Saturday, February 22, 2014

Name of Allah Al - Ahad and al - Wahid ( the Almighty )

Name of Allah Al - Ahad and al - Wahid ( the Almighty )

The name al - Ahad is only mentioned in one letter , which is in the Surat al - Ikhlash .

Allah Almighty says :

قل هو الله أحد ) 1 ( الله الصمد ) 2 ( لم يلد ولم يولد ) 3 ( ولم يكن له كفوا أحد

Say , 'He is Allah , the Almighty . Allah is the Lord who depend on Him everything, He is no birth nor begotten , and there is no one equal to Him . " [ al-Ikhlash/112 :1 - 4 ]

Surat al - Ikhlash this is a very noble letter , as narrated in the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam that the letter al - Ikhlash equal to one-third of the Qur'an because in it there is a specific explanation of the names of Allah, the Most Venerable and nature His qualities supreme Court .

The name al - Wahid , the name of Allah has been mentioned repeatedly in several places in the Qur'an , including :

وإلهكم إله واحد لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم

And ilahmu is god Almighty ; there is no god but He is entitled diibadahi Most Gracious and Most Merciful . [ al - Baqarah / 2:163 ]

أأرباب متفرقون خير أم الله الواحد القهار

Which is good , gods or an assortment of the Almighty Allah , All- Mighty ? [ Yusuf/12 : 39 ]

قل إنما أنا منذر وما من إله إلا الله الواحد القهار

And once in a while there is no god but Allah eligible diibadahi Almighty and Supreme Beat . [ Shad/38 : 65 ]

قل الله خالق كل شيء وهو الواحد القهار

Say , " Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Lord Almighty , All- Mighty . " [ Ar - Ra'd / 13:16 ]

Two names of Allah Almighty on each show to His Oneness . That is only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone have the noble , grand , great and great . Nothing similar to the Essence of His Essence and no properties resembling his nature . No allies and helpers in his deeds . Almighty Allah is the only god who has the right to diibadahi , should not dipersekutukan in terms of love and reverence. Servility and subject only to Him alone . He is the Almighty Allah , the One who was his noble nature , so that only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala eligible to bear all perfection . There is no one who knows the nature maklukpun Allah Almighty or a part of his nature perfectly . Thus how can a person be able to resemble some of his properties .

Lafadz ( al - Wahid ) is called repeatedly in the Qur'an related to the discussion and explanation of the Tawheed and Shirk cancellation . Allah Almighty says when explaining his omniscience - Eesaan and about Ikhlas obligation to him :

وإلهكم إله واحد لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم

And ilahmu is god Almighty ; there is no god but He is entitled diibadahi Most Gracious and Most Merciful . [ al - Baqarah / 2:163 ]

قل إنما أنا منذر وما من إله إلا الله الواحد القهار

Say O Muhammad , "I am only a warner , and occasionally there is no god but Allah eligible diibadahi Almighty and Supreme Beat . " [ Shad/38 : 65 ]

إن إلهكم لواحد ) 4 ( رب السماوات والأرض وما بينهما ورب المشارق

Indeed ilahmu really Esa , his Lord of heaven and earth and what is between them and places his Lord sunrise [ ash-Shâffât/37 :4 - 5 ]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also used the name al - Wahid when explaining that the omniscience of His Oneness is the core and essence of propaganda treatises all Messengers . As the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala :

قل إنما يوحى إلي أنما إلهكم إله واحد فهل أنتم مسلمون

Say , "Verily, who revealed to me was , ' Behold ilahmu is one true god , then you shall have surrendered ( unto Him ) . [ Al - Anbiya ' / 21:108 ]

قل إنما أنا بشر مثلكم يوحى إلي أنما إلهكم إله واحد فاستقيموا إليه واستغفروه وويل للمشركين

Say , " I am only a man like you, revealed to me that your god is the god of the Almighty , so keep on the straight path to Him and ask His forgiveness . And woe to those who associate him , " [ Fushshilat/41 : 6 ]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also used the name al - Wahid in the context of propaganda to keep people submissive and obedient to Almighty Allah and surrender under his majesty , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

فإلهكم إله واحد فله أسلموا وبشر المخبتين

So Sesembahanmu is god Almighty , because it left alone, you surrender to Him . And give glad tidings to those who have surrendered ( to Allah ) . [ al-Hajj/22 : 34 ]

قل إنما يوحى إلي أنما إلهكم إله واحد فهل أنتم مسلمون

Say , "Verily, who revealed to me was , " Behold the One Ilahmu is god , then you shall have surrendered ( unto Him ) . [ al - Anbiya ' / 21:108 ]

وإلهنا وإلهكم واحد ونحن له مسلمون

And our god and Ilahmu is one , and we just surrender to Him . [ al - ' Ankabut/29 : 46 ]

The name is also referred to as Allah purify himself from the assumptions and accusations that Allah Almighty is one of the three and make one as a child . Truly Blessed of the allegations. Allah Almighty says :

لو أراد الله أن يتخذ ولدا لاصطفى مما يخلق ما يشاء سبحانه هو الله الواحد القهار

If Allah wanted to take the child , of course he would choose what He wills among the creations that have been created. Glory to Allah . He is Allah, the Almighty , the Most Beat . [ az-Zumar/39 : 4 ]

ولا تقولوا ثلاثة انتهوا خيرا لكم إنما الله إله واحد

And do not say , " ( God is ) the three " stop ( of the speech ) . ( It is ) better for you . Verily Allah is Almighty god . [ an- Nisa / 4:171 ]

لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله ثالث ثلاثة وما من إله إلا إله واحد
Surely, disbelievers are those who say , " Allah is the third of three " , but occasionally there is no god other than the true one true god . " [ Al - Maidah / 5:73 ]

With the name of Allah Almighty also explains Aqeedah idolaters vanity . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

قل أي شيء أكبر شهادة قل الله شهيد بيني وبينكم وأوحي إلي هذا القرآن لأنذركم به ومن بلغ أئنكم لتشهدون أن مع الله آلهة أخرى قل لا أشهد قل إنما هو إله واحد وإنني بريء مما تشركون

Say , " Who is stronger persaksiannya ? " Say , " Allah " He is witness between me and you . And this Qur'an revealed to me that I gave him a warning to you and to the people who get ( or heard of ) al - Qur'ân . Do you really bear witness that there are other gods beside Allah ? " Say , " I do not admit . " Say , 'He is the god of the Almighty and that I am innocent of what you associate ( with Allah ) . " [ al - An `am / 6:19 ]

وقال الله لا تتخذوا إلهين اثنين إنما هو إله واحد فإياي فارهبون

Allah says , "Do not mengibadahi two gods ; verily He is the god of the Lord, then let Me alone you're scared " . [ an-Nahl/16 : 51 ]

أأرباب متفرقون خير أم الله الواحد القهار

Which is good , gods or an assortment of the Almighty Allah , All- Mighty ? [ Yusuf/12 : 39 ]

Also when Allah describes the majesty , power and subjection to Him all creatures on kiaamat , Allah says :

يوم هم بارزون لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء لمن الملك اليوم لله الواحد القهار

Ie ) a day ( when ) they come out ( of the grave ), none of their circumstances is nothing hidden to Allah . ( Then Allah said) , " Unto whom the kingdom today ? " Unto Allah the Almighty , Most Beat . [ Al - Mu'min / 40:16 ]

يوم تبدل الأرض غير الأرض والسماوات وبرزوا لله الواحد القهار

( It is) the day ( when ) the earth is replaced with another and the earth ( as well as ) the heavens , and the They all ( in the field Mahsyar ) gathered appear before Allah, the Almighty , All- Mighty . [ Ibrâhîm/14 : 48 ]

The conclusion of the two names of Allah , al - Ahad and al - Wahid is the Supreme Lord Esanya l in all His perfections , none of his rival . Thus , the duty of every servant who knows all that is mentauhidkan Allah , either by conviction , word or deed . Should acknowledge also virtue and to the absolute Oneness of Allâh and His mentauhidkan in all forms of worship .

Some lessons or instructions which we can this concise of the two names , among others :
1 . No equal and rival Allah , and there is no equivalent to him in every respect . Allah, Glorified and Exalted , has no equal Him and not others manandingi him . Allah Almighty says :

هل تعلم له سميا

Do you know someone with him ( worthy of worship ) ? [ Maryam/19 : 65 ]

Also says in the letter al-Ikhlas/112 : 4

ولم يكن له كفوا أحد

And no one equal to him .

Similarly, in a letter asy-Syûra/42 : 11

ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير

There is nothing like unto Him , and He is the All-Hearing and Seeing . "

2 . Batilnya understanding takyîf ie , business person with weak minds to know how the properties of Almighty Allah . Such efforts may not be realized , only in vain . Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the one that has the nature of his perfect , glorious and noble , then no one could be dzatpun his union , no one can be like Him . No one can know the nature akalpun Allah Almighty , even the perfection of any creature that comes to mind , then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alaebih larger and more grand than it all .

3 . Determination of the whole nature of Allah is perfect , no one trait that shows the glory and beauty of the nature but possessed of Allah Almighty , because only God that has the properties of both mutlaq perfect and no flaws at all on him .

4 . That all properties have Allah Almighty , is the most noble qualities that are at the peak of grandeur . Almighty Allah says in sura an-Najm/53 : 42

وأن إلى ربك المنتهى

" And that to Rabbmulah sequel ( all things ) . "

So for hearing Him the most perfect and the most perfect vision . All of His attributes are the most perfect nature . As Allah says :

ولله المثل الأعلى

And Allah Most High has properties . [ an-Nahl/16 : 60 ]

5 . Mahasucinya Allah from any imperfection and disgrace . Because it is the nature of the creature , while Allah is the One who has the perfect nature , grand and noble without such a creature with him , as the word of Allah when expressed himself sanctity of nature in a letter memperanak az-Zumar/39 : 4

سبحانه هو الله الواحد القهار

" Glory to Allah . He is Allah the Almighty , Most Beat . "

6 . Obligatory vow ( states ) that Allah Almighty has absolute perfection of nature , both in Essence , attributes and His deeds . And that belief should be embedded in the liver . This is called Tawheed Ilmi ( concerned with understanding ) .

7 . Necessity of clicking - Esakan Allah and sincere in worship , and believe that Allah Almighty is the only Creator and Giver of good luck can give or hold , can lower and raise the degree of his servants , and can turn on and turn off . By clicking because it's mandatory - Esakan Allah Almighty in worship all sides . This is called Tawheed ' Amali ( relating to practice ) .

8 . This is a rebuttal against the idolaters and all cult absolutely no respect and glorify Allah Almighty with proper reverence and exaltation . Nor were admitted to the Oneness of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala , so they make up rivals to Allah Almighty , makes the parables for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and prejudice to Allah , denounce and belittle Lordship of Allah and a foul the purpose of human creation that is mentauhidkan ( Oneness ) of Allah , submissive and obedient to carry out all the work and worship of Allah . They were upset and sulk when called Tawheed sentences , their souls away from the truth and guidance of Allah Almighty. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

وإذا ذكر الله وحده اشمأزت قلوب الذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة وإذا ذكر الذين من دونه إذا هم يستبشرون

And if only the name of Allah just called , kesAllâh the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter , and if the name of gods besides Allah called , suddenly they feast upon . [ Az-Zumar/39 : 45 ]

Also says in Sura al - Isra ' :

وإذا ذكرت ربك في القرآن وحده ولوا على أدبارهم

And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur'an , they turn their backs in aversion . [ al - Isra ' / 17:46 ]

Also in the letter Ghafir or al- Mu'min :

ذلكم بأنه إذا دعي الله وحده كفرتم وإن يشرك به تؤمنوا فالحكم لله العلي الكبير

That is because you disbelieve in Allah alone if only the diibadahi . But if you believe in Allah dipersekutukan . Then the decision ( today) is in Allah Most High , Most Great . [ Ghâfir/40 : 12 ]

Thus , may Allah give us all taufiq to really be able to mentauhidkan Allah Almighty and good faith in his Esakan - clicking . Indeed only Allah who heareth and grant the prayer .

( Freely translated from the book : Fiqhu al - Asma ' al - Husna , the work of Shaykh Abdur Razaq bin Abdul Muhsin al - Badr , cet . I, 1429 H/2008 M )

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 06/Tahun XV/1432/2011M . Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]

After two cycles of prayer voluntary prayer ' Asr

Ustadz Abu Ihsan al - Atsari

With regard to the issue of voluntary prayer of two rak'ahs after the Asr prayer questioned by many readers of the paper we had written previously and also listed in our book entitled ' Charity Day Free Overnight ' , then the following discussion we menyantumkan glimpse of the problem. These questions arise because of what is contained in our manuscript is different from the long- circulating ma'lumat or perhaps ingrained . Ma'lumat which states that no circumcision prayer after prayer ' Asr . This conclusion is based on some history or authentic hadith that bans prayers zhahirnya voluntary prayer after ' Asr . Among the hadith marfu ' :

لا صلاة بعد العصر حتى تغرب الشمس

There is no prayer ( circumcision ) prayer after ' Asr until the sun sets [ 1 ]

And some other traditions that convey the same . Conclusion terlarangnya circumcision prayer after prayer ' Asr is also based on a history that explains that anhu Umar forbade circumcision two rak'ah prayer after ' Asr , not even enough to prohibit , even radi anhu he beat people who do it .

TWO rak'ah voluntary prayer after praying ' ASR
The first hadith zhahirnya banning circumcision of prayer after ' Asr was no doubt keshahihannya . However, the prohibition in the Hadith is absolute ( general ) . Generality of the meaning of the hadith is still possible ditakhshish ( meaning restricted ) by the hadith or other arguments , including the generality of the meaning contained in the above hadith . Generality that meaning has been limited and specified by the hadeeth which suggests that the ban applies when the sun had turned yellow . That is , if the sun is not white or yellow , then the circumcision prayer after ' Asr still be done .

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " Hadith ( prohibition ) is ( valid ) specially when the sun had turned yellow . But when the sun was still white and bright , then the prayer at that time did not include prohibited . By Ali radi anhu hadeeth is marfu ' with wording :

نهى عن الصلاة بعد العصر إلا و الشمس مرتفعة

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam forbade prayer after Asr except when the sun is still high .

This is narrated by Abu Dawud [ 2 ] , an- Nasa'i [ 3 ] and Ahmad [ 4 ] of Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu in marfu '

This hadith dishahihkan by Ibn Hazm and Ibn Hajar al - Asqalani [ 6 ] . " [ 7 ]
al - Baihaqi rahimahullah polarize both the hadith , namely hadith that prohibits prayer after prayer ' Asr and hadith Ali radi anhu above . He looked hadith that prohibits rahimahullah stronger than hadith that allow ( hadith Ali radi anhu ) .

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah commented on this opinion by saying , " Actually , both the hadith is authentic, although the hadith narrated by many narrators more powerful , but not the way ( method ) scientists , reject hadith is strong because it is contrary to the hadith Zahir stronger , let alone both of them still allow for combined or dikonpromikan . Similarly, in this issue . Due to the hadith ( hadith which allows ) are the hadiths ( prohibition ) that has been hinted at by al - Bayhaqi . such Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , ( which means) , " there is no prayer after ' Asr until the sun sets . " Agreed upon .

This hadith is absolute , meaning restricted by Ali radi anhu hadeeth above . This is hinted at by Ibn Hazm rahimahullah in his words , " This is an additional ( history ) of a narrator tsiqah that should not be abandoned . "

Then al - Baihaqi rahimahullah said , " There is a history of Ali radi 'anhu who menyelisihi history ( about the existence of circumcision after Asr prayer - red) and there is also a history of radi ' anhu that he disagrees. "

Al - Bayhaqi and adh - Dhiya vol ' vol in the book of al - Mukhtârah ( I/185 ) carries the history of the track Sufyan , he said , " Abu Ishaq has delivered me from ' Asim bin Dhamrah of Ali radi 'anhu , he radi anhu said :

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي ركعتين في دبر كل صلاة مكتوبة ; إلا الفجر والعصر

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam used to do two cycles of prayer after every obligatory prayer except the dawn prayer and pray ' Asr . " [ 8 ]

( This history contradicts the existence of circumcision prayer after ' Asr - ed) .

Menegnai this, Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah commented , " This hadith does not contradict the first hadith implicitly. Because of this hadith explains only that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did not pray two cycles of prayer after ' Asr . While the first hadith does not specify it absolutely ( in all - red time ) , to be dipertentangakan him . Minimal hadith ( the first ) explains bolehnya prayer after ' Asr until the sun has not yellowed . And not necessarily all cases allowed by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam Sharai beard , he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did . " [ 9 ]

IT IS A prayer prayer BA'DIYAH Zhuhur
Which rejects the existence of two rak'ah prayer after Asr circumcision also recognizes keshahihan history stating that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never prayed circumcision after ' Asr . But they say that it is the prayer of circumcision rawatib after Zhuhur . At one time and for some reason , he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam can not do it in time , therefore he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did after praying ' Asr . And after that he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam routinely done .

On this Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " There is a saheeh reports from Umm Salamah and ' Aisha radi anhuma ( which explain - ed) that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam pray two rak'ah sunnah ba'diyah ( after ) Zhuhur prayer after ' Asr . ' Aisha radi anhuma said , " Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam merutinkannya after that . " ( Zhahirnya , history - red) is contrary to the hadith of Ali radi 'anhu that both of the above . "

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah continued , " Compromising the above two hadith easy. ( Ie ) Each narrators narrated known science . , And those who know a proof for those who do not know . Apparently , after some time , finally Ali radi anhu know of the Companions of Ali radi anhu what he radi anhu nafikan on this hadith . [10] And in a tradition that is authentic from him that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam pray after ' Asr . And history is what is mentioned in the words of al - Bayhaqi advanced , " the history of Ali radi 'anhu which is in line with the hadith of Ali (above ) is a hadith which was delivered to us ... " Then he rahimahullah mentions of Syu'bah path from Abu Ishaq from ' Asim bin Dhamrah , he said , " We 've been with Ali anhu in a safar . we pray he lead the ' Asr two cycles . Thereafter he goes into his tent , while I see he pray two cycles .

In this memoir mentioned that Ali radi anhu practice the content of the first hadith , namely bolehnya prayer after ' Asr .

Ibn Hazm has narrated ( IV / 3 ) of Bilal radi 'anhu , the muezzin of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said, " Do not pray prohibited except when the sun is going down. "

al - Albani rahimahullah said , " saheeh isnaad , and this is strong evidence for the hadith of Ali radi anhu . About two rak'ahs after ' Asr , Ibn Hazm allow it quotes the opinion of a number of Companions , those who want to know please see the book he ( ie al - Muhalla ) .

Conclusions indicated by this hadith stating that the opinion bolehnya pray voluntary prayer after ' Asr before the sun yellow are those that should be held in this matter is still in dispute . Opinions here are chosen by Ibn Hazm rahimahullah , who follow the opinion of Ibn Umar anhuma , as mentioned al - Hafiz al - ' Iraqi and other vol . So do not be deceived by the number of the lot if it turns out menyelisihi Sunnah . "

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah continues to explain , " Then I found another path of this hadith , from pathway Ali radi anhu with wording ,

لا تصلوا بعد العصر , إلا أن تصلوا و الشمس مرتفعة

Do you pray after ' Asr , except when you do it while the sun is still high .

This hadith hadith Ali radi reinforce previous anhu . Moreover, this history comes from the track ' Asim radi anhu who also narrated from ' Ali that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did not pray after ' Asr . " [ 11 ]

Then there are traditions marfu ' other than Anas radi anhu that supports the hadith . Marfu hadith wording ' it is :

لا تصلوا عند طلوع الشمس , و لا عند غروبها فإنها تطلع و تغرب على قرن شيطان و صلوا بين ذلك ما شئتم

You should not pray when the sun is rising and when it is going down , as it rises and sets over the devil horns . And shalatlah in addition to the time it pleased you . "

After explaining this hadith keshahihan , by Sheikh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " Both of these traditions ( hadith and hadith of Anas Ali before this ) is the proposition that the famous opinion in the books of fiqh such as the ban on prayer after ' Asr absolute , even though the sun is still white light and still high , is at odds with the second opinion that is clear in the hadith above . Their proof in this case is simply ma'ruf hadiths regarding the prohibition of prayer after ' Asr absolute . While both the above hadith hadiths are the ban, please understandable . " [ 12 ]

Another Hadith on this issue is hadith narrated by Muhammad ibn al - Muntatsir who testified that he pray two rak'ahs after ' Asr , then someone asked him about it , he replied , "If the only reason I do it because I saw Masruq [ 13 ] have do undoubtedly been believable , but I ( also ) asked ' Aisha , and he answered .

كان لا يدع ركعتين قبل الفجر , و ركعتين بعد العصر

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never leaves two cycles before dawn and two rak'ahs after ' Asr .

This hadith dishahihkan by sheikh al - Albani rahimahullah in Silsilatul ahadith as- Shahîhah , VI/1010 ( no. 2920 )

He rahimahullah also menyantumkan another hadith the wording , " Not a single day passed but the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam doing two cycles after the ' Asr . " [ 14 ]

In another wording stated , " Two cycles that never left by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam either covertly or overtly , two rak'ah before the morning prayer and two rak'ah prayer after ' Asr . "

Then sheikh al - Albani rahimahullah explains , " Ibn Abi Syaibah been reported from a number of Ulema of the Salaf that they are working on two cycles after the ' Asr this , including Abu Burdah bin Abu Musa , Abu ats - Tsa'syaa ' , Maimoon Amru bin al - Aswad bin Yazid and Abu Waail . Ibn Abi Syaibah has been narrated with a saheeh isnaad from them . Among them also was Muhammad ibn al - Muntatsir and Masruq as mentioned above . " [ 15 ]

UMAR anhu BEAT AFTER who pray 'Asr prayer
Among the people who refused to be arguments and forbid circumcision prayer after prayer ' Asr is beating by Umar radi ' anhu against people who do it .

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah explains this issue , " Umar anhu punishment against people who do it are considered as one of the ijtihad of Umar radi 'anhu which is built on the principles sadduz dzara'i ( closing loopholes that could potentially plunge the culprit to the forbidden ) . As hinted in the history of the two mentioned by Ibn Hajar al - hafizh rahimahullah in Fathul Bari ( II/65 ) .

1 . The first history contained in the book Mushannaf Abdurrazzaq ( II/431-432 ) , Musnad Ahmad ( IV/155 ) , ath - Tabarani ( V/260 ) , and by al - Haitsami dihasankan ( II/223 ) .
2 . The second history , narrated by Ahmad ( IV/102 ) , ath - Tabarani in al - Kabir Mu'jamul ( II/58-59 ) and al - Ausath ( 8848 ) .

And I have found that a history of three that strengthen two previous history . Ie from the history of Israel from al - Miqdam Shurayh son of his father , he said , " I asked ' Aisha radi anhuma about prayer Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , how he do it ? ' Then ' Aisha radi anhuma replied , " He Zhuhur prayers and thereafter pray two rak'ahs , then pray ' Asr and do two cycles thereafter . " So I said , " Did not advance anhu Umar beat people who worked on two rak'ah after ' Asr and ban it ? " Then ' Aisha radi anhuma replied , " Umar anhu never do it , and he knew that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to do it . yet your people are those people who are religious spirit but stupid . they Zhuhur prayers , then ( continuous red) between Zhuhur and pray ' Asr . then they pray ' Asr then they ( kept - ed ) the prayer between Asr and Maghrib . anhu that's why Umar hit them . and what he do it right . "

This is narrated by Abul Abbas as - Saraj in Musnadnya ( I/132 ) . And saheeh isnaad . "

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah said, " This is strong evidence for two previously implied atsar . And nash is very clear that the prohibition against Umar anhu two cycles of prayer is not because it does not disyari'atkan estimates as many people . But because he was worried about the radi 'anhu ' continuity ' prayers after two cycles of this , or put it off until entry time dimakruhkan , ie when the sun has yellowed . And that time forbidden to pray ( circumcision ) after prayer ' Asr which meant in many hadeeth , as already described under the description of the two preceding hadith ( the hadith of Ali radi anhu and the hadith of Anas radi anhu ) . "

From the above it can be concluded that the two rak'ah prayer after ' Asr is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam when done after the prayer ' Asr before the sun yellow . And the sentence imposed by Umar anhu top culprit is the result of his ijtihad radi anhu and approved by some friends , but not approved by another friend . Among them is Ummul Mu'mineen radi anhuma . Each of the two sides there are agreed. It shall refer to the Sunnah , the authentic from Umm al-Mu'mineen radi anhuma history , without any arguments menyelisihinya , except the general hadith that has been devoted to the hadith of Anas Ali radi anhu and radi 'anhu who had hinted earlier number . And it seems this is also the schools of Ibn Umar anhu . Imam al - Bukhari rahimahullah narrated ( no. 589 ) from Ibn Umar anhuma , he radi anhuma said :

أصلي كما رأيت أصحابي يصلون لا أنهى أحدا يصلي بليل ولا نهار ما شاء غير أن لا تحروا طلوع الشمس ولا غروبها

I will pray as I see my friends do it . I do not forbid anyone pray at night or during the day as long as he wants , just do it menyengaja prayer at sunrise and sunset.

This is also the opinion of Abu Ayyub al - Ansari, radi anhu . Abdurrazzaq rahimahullah has narrated from him ( II/433 ) with a saheeh isnaad from Ibn Thawus of his father , that Abu Ayyub al - Ansari, radi 'anhu pray two cycles of prayer after ' Asr before the caliphate of Umar anhu . When Caliph Omar Abu Ayyub zRadhiyallahu served anhu no longer do it . When Umar died anhu , Abu Ayyub radi anhu back to do it . Someone asks him , " Why so ? " He replied , " Verily Umar anhu punish those who do . " Ibn Thawus said , " My father never left after two cycles of prayer ' Asr it . "

Shaykh al - Albani said, " Here we need to remind Ahlus Sunnah are eager to revive the Sunnah and deadly heresy in order to undertake this two rak'ah prayer after ' Asr at the time disyari'atkan . Based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam :

من سن في الإسلام سنة حسنة

Whoever exemplifies a good sunna in Islam ... [ 16 ]

In another narration also still from ' Aisha radi anhuma mentioned that ' Aisha radi anhuma asked about prayer that is done by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , then he replied .

كان يصلي الهجير ثم يصلي بعدها ركعتين , ثم يصلي العصر , ثم يصلي بعدها ركعتين

He Zhuhur prayers and pray two cycles thereafter . Then he pray ' Asr prayers and then two rak'ah after. "

This hadeeth was also classed as saheeh by al - Albani in as- Shahîhah Silsilatul ahadith , VII/1426 , no. 3488 .

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " In another narration issued by Ahmad narrated from al - Miqdam , he said , " I asked ' Aisha radi anhuma about prayer after ' Asr ? , He replied , "You do , in fact the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam forbade clans of Yemenis pray when the sun is rising . "

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " In the words of ' A'isha radi anhuma that mauqûf faidah there are some that are not mentioned by al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah in Fathul Bari , namely , Umar anhu does not prohibit two rak'ah prayer after ' Asr because pensyariatannya deny . But he forbade solely to close the gap to something forbidden , which he radi anhu worried they will do it at a time that is forbidden to pray , that is when the sun will set . There is some evidence to support this from the history of Tamim ad- and Zaid bin Khalid Al - Juhani . al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah not comment on the history of the second sanad Fathul Bari ( II/65 ) . While sanad history dihasankan Zaid al - Haitsami .

Tamiim Hadith narrated by Hisham ibn ' Urwah from his father , he said , " Umar anhu out to meet people and hit them because doing two cycles of prayer after ' Asr . Until he met with radi anhu of Tamim ad- radi anhu . Tamim radi anhu said , " I will not leave this two rak'ah . Indeed I have been working with people better than you ! Ie, the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam "

Then Umar anhu said , " Indeed , if all the people like yourself surely I do not care . "

Narrated by Ahmad ( IV/101 ) with isnaad tsiqah narrators , narrators of al - Bukhari and Muslim , but al - Haitsami said ( II/222 ) , " Urwa have not heard of Umar anhu . "

But Abdullah ibn Salih has been narrated , he said , al - Layth had told me from Abul Aswad from ' Urwah ibn az - Zubeir , he said , " Tamim ad has told me that of Tamim ad - work of these two rak'ah after anhu Umar forbade prayer after ' Asr . Then Umar anhu came and was about to hit him with the whip . But Tamim gesture him to sit down , because at that time he was praying . So sit up anhu Umar Tamim finished the prayer . Tamim said to Umar radi 'anhu , " Why do you want to hit me ? " Umar anhu replied , " Because you have been working on two rak'ah that I forbid it . "

Then Tamim radi 'anhu said as has been mentioned above , then added , " Umar said , " Verily, my goal is not you , O people ! But I fear you will come after the people who pray after ' Asr until Maghrib time . Until they pass through or enter the time -limits for them to pray , as they do between prayer Zhuhur and pray ' Asr . Then they reasoned , ' We have seen the So and so and So and so pray prayer after ' Asr . " Narrated by ath - Tabarani in al - Kabir Mu'jamul ( II/48/1281 ) and in al - Ausath ( VIII/296 / 8684 ) [ 18 ] .

Then sheikh al - Albani rahimahullah said , " As for the hadith of Zayd ibn Khalid al - Juhani , narrated by Abu Sa'd al - A'mâ of a man named as- Saib al - Maula Farisiyyin of Zaid , that Umar ibn al - Khattab anhu - that moment he became caliph - saw work on two cycles after the ' Asr . Then Umar anhu approached him and hit him with a whip , while Zaid radi anhu continued prayers . Finished the prayer , Zaid said , " O Commander of the Faithful Strike ! for the sake of Allah, I will not leave it for ever because I have seen the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to do it . "

Umar anhu was sitting nearby and said , "O Zaid radi 'anhu , even if it was not because I was worried people would make way for the prayer till evening I certainly will not hit it. "

Narrated by al - Abdurrazzaq in Mushannaf ( II/431-432 ) above - editor is - history , this hadith is also narrated from the track and from the other lanes by Ahmad ( IV/115 ) , ath - Thabraani in al - Kabir Mu'jamul ( V/260/5166 and 5167 ) , after menisbatkannya the ath - Ahmad and Tabarani , al - Haitsami said , " hasan isnaad . " al - Albani said , " Abu Sa'd al - A'mâ nothing except call tsiqah Ibn Hibban , therefore al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in the book at t - Taqrîb , " Majhûl ! " Perhaps that is meant by al - hasan lighairihi Haitsami is seen from the foregoing history , Allah knows best .

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah also mentions a history of ' Aisha to another without mentioning the approval of ' Aisha to what is done by Umar . Narrated by al - Mughiirah of Ibrahim al - Aswad from ' Aisha that she said , "Do you hit people because the two cycles work ? But the Prophet did not really see him doing the two rak'ah . "

Then the sheikh rahimahullah mentions history of Jarir al - Mughira without mention of the beating by Umar anhu . After that , the sheikh al - Albani concludes , " This is a history that is authentic from ' A'isha ( ie history - red) without any mention about beating by Umar anhu . " [ 19 ]

There is also another report that corroborate this opinion . It was narrated from Abdullah bin Rabbah of a man from among the companions of the Prophet that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam pray ' Asr , after he became a man of prayer to pray . Umar saw it . He said to him , " Sit down , in fact the Book was destroyed because there is no separation between the prayers which they did . " Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said .

أحسن ابن الخطاب

True what is said by Ibn Khahthab . [ 20 ]

Shaykh al - Albani rahimahullah explains one faidah of this hadith , " In this hadith there are other important faidah , namely bolehnya voluntary prayers after ' Asr . Because even if it is not allowed of course the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam has been to deny the man's actions as they seem real . And is aligned with a saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam that he pray two rak'ahs after ' Asr . And it also shows that it is not khushushiyyah ( specificity ) for the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam alone . As word of his " There is no prayer after ' Asr until the sun sets . " Sung to the conditions when the sun was yellow , based on saheeh ahaadeeth which limit its meaning . "

Allowed voluntary prayers two rak'ahs after ' Asr as long as the sun is still high and the light is still white not yellow , based on some hadith that states that. As for the hadiths that forbid the prayer after ' Asr until sunset limited its meaning and its content is devoted to the conditions when the sun had turned yellow .

Allaah knows shawaab bus .

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 02/Tahun XV/1432/2011M . Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196 ]



  1. Name of Allah Al - Ahad and al - Wahid ( the Almighty )

  2. Salam, my name is Qasim, from last 26+ years Allah and Muhammad s.a.w keep coming into my dreams, over 460+ times Allah comes in my dreams and 250+ times Mohammad s.a.w comes in my dreams, Muhammad S.A.W is the last Messenger of Allah and i am the Ummati of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, many dreams related to Muslim Ummah, World and the Judgment Day, I have shared few dreams on my fb Allah and Mohammad PBUH in my Dream - Allah and Muhammed saww in my Dream
