Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fruits In The Sky Preview incomparable pleasure

Fruits In The Sky Preview incomparable pleasure

Ustadz Abdullah bin al - Buthoni Taslim , M.A.

Speaking of enjoyment in heaven , may God Almighty help us become the hosts of heaven - means discussing a high and eternal pleasure beyond compare . Imagine, Allaah illustrates the clear and detailed manner , making His servants who believe and always hasten vying to grab it .

Allah Almighty says :

وسارعوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السماوات والأرض أعدت للمتقين

And haste ( race - lombalah ) you to ( reach ) forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who fear Allah . [ Ali ' Imran / 3:133 ] .

In another verse , He Almighty also says :

وفي ذلك فليتنافس المتنافسون

And for such a Let those ( believers ) are competing ( to reach it ) . [ al-Muthaffifin/83 : 26 ] .

Therefore , in the saheeh hadeeth about the image of the high pleasures of heaven , the angel Gabriel Alaihissallam who saw it, said to the Allah Almighty .

أي رب وعزتك لايسمع بها أحد إلا دخلها

For the sake of thy kemahamuliaan , is not nobody heard about ( high enjoyment ) of heaven unless he wants to get into it . [ 1 ]

Suffice the words of Allah Almighty the following describes the perfection of enjoyment in heaven :

ولكم فيها ما تشتهي أنفسكم ولكم فيها ما تدعون ) 31 ( نزلا من غفور رحيم

In heaven you get what ( all pleasures ) that you want and obtain ( also ) what's in it ( all pleasures ) you requested . As the dish ( you ) from ( Rabb ) the Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . [ Fushshilat/41 :31 - 32 ] .

يطاف عليهم بصحاف من ذهب وأكواب وفيها ما تشتهيه الأنفس وتلذ الأعين وأنتم فيها خالدون

Circulated to those of the gold plates and glasses , and in heaven there is all what ( pleasure ) desired by the liver and savory ( perceived ) eyes , and you shall live . [ az-Zukhruf/43 : 71 ] .

Allah Almighty says :

فلا تعلم نفس ما أخفي لهم من قرة أعين جزاء بما كانوا يعملون

No one knows what is hidden for them ( an assortment of delicious high in heaven ) that menyedapkan eyes in response to what they have done . [ as-Sajdah/32 : 17 ] .

Imam Ibn Kathir said , " The meaning of the verse, ( is ) no one who knows his great reward ( kindness ) that God hide ( and provide ) for them ( the believers ) in heaven , ( ie ) a pleasure perennial and various delights that have never witnessed any similar by one " [ 2 ]

This description of the high pleasure is stated in the hadith that is authentic Qudsi , Allah Almighty says :

أعددت لعبادي الصا لحين م لا عين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر

I have prepared for My servants the righteous pleasure ( high in heaven ) that has never been seen by the eye , heard by the ear and comes to the human heart . [ 3 ]

That is , all the pleasure and beauty in the world has ever seen by the eye , ear , or imagined to be heard by the human heart , the pleasure in heaven far exceeds all of them . [ 4 ]

Therefore , all the pleasure and enjoyment in heaven that Allah Almighty mentioned in the verses of the Koran , like the palaces of gold and silver , wives , fruits , rivers , parks beautiful , and various other pleasures ; all of it , though namaya same name as the one in the world , but the nature of pleasure is much different , because enjoyment in heaven is much higher and perfect .

Noble Companion , ' Abdullah ibn ' Abbaas nahuma said , " there is nothing in the world that is similar to what is in heaven except the name ( only ) " . [ 5 ]

Allaah explained in the verses of the Koran wide variety of delicious fruits as food for the inhabitants of heaven . Allah Almighty says :

وفاكهة مما يتخيرون ) 20 ( ولحم طير مما يشتهون ) 21 ( وحور عين ) 22 ( كأمثال اللؤلؤ المكنون ) 23 ( جزاء بما كانوا يعملون

And ( in the heaven there ) fruits of what they choose . And the meat of the birds what they want . And ( in the Garden) there are angels eyed , like hidden pearls . As a reward for what they used to do ( in the world ) . [ al - Waqi'ah / 56:20-24 ] .

فيهما من كل فاكهة زوجان

In the second heaven there are all kinds of fruit in pairs . [ ar-Rahman/55 : 52 ]

فيهما فاكهة ونخل ورمان

Inside there are two ( kinds of ) fruits and dates and pomegranates . [ ar-Rahman/55 : 68 ] .

All that Allaah make it easy for them to reach and enjoy . Allah Almighty says :

ودانية عليهم ظلالها وذللت قطوفها تذليلا

And shade ( trees Garden) above them and his men are permitted to be picked with as easy . [ al-Insan/76 : 14 ] .

Enjoyment is eternal and will not habinya . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

وفاكهة كثيرة ) 32 ( لا مقطوعة ولا ممنوعة

And ( in the heaven there ) are many fruits , which do not stop ( the fruit ) and not forbidden to take it. [ al - Waqi'ah / 56:32-33 ] .

In the Qur'an , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explains the high pleasures and delights of fruits in heaven perceived by the inhabitants of Heaven . Allah Almighty says :

وبشر الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أن لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار كلما رزقوا منها من ثمرة رزقا قالوا هذا الذي رزقنا من قبل وأتوا به متشابها ولهم فيها أزواج مطهرة وهم فيها خالدون

Then give the glad tidings to those who believe and do good deeds , that for them are provided heavens flowing rivers in it . Each time they were given rizki fruits in the heavens , they say , " This is the first ever given to us " . They were given a similar fruits , and for them , in which there is pure wives , and they will abide therein . [ al - Baqarah / 2:25 ] .

Meaning of the word of Allaah in the verse " they were given similar fruits ... " , there are three interpretations of the scholars commentators :

First : Fruits in heaven similar to fruits in the world in the form and color , but it feels distinctly different ( because the fruits of heaven is much more delicious ) . This is the opinion of Imam Mujahid , Abu Al- ' Aliyah , adh - Dhahhak , as- Suddi and Muqatil .

Second : Whole fruits are similar in heavenly delicacy and beauty , no ugliness to it . Similarly, according to Imam al - Hasan al -Basri and Ibn Jurayj .

Third : Fruits in heaven similar to fruits in the world in the form and name , but the fruits of heaven more beautiful and more delicious taste apparently . Similarly, according to Imam Qatadah and Ibn Zayd . [ 6 ]

Shaykh ' Abdur - Rahman as- Sa'di said , " Some say ( that meaning ) , similar in its name ( but ) it feels different . Some argue , similar in color ( but ) different name. There is also an opinion , ( all buaha fruits in heaven ) are similar to each other in beauty , delicacy and pleasure , may be the opinion ( last ) is true " . [ 7 ]

That is a part of the enjoyment and beauty of Heaven are beyond compare . There are many other pleasures and beauty of Heaven are not likely covered in such a concise writing .

May the Almighty God , by His grace and taufik , allows us to always pursue his path to heaven and avoid deviating from all the way from his path straight . Indeed He Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Grantor instructions and then power over all things .

تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا في الأرض ولا فسادا والعاقبة للمتقين

Hereafter , We shall give to those who do not want to brag or mischief ( immoral ) on the ( face ) of the earth , and the sequel ( which is good ) it ( heaven ) is for those who fear Allah . [ al Qashash/28 : 83 ] .

Wallahit taufiq .

[ Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 7/Tahun XVII/1434H/2013 . Published Istiqomah Standing Committee Foundation Surakarta , Jl . Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-761016 ]
[ 1 ] . HR . Abu Dawud ( no.4.744 ) and at - Tirmidhi ( 4/693 ) . Declared Sahih by Imam at - Tirmidhi and Shaykh al - Albani .
[ 2 ] . Book of Tafsir Ibn Kathir , 3/606 .
[ 3 ] . HSR al - Bukhari ( no.3.072 ) Muslim dna ( no.2.824 ) .
[ 4 ] . View the book Faidhul - Qadir , 4/473 .
[ 5 ] . Hannad issued by Imam ibn as- Sariy in az - Zuhd ( no. 3 and 8 ) and Ibn Jarir Tabari ( 1/105 ) , expressed his saheeh sanad by the book editor Taqribut - Tadmuriyyah , hlm.42 .
[ 6 ] . Description Imam Ibn al - Jawzi in his commentary , Zadul - granular , 1/53 .
[ 7 ] . Book Taisirul - Karimir - Rahman , hlm.46 .

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