Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Self introspection

Self introspection

As for the transgressors , and prefer the life of this world , and behold the Fire shelter (her ) . [ An Nazi'at / 79 : 37-39 ]

Shaikh Ali Al Hudzaifi

Let us be pious to Allah Almighty , and let us worry about the day when no one is able to help someone other than deeds . At that time amallah that determines happiness and fuel of a person , if he is lucky it will be his eternal happiness instead if losing it would override the untold misery .

Allah Almighty has sent His Apostle Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam told us , as a bearer of glad tidings , a warner , calling to the path of God and as a lamp street lights . Allah Almighty also been down the Qur'an to him sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam as torch light , no goodness and virtue remains but has been shown and no vices is forgotten but all have been warned . Allah says :

ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شيء

Nor we forget anything in the Book [ al An'am / 6 : 38 ]

ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء وهدى ورحمة وبشرى للمسلمين

And We have sent down to you the Book ( the Qur'an ) to explain everything , and a guidance and a mercy to those who have surrendered [ An Nahl/16 : 89 ]

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam also said:

إن الحلال بين وإن الحرام بين وبينهما أمور مشتبهات لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس فمن اتقى الشبهات استبرأ لدينه وعرضه ومن وقع في الشبهات وقع في الحرام كالراعي يرعى حول الحمى يوشك أن يرتع فيه ألا وإن لكل ملك حمى ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله ألا وهي القلب

Indeed it is clear that halal , haram was also evident . And between them there are doubtful matters ( not clear ) the unknown ( legal ) by many people . Whoever avoids doubtful means he has freed himself for the sake of religion and his honor . Anyone who got into trouble means he's doubtful ( almost ) fall into illicit affair . Like a shepherd herding around the forbidden area almost her shepherd in that area . Remember each ruler has a forbidden area and local prohibitions of Allah Almighty are the things that are forbidden. Remember the fact remains that there is a lump in the flesh , if he is good then the whole body will be good : if he damaged it will corrupted the whole body , remember that heart . [ Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the hadeeth of Nu'man bin Bashir ] .

In another hadith : Allah Almighty has required the obligatory matters , then you should not waste it ! and has made the boundaries , then you do not break ! God forbid some things , then you do not break ! And God is silent on the law some things as a form of affection , so do not you ask about it . "

If we already know the rights of Allah Almighty that we must exert as well as other rights , the subject needs to be for us to extras in menginterospeksi ourselves constantly. With the hope of reckoning on the Day of Resurrection will be light . People who always feel in control of Allah Almighty and fear on adzabNya in all actions he did or left behind , so he rarely made ​​a mistake when he will fulfill the obligation and refrain from forbidden things and trying to fulfill its obligations to others. Allah says :

إن الذين هم من خشية ربهم مشفقون ) 57 ( والذين هم بآيات ربهم يؤمنون ) 58 ( والذين هم بربهم لا يشركون ) 59 ( والذين يؤتون ما آتوا وقلوبهم وجلة أنهم إلى ربهم راجعون ) 60 ( أولئك يسارعون في الخيرات وهم لها سابقون

Indeed, those who take care for fear ( punishment ) their Lord , And those who believe in the verses of their Lord , And those who do not associate with their Rabb ( anything ) , and the people who give them what they have given , to the dismay of fear , ( because they know that ) they will indeed return to their Lord , that they hasten to receive the virtues , and they're the ones who get it soon . [ Al Mukminun 57-61 ]

People are always presenting the Allah Almighty in him , introspective and suppress appetite in order to carry out deeds-deeds that may draw closer to Allaah and meghindari sin , then his heart will be better and better the end result . Allah Almighty says :

وأما من خاف مقام ربه ونهى النفس عن الهوى ) 40 ( فإن الجنة هي المأوى

As for those who fear the greatness of his Lord and desire to refrain from lusts, verily surgalah residence ( his ) [ An Nazi'at / 79 : 40-41 ]

He also will continue to be patient in worship to God , as a form of obedience to the word of Allah Almighty :

رب السماوات والأرض وما بينهما فاعبده واصطبر لعبادته

Rabb ( the master ) the heavens and the earth and all that is between them , so worship Him and be firm care ( patient ) in the worship of Him . [ Maryam/19 : 65 ]

And Allaah says :

وأمر أهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها لا نسألك رزقا نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى

And enjoin prayers to your family and be patient in doing it . We do not ask for good luck to you , we who give good luck to you . And the result ( which is good ) it is for those who fear Him [ Thaha/20 : 132 ]

And also in order to mimic the salafusshalih that preserves worship to Allah Almighty .

People are always memuhasabah himself , he would have a lot of good and a little evil . He will come to see his Lord in a state of pleasure and approves , he will be put to heaven with the prophets , shiddiqien , the martyrs , and the righteous people they are the best of friends . Therefore , O my brethren , let us memuhasabah ( introspect ) in all words that we speak . Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد

There could be nothing but a spoken ucapanpun is nearby angel supervisor is always present . [ Qaaf/50 : 18 ]

Let us always memuhasabah ourselves in all our actions . Because Allah Almighty says :

فمن يعمل مثقال ذرة خيرا يره ) 7 ( ومن يعمل مثقال ذرة شرا يره

Whoever is doing good weighing dzarrahpun , surely he would see ( return) it . And whosoever does evil weighing dzarrahpun , surely he would see ( return) it anyway . [ Az -Zalzalah/99 : 7-8 ]

And let us memuhasabah ourselves in every intention and things that are raging in our chest . Because Allah says :

واعلموا أن الله يعلم ما في أنفسكم فاحذروه

And know that Allah mengetahi what is in your heart , then beware [ Al- Baqarah : 235 ]

If we do not know the law something , then let us not presumptuous , let us ask the scholars about the new law and then we follow up . God Almighty warned :

فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون

Then ask the person who has knowledge if you do not know [ An Nahl / 16 : 43 ]

If all Muslims when things get unclear law , then he asks himself and ternayata he still does not know , then let him leave . Based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

البر مااطمأنت إليه النفس و اطمأن إليه القلب والإثم ما حاك في القلب وتردد في الصدر وكرهت أن يطلع عليه الناس

Goodness it is something favored soul and heart , while sin is something in the soul turbulent , hesitant and you do not like to be seen by the people ( as he did ) .

What is meant by the word lust ( soul ) in the above hadith is muthmainnah soul . Love soul who loved God and hated hated Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . full of life who believe in Allah and the sole trust Him in all matters .

While the heart is meant here is the heart of the survivors of the things doubtful and lust . This is the heart that can identify the good and bad times of vagueness . The soul is sick , infected with diseases doubtful and lust , it is no longer doubtful case for him . He does not love what Allah Almighty loved and not hated hated Allah Almighty and no one else can he stem from unlawful acts . Allah Almighty says :

فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا

As for those in whose hearts is perversity they follow the verses partly mutashabihat to cause a scandal and for ta'wilnya searched , but no one knows but Allah ta'wilnya . And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say : " We believe in the verses that mutashabihat , all of it is from our Lord " . [ Ali Imran / 3 : 7 ]

Memuhasabah themselves and cling to the Sunnah is a safe way . As for those who tow to their desires and let go of control , then really bad consequences that would befall him . Allah Almighty says :

فأما من طغى ) 37 ( وآثر الحياة الدنيا ) 38 ( فإن الجحيم هي المأوى

As for the transgressors , and prefer the life of this world , and behold the Fire shelter (her ) . [ An Nazi'at / 79 : 37-39 ]

May God give us the strength to always memuhasab ourselves .

The condition of the Muslims today requires us to think and keep thinking . When the enemies of God devastated the ranks of the Muslims , at the same time they are in a difficult and miserable . We also already know that the main factor for leaving the Shari'ah of God . Thus , the first step to improve the condition of the Muslims in general is to improve the individual . Memuhasabah themselves by constantly before arriving when judged by Allah Almighty the Most Just. Memuhasabah we let ourselves , we ask ourselves each; practice was righteous what we have done for Islam ? have we this includes people who are always honor and glorify Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Shari'ah ? If we include those who always stay away from the prohibitions and the wrath of God Almighty ? the Shari'ah glorify God , Allah says :

ومن يعظم حرمات الله فهو خير له عند ربه

And whoever exalts what is honorable in the sight of Allah then it is better for him in the side of his Lord . [ Al Hajj/22 : 30 ]

Then, too , have we included people who always mengagung Sunnah by teaching it , and follow it ? Are the rights of both parents we are we exert or how ? Do we come into the class of those who constantly repent ? already we are always trying to increase our knowledge to continue studying and learning ?

Indeed Allaah has required us to meet him in the afterlife with deeds , not just a recognition of the hollow of the evidence . Allah Almighty requires us to bertaqarrub Him with sincerity and full submission . And indeed will glorify those who glorify orag and shame those who humiliate .

Really introspection ( muhasabah ) self of a person , either in deed or small large Yag while continuing to hold the sunnah is a safe way that will deliver the pleasure of Allah Almighty . Allah Almighty says :

يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون

O ye who believe! Bertaqwalah to God and let every soul consider what he has done for tomorrow ( Hereafter ) , and bertaqwalah to Allah , surely Allah is Aware of what you do [ Al Hasyr/59 : 18 ]

In the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

من سرته حسنته وساءته سيئته فهو مؤمن

Anyone who was pleased with his kindness and was troubled by the ugliness he's a believer .

May Allah make us all among those believers who truly believes in Allah and the Last Day .

( Adapted from a Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Ali Al Hudzaifi in Madinah on the 17th Qa `dah year 1424H )

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 05/Tahun X/1427H/2006M . Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]


Al - Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas

عن ابن عمر ضي الله عنهما , أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله , ويقيموا الصلاة , ويؤتوا الزكاة , فإذا فعلوا ذلك عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم إلا بحق الإسلام وحسابهم على الله تعالى .

From Ibn ' Umar that the Messenger of Allaah anhuma sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : I am commanded to fight people until they testify that none has the right god diibadahi correctly but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , establish the prayer , and pay zakat . If they do that , then their blood and property are protected from me , except with Islam and the rights of Reckoning ( Calculation ) them in Allah Ta'ala .

Saheeh hadith , narrated from the Waqid ibn Muhammad ibn Zayd ibn ' Umar , from his father , from his grandfather , ' Abdullah bin ' Umar anhuma .
This is narrated by :
1 . Imam al - Bukhari ( no. 25 ) .
2 . Imam Muslim ( no. 22 ) .
3 . Imam Ibn Mandah in Kitab ul - Iman ( no. 25 ) .
4 . Imam Ibn Hibban ( no. 175 , 219 in at - Ta'lîqâtul - Hisan ) .
5 . Imam ad- Daraquthni ( I/512 , no. 886 ) .
6 . Imam al - Bayhaqi in the as- Sunanul - Kubra ( III/92 , 367 , VIII/177 ) .
7 . Imam al - Baghawi in Syarhus - Sunnah ( no. 33 ) .

This hadith is also narrated from other companions , among them :
1 . Of Companion Abu Hurairah . Narrated by al - Bukhari ( no. 1399 , 1456 , 6924 , 7284 , 7285 ) , ' Abdur - Razzaq in al - Mushannaf ( no. 18718 ) , Ahmad ( I/19 , 35 , 37-38 , II/423 , 528 ) , Muslim ( no. 20 , 21 ) , Abu Dawood ( no. 1556 ) , at - Tirmidhi ( no. 2607 ) , an- Nasa `i ( V/14 , VII/77 ) , Ibn Majah ( no. 71 , 3927 ) , Ibn Mandah in al - Iman ( no. 215 , 216 ) , Ibn Hibban ( no. 216 , 217 , 218 , 220 in at- Ta'lîqâtul Hisan ) , al - Bayhaqi ( III/92 , IV/104 , VIII/177 ) , al - Baghawi in Syarhus - Sunnah ( no. 32 ) , al - Hakim ( I/387 ) , and much more .

2 . Of Companion Jabir . Narrated by Muslim ( no. 21 ( 35 ) , at - Tirmidhi ( no. 3341 ) , Ibn Majah ( no. 72 , 3928 ) , al - Hakim ( II/522 ) , and much more .

3 . Of the Companions Anas ibn Malik . Narrated by al - Bukhari ( no. 391 , 392 , 393 ) , Ahmad ( III/199 , 225 ) , Ibn Nasr al - Marwazi in Ta'zhîm Qadrish - Salah ( no. 9 ) , Abu Dawood ( no. 2641 ) , at - Tirmidhi ( no. 2608 ) , an- NASAA `i ( VII/75-77 , VIII/109 ) , Ibn Hibban ( no. 5865 in the at - Ta'lîqâtul - Hisan ) , al - Bayhaqi ( III/92 , VIII/177 ) , al - Baghawi in Syarhus - Sunnah ( no. 34 ) , and much more .

4 . And from other Companions . Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al - Albani rahimahullah mutawatir judge this hadeeth in Saheeh al - ahadith Genealogy ash - Shahîhah ( no. 407 , 408 , 409 , and 410 ) .

BIOGRAPHY narrators
He is ' Abdullah bin ' Umar bin al - Khattab al - Qurasyi Nufail bin al - Adawi radi anhuma . Kunyahnya is Abu ' Abdir - Rahman and are often called Ibn ' Umar . He radi anhuma born in the third year of Prophethood . He converted to Islam with his father ( ' Umar ibn al - Khattab ) and he joined his father moved well together . At the Battle of Badr and Uhud he wanted to join but was refused , because he is young . Later he participated in the Battle of the Trench , when it had reached 15 years of age . He was among those who participated in Bai'atur - Ridwan .

He never dreamed as if there are two angels took him , and he told to his sister , Hafsah ( wife of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ) and the Hafsah told the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam . Then he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

نعم الرجل عبد الله لو كان يصلى من الليل .

The best of people is ' Abdullah , had he prayed the night . [ 1 ]

After the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said thus , he did not sleep much at night , most of the time used for night prayers , seek forgiveness to God , and sometimes he did until about dawn . The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said to Hafsah , "Behold, your brother ( Ibn ' Umar ) righteous man . " [ 1 ]

Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said , "Verily, the most ascetic Quraysh youth of the world is Ibn ' Umar . " [ 3 ]

When reading verse 16 of Surat al - Hadid , he was always crying . [ 4 ]

Privileges Ibn ' Umar anhuma is , a lot of knowledge but not kibr ( arrogant ) , when asked about something he does not know , he said : "I do not know . " He was humble, diligent prayer night , persevering in prayer , firmly establishment and philanthropist . He did not intervene in disputes between ' Ali and Mu'awiya ( both of which are complimented by the Friends of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ) .
Ibn ' Umar was among seven companions who narrated the most hadith , and he ranks second only to Abu Hurairah . He narrated the hadith in 2630 . [ 5 ]

Hadith agreed upon by Imam al - Bukhari and Muslim hadith as many as 168 . Narrated by Imam al - Bukhari hadith 81 , and are narrated by Imam Muslim Hadith 31 . There are a few companions who narrated the hadith from him .

He died in Makkah in 73 H at the age of 83 years and is buried there . There is the opinion of Imam Malik that he died at the age of 87 years . [ 6 ]

This hadith is very great because it explains the rules of religion and redemption in the form of mentauhidkan Allah Ta'ala , establish the prayer , pay zakat , perform jihad fi sabilillah , and implementation of various other obligations in Islamic law . This hadith also explains that the blood and property of a Muslim is haram (not to be shed and stolen ) .

1 . Words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

أمرت أن أقاتل الناس ...

I was commanded to fight against people .

Who told the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to fight man is Allah Ta'ala . Therefore , nothing is ruled him besides Allah Ta'ala . When a friend said , " We are ruled by this , or we are prohibited from this , " the people who govern and prohibit them was the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam . [ 7 ]

Al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar al - ' Asqalani rahimahullah explains the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam " I was commanded to fight against people " . Man in question here is the pagan idolaters , not Ahlul -Kitab . It is based on hadith narrated by an- Nasa `i , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

أمرت أن أقاتل المشركين ...

I was ordered to fight against the unbelievers . [ 8 ]

Word he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

إلا بحق الإسلام ... ...

( except for the rights of Islam ) , the only narrated al - Bukhari , Muslim , while not narrated .

There is a hadith narrated convey the same from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam from various channels . In Saheeh al - Bukhari mentioned hadith of Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu , from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam he said:

أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله , فإذا شهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله , وصلوا صلاتنا , واستقبلوا قبلتنا , وأكلوا ذبيحتنا ; فقد حرمت علينا دماؤهم و أموالهم إلا بحقها . لهم ما للمسلمين وعليهم ما على المسلمين .

I was ordered to fight people ( ie the idolaters ) until they testify that none has the right god diibadahi correctly but Allah and that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His messenger . If they have testified that there is no deity has the right diibadahi correctly but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , then pray like our prayers , we were facing the Qiblah , and we eat animals slaughtered , their blood and treasure indeed forbidden to us , except for the right . They have the same rights as the Muslims , and they have the same obligations as Muslims . [ 9 ]

The same hadith was narrated from Abu Hurayrah radi anhu . But the famous hadith of Abu Hurairah that there is no mention about setting up prayer and pay the zakat . In Saheeh al - Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah mentioned radi anhubahwa Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يقولوا : لا إله إلا الله , فمن قالها عصم مني ماله ونفسه إلا بحقه . وحسابه على الله .

I was ordered to fight people until they say la ilaha illa Allah . Whoever said it, the blood and soul are protected from me , except with his right and his reckoning is in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . [ 10 ]

In a report narrated by Muslim ,

... حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله , ويؤمنوا بي وبما جئت به ...

Until they testify that none has the right god but Allah diibadahi correctly and faithful to me and to which I brought . [ 11 ]

The above hadith is also narrated from Jabir radi Muslim anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam with the editor ,

أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يقولوا : لا إله إلا الله , فإذا قالوا : لا إله إلا الله عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم إلا بحقها . وحسابهم على الله . ثم قرأ ( ( فذكر إنما أنت مذكر ) 21 ( لست عليهم بمصيطر ) )

" I was ordered to fight people until they say la ilaha illa Allah . If they say la ilaha illa Allah , then they have protected their blood and possessions from me , except by right , and their reckoning is in God , " then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam read the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala " Therefore do thou give admonition, for indeed you are just the person who gave the warning. thou not those who rule over them . [ al-Ghâsyiyah/88 :21 - 22 ] " . [ 12 ]

Muslim also narrated the hadith of Abu Malik al - Asyja'i radi 'anhu from his father , he said : I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

من قال لا إله إلا الله وكفر بما يعبد من دون الله , حرم ماله ودمه , وحسابه على الله .

Whoever said " There is no god who has the right diibadahi correctly but Allah " and unbelievers with anything that is worshiped besides Allah , then treasure and blood is forbidden , while the reckoning for Allah Almighty . [ 13 ]

2 . Words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم .

They have protected their blood and possessions from me .

Showed that when he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said that, he had been ordered to fight and kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam . It all happened after his emigration to Madinah . As we know with certainty that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam accept anyone who comes to him to Islam by reciting two sentences creed alone , then he protects his blood and named it as Muslims . The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never condemned the killings of Osama bin Zaid radi anhuma against those who say la ilaha ilallâh , when Usamah bin Zaid radi anhuma up the sword to him . People that say la ilaha ilallâh , but Osama killed him . [ 14 ]

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never give recourse to those who come to him to convert to Islam in order that the prayers and pay the zakat . Even reported that he received the Islamic one and they do not require paying zakat . In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad mentioned the hadith of Jabir radi 'anhu he said , "People Tsaqif make recourse to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam that they are not subject to obligation of alms ( zakat ) and jihad , then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , ' they will give charity and jihad ' " [ 15 ]

• Things That Can Protect Blood and Treasure
Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam explained things that can protect the blood and treasure of the futility , of which is :

1 . Say two sentences creed . It is based on the words he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله .

Until they testify that none has the right god diibadahi correctly but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah .

2 . Prayers . It is based on the words he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

ويقيموا الصلاة .

And prayers .

3 . Pay zakat . It is based on the words he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

ويؤتوا الزكاة .

And pay zakat .

4 . Hold fast to the rights of other Muslims .

Whoever say two sentences creed , prayers , zakah issued , and perform the duties of the other religions , then treasure and blood haram . It is based on words of the Prophet :

فإذا فعلوا ذلك عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم .

If they do that , then their blood and property are protected from me .

With the above description , it becomes clear hadiths unification of this chapter , and that everything is correct . Indeed the two sentences creed alone can protect the people who speak it with him and he became Muslim . If after converting to Islam , he founded the prayer , pay zakat , and work -sharia law , he is entitled to the rights and obligations of the Muslims . If he did not do any of the pillars of Islam and those in the group who has the power , then they fought . [ 16 ]

Some people suspect that the meaning of the hadeeth quoted above , is that the unbelievers fought to say two sentences creed , establish prayer , and pay zakat . Then they made ​​the Hadith as an excuse to make the Gentiles do the branches of Islam. Such an understanding is not correct , because the sirah ( life's journey ) the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam in the fight against the unbelievers showed that violates the terms of the case.

Mentioned in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi anhubahwa Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam call ' Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu on the Khaibar war gave war flag and said : "Go and do not look up to God to give you victory . "

' Ali bin Abi Talib radi ' anhu was walking a few steps then stopped and shouted : " O Messenger of Allah , what I'm fighting for the human ? "

The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " Fight them until they testify that none has the right god diibadahi correctly but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah . If they do so , they have been keeping their blood and possessions from you , except to the right , and their reckoning is in God Almighty " . [ 17 ]

In the above hadith , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam made ​​just to say two sentences creed that can protect lives and property , except by right . Among his rights , was rejected prayer and zakat after converting to Islam like the Companions understood . [ 18 ]

Among the arguments of Al - Qur `an that show the obligation to fight those who opposed the setting up prayer and pay the zakat , is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala :

فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فخلوا سبيلهم

If they repent , and establish regular prayer and practice regular charity , then give them the freedom to run ... [at - Tawbah / 9:5 ] .

Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala :

فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فإخوانكم في الدين

If they repent , establish prayer , and practice regular charity, then ( they are ) your brothers in Faith . [at - Tawbah / 9:11 ] .

And the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala :

وما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة وذلك دين القيمة

Though they are not made unless the order to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies in a straight line, so that their religious prayers and practice regular charity ; and that is the right religion . [ al-Bayyinah/98 : 5 ] .

Mentioned in the hadeeth of Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu that if the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam was about to attack one of the people , he did not attack them until morning . If he heard the call to prayer , he does not attack them . If he does not hear it , he attacked them . [ 19 ]

This all shows that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam recognize the state of people who converted to Islam . If they offer prayers and pay Zakat , then they are not combated . If they do not do it , then there is nothing stopping them not to fight .

There is a debate on this issue between Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radi 'anhu with ' Umar radi 'anhu , as found in Saheeh al - Bukhari and Sahih Muslim . Ie the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu , he said that when the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam passed away , Abu Bakr as-Siddiq became caliph after the death of him , and among the Arabs to be infidels .

' Umar said to Abu Bakr : " How do you fight against people , when the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , ' I was ordered to fight people until they say there is no god has the right diibadahi properly besides Allah . Whoever said that there is no deity that has the right diibadahi correctly other than Allah , then he has to protect the blood and treasure from me , except to the right , and there is the reckoning of Allah Almighty ' . "

Abu Bakr replied : " By Allah , I would fight against the people who separates between prayers and Zakat , as Zakat is the right of property . : By Allah , if they refuse to pay zakat camels and goats that once they pay to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , I'd fight them because they are such refusal " .

' Umar said : " By Allah , saying it was my view that God has paved the chest of Abu Bakr to the fight against ( them ) , then I knew that he had the right " . [ 20 ]

Abu Bakr al- Siddiq radi anhu berhujjah fight against them with the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , " except with his right . " It shows that the fight against the people who say two sentences creed with rights that are allowed .

Among his rights , is obliged to pay for the right property . While ' Umar radi ' anhu suspect that just say two sentences creed it was to protect the world's blood , because sticking to the generality of the hadith first , as a number of assumptions , that the person who had uttered two sentences creed was protected from hell because of sticking to the generality editorial hadith no . Though that should not be like that . After that , ' Umar ibn al - Khattab radi ' anhu refer to the opinion of Abu Bakr radi anhu .

An- Nasa ` i [ 21 ] Abu Bakr narrated debate with ' Umar ibn al - Khattab with the addition , that Abu Bakr said to ' Umar ibn al - Khattab : " Verily the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , ' I was ordered to fight people until they testify that none has the right god but Allah diibadahi correctly , and that I am the Messenger of Allah , establish the prayer , and pay zakat ' . "

Words of Abu Bakr radi 'anhu , " By Allah , I would fight those who separate prayer to charity because charity is the right property . " Indicates that whoever left the prayer , he fought because prayer is the right agency . So are the people who left the charity , because charity is the right property .

Here there is the argument that the fight against those who leave the prayer was a common consensus , because Abu Bakr radi anhu make it as a principle of analogy , and it is not explicitly mentioned in the hadith that relied upon by ' Umar Umar , but Umar took Abu Bakr radi from the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , " but with the right Islam " . So is charity , because charity including property rights . That includes the rights of all Muslims .

Another argument about the permissibility of fighting those who left the prayer contained in the hadith is Saheeh Muslim from Umm Salamah radi anhuma , of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , he said:

إنه يستعمل عليكم أمراء , فتعرفون وتنكرون , فمن كره فقد برئ . ومن أنكر فقد سلم . ولكن من رضي وتابع . قالوا : يا رسول الله , ألا نقاتلهم ? قال : لا , ما صلوا .

"Behold, the leaders will be appointed over you . Their actions there that you think is right and there is also a view that you guys wrongdoing . Anyone hates their unjust actions , surely he is free from sin . Anyone who would deny it , he would have survived . But anyone who is pleased and follows the ( then he has sinned ) , " The Companions asked , " O Messenger of Allah , why do not we fight against them ? " Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , " Do not ( should not fight them ) , as long as they work prayer . " [ 22 ]

Narrators said that the purpose of hate and deny munkar the leaders in this hadith , which they hate and deny munkar with the heart . [ 23 ]

The law of the people who left all the pillars of Islam is to be fought as embattled as the daily prayers and alms . [ 24 ]

That discussion about fighting groups refusing to do one of the obligations of Islam .

As for the fight against the people who refused to handle one of the pillars of Islam , some scholars argue that people who refuse to pray killed . It is the opinion of Imam Malik , Shafi'i , Ahmad , Abu Ubaid , and besides them .

The opinion is supported by the hadith contained in Saheeh al - Bukhari and Sahih Muslim , from Abu Sa'id al - Khudri radi 'anhu , that Khalid ibn al - Walid asked permission from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to kill someone . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " Do not , perhaps he still pray , " Khalid ibn al - Walid radi ' anhu said , "How many people who pray say something that was not in his heart . "

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam replied :

إني لم أومر أن أنقب قلوب الناس ولا أشق بطونهم .

" Really I was not ordered to probe the human heart and the stomach to divide them " . [ 25 ]

Musnad Imam Ahmad mentioned in the hadeeth of ' Ubaidullah bin bin al - Afi khiyar , that one of the Ansar told him , that he never came to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to ask permission to him to kill one of the hypocrites .
The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam asked : " Is not he testified that no god has the right diibadahi properly besides Allah ? "
The Ansar replied : "Yes, yes, and no creed for him . "
The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam asked : " Is not he pray ? "
The Ansar replied : " Yes , and there is no prayer for him . "
The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " They are the ones who God told me to kill them " . [ 26 ]

As for killing someone who refuses to pay zakat , in which there are two opinions of the scholars who argued he killed people who refuse to pray .

First opinion , the person killed . It is the opinion of Imam Ahmad is famous , and he berhujjah the hadeeth of Ibn ' Umar in this chapter .
Second opinion , he was not killed . This opinion of Imam Malik , Shafi'i , and Ahmad in another narration .

As for fasting , Imam Malik and Ahmad in another narration said : " The person who left murdered . "

Imam ash- Shafi'i and Ahmad in another narration said : " He was not killed " .
Imam Shafi'i berhujjah the hadeeth of Ibn ' Umar and other hadiths that convey the same , because of the hadeeth is not the slightest mention of fasting . Therefore , Imam Ahmad said to Abu Talib history , " There is no hadith about the person who does not fast " .

3 . Words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

إلا بحق الإسلام .

Unless the rights of Islam .

Itstistna ( exception ) in the hadith is disconnected . That is , after waking blood and treasure them , then they are obliged to exercise the rights Islam . Ie perform the duties and leave all that is forbidden . [ 27 ]

Explained earlier that Abu Bakr put the salat and zakat to the Islamic right . And some scholars include the implementation of the fasting and the pilgrimage to Islam 's right anyway .

Including rights and also, if done is haram matters that make the blood of a Muslim halal for those who do , such as adultery that people who are married , intentionally kills a Muslim , an apostate from the religion , and separate themselves from the congregation of the Muslims .

It is based on words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

لا يحل دم امرئ مسلم يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله , وأني رسول الله إلا بإحدى ثلاث : الثيب الزاني , والنفس بالنفس , والتارك لدينه المفارق للجماعة .

Not the blood of a Muslim halal testify that there is no deity has the right diibadahi correctly but Allah and that I am the Messenger of God , except by one of three things : ( 1 ) a married person who committed adultery , ( 2 ) the soul with the soul ( qishas ) , ( 3 ) people who leave their religion at the same time leaving the congregation ( the Muslims ) . [ 28 ]

4 . Words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

وحسابهم على الله تعالى .

And their reckoning is on Allah Ta'ala .

That is , that the two sentences creed , establish prayer , and pay zakat was blood and treasure to protect the culprit in the world , but if he is doing the acts that made ​​his blood lawful . Being in the afterlife , there is the reckoning of Allah Almighty . If he was right , God put it into heaven . If he lied , he was with the hypocrites in the bottom of hell .

This has been mentioned before that most of history is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim , said that after that, the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam read the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : " Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou only one to admonish . You are not the ones who rule over them . But those who turn away and disbelieve , Allah will torture him with a large penalty . We are the real to them again . Then verily We are the part to their obligations . " [ Al - Ghâsyiyah :21 - 26 ] .

Purpose of the verse , that the obligation thou ( Muhammad ) is only to remind them of God and invites them to Him . You are not able to enter their hearts to the faith by force , and not burdened with things like that . After that , God explains that the whole human back is to him , and their reckoning was upon him .

1 . Ulil - amri should fight the infidels Mushrikeen , until they say two sentences creed , establish the prayer , and dispense charity .
2 . People who say two sentences creed shall believe , that there is no deity has the right diibadahi correctly except Allaah . [ 29 ]
3 . People who have spoken two sentences creed shall execute deeds in Islam .
4 . Dimutlakkannya act upon the words of the sentence . That is , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said فإذا فعلوا ذلك ( if they do such) , but in it there is a " word " creed لا إله إلا الله .
5 . This hadith as a refutation of Murji ` ah , who argues that faith does not need charity . Therefore , Imam al - Bukhari in Kitab ul load this hadith faith in his Saheeh as a refutation of Murji ` ah . [ 30 ]
6 . People expose Islam , his Islam was the recognition received from him . As for what is in his mind left to Allah Ta'ala .
7 . Those who refused to pay zakat , then ulil - amri right to fight them .
8 . This hadith shows mengkafirkan ahlu bolehnya not heresy , as long as they have pledged to God and monotheism implement Islamic law . [ 31 ]
9 . This hadith assign a point where the charity reckoning on the Day of Resurrection .
10 . The amount of prayer and charity affairs . Prayer is the right body , while zakat is a right of property .
11 . In this hadith there is the argument , that the repentance of those zindiq ( hypocrites ) is received . The stored at heart given to God Almighty . It is perdapat jumhur scholars . [ 32 ]

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 08/Tahun XI/1428H/2007M . Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]


Shaykh DR . Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan Fauzan Alu

Keep your duty to Allah . Know , long ago until now , the real enemies of Islam always meant eliminating Islam and Muslims . They do this in various ways . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala asks us to be wary of their treason - treason . Allah Almighty says :

ودوا لو تكفرون كما كفروا فتكونون سواء

They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved , then you become equal ( with them ) .... [ an-Nisa ' / 4:89 ] .

But with the permission of God , their efforts always fail . Allah Almighty has dashed their evil plans , so that Islam still exist .

يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم نوره ولو كره الكافرون

They wished to extinguish the light ( religion ) of Allah by mouth ( sayings ) them , and Allah does not desire other than perfect light , though the disbelievers dislike . [at - Repentance / 9:32 ] .

When they feel weak confront the Muslims to the battle, the enemies that try to find another way . Ie by spreading propaganda destructive thoughts and misleading to the various parts . They do it with deceit .

Among them , thinking they spread falsehood , like anggapn that all religions are the same . The enemies of Islam propaganda that the Jewish religion , and Islam is the religion Nashrani revelation . So in between adherents have brothers and sisters , and mutual love - love .

At first glance , this idea seems to be justified . However , if observed , in thinking that there is a purpose behind that is very misleading . Ie eliminate the essence of Islam , does not recognize Islam as a religion and eraser cover before religions . Though there is no legal religion to be followed at the end of this age except Islam . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين

Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, then all - time will not be accepted ( the religion ) thereof , and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose . [ Ali ' Imran / 3:85 ] .

Thus , Islam 's Prophet Muhammad brought an eraser as well as a cover before religions . If the present reality , religions other than Islam that still exist today , such as Jews and Christians , the fact that religion is no longer pure as when first revelation . Religious Jews and Christians have a change and diversion . Even if if religions are still pure , then religion is not used anymore and has been replaced by Islam . So , the legal people who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , meaning he is kufr . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

لا يسمع بي يهودي ولا نصراني ثم لا يؤمن بالذي جئت به إلا دخل النار

No one from the Jewish and Nashrani who had heard about me , then he is not faithful to what I preach , but he will go to hell .

Conversely , for those who sincerely want to follow the Prophet Muhammad , God promises to their happiness and safety . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says .

الذين يتبعون الرسول النبي الأمي الذي يجدونه مكتوبا عندهم في التوراة والإنجيل يأمرهم بالمعروف وينهاهم عن المنكر ويحل لهم الطيبات ويحرم عليهم الخبائث ويضع عنهم إصرهم والأغلال التي كانت عليهم فالذين آمنوا به وعزروه ونصروه واتبعوا النور الذي أنزل معه أولئك هم المفلحون

( Namely ) those who follow the apostle , the unlettered Prophet ( name) they found written in the Torah and the Gospel that is on their side , who told them that doing good work and prohibit them from working on the unjust , and justifies the they are all good and forbids them evil things , and dispose of their burdens and the shackles that exist on them . So those who believe in him , honor him , help him and follow the bright light that is sent to him ( Al - Qur `an ) , they are the lucky ones . [ al - A'raf / 7 : 157 ] .

Included among plots and their wiles , namely on human rights ( Human Rights ) . In fact , Islam alone , first actually protect human rights and not other religions . God who created man , God , too, who will protect the rights , on the condition , a person is willing to believe in Allah and His apostles .

Allah prescribed any death penalty for someone who is out of Islam . This sentence , is concrete efforts in protecting human rights ; most essential rights , the confidence and the belief that a Muslim . Are there rights are more valuable than a leap of faith ?

Allah prescribed any death penalty for a murderer because zhalimnya deeds , then the penalty is intended to preserve human life is another .

ولكم في القصاص حياة يا أولي الألباب لعلكم تتقون

And in it there qishaash ( security of ) life for you , O men of understanding , that ye may ward off . [ al - Baqarah / 2:179 ] .

Allah also prescribed any stoning and flogging for adultery , death penalty for gay actors , and all that in order to protect the honor and human dignity . Cutting off of hands for theft law to protect the treasure . Penalties for drug addicts , to protect it , and so forth .

But the enemies of Islam reverses fact , they accuse those who hold fast to the Shari'a of Islam as a dangerous terrorist and should be regarded as an enemy , cut off , did not even have anymore rights that must be protected .

Propaganda of the enemies of Islam are other , ie emancipation or freedom for women . Freedom out of the house by opening genitalia , work outside the home without the need for law allowed , so that his children are abandoned , responsibilities as a wife and homemaker ignored .

According to them , this freedom as a women's rights must be protected . Underneath it all , their true purpose is like degrading women , deprave , religion and their bodies . Women serve as the commodity trade is worthless , where impingement sheer lust .

This misleading propaganda , very different from the Islamic point of view . Islamic religion is maintaining the honor and dignity of a woman . He was not allowed out of the house without any clear purpose in Sharai . Women in Islamic life is full of glory , awake ; life as a mother , life as a wife , to live as sisters , and as relatives ; she was very honored . He is responsible for the house , keeping the trust of the treasures and secrets as well as honor her husband .

فالصالحات قانتات حافظات للغيب بما حفظ الله

So ... the righteous woman , who was obedient to God again when her husband maintaining himself there , because God has kept ( them ) .... [ an-Nisa ' / 4:34 ] .

With the incessant , the enemies of Islam waging propaganda . They utilize various information media , both print and electronic . By this means , they deploy various forms of infidelity , and immorality , and promiscuity mempertotonkan genitalia . It all has to dish any time witnessed people from all walks of life , as if the house until it became the market stalls selling shirk , crime , cruelty , cruelty , sexual immorality , and all forms of immorality .

With persistent , the enemies of Islam also tries to spread to the middle of the Muslims , especially the youth in the form of drugs . They are willing to lose millions of dollars , even billions , as long as the drug reached the hands of the young generation of Muslims . Its main purpose , is to destroy the power of youth and the Islamic faith . So , should we be aware of all that. And patience in running the Islamic religion . Hold fast - Sharia law , and remain obedient to God .

وإن تصبروا وتتقوا لا يضركم كيدهم شيئا إن الله بما يعملون محيط

... If you are patient and cautious , surely not the slightest deceit they bring harm to you . Allah knows all that they do . [ Ali ' Imran / 3:120 ] .

In the face of enemy deception , it is feared that the Muslims themselves . They will get a negative impact , due to doubtful - doubtful that hammered into the chest of the Muslims , so that the cause of Islam and faith deprived of our homes .

Therefore , beware of the danger we are enemies of God . Know , we live in this era did not escape from the danger . Appearance of the enemies of God may manifest righteous deeds and honest , even they could have worked with us . However, we do not get fooled and deceived by their looks that look beautiful and attractive , because behind all that is a falsehood .

( Summarized from Al - Khuthab al - Mimbariyah cet.Dar Ashimah pages 14-23 by Dr. Salih bin Fauzan al - Fauzan )

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 02/Tahun XII/1429/2008M . Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]


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