in accordance with Islamic norms . Lessons containing disobedience , even disbelief in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . The main objective was to ensure that the enemies of the Muslims turn away from Islam and busy with science sciences they want . That is treason and deceit to destroy the enemies of the Muslims . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :
ما يود الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب ولا المشركين أن ينزل عليكم من خير من ربكم
Unbelievers of the People of the Book and the polytheists not want the revelation of the good things to you from your Lord . And God determines who wills ( to be ) his mercy ( prophethood ) , and Allah has a great gift . [ al - Baqarah / 2 : 105 ] .
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has warned the Muslims of treason and deceit unbelievers with His word ,
إن الذين كفروا ينفقون أموالهم ليصدوا عن سبيل الله فسينفقونها ثم تكون عليهم حسرة ثم يغلبون
Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder ( men ) from the way of Allah . They will spend their treasures , then a regret for them , and they will be defeated . [ al - Anfal / 8 : 36 ] .
However , it is the enemies of Islam will be defeated . But when will they be defeated ? Answer , that if the Muslims remain consistent with the commands and prohibitions of Allah sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , trying to apply the Shari'a Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in their life , and always be careful with their treason .
The children of the Muslims is the foundation for the future . It is they who will carry the banner of Islam . All that will happen , if true education starts early since , and is most responsible parents and teachers . Indeed , the generation of the righteous will bring benefits , especially for the parents . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :
إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عنه عمله إلا من ثلاثة إلا من صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له
When one dies it will cut off all deeds , except for three cases ( ie ) as perpetual charity , beneficial knowledge , and a righteous child who constantly pray for his parents . [ Reported by Muslim ] .
Therefore , fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in holding this great mandate . take care of the children , our young people from Hell fire .
يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة عليها ملائكة غلاظ شداد لا يعصون الله ما أمرهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون
O ye who believe , keep yourself and your family from the fire whose fuel is men and stones ; guardian angels are rude , loud , and do not disobey Allah in what He commands them and always do what they're told . [ at-Tahrîm/66 : 6 ] .
( Summarized from the al - al - Mimbariyyah Khutab , works of Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan al - Fauzan ) .
[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 08/Tahun XII/1429/2008M . Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]