Into the
rules. 26: If There Disputes
Rule Twenty
يقبل قول الأمناء في الذي تحت أيديهم من التصرفات والإتلاف وغيرها إلا ما خالف الحس والعادة
Those words
were assigned Amanah Relating to Management, Damage And Other Issues-Related Assets
To which mandated affirmative, Except When menyelisihi Reality And Habits [1]
This rule is
very important to resolve disputes between property owners and the people who
have been given the mandate [2] to manage the property. In a mudaraba or any
similar agreement, property owners (investors) entrusted his property to
someone else to manage, both in the trade, lease or others. In this case, if
there is a dispute between property owners who have been given the mandate by
the people associated with the asset, then the words are the words of those who
received the assigned mandate. Because the property owner has entrusted the
treasure to him and have him float the figure as.
However, if
the statement of the person entrusted with the mandate menyelisihi habit or out
of tune with the current reality, then the statement is not acceptable. For
example, if a person is considered to be goods saying that the item has been
destroyed because of fires. Whereas in reality there is no indication the fire
accident, then his words are not acceptable. If no signs of fires, then a
dispute between property owners with those who entrusted property, for example,
the property owner insisted that the goods are entrusted was not burned, while
the person entrusted with a mandate stating that the item was also on fire,
then the words accepted the words of people who have been given the mandate.
Other cases
that could be an example of the implementation of this rule is as follows:
1. If a
person represents to others to sell some items. Some time later, the item was
damaged. Then he said to the assigned mandate, "You must change because
you did not keep the treasure!" While those who have been given the
mandate menyanggahhh, "I have earnestly guard. Therefore, I shall not
change." So in a case like this, words are the words of people who
received the assigned mandate. Because of his position as a person who was
given the mandate, so that the words related to property damage, acceptable.
2. If
someone depute another person to sell some clothes. Some time later dispute.
The property owner said, "You're not offering that outfit!" And those
who have been given the mandate says, "I have been offered." So, in
this case, the received word is the word of the mandate entrusted. Because of
his position as a person who was given the mandate, so that the words relating
to the management of the property, was accepted.
3. When
someone borrows an item to someone else. After some time, the owner of the
goods to people who borrow to ask that the goods be returned. Then the borrower
says that the item has been damaged due to the disaster. So in this case, the
words of the original borrower is accepted because of his position as the
person entrusted with the mandate, and indeed before he had to get permission
from the property owner to take or make use of the goods.
With regard
to damage compensation, the scholars differed whether the borrower is obliged
to replace the goods or not. And strong opinion is that the borrower is not
required to replace or pay damages unless it was not really keeping (tafrith)
or excessive in its use (ta'addi). [4]
4. If there
is a lease agreement between the two men. Then after the rental period is
completed, the owner comes over to the tenant to request that the goods be
returned. Then the tenant said that the goods are damaged because of an
accident. Then the words of the tenants accepted due to its position as the
person entrusted with the mandate. [5]
5. In
mudahrabah contract, [6] the words mudharib (mudaraba goods manager) related to
profit or loss of the goods management, accepted. Similarly, words related to
the sale of goods, either in cash, credit, contract terms that he did, and so
on. Because it is related to the management of the goods entrusted to him. [7]
In the above
description has been made clear that this rule discussion revolves around the
dispute between property owners with people who have been given the mandate
relating to the management and property damage are mandated. On the other hand,
sometimes disputes arise relating to the return of the goods, whether the goods
have been returned or not. That is, if the person entrusted with the mandate to
say that the treasure entrusted property has been returned to the owner, but
the owner denied. So, in this case the scholars explain, if the recipient does
not have the interests of the trust at all on the property, then his word is
accepted. But if he has an interest, then rejected his words. (If the property
is entrusted solely to the beneficiaries of the property owner then came the
words of people who have been given the mandate received. However, if the
person entrusted with the mandate to take advantage of the property entrusted
to him, then the origin words are not acceptable). [8]
as follows:
1. When
Ahmad deposit some money to Hasan. Some time later, Ahmad Hasan to ask for
money to meet the dititipkannya it. Then Hasan said that the money was returned
to Ahmad. So in a case like this, words are the words of Hasan received and he
was not required to bring proof of return. Because Hasan carry property solely
for the benefit of Ahmad and not concerned with it. In this case, he has also
done charity while helping Ahmad brought the money. While God speaks k relates
to those who do good deeds:
على المحسنين من سبيل والله غفور رحيم
There is no
way at all to blame those who do good. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful, [at-Tawbah / 9:91]
2. If
someone saves another man's treasure from destruction because there is a
natural disaster or a similar one. After that, the property owner stating that
the whole or part of the property has not been returned to him. Meanwhile,
people who save to say that he had returned all the property that he saved to
its owner. So in cases like this, the words of the savior pro treasures.
Because it brings these treasures for the benefit of property owners. And this
makes also the generality of the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aladalam surah
at-Tawbah above. [9]
3. When
borrowing of goods from Hasan Ahmad. After a while, there was a dispute. Ahmad
claimed to have returned the goods, while Hasan denies. So in cases like this,
the legal side with Hasan. Because Ahmad brought the goods are for the benefit
of themselves as well as to take advantage of it. Ahmad then recognition is not
acceptable unless it can bring in proof of return of the goods.
4. When
renting a car from Ahmad Hasan. After the expiry of the lease, see Ahmad Hasan
returned to ask for his car. Then Ahmad said that the car had he returned to
Hasan. So in this case, the words of Ahmad is not acceptable, because it brings
the car to kemaslahatannya and he took advantage of it. [10]
knows best.
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 07/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Into the
rules. 25: If the draw is prescribed Afforded Unknown
تشرع القرعة إذا جهل المستحق وتعذرت القسمة
If the draw
is prescribed Eligible Persons Unknown
Distribution Not Likely To Do
It has been
mentioned arguments disyariatkannya draw [1]-when is not known who has the
right-in the al-Qur `an and Hadith .. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
فساهم فكان من المدحضين
Then he
joined then toss him including those who lost the lottery [ash-Shâffât/37: 141]
paragraph deals with the story of the prophet Jonah Alaihissallam when leaving
his people who would not believe in him, so that he arrived on the beach and
saw the ship that will sail, so he climbed into the boat. It turns out the
boatload too full load, so that when the ship is at sea can not move forward or
backward in the middle of the ocean. If the charge is not reduced, all
passengers would sink. To that end, they held a lottery to determine who among
them will be excluded from the vessel. After the lottery, get out the name of
the prophet Jonah Alaihissallam. Then he was thrown out of the boat. And he go
into the mouth of a fish and lived some time in the fish's belly until rescued
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. [2]
example, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
كنت لديهم إذ يلقون أقلامهم أيهم يكفل مريم وما كنت لديهم إذ يختصمون
And do not
present with them when they cast their pens (to draw) who among those who will
maintain Maryam. And you are not present at their side when they are disputed.
[Ali 'Imran / 3:44]
paragraph deals with the story of the Israelites pengemuka who fought to
determine who among them is the right to take care of Mary. So, they agreed to
go to a river to cast who should nurture him by throwing their pens, with the
agreement that who among them is the questioner not be washed out of the river,
then he was entitled to take care of Mary. Turns Alaihissallam pen Prophet
Zakariya was not washed away the river water, so he was the right to take care
of Mary. [3]
As for the
argument of the Sunnah, is mentioned in the hadith:
عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أراد سفرا أقرع بين نسائه, فأيتهن خرج سهمها خرج بها معه.
Of 'Aisha
radi anhuma he said: the Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam when you want
to go, so he gambled the wife. Who among those who came out undiannya, then he
would go with him [4]
This rule
has considerable application examples, both related to the issue of worship or
muamalah. He them are as follows:
1. If there
are two people fighting for the azan, while they are not muezzin Ratib [5] and
no excess of one over the other, both in terms of beauty and loudness, or other
characteristics to consider in prayer, the azan entitled determination made
with the draw.
2. If there
are two or more equally eager to be the imam prayer, while they are equivalent
in terms of the beauty of literature, the depth of religious knowledge, hijra,
and age, the priest has the right to be determined by the draw.
3. If
someone wants to give a particular item, whether it be water, garments, vessel,
or otherwise to those who most deserve such goods amongst a group of people. It
turns out that a group of people have the same background properties, and is
difficult to determine who among them is most worthy of such goods. Then
eligible people is determined by the draw.
4. If there
are several bodies that will disholatkan the most knowledgeable person's body
is placed closest to the imam [6]. But if all these bodies have equality of the
scientific side, there is nothing more important than the other one, then it is
placed closest to the priests determined by draw.
5. If there
are two bodies that had been buried in the grave because of a narrow, narrow
time, or manpower burial slightly, then put more precedence to the grave and
placed closer to the direction of Qibla is the most important body in between
them . Namely, the bodies of the most knowledgeable and the most widely
memorize Qur'ân al [7] However, if the two bodies have equality in science and
rote, then the right to put to the grave first determined by lottery.
6. If there
are two people alike stated that a particular item is hers, and no qarinah
(signs) that amplifies one more entitled to the goods, the person entitled to
have it determined by the draw. However, if the goods can be divided and the
two agreed to split the items into two parts and each get half of the same
section, it is possible. [8]
7. If there
are two people fighting to get a good or mubâhât case [9], and the goods may
not be shared, then the eligible people is determined by drawing For example,
if there are two concurrent and equally willing to sit in a place specified in
the mosque, so in this case the determination is entitled to sit in the drawing
is done with.
8. If a
woman is to get married and all right to marry a close relative who desires to
be the guardian of her marriage, but they are all equal, then the determination
is done by drawing guardians.
9. If
someone has a slave, then he freed one of his slaves, but he forgot which one
he freed slave, then the determination is set to draw.
Then, with
regard to the discussion of this rule, it should be understood that if the
level of ownership of two or more persons to an asset or debt is known for
certain, and then they did the draw to determine who among them will get the
property or debts in full, then this including gambling is forbidden by the
arguments of al-Qur'ân, Sunnah and ijma '. Among the examples can be seen via
the following two cases:
1. If a car
is owned jointly by two people. Then they did the draw with a deal that whoever
among them that came out her name in the lottery, then he is entitled to have
the car fully, draw like this is not allowed because it is included in the
category of gambling.
2. If there
are two people both have receivables to So and so (a person), then the two
people doing the draw, with the agreement that anyone among them whose name
came out in the draw, all receivables So and so, either from the first or
second person, be his. Then draw like this included in the category of
gambling. [10] And Allaah knows best. [11]
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 04/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Into the
rules. 24: The Fastest Better
Rule of Twenty-Four
سبق إلى المباحات فهو أحق بها
Whoever Over
the past (Found Or Getting) The Mubahat So Which Is She Such Entitled Top Case
This noble
principle which explains that anyone who first discover or obtain the mubahat,
then he is more entitled to obtain or make use of it. Mubâhât means everything
that there is no special rights of ownership over it, whether it be land, a
particular place, a plant that grows in the earth or the other.
which shows the validity of this rule is the hadeeth narrated from Asmar bin
Mudharris radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
سبق إلى ما لم يسبق إليه مسلم فهو أحق به
first came to a case than the other Muslims, then he is more entitled to these
things. [1]
Also the
hadeeth narrated from 'A'ishah radi anhuma, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa
sallam said:
عمر أرضا ليست لأحد فهو أحق بها
manages the land that is not owned by anyone, then he is more entitled to the
land. [2]
This hadith
explains that the person who first acquire and manage land that no man, then he
is more entitled to own and use the land. Then other cases mubâhât diqiyaskan
and convicted as mentioned in the hadith ground above.
implementation of this rule, it can be seen from the following examples:
Associated with river water irrigation of rice fields. If the owners disagree
about the rice paddy where the most precedence to get water from the river. So
in this case the precedence is the highest position of rice fields, because it
is usually closer to suangi position. After the rice has drained enough water
and only then flowed into the fields below.
2. Relating
to game animals, both on land and at sea. Anyone who had previously arrested
him or his gun hit him first then he is more entitled to have these animals.
The extent of the animal's view, the ownership can not be determined. Similarly,
the presence of wood in the forest, there is grass in the pasture, he who first
reached him that he was the one who is more deserving.
Associated with places reserved for public use, such as mosques or otherwise.
Should not someone get someone else to stand up from his seat and then he sat
down on the person. For example, Ahmad was sitting somewhere in the mosque
listening to lectures. Then came and told Ahmad Zaid stood up, then sat down on
the Zaid. So as this is not allowed. Because Ahmad first came to the place so
that he is more entitled to sit there.
In a hadith
narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn 'Umar anhuma explained that the Prophet
sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
يقيم الرجل الرجل من مجلسه ثم يجلس فيه ولكن تفسحوا وتوسعوا
Should not
someone tell others stood from his seat and then he sits in there, but you
ought to give leeway and breadth. [3]
Associated with treasures diwakafkan, either in the form of land, houses, or
other items that do not require approval under utilization of Nazhir (board)
diwakafkan goods. So whoever is first up on the goods, he is more entitled to
use it. For example, someone mewakafkan a house to be occupied by the poor, the
needy whichever is first up to the house, he is more entitled to use it, until
the needs of the house was finished.
It deals
with a treasure-trove of waqf no nâzhirnya specifically. As if it is a
treasure-trove of waqf was maintained by Nazhir (board) is special then its use
is subject to the approval Nazhir, not based on who is first up on the stuff.
5. In
connection with the dead land, which is land that no man in particular. Who
comes first turn on the land and manage it, then he is more entitled to the
In this
case, a person is said to revive the dead soil in which to make the fence so as
not to enter the land of wild animals, or to build wells in the area so as to
irrigate the land. Similarly can be done with the soil to drain water either
from the river, or otherwise to irrigate the land. Or by clearing the land of
rocks, puddles, or other objects that block the use of the land. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أحيا أرضا ميتة فهي له
revive dead land, then the land belonged to him. [4]
6. A man is
not allowed to apply for women who have spoken for others, as long as the
proposal has not been rejected by the woman or no permission of the first
applicants. This is because the first one first melamarannya so he is more
entitled, as saying of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
يخطب بعضكم على خطبة أخيه, حتى يترك الخاطب قبله, أو يأذن له الخاطب
Do any of
you applying for a woman who has spoken for the other person to leave or permit
applicants. [5]
7. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has been reported about the great reward that
would be obtained by a person when standing in the first row and in the prayer
in congregation. As word of his:
يعلم الناس ما في النداء والصف الأول ثم لم يجدوا إلا أن يستهموا عليه لاستهموا
If only
humans know the size of the reward and the reward azan standing first row and
while they can not get it unless they would surely toss toss. [6]
In this
case, a person is first up in the first rows, he is entitled to occupy that
position than anyone else thereafter. And Allaah knows best.
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 03/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Into the
rules. 23: Muslims Must Meet Conditions That Has They Agree
Twenty-Three [1]
المسلمون على شروطهم إلا شرطا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما
Muslims Must
Meet Conditions That Has Unless They Agree Terms Proscribe An Yang Yang Yang A
Halal Or Haram justifies
As the
previous rules, rules that are consistent with lafadz noble hadith narrated
from Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
والمسلمون على شروطهم إلا شرطا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما
And the
Muslims must fulfill the terms they had agreed terms except that forbids a
lawful or an unlawful justify. [2]
This rule
explains that the origin of the legal requirements that have been agreed upon
by the Muslims in various contract is executed is allowed. Because it contains
no prohibition beneficiaries and shari'ah about it. Obviously, as long as these
conditions are not dragging the culprit got into a forbidden Allaah and His
Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. If it contains elements that can be
dragged culprit haram fall into the haram cases these requirements are not
The terms of
the original law that allowed as much, between for example:
1. In the
purchase contract.
a. A person
selling goods and set conditions so that he was still given the right to use
the goods for a certain period before being handed over to the buyer. For
example, Ahmad Zaid to sell his house to a certain price. Ahmad require that it
still occupies the house for a month before being handed over to Zaid.
b. Someone
buy goods with deferred payment terms up to a certain time period. For example,
Ahmad Zaid buy a house from a specified price, on condition that half of the
price paid when the contract immediately, while paid half a month later.
c. Purchaser
requires that the goods to be purchased must have certain properties. For
example, someone who wants to buy slaves and slave which he requires that the
purchase would he have to have certain skills, such as reading and writing or
other skills. Similarly, if someone wants to buy livestock and it requires the
seller that the animal would he buy the milk production lot or otherwise.
2. In
accounts payable contract, if people lend settled conditions there should be a
guarantee of certain goods to the debtor. For example, Ahmad wanted to owe some
money to Zaid. Zaid then said, "I will lend you the money with no
collateral requirements."
Associated with endowment contract, if someone mewakafkan an item is
accompanied by certain conditions. Hence the use of the endowments of goods
must be adapted to the requirements specified by the pewakaf, as long as
conditions are not menyelisihi shari'ah. For example, someone mewakafkan plot
of land on the condition used for the construction of the mosque. Hence the use
of the land must be adapted to the requirements specified pewakaf.
4. Similarly,
the terms of which were made by a husband and wife within the bonds of
marriage. For example, a woman said to her husband, "I want to be your
wife on the condition I had stayed in the village of my birth." Or the
woman that does not require polygamy or any similar terms. Then the legal
origin of these requirements is allowed, as the words of the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
أحق الشروط أن توفوا به ما استحللتم به الفروج
Verily the
most mandatory requirement you exert is to justify the terms of marriage. [3]
conditions that led to the culprit caught up in things that are forbidden
Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then these requirements
should not be filled and should not be implemented. Among the examples is the
case of buying and selling slaves. If a man sells his slaves on the condition
that the slave was later freed by the buyer (new master) then wala'nya [4] for
the seller. Terms such as this is not allowed because it is contrary to the
words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إنما الولاء لمن أعتق
Verily wala
'belongs to the person it was freeing slaves. [5]
The terms of
which are forbidden to be divided into two:
1. The terms
of the contract were unlawful and illegitimate cause.
Example is
the requirement mut'ah in marriage. That marriage is limited to a specific
period. If the time period is completed then the couple is divorced. For
example, a man married a woman with the requisite marriage lasted for one month
and after their marriage ended.
tahlil requirement in marriage. If a woman has been divorced three times by her
husband, then the husband can not Ruju 'ex-wife that unless the woman has
married another man, husband and wife have been in touch with the new husband
and divorced again by her new husband's , without any elements of engineering.
If there are engineering, for example, there are other men who applied for the
woman, then the woman is willing but the condition after getting married and
having a husband and wife, he should divorce so she could marry again with the
first ex-husband. This is what is meant by the terms tahlil in perrnikahan.
Terms and
conditions mut'ah tahlil is imperfect conditions (broken) which led to the
marriage invalid. Because of this requirement is contrary to the original
purpose of marriage disyari'atkan.
2. The terms
are unlawful but do not cause akadnya canceled.
For example,
the marriage without dowry requirements. When a man marries a woman with a
condition without giving dowry to his wife.
if a man marries a woman with no requirement to provide a living for his wife,
or on the condition that his wife is getting a turn more or less than the other
Then the
terms of this kind include the imperfect condition (damaged) but not to cause
the marriage contract was canceled. Because these conditions are not contrary
to the original purpose of marriage, merely denying the things that must be
accomplished in the form of marriage the wife's rights over her husband. And
Allaah knows best.
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 02/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Into the
rules. 22: Shulh (Peace) with fellow Muslims That Allow
الصلح جائز بين المسلمين إلا صلحا أحل حراما أو حرم حلالا
(peace) with fellow Muslims That Allow Unless Peace One thing which justifies
the Haram or Halal Proscribe A Case Yang
Rule noble
invaluable taken from lafadz hadith hadith dishahihkan by some experts. It was
narrated from Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa
sallam said:
الصلح جائز بين المسلمين إلا صلحا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما والمسلمون على شروطهم إلا شرطا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما
Peace with
fellow Muslims was allowed except peace justifies an unlawful or proscribe a
kosher. And the Muslims must fulfill the terms they had agreed terms except
that forbids a lawful or an unlawful justify. [1]
This hadith
explains that all kinds of shulh (peace) among the Muslims is permissible, as
long as does not cause perpetrators fall into a forbidden by Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala and His Messenger.
Here are
some examples of the application of the above rules:
1. Shulhul iqrâr
or as-shulh ma'al iqrâr (peace with acknowledgment)
For example,
someone saw the goods he claimed as belonging to him, such as clock, but the
clock was in the hands of others. then he said: "This Jam is mine!"
People who are carrying at the said: "Yes, this is your watch. But I want
to make peace with you in a way to give you some money then this hour is mine.
'If the owner agrees, then this shulh legitimate and is called as-shulh ma'al
iqrâr or shulhul iqrâr.
When Zaid
Ahmad approve the offer then this is allowed. This category includes Shulhul
2. Shulhul
inkâr or as-shulh ma'al inkâr (peace which accompanied the denial)
For example,
the case of the above hours. If the hours it took to deny recognition of the
man, saying: "This Jam is not yours but mine." Then he worried this
problem will be prolonged, eventually he would like to finish by bringing
peace. He said: "We are peaceful, I'll give you some money and time is
still on my hands as mine." When people first agreed, then this shulh
legitimate and called shulhul inkâr or as-shulh ma'al inkâr. See no indication
in these events lie, Shaikh Muhammad bin Salih al Uthaymeen rahimahullah said:
"Those who lie, then akadnya invalid."
Reconciled in khiyar 'disgrace (right buyer to cancel the transaction because
there is a defect in the goods)
If someone
buys something at a certain price, then he knows that there is a defect in the
goods and he wanted to return it to the seller. When returning the item, the
seller said, "What if the goods are not returned and I will give to you in
the form of money damages as compensation for so many of the damage?"
If the buyer
agrees this bid, then the peace that allowed category.
Reconciled in khiyar Syarth (right buyer to cancel or continue the transaction with
certain conditions that have been agreed between the seller and buyer)
For example,
Ahmad Zaid want to buy a house with the agreement of the purchaser given week.
In this time, he has the right to cancel or continue the sale. But then, before
the passing of time, Zaid Ahmad came and said, "What if we made this
purchase, and we have completed the course with no wait time expires? As
compensation, I will give you some money."
If Zaid
Ahmad accept this, then this shulh shulh category (peace) are allowed and
included in the generality of the above rules.
Reconciled in syuf'ah rights.
If there is
an item owned jointly by Ahmad and Zaid, such as land or a house. Then sold his
share to Yasir Ahmad. In this case Zaid could use syuf'ahnya right to cancel the
sale. Zaid entitled interesting part has been sold and changed its status to
Ahmad Zaid-owned or buy it at a price that has been agreed upon by Ahmad and
Yasir. In this event, when Zaid will use syuf'ahnya rights, Yasir said,
"What if you do not use the right syuf'ahmu? Because I want to have this
stuff. As a consequence I would give some money to you. "
If Zaid
agreed with Yasir offer this, then this category shulh (peace) allowed.
Reconciled in murder or other Diyat.
In the event
of an intentional murder and injustice, the victim's family can sue or
prosecute law of Qisas diyat (compensation for murder). If demanded diyat, then
the amount that is specified in Shari'a camel tail number 100 by fulfilling
various other provisions. In this case, if the victim's family to propose to
the killer's family in order to provide diyat more than 100 individuals and
families agreed killer, then this includes shulh (peace) allowed.
7. Peace in
debt for an unknown number.
When Ahmad
owe some money to Zaid. After some time, they both forgot the amount. In this
condition, if Zaid said, "Why do not we name the face of Rp. 100.000, -,
if par is actually more than that, so I let it go, but if par is actually less
than one hundred thousand, then you were let go?" When Zaid Ahmad accept
the offer then this includes shulh (peace) allowed.
8. Peace in
the conjugal rights.
When a
worried wife would be divorced by her husband, then the wife is saying to her
husband, "I want to remain as a wife, as a consequence I Let go nafkahku
reduced." If the husband agrees, then this is permissible including peace,
as Allah Almighty says:
امرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا أو إعراضا فلا جناح عليهما أن يصلحا بينهما صلحا والصلح خير
And if a
woman fears nushuz or indifference of her husband, then why not for them to
make peace in truth, and peace was better for them. [An Nisa '/ 4:128]
the entire peace being made to resolve disputes and disputes between people,
then it is allowed and included in the generality of this rule, either through
the intermediary of the judge or others. In conclusion, the legal origin of the
peace it is allowed as long as not causing culprit in cases of illicit fall.
Among shulh
(peace) which is not allowed because there are elements in it haram can be
ascertained from the following examples:
1. If Ahmad
owes an amount of Rp. 100,000 to Zaid. After some time, forget Zaid nominal,
while Ahmad still remember the face, but he would not tell to Zaid. In this
case, apabia Ahmad said to Zaid, "I also forgot how much owe it. Shall we
name the amount of Rp. 50,000? I'm willing, if the amount of the debt is actually
smaller than that. And let it go if the amount of the debt is actually greater
than that . " Ahmad Zaid then approve the bid. Then peace is anathema to
Ahmad, as he had been the case justify the unlawful.
2. If Ahmad
owes an amount of Rp. 100,000 to Zaid, the payback period for one week. After a
week passed, apparently Ahmad could not repay their debts. Ahmad then said to
Zaid, "Give me a grace period for three days to pay off my debt. And as a
consequence, I will pay my debt of Rp 100,000 with an additional Rp. 20,000 for
you." If Zaid agreed, then such a peace is not allowed because it contains
And Allaah
knows best.
Al-qawa'id Usul al-wal-wal-Furûq Jûmi'ah Taqâsîm al-wat-an-Nâfi'ah Badî'ah,
works of Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di, tahqiq: Dr. Khalid bin 'Ali bin
Muhammad al-Musyaiqih, Darul-Wathan, Prints II, Year 1422 H - 2001 AD)
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XIV/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton
57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
[1]. المسلمون عند شروطهم hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari
4/451 in mu'allaq with shighah jazm. And narrated by Imam Ahmad in maushul
2/366, Abu Dawud no. 3594, Ibn Jarud no. 637, Al-Hakim 2/45, Ibn 'Adiy no. 2088
from Abu Hurayrah radi anhu via the history of Kathir ibn Zayd ibn Walid Rabah.
And in the history of Imam Tirmidhi no. 1370 of Kathir bin Abdillah bin 'Amr
bin' Awf al Muzaniy from his father from his grandfather, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
الصلح جائز بين المسلمين إلا صلحا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما والمسلمون على شروطهم إلا شرطا حرم حلالا أو أحل حراما
Lafadz was
presented also by the Al Kabir Thabrani no. 30, Ibn 'Adiy no. 2081, Dâruquthni
3/27, al Bayhaqi 6/79, Ibn Majah no. 2353 without a final sentence. This hadith
is confirmed by hadith 'A'ishah, Anas, Abdullah ibn Umar, Rafi' bin Khadîj
Rahiyallahu anhum. By collecting all periwayatannya path, then the above hadith
Thabit or legitimate.
negligent Of Hints, Danger Arrogant, Envy, Lust Lust And Emotions
Heedless of
pleading GUIDE
Hamd bin
Ibrahim al-'Uthman
If one
thinks about the people who get lost, both those who had preceded him and that
during her, then she will find many of them it turns out people are smart.
alone does not ensure the owner to achieve guidance and truth, but the Almighty
Allah who gives guidance to whom He wills. Allah Almighty says:
ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء
But Allah
leadeth whom He wills [al-Baqarah / 2:272]
This was
recognized by those who have obtained guidance, grateful that Allah Almighty
and His virtue in them. Al-Bara 'bin' Azib said, "Once the war Ahzab, the
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came with us to bear the ground,
and I saw a white belly that he defiled the land, and to express,
لولا أنت ما اهتدينا ولا تصدقنا ولا صلينا
Ya Allah,
were it not for thee we certainly will not get the hint, and we will give alms
and pray [HR. al-Bukhari, Muslim]
Almighty has said of the people of Paradise:
وقالوا الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله
inhabitants of heaven saying, "Praise be to Allah who has leadeth us this
paradise, we are not going to get a clue we would Allah guides not"
[al-A'raf / 7:43]
There are
many things that cause trouble, dissent and disagreement. As a result, the
truth became so faint for those who seek it. Therefore, we must seek guidance
to Allah the One Almighty giver petujuk, Knowledgeable, and Maha decide matters
disputed by humans.
al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said, "Sometimes a case can be blurry
in the beginning, then Allah Almighty a people who believe in the truth of the
matter is they can not agree with his permission after (him) for help and
guidance to Allah Azza wa Jalla, and felt the need to Him. Allah Almighty will
leadeth whom He wills to a Straight Path. "[1]
He also
asserted, "In essence, a servant so requires knowledge and guidance that
he beg and ask of Allah Almighty. So, with the name of Almighty Allah and feel
the need to Him, Allah Almighty will give him a clue, as his word in the hadith
عبادي كلكم ضال إلا من هديته فاستهدوني أهدكم
O My
servants, all of you are astray except for those I give instructions, then ask
for directions to Me I will certainly leadeth you [HR. Muslim no. 4674]
The Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam say a prayer request in the following guidance:
اللهم رب جبرائيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل فاطر السماوات والأرض عالم الغيب والشهادة أنت تحكم بين عبادك فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون اهدني لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنك إنك تهدي من تشاء إلى صراط مستقيم
Ya Allah,
Lord of Gabriel, Michael, and Israfil, Creator of heaven and earth, the
Almighty knows the unseen and the visible. Thou who decide disputed cases your
servants, then tunjukilah I told the truth in the case that they can not agree
with your permission. Verily thou leadeth thee to anyone who wants to the
straight path [HR. Muslim no. 1289]
He also
said, "If a slave feel the need to Almighty Allah, then continue to
reflect on the word of Allah Almighty and His Prophet's sayings, sayings of the
Companions, and the imam of the Muslims tabi'in, it will open the way for her
guidance." [3]
He also
said, "He who has seen the truth clearly, then he should follow him, and
whoever is still vague, then she must be silent until Allah Almighty give him
clarity. Let him seek help by praying to Allah Almighty.
Allah says about the Prophet Moses Alaihissallam:
ربي أن يهديني سواء السبيل
Rabbku leadeth me the right path [al-Qashash/28: 22]
as-Sa'di rahimahullah said, "Someone who study a science, when they wanted
to practice it or talk about it, if it has not been clear to him the truth of
one of the two opinions after his heart and desire to seek the truth, verily
Allah Almighty will not waste such a person. It's like that had happened to the
Prophet Moses Alaihissallam, when about to go to the town of Madyan in the
state do not know the way to get there, he prayed that means 'hopefully Rabbku
leadeth me the right way' and Allah Almighty has leadeth and realize hopes and
dreams. "
al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "If the goal is great enough, and colleagues
are knowledgeable advice giver has with you again, then went with all the
spirit in the presence pendahulumu, and may you always remember the One who has
taught at Abraham Alaihissallam truth." [4]
from ash-Shawârif 'Anil Haqqi, Hamd bin Ibrahim al-' Uthman, Imam Ahmad Dar ed.
II Th).
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 12/Tahun XIII/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Ash-Shafadiyyah p. 1/295
[2]. Majmu
Fataawa 4/39
[3]. Majmu
Fataawa 5/118
[4]. Daris
Miftâhu Sa'adah 1/32
Joints of
disbelief that there are four: al-kibr (pride), al-envy (jealousy), al-ghadab
(angry or emotional) and ash-lust (lust)
will deter someone from doing obedient. Jealousy prevents someone from
receiving or giving advice. Angry preclude someone from being just. Lust
preclude a person from focusing on worship. That is, if the joint pride was
gone, then one will easily undertake obedience. If there is no sense of envy,
then someone will easily receive or give advice. If no emotion, then one can be
fair and tawaddhu '(grovel) easily. If lust is not there, then someone can
easily patience, restraint and focus on worship.
reprehensible nature of this can not just disappear. Solid mountain easier than
four of these properties disappear. Especially when these qualities have become
inherent temperament, then no one else could have done deeds consistently and
soul culprit could not clean during these bad traits still attached even though
he did good deeds. Every time I try to do good deeds, these four properties
coming ruin. And all the disasters that befall a person from four starts this
nature. If the properties are perched in the heart, he will change the view is
breathtaking, a false look of truth looks haq and falsehood, which ma'ruf look
unjust and vice versa. These properties will bring the perpetrators to keep him
away from the world and the Hereafter.
If we
contemplate infidelity various people, we will see that their kufr that
originated from this despicable traits. Properties is what causes the torment.
Adzab heavy or light depending on the lightness or heaviness of the bad
qualities in a person. Whoever gives the opportunity for these properties to
perch his heart, meaning he has opened the doors for her ugliness, in the world
and the hereafter. Instead, whoever closes the gap for these traits, means he
has closed all the way ugliness. Vices is blocking one of obedience, sincerity,
repentance, accept the truth, receive advice and blocking of tawaddhu 'to God
Almighty and our fellow creatures.
Vices may
arise due to the ignorance of a servant to his Lord and his ignorance against
him. People who knew his Lord with a variety of properties and the perfection
of His majesty, also know himself with disgrace and shortcomings, then he would
not be arrogant, do not be emotional and will not feel jealous of the favors
that Allah Almighty bestowed to others . Harbored jealousy actually including
rebellion against God Almighty. Because he hates the grace of Allah Almighty
that of the servant, but God Almighty love this gift. The envious man wants the
grace of Allah Almighty it disappeared from the servant, but God Almighty
otherwise. Thus, the mean spiteful against God Almighty in qadha ', mahabbah
and His mercy. With nature because it is arrogant and spiteful envy, Satan
became essential to the enemy of Allah Almighty.
Both of
these reprehensible nature can conguered to know Allaah, His mentauhidkan,
feeling pleased with Allaah and repent to Him.
Anger or
emotional nature can be subdued with knowing yourself and realize that he does
not deserve to anger in defense of lust. If he's mad lust for the defense,
meaning he prefers his own lust and wrath fun to Allah Almighty. In fact, a
believer should not be like that. The most surefire way to get rid of
properties that used to be angry to be angry just because Allaah or pleasure
simply because Allah Almighty. Because every time the angry and such a pleasure
to come, then the opponent will disappear, and vice versa.
While the
drug is to believe the passions that follow all lustful desires actually a
major cause obstruction to the enjoyment of fundamental desires, and maintain
that desire to be the main cause for the obstruction of the lust for pleasure.
Every time you open the door the same lust means you tried to deter him from
the pleasure principle, and every time you stop him lust means you are trying
to deliver passion in order to achieve the ultimate pleasure.
The anger
towards the same fate as a wild animal. If released, he will begin to pounce
Lust is like
fire. When turned on, he's ready to burn the person who turned it on. It's like
the pride of the rebels, if he did not succeed to kill you, then he will throw
you out of the area of your power, and jealousy are the same as dissidents
against the One who is more powerful than you (ie God Almighty)
If the
person who managed to conquer lust and emotions, then the devil will go away,
while those who capitulated against lust and emotions, then he afraid of his
own shadow.
O Allah,
make our souls devout soul, wipe it. You are the Essence best that can cleanse
our souls
from Fawâidul FAWAID, works of Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah, tahqiq Sheikh Ali
bin Hasan bin `Ali` Abd al-Hamid al-Halaby atsary, p. 288-290)
[Copied from
the Sunnah Edition magazine 08/Tahun XIII/1431H/2010. Published Lajnah
Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8
Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]