Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Benefits sunnah prayer and primacy

Benefits sunnah prayer and primacy

Suud bin Muhammad Al-Uraifi

Benefits Sunnah Prayers
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has mensyari'atkan sunnah prayers to enhance human charity and cover all the shortcomings and omissions that exist, as it is commanded by God in his great book, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

وأقم الصلاة طرفي النهار وزلفا من الليل إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات ذلك ذكرى للذاكرين

"And establish regular prayers at the two edges day (morning and evening) and on most of the beginning of the night. Verily good deeds were abolished (sin) bad deeds. This is a warning to those who remember." [Huud/11: 114]

And Allaah also says:

فإذا فرغت فانصب وإلى ربك فارغب

"When you have finished (from a business), do solemnly (affair) to another, and only the Lord thy should you wish." [Al-Insyirah/94: 7-8]

Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu said: "When you've finished implementing the prayers obligatory prayers then deliver it tonight." [1]

While Mujahid said, "If you have completed your world affairs, then face the to thy Lord with prayer."

Also among the arguments that show about disyari'atkannya evening prayer, is the hadith which states:

أن رجلا سأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الإسلام, فقال: (خمس صلوات في اليوم والليلة). فقال الرجل: هل علي غيرهن? قال: (لا, إلا أن تطوع).

"That man asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about (duties) of Islam, and he replied,' (Conduct) prayers five times a day and night. ' The man asked again, 'Are there any other obligations on me?' He replied, 'No, unless you pray the Sunnah.' "[2]

Virtue Sunnah Prayers
Many hadiths that explain the virtues and reward magnitude obtained from the sunnah prayers. Among these are:

1. Abu Hurayrah radi anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن أول ما يحاسب الناس به يوم القيامة من أعمالهم الصلاة, قال: يقول ربنا - جل وعز - لملائكته وهو أعلم: انظروا في صلاة عبدي, أتمها أو نقصها, فإن كانت تامة كتبت له تامة, وإن كان انتقص منها شيئا, قال: انظروا هل لعبدي من تطوع? فإن كان له تطوع, قال: أتموا لعبدي فريضته من تطوعه, ثم تؤخذ الأعمال على ذلك.

"Verily, the first charitable man will be judged later on the Day of Judgment is the prayer." Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said again, "God جل وعز said to His angels, while he knows best,' Look at my servants prayers, did he do so with complete or there is a shortage?" When the worship was perfect, it was written for her perfect reward anyway. Yet if there is a little short, then God said, 'See if my servant has the sunnah prayers?' If he has a sunnah prayer, then God said, 'to complete the servant of the shortcomings that the Sunnah prayer.' So all worship will undergo a similar process. "[3]

My comments (author): This hadith describes one of his wisdom about disyari'atkan sunnah prayers.

2. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من صلى في يوم, اثنتي عشرة ركعة, تطوعا غير فريضة, بنى الله له بيتا في الجنة.

"Whoever prayed fard sunnah prayers in a day than twelve raka'at, then God will wake him a house in Paradise." [4]

3. Rubai'ah ibn Ka'b al-Aslami radi anhu said:

كنت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, فأتيته بوضوئه وحاجته, فقال لي: (سل)! فقلت: أسألك مرافقتك في الجنة, قال: (أو غير ذلك)? قلت هو ذاك, قال: (فأعني على نفسك بكثرة السجود).

"One day I was with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and I brought him water for his ablution vessel' and his needs. He said to me, 'Ask!' I said, 'I call upon you to be with you in Heaven one day.' He asked, 'Are there than that?' I said, 'That's it.' He said, 'Help me to realize that desire by increasing prostration.' "[5]

4. Mi'dan bin Abi Talhah al-Ya'muri said, "I met Tsauban, former slaves Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and I said to him,' Tell me about the acts of worship that if I do, then God will put me therefore to the Heaven! ' He paused, and then I asked again. He was silent, then I ask again a third time. Finally he said, 'I have been asked this issue to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and he said:

عليك بكثرة السجود لله, فإنك لا تسجد لله سجدة, إلا رفعك الله بها درجة, وحط بها عنك خطيئة.

"Expand prostration to God, for it is not you prostrate to Allah with one bow, but God will raise up for you a degree and therefore you eliminate the sin of it."

Mi'dan said: "Then I met Abud Darda 'and I asked him this problem also. He replied as the answer given Tsauban." [6]

The meaning of this hadith is in prostration praying sunnah. Because the bow separately without performing the prayer or without cause is something that is not recommended. Prostrate, although included in the obligatory prayer, but praying is obligatory duty upon every Muslim. Then shown by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam here is something special that her Mi'dan can achieve what he sought. [7] Therefore, Rabi'a Ibn Hajar narrated this hadith in the chapter sunnah prayers. [8 ]

5. From Abu Umamah radi anhu, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ما أذن الله لعبد في شيء أفضل من ركعتين يصليهما, وإن البر ليذر فوق رأس العبد ما دام في صلاته.

"There is nothing better that God allows to a servant than two raka'at praying and virtue will actually sprinkled on the head of a servant while he prayed." [9]
The hadith indicates the primacy of prayer sunnah and earned her kindness.

Preferably Implementing Sunnah Prayers at Home
Muslim narrated from Jabir radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إذا صلى أحدكم الصلاة في مسجده, فليجعل لبيته نصيبا من صلاته, فإن الله - عز وجل - جاعل في بيته من صلاته خيرا.

"If any one of you pray in the mosque, then he should make the most of his prayer at home, because God Almighty will give goodness in his house of prayer that." [10]

Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Zaid bin Thabit radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

فعليكم بالصلاة في بيوتكم, فإن خير صلاة المرء في بيته, إلا الصلاة المكتوبة.

"Pray in your homes because the best to one's prayer is performed at his home except for the obligatory prayer." [11]

Prompts in hadiths general nature covering all kinds of prayers and pray sunnah sunnah rawatib absolute except sunnah prayers that are part of the syi'ar Islam, such as prayer 'Id prayers, and the prayers Istisqa eclipse'. So what was stated by Imam an-Nawawi. [12]

From Ibn 'Umar anhuma, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

اجعلوا من صلاتكم في بيوتكم, ولا تتخذوا قبورا.

"Make the place of execution of some of your prayers in your houses and do not make your houses that look like a cemetery." [13]

I (the author) say, "The hadiths indicate about the Sunnah prayers disunnahkannya at home and it's better than doing it in the mosque, as stated in a hadith."

An-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam encouraged to pray sunnah at home, because it is more hidden, away from the action riya', protected from anything that could damage the charity, the house being full of grace, mercy and the angels were down and the devil went away from him. "[14]

[Copied from the book "Kaanuu Qaliilan minal maa Yahja'uun Laili" by Muhammad ibn al-Su'ud 'Uraifi given an introduction by Shaykh' Abdullah al-Jibrin, Indonesia Edition Complete Guide Tahajjud Prayer, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader]

Interpretation SURAT AN-Nasr

Ustadz Muhammad Asim bin Musthofa

إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح, ورأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله أفواجا, فسبح بحمد ربك واستغفره إنه كان توابا

1. Once Allah's help and victory comes.
2. And you see the people enter Allah's religion in droves.
3. Then celebrate the praises of your Lord and ask His forgiveness.
Verily, He is Oft Receive repentance. [An-Nasr/110: 1-3]

Surat an-Nasr, also known as a letter at-Taudi '(farewell) [1]. The letter of three paragraphs is agreed by scholars as madaniyyah. That is, fell after the Hijrah the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to Medina, and include the last letter revealed. [2]

The evidence for that is:

عن عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن عتبة قال قال لي ابن عباس تعلم (وفي لفظ: تدري) آخر سورة نزلت من القرآن نزلت جميعا قلت: نعم. إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح قال صدقت

From 'Ubaidullah bin' Abdillah bin 'Utbah, he said: Ibn' Abbaas' anhuma asked me: "You know the last letter of the al-Qur` an that down as a whole? "He replied:" Yes, idza ja `a wal nashrullahi fath. "He replied:" You are right ". [3]

Certainly, there is disagreement among scholars interpretation. Ibn Rajab rahimahullah concluded that the letter was dropped before Fathu Makkah. Because the word of God:

إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح

Shows very clearly that the conquest of Mecca has not occurred [4].


إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح

1. (When has come the help of Allah and victory).

Nasr said, meaning al 'aun (help). [5]
Referred to in this paragraph nashrullah, according to Ibn Rajab rahimahullah was his help to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when dealing with his enemies, so he managed to subdue nations' Arab everything and rule over them, including the Quraysh tribe, Hawazin and other tribes. [6]

Explicitly, this letter contains bisyarah (good news) to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the Muslims. Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah said, "In this letter there bisyarah and commanded His Messenger n at the time of occurrence.'s Good news in the form of the help of God to His Messenger and the events of the conquest of Mecca and the influx of people to the religion of Allah Almighty lSubhanahu in droves. "[7]

In explaining the meaning of paragraph above, Shaykh Abu Bakr al Jazairi said: "When it comes the help of Allah unto you, O Muhammad, until you managed to defeat the enemies in each battle which you live, and come gift of conquest, the conquest of Mecca, Allah opened for yourself, thus becoming the Islamic region, previously an area of ​​infidelity ". [8]

The notion of al Fathu this letter is Fathu Makkah. That conquest the holy city of Mecca. Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "What is meant by al Fathu the Fathu Makkah. (This is) an opinion was unanimous." [9]

Imam Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari rahimahullah ath, Imam Ibn al-Jawzi rahimahullah and Imam al Qurtubi rahimahullah also confirmed the opinion match. [10]

ورأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله أفواجا

2. (And you see the people enter Allah's religion in droves).

Mentioned in Saheeh al-Bukhari, from 'Amr ibn Salimah, he said:

وكانت العرب تلوم بإسلامهم الفتح فيقولون اتركوه وقومه فإنه إن ظهر عليهم فهو نبي صادق فلما كانت وقعة أهل الفتح بادر كل قوم بإسلامهم وبدر أبي قومي بإسلامهم

(Formerly) Arabs waiting for al Fathu (conquest of Makkah) to embrace Islam. They said: "Let him (the Prophet) and his people. If he wins them over, meaning he is a prophet honest". As has been the conquest of Mecca, all the hurry to embrace Islam, and the father of his people hasten Islamic sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [11]

According to Imam al-Qurtubi, the incident occurred when the city of Mecca successfully commanded.

The Arabs say: "When Muhammad managed to defeat the inhabitants of the Holy City (Mecca), but once they are protected by God from Elephant forces, then there is no power for you (to keep him). So they embraced Islam in droves". [ 12]

No different with the description, Ibn Kathir rahimahullah also gave an explanation: "When the incident occurred the conquest of Mecca, the people embraced the religion of Allah in droves. Yet over the past two years, the Arabian Peninsula has tersirami by faith and no symbol across the Arab tribes, except the symbol of Islam. Wal-hamdu Walillahil minnah ". [13]

This verse also indicates that the victory will continue for this religion and will further increase when dilantunkannya beads, tahmid and seek forgiveness from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. It is a form of gratitude. The fact that then can be encountered during khulafaur-Rashidun and the generation after them.

Help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will be ongoing until Islam into areas that have not been encroached upon by other religions. And there are people who converted to Islam, without ever coming to any other religion. Until finally found a violation of the people against the commandments of God, so they are hit by the disaster, in the form of divisions and rending their integrity. [14]

فسبح بحمد ربك واستغفره إنه كان توابا

3. (Then celebrate the praises of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Verily He is the Most Receiving repentance).

Imam al Qurtubi rahimahullah indulge his interpretation: "If you pray, then multiply by praising Him for abundance victory and conquest of Mecca. Ask forgiveness to God." This is information that he rajihkan. [15
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت ما صلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صلاة بعد أن نزلت عليه إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح إلا يقول فيها سبحانك ربنا وبحمدك اللهم اغفر لي

From 'Aisha radi' anha, he said: "It is Allah n his prayers after the fall of this letter, but read Subhanaka Rabbana wa bihamdika Allahummaghfirli (Glory to our Lord, and praise thee, O God forgive me)". [16]

A number of friends on this point by saying: "(That) God commands us to praise and ask forgiveness to Him, when God's help has arrived and already conquered (areas) for us." This statement appears, when 'Umar ibn al Khattab radi' anhu directing questions to them about the content of the letter an-Nasr. [17]

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah commented on this by saying: "The meaning is interpreted by some friends who sat with Umar 'anhum is, that we are commanded to praise God and thank Him when He has conquered the fortress-Madain and fortress, with melaksanan His prayer for forgiveness and begged him a proper understanding of the lure again. Evidence amplifier, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam eight raka'at prayers on the day of conquest of Mecca. contained in Sunan Abu Daud that he say hello to each raka'at in two days of conquest of Mecca. Thus did Sa'd ibn Waqqas Abil radi 'anhu on Mada-in city conquest ". [18]

إنه كان توابا

4. (Verily, He is Oft Receive repentance).

That is, Allah Almighty accept the repentance of people who glorify and begged forgiveness. He forgive, have mercy on them and accept their repentance. When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam are already Ma'shum (preserved from sins) ordered for forgiveness, then how about the others? [19]

In addition to the meaning that has been mentioned above, there is also another sense contained in this noble letter.

According to Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah, a hint concerning this verse (coming) doom Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam which is near and near. That age he was the age of the noble, God swore to him. It is customary in matters covered by the glorious seek forgiveness, for example prayer, pilgrimage and worship. Allaah commanded His Messenger to express praise and seek forgiveness in a situation like this, as a gesture of his death that will end. (That is), he should be prepared to meet his Lord and closes age by best practice available to him alaihis shalatu yours respectfully.

Ibn al-Jawzi rahimahullah himself gave his views on this verse. He rahimahullah said, "The scholars of tafsir said the news had been delivered and was told he died, and it's time he was near death. Then ordered to glorify and seek forgiveness, to cover additional ages with righteous deeds." [20]

Similarly, delivered by Shaykh Abu Bakr al Jazairi: "This verse bearing the nearby death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." [21]

Imam al Bukhari rahimahullah and others narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas' anhuma, he recalled:

Formerly 'Umar put myself with older people who participated in the battle of Badr. It seems like most of them do not like my presence. It should say: "Why (child) is entered with us. Yet we also have children like him?"

'Umar replied, "Really, you know (who he was)," then one day' Umar radi 'anhu called me and put me with them. I think the reason he's not invited, in addition to showing them my capacity.

He said (to the people): "What do you think about the word of God:" idza ja `a wal nashrullahi fath".

They replied, "Allah ordered us to praise and ask His forgiveness to God when help arrived and was conquered (areas) for us." Some people are silent (no answer). Then 'Umar radi' anhu turned to me: " Is that your opinion, O Ibn 'Abbaas' anhuma? "
I (Ibn 'Abbaas' anhuma) replied, "No!"
'Umar asked, "What do you think?"
I (Ibn 'Abbaas' anhuma) replied, "It is (the news of) death the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala told to him. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says" "idza ja` a nashrullahi wal fath. "In such circumstances there is a sign ajalmu, and ask for forgiveness then glorify Him, verily He is Most Accepting repentance."

'Umar radi' anhu commented: "It is not that I knew it (the letter), but what you deliver". [22]

Imam Muslim narrated from 'A'isha, he said:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يكثر أن يقول قبل أن يموت سبحانك وبحمدك أستغفرك وأتوب إليك قالت قلت يا رسول الله ما هذه الكلمات التي أراك أحدثتها تقولها قال جعلت لي علامة في أمتي إذا رأيتها قلتها إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح إلى آخر السورة

Before his death, the Prophet reproduce speech Subhanaka bihamdika astaghfiruka wa wa atubu ilaik. Aisha said, "O Messenger of Allah to whether the words that I see you are not usual you say?" He replied, "It has been established for me a sign in my Ummah. When I have seen, I would say (the words): ja` a nashrullahi idza wal fath ... and so on. " [23]

In another narration:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يكثر من قول سبحان الله وبحمده أستغفر الله وأتوب إليه قالت فقلت يا رسول الله أراك تكثر من قول سبحان الله وبحمده أستغفر الله وأتوب إليه فقال خبرني ربي أني سأرى علامة في أمتي فإذا رأيتها أكثرت من قول سبحان الله وبحمده أستغفر الله وأتوب إليه فقد رأيتها إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح فتح مكة ...

Prophet reproduce speech Subhanaka bihamdika astaghfiruka wa wa atubu ilaik. So I said, "I saw you multiply greeting Subhanaka bihamdika astaghfiruka wa wa atubu ilaik," he replied, "Rabbku have told me, that I will see a sign on my people. If I see him, I will multiply words bihamdika astaghfiruka Subhanaka wa wa atubu ilaik . Indeed, I have seen idza ja `a wal nashrullahi fath." Al Fathu, meaning the conquest of Mecca ... and so on. [24]

Imam an-Nasa-i narrated in the book of commentary, that Ibn 'Abbas said about the an-Nasr's letter: "When lowered, it (an-Nasr letter) proclaim the death of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Then he further enhance persistence in the affairs Hereafter ". [25]

WHAT PERSONAL forgiven of Rasulullah SAW THE NOBLE?
Why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam still say a plea for forgiveness, but his sins are unforgivable, both past and future?

To answer this question, we should bear in lifting the views of Ibn Kathir perfectly represents the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ibn Kathir said: "In all affairs, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was in obedience, kindness, committed and which are not found in other men, both from the previous ones, as well as later generations. He sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is the man most absolutely perfect, and the leaders of men in this world and the hereafter ". [26]

Al-Qadi Ibn al-'Arabi said the reason, narrated the hadith scholars, when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam to pray, he prayed that reads:

رب اغفر لي خطيئتي وجهلي وإسرافي في أمري كله وما أنت أعلم به مني اللهم اغفر لي خطاياي وعمدي وجهلي وهزلي وكل ذلك عندي اللهم اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت وما أسررت وما أعلنت أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر وأنت على كل شيء قدير

O Allah, forgive my mistakes, acts of stupidity, berlebihanku attitude in all business, and the more you know. O Allah, forgive my mistakes, and stupidity kesengajaanku, gurauanku, all that is in me. O Allah, forgive what I've done and what I have done, what I conceal and what I putting. You are the One That prioritize (and put it in place), and thou One who resigned (and put it in place), and thou hath power over all things. [27]

Furthermore, Ibn al-'Arabi rahimahullah said: "All that is in me so much. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, (he) be free from it. Only, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam assume (practice) a little personal, because such a large outpouring of blessings of Allaah gave to him. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw "deficiencies" in the enjoyment of the right to run it (the prayer) as sins. While my sins, I'm done with full deliberation, indifferent, and it is a real violation. May Allah l still willing to open the door of repentance and confers protection with grace, kindness and mercy, no Lord besides Him ". [28]

Al-Imam al-Qurtubi, in addition to matching argued above, he also brought a few other details. That the request for forgiveness mean the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was: (1) ask forgiveness for your people. (2) Istighfar is worship that should be done, not to beg forgiveness, but for ta'abbud (worship). (3) To remind his people, so do not feel safe (from sins) so that leaves seek forgiveness. [29]

Al-Qadi 'Iyadh found, pardon petition Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is a mirror ketawadhuan, ketaataan and submission, as well as his gratitude to his Lord, because knowing his sins are forgiven.

Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah quoted Imam Tabari rahimahullah on this issue, which convey the reason, that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forgiveness is to carry out the commands of God, addressed to him, which is to glorify and begged for forgiveness, when comes the help of Allah and the conquest (of Makkah). In addition, al-Hafiz al-Qurtubi also cite explanation (author of al Mufhim), bahwasannya the sins of the prophets is possible, because they are also people mukallaf, so worried that if it happened to them, and consequently suffer from it. Another opinion, which is to emulate his people he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [31]

CAUSES OF GOD forgiveness derived SWT
Regarding the factors that can bring downs maghfirah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman as Sa'di rahimahullah count totaled four.

First: Repentance. That return to God from a state that is not liked him, both Zahir and emotionally, to the state of being loved by Him and inner Zahir. Repentance will remove sins, great and small before.

Second: Faith. That recognition and thorough justification steady again to all who reported Allah and His Messenger that requires careful execution of deeds-deeds, which are followed by deeds-deeds jawarih (limbs). No doubt, the levels of faith can remove the sins that are common and can be prevented from falling into sin. Indeed a believer, by faith and faith emission powerful embedded in his chest, he was not going to blend with immorality-immorality.

Third: Practice Salih. It covers the entire practice, practice careful, practice jawarih, verbal utterances. For goodness will eliminate errors.

Fourth: Istiqamah in the faith and guidance as well as trying to gain enhancements.

Anyone who made it through these four steps, cheer to obtain forgiveness from God completely. [32] were used as a basis Footing Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah on such information, which is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

وإني لغفار لمن تاب وآمن وعمل صالحا ثم اهتدى

"And verily, I am Forgiving for those who repent, believe, do good deeds, and then remains on the right path" [Thaha/20: 82]

- The number of the grace of God bestowed on Muslims.
- Liability thankful when tercurahkan pleasure. Among the prostration of gratitude.
- The obligation to always forgiveness all the time.

Maraji `:
1. Aisar at-Tafasir Kalamil li-'Aliyyil-Kabir, Abu Bakr Jabir al Jazairi, VI Prints, Year 1423 AH / 2003 AD, Maktabah al Uloom wal-Hikam, al-Madinah al Munawwarah, KSA.
2. Al-Jami 'li Ahkamil-Qur `an, Abu' Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Qurtubi, Verification Abdur Razzaq al-Mahdi, Prints II, Year 1421 H/1999 M, Dar al Kitab al Arabi.
3. Fathul-Bari Syarhu Shahihil-Bukhari, al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar.
4. Ikmalul Fawaidi bi-Mu'lim Muslim, al Qadi 'Iyadh, Verification Dr. John Ishmael, Darul Wafa, Matter I, Year 1419 AH / 1998 AD
5. Tafsir Tabari (Jami'ul Bayan 'an ta'wil Ayil-Qur `an), Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari (224-310 H), Matter I, Year 1423 H/2002 M, Dar Ibni Hazm.
6. Tafsiru Suratin-Nashar, al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Verification 'Abdullah al-' Ajmi.
7. Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim, Abu al-Fida' Umar ibn Ismail ibn Kathir (700-774 H), Verification Sami bin Muhammad as Salamah, Matter I, Year 1422 H/2002 M, Dar ath-Thayibah, Riyadh.
8. Taisir al-Rahman fi Tafsiri Karimir Kalamil-Mannan, Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir as-Sa'di, Verification Abdur-Rahman ibn al Mu'alla Luwaihiq, Matter I, Year 1422 H/2001 M, Dar as-Salam, Riyadh, KSA.
9. Taisirul-Rahman fi Khulashati Lathifir Tafsiril-Qur `an, 'Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir as-Sa'di, Prints III, Year 1414H / 1993M.
10. Zadul-Masir fi 'Ilmit-Tafsir, Abul Faraj Abdur-Rahman bin' Ali (Ibn al-Jawzi), Verification 'Abdur-Razzaq al-Mahdi, Matter I, Year 1422 H/2001M, Darul Kitabil' Arabi.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 02/Tahun XI/1428H/2007. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

NIGHT AND advocacy of the primacy of prayer

Suud bin Muhammad Al-Uraifi

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has explained in the al-Qur'an in many verses and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in many hadiths about the magnitude of the reward gained from performing the night prayers. In fact, O dear reader know-before we explain the verses and hadiths are-that the best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night, and it has been a consensus (agreement) scholars. [1]

Verses On Prayer Night and advocacy of Virtue
In many verses, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala advise His noble Prophet to perform night prayers. Some of these are:

ومن الليل فتهجد به

"And on most of the night praying Tahajjud-lah you ...." [Al-Israa '/ 17: 79]

واذكر اسم ربك بكرة وأصيلا ومن الليل فاسجد له وسبحه ليلا طويلا

"And call it the name of thy Lord at (time) in the morning and evening., And on most of the night, then bowed to Him and glorify Him a long section in the evening." [Al-Insaan/76: 25-26].

ومن الليل فسبحه وأدبار السجود

"And you glorify Him in the evening and after every prayer." [Qaaf/50: 40].

واصبر لحكم ربك فإنك بأعيننا وسبح بحمد ربك حين تقوم ومن الليل فسبحه وإدبار النجوم

"And be patient in waiting for the determination thy Lord, verily you are in Our sight, and celebrate the praises of thy Lord when you wake up, and glorify Him at some time in the evening and the time setting of the stars ( at dawn). " [Ath-Thuur/52: 48-49]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded even he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when have finished praying the obligatory prayers that night, [2] it is as contained in the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

فإذا فرغت فانصب وإلى ربك فارغب

"So when you have finished (from something matters), do solemnly (affair) to another, and unto thy Lord the one you should expect." [Asy-Syarh/94: 7-8)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also praised His servants the righteous are always praying night and bertahajjud, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون

"They're a little sleep at night, and in the late evening they beg for forgiveness (to Allah)." [Adz-Dzaariyaat/51: 17-18]

Ibn 'Abbaas anhumamengatakan, "None of them had missed dinner but they did even just a few raka'at prayer alone." [3]

Al-Hasan al-Basri said, "Every night they do not sleep unless very little." [4]

Al-Hasan also said, "They prayed night and vigorously to the length of time until it begged for forgiveness at dawn." [5]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in praise and flatter them:

تتجافى جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم خوفا وطمعا ومما رزقناهم ينفقون فلا تعلم نفس ما أخفي لهم من قرة أعين جزاء بما كانوا يعملون

"Gastric them away from the bed, while they pray to his Lord with fear and hope, and they menafkah the part of the fortune that we gave to them. A did not know what is hidden for them, ( an assortment of favors) that the eye, in response to what they have done. " [As-Sajdah/32: 16-17]

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "The meaning of what they are doing is praying night and left the bedroom and lay on a soft bed." [6]

Al-'Allama Ibn Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Try to think about how God avenge their night prayers are done in secret with the reply that he hide them, which is not known by all people. Also how God avenge anxiety, fear, and their uneasy on the bed when you wake up to perform night prayers with pleasure soul in Heaven. "[7]

Of Asma 'bint Yazid anha radi, he said, "Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إذا جمع الله الأولين والآخرين يوم القيامة, جاء مناد فنادى بصوت يسمع الخلائق: سيعلم أهل الجمع اليوم من أولى بالكرم, ثم يرجع فينادي: ليقم الذين كانت (تتجافى جنوبهم) فيقومون وهم قليل.

"When God gathers all the people from the first to the last day of Judgement later, then came the caller and called in a voice heard by all creatures, 'Today will gather all know who deserves the glory!' Then the caller came back and said, 'It should be the people who' stomach away from the bed 'rose, and they rose, while the number of them few. "[8]

Among the verses that praise the people who always do the night prayers is the word of God:

أمن هو قانت آناء الليل ساجدا وقائما يحذر الآخرة ويرجو رحمة ربه

"(Are ye ye idolaters are more fortunate) or people who worship at night with prostrate and standing, he was afraid to (Allaah's) mercy hereafter and expects his Lord? ..." [Az-Zumar/39: 9].

ليسوا سواء من أهل الكتاب أمة قائمة يتلون آيات الله آناء الليل وهم يسجدون

"They are not the same, it's among the People of the Book there are groups who apply straight, they read the verses of God at some time in the evening, while they also prostrate (prayer)." [Ali 'Imraan / 3: 113]

والذين يبيتون لربهم سجدا وقياما

"And through the night prostrating and standing to their Lord." [Al-Furqaan/25: 64]

سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود

"The signs they look on their face from the former bow ...." [Al-Fat-h/48: 29]

الصابرين والصادقين والقانتين والمنفقين والمستغفرين بالأسحار

"(Namely) those who are patient, right, who is devout, who spend their wealth (in Allah's way), and who seek forgiveness at meal time." [Ali-'Imran / 3: 17].

And so forth from the verses of al-Qur'an.

I said, "Those who want useful knowledge and faidah a lot, should examine the interpretation of these verses in the books of commentary, because there are benefits and huge faidah. I accidentally did not expose it here, simply because of my commitment to talk briefly and not in depth. "

Hadith-Hadith On Night Prayers and advocacy of Virtue:
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam always advised his Companions to perform the night prayers and reading al-Qur'an in it. Hadiths that reveal so much about it to be counted. However, we will only partially be offensive, following the panda with the scholars about this issue.

Abu Hurayrah radi anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

أفضل الصلاة بعد صلاة المفروضة, صلاة الليل.

"Prayer is the most important after the obligatory prayer is prayer done at night." [9]

Al-Bukhari rahimahullah said: "The virtue Chapter Prayer Night." Then he brought up the hadeeth with isnaad that Ibn 'Umar anhuma, that he said: "Someone in the lifetime of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam when he had a dream telling. So I had a dream that I hope to tell the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. When I was young I had to sleep in the mosque and then I had a dream as if two angels took me to Hell. Apparently Hell be well built of stone and has two horns. Inside are people that I know. areas I had said, 'I seek refuge in Allah from Hell!' Ibn 'Umar continued, "another angel met me and said,' Do not be afraid! ' Finally I told my dream to Hafsah, and he told it to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and he said:

نعم الرجل عبد الله, لو كان يصلي من الليل.

'The best slave is' Abdullah if he had prayed the most of the night.'

Finally, 'Abdullah never sleep at night but only a few moments. "[10]

Ibn Hajar said: "What is a postulate of this problem is the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:' The best slave is 'Abdullah if he had prayed the most of the night.' This sentence indicates that the person praying is a good night. "[11]

He said, "This hadeeth indicates that the night prayers can keep people from Allaah." [12]

'Aisha radi anhuma said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam always prayed the night until his feet are cracked." [13]

Abu Hurayrah radi anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

يعقد الشيطان على قافية رأس أحدكم إذا هو نام ثلاث عقد يضرب كل عقدة: عليك ليل طويل فارقد! فإن استيقظ فذكر الله انحلت عقدة, فإن توضأ انحلت عقدة, فإن صلى انحلت عقدة, فأصبح نشيطا طيب النفس, وإلا أصبح خبيث النفس كسلان.

"Satan binds at the base of one's head away from you as he slept with three ties in each of them says, 'very long your night, then go to sleep!' When he got up and dhikr of Allah, then one loose ties, if he do wudoo 'a loose bond again and when he prayed one more loose ties. Then in the morning he was in a good spirit with a soul. Yet if he did not do it , then in the morning dirty soul and he became lazy. "[14]

Ibn Hajar said: "What is revealed clearly in this hadith is that the evening prayer has wisdom for the good of the soul even though it was not envisioned by the people who do it, and vice versa. This is hinted at God in His Word:

إن ناشئة الليل هي أشد وطئا وأقوم قيلا

"Truly the rising by night is more appropriate (for humility) and reading at the time was more than impressed." [Al-Muzzammil/73: 6]

Some scholars conclude from this Hadith that the person who does prayer last night he slept again, the devil is not going back to tie with some ties to normal. "[15]

Abu Hurayrah radi anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

أفضل الصيام بعد رمضان شهر الله المحرم, وأفضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة صلاة الليل.

"Fasting the main after Ramadan is fasting (fasted) God's glorious month (Muharram) and the main prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night." [16]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah said: "This hadith is a justification for the consensus of the scholars that the Sunnah prayer at night is better than praying sunnah in the daytime." [17]

Ath-Thibi said: "By my life, really, if there's no virtue in praying Tahajjud than the word of God:

ومن الليل فتهجد به نافلة لك عسى أن يبعثك ربك مقاما محمودا

"And on most evenings bershalat ta-hajjudlah you as an additional worship thee; hopefully your Lord Katmu lifted to the praiseworthy." [Al-Israa '/ 17: 79]

And also the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

تتجافى جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم خوفا وطمعا ومما رزقناهم ينفقون فلا تعلم نفس ما أخفي لهم من قرة أعين جزاء بما كانوا يعملون

"Gastric them away from the bed, while they pray to his Lord with fear and hope, and they spend most of the fortune that we provide to them. A did not know what is hidden for them, namely (miscellaneous favor) that the eye ... " [As-Sajdah/32: 16-17].

Also other verses, it is a proof of this prayer privilege. "[18]

From 'Abdullah ibn' Amr ibn al-'Ash radi anhuma he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

أحب الصلاة إلى الله صلاة داود, وأحب الصيام إلى الله صيام داود: كان ينام نصف الليل ويقوم ثلثه وينام سدسه, ويصوم يوما ويفطر يوما.

"Prayer is God's most beloved Prophet Dawud Alaihissallam prayer and fasting Allah's most beloved Prophet Dawud Alaihissallam also fasting. Her sleep half the night, woke up one third of the night and sixth nights sleep and a day of fasting and breaking of the day." [19]

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said: "Al-Mahlabi said Prophet Dawud Alaihissallam rested himself to sleep early last night he woke up in a time where God is calling, 'Is there anyone who asks?, Will undoubtedly demand I give!' then he went on again sleep at night which left just to take a break from tired to pray Tahajjud. Sleep latter performed at Sahur. approach is more beloved to God for being so dear to the soul which is feared to feel bored (if saddled with the burden of the weight,-ed) and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:

إن الله لا يمل حتى تملوا.

'Verily, Allah will never feel bored until you yourselves will be bored.'

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to always gracious and giving his goodness ". [20]

From Jabir ibn 'Abdillah radi anhu he said, I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إن في الليل لساعة, لا يوافقها رجل مسلم يسأل الله خيرا من أمر الدنيا والآخرة إلا أعطاه إياه, وذلك كل ليلة.

"Verily, in the evening there is a certain time, which if a Muslim pleaded with God from the goodness of the world and the hereafter at the time, then God will surely give him, and it was on every night." [21]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "This hadeeth sets the time of the granting of the prayer on every night, and to contain the urge to always pray at all times of the night, in order to gain time." [22]

From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

رحم الله رجلا, قام من الليل فصلى, وأيقظ امرأته فصلت, فإن أبت نضح في وجهها الماء, ورحم الله امرأة, قامت من الليل فصلت, و أيقظت زوجها, فإن أبى نضحت في وجهه الماء.

"May God have mercy on a man who woke up in the night and then prayed and he woke his wife and his wife's prayers also. When the wife does not want to wake her splash water on her face. May Allah have mercy on him a wife who woke up in the night and then he prayed and he even wake her husband. When her husband was reluctant to get up he splashed water on his face. "[23]

From Abu Sa'id al-Khudri radi anhu he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من استيقظ من الليل وأيقظ أهله فصليا ركعتين جميعا, كتبا من الذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات.

"Those who get up in the night and he would wake his wife and their two raka'at pray together, they are recorded, including the men and women who are much dhikr of Allah." [24]

Al-Munawi said, "This hadeeth as stated by the ath-Thibi show that people who get merit should desire for others what he wants for himself in the form of kindness, and he gives to the nearest first." [25]

From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن الله يبغض كل جعظري جواظ, صحاب في الأسواق, جيفة بالليل, حمار بالنهار, عالم بأمر الدنيا جاهل بأمر الآخرة.

"Verily, Allah hates any person whose behavior is rude, arrogant, artisan food and drink and like shouting in the market. He like a dead donkey at night and during the day. Matter He only knows the world but are blind to the affairs of the Hereafter. '" [26]

From Anas radi anhu he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

جعل الله عليكم صلاة قوم أبرار يقومون الليل ويصومون النهار, ليسوا بأثمة ولا فجار.

"God made the prayers of the good guys, they pray at night and fasts during the day. They are not the perpetrators of sin and evil people. "[27]

From 'Abdullah bin Salam radi anhu, he said, "The first time I heard of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is the word of his:

يا أيها الناس أفشوا السلام, وأطعموا الطعام, وصلوا الأرحام, وصلوا بالليل والناس نيام, تدخلوا الجنة بسلام.

"O people, scatter greetings, feed, connect ties and Pray at night when people sleep, surely you would enter Heaven safely." [28]

'Abdullah bin Qais said that' Aisha Radhiyallahun anhuma said: "Do not leave the night prayers because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never left. If he is sick or lazy, he sits in a state of prayer." [29]

From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

فضل صلاة الليل على صلاة النهار, كفضل صدقة السر على صدقة العلانية.

"The virtue of the prayers during the night prayers, such as the primacy of charity in secret on alms openly." [30]

From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu he said also, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ألا إن الله يضحك إلى رجلين: رجل قام في ليلة باردة من فراشه ولحافه ودثاره, فتوضأ ثم قام إلى الصلاة, فيقول الله عز وجل لملائكته: ما حمل عبدي هذا على ما صنع? فيقولون: ربنا رجاء ما عندك وشفقة مما عندك, فيقول: فإني قد أعطيته ما رجا وأمنته مما يخاف.

"Remember that God laughs on two men: A man who woke up on a cold night and a blanket from the bed, and then he do wudoo 'and praying. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said to His angels,' What drives servant to do this? ' They said, 'O our Rabb, he did this because of what hope is on thy side, and fear of what is on thy side, too.' God said, 'Behold, I have given him what he had hoped for and gives a sense of security of what he feared.' "[31]

There are many other hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam which explains about the virtues of night prayer, encouragement and standing against those who continue to do so.

Atsar Friend And The Salaf On Virtue Prayer Night and advocacy of
From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu, he said, "Verily, in the Torah says, 'It is God has given people far away from the bed stomach what is not seen by the eye, never heard by ear and never crossed in the human heart, that is what it is not to know the Angels are close to God and His prophets sent. '"[32]

From Ya'la bin 'Atha' he narrated from his aunt Salma, that he said, "'Amr ibn al-' Ash said," O Salma, one raka'at prayers at night with ten raka'at prayer of the day ". [33]

'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi anhu said, "Were not there three case-if I do not go jihad in Allah's way, if I do not contaminate my forehead to the dust because air-prostration to Allah, and if I do not sit with the people who take words are as good as they take on the dates that were good, so I was pleased to meet with God. "[34]

Just before the death of Ibn 'Umar, he said, "There is nothing so I sedihkan in this world than your thirst and fatigue during the day in the evening."

Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma said, "The glory of man lies in his prayer at night and attitudes away from what is in someone else's hands." [35]

Mashraf bin Talha said, "I heard when a man got up in the night to perform the night prayers, the angel called him, 'Blessed are you because you have the path of the experts worship before you.'" Talha said again, "That night was the intestate later that night to wake him at a time when he wakes up. " Talha said again, "Goodness down from the sky to the division head and there are callers who say, 'If a man bermunajat know who she exclaimed, then he would not turn away (from munajatnya).'" [36]

From al-Hasan al-Basri said, "We do not know the deeds are heavier than tired and spend the night praying over this treasure." [37]

Al-Hasan also was asked, "Why do people who do pray Tahajjud more beautiful face?" He replied, "Because they are alone with ar-Rahman (Allah), so God gave him His light." [38]

Syuraik said, "Whoever many prayers in the evening, then the face will look beautiful in the daytime." [39]

Yazid ar-Riqasyi said, "Prayer night will be light for a believer on the Day of Resurrection and the light one day it will run from the front and behind. While fasting is a servant would keep him away from the heat of Hell Sa'ir." [40]

Wahab bin Munabih said, "Prayer at night will make the low position, noble, and humble, dignified. While fasting during the day will curb a person of encouragement syahwatnya. No rest for the believer without going to heaven." [ 41]

Al-Awza'i said, "I long to hear anyone praying night, Allah will relieve siksanya later on the Day of Judgment." [42]

Suwaid bin Ishaq said, "People Salaf view that recreation is a way of fasting during the day and pray at night." [43]

I said, "From the foregoing it is clear that exposure to night prayers have great virtues and only the losers who left."

We seek refuge in Allah from the harm and only He is the place for help.

[Copied from the book "Kaanuu Qaliilan minal maa Yahja'uun Laili" by Muhammad ibn al-Su'ud 'Uraifi given an introduction by Shaykh' Abdullah al-Jibrin, Indonesia Edition Complete Guide Tahajjud Prayer, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader]

Legal Evening Prayer, Evening Prayer Conduct Procedures

Suud bin Muhammad Al-Uraifi

The majority of scholars say that the law of prayer is sunnah mu'akkadah night (very) stressed by al-Qur-an, as-Sunnah and ijma 'of the Muslims. [1]

From 'Ali ibn Abi Talib radi anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam came to him and to his daughter, Fatima, in the evening, and then he said, "Why do not you pray?" I ('Ali) said: "O Messenger of Allah, our souls are in the hands of Allah, if Allah wants to wake us up (for prayers) certainly we will wake up." The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then leave when we say so, and he did not reply to us until then I heard him say, slapping his thigh.

وكان الإنسان أكثر شيء جدلا

"And humans are the most widely denied." [Al-Kahf: 54]. [2]

From 'Aisha radi anhuma said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam prayed one night in the mosque and the people bermakmum him. Then he prayed again the next night and the people who prayed with her growing brood. Then on the third or fourth night people had gathered, but the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not come out to pray with them. When in the morning he said, "I already know what you're doing and I do not get out to see you but because I fear this prayer will be required of you." This incident occurred in the month of Ramadan. [3]

Under both these hadith and other hadiths al-Bukhari made a chapter with the title "Tahriidhin Nabiy sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam' ala Qayaamil Laili min Ghairi Iijaab" (push the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to perform night prayers without require it.)

Ibn Hajar said: "Ibn al-Munir said, the title of this chapter contains two things; encouragement (to perform night prayer) and does not require it." [4]

My comment is, at first obliged evening prayers and the law was abolished, (explanation follows):

From Sa'ad ibn Hisham radi anhu, he asked the Ummul Mu'mineen 'Aishah radi anhuma, "O Mother of the Faithful, tell me about the night prayers performed the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam?" 'Aisha radi anhuma said, "Did not you read this,

يآأيها المزمل

"O people covered? '"

I replied, "Yes." 'Aisha said, "Allah has made obligatory evening prayers at the beginning of this letter, then the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, and his Companions to do it for a year until the soles of their feet are cracked. Allah end of this letter in the sky lasting for twelve months, and then Allah revealed waivers at the end of this letter, so the evening prayer is a sunnah prayer, to complete the prayers are obligatory. "[5]

Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma interpret the word of God, (قم اليل إلا قليلا) "Rise to pray in the night except a little of it" by saying, "Allah commanded His Prophet and the believers to prayer in the night except a little of it, then it it makes them so Allah relieve weight and feel sorry for them with the verse,

علم أن سيكون منكم مرضى

"God knows that among you there are people who are sick."

With the decline in this verse Allah has made them feel spacious and not cramped. The period between the fall of the two verses it is a year, between verses,

يآأيها المزمل قم اليل

"O-covered, wake up to perform prayers at night."

And paragraph

فاقرءوا ما تيسر منه

"Recite what is easy for you" [6] until the end of the letter.

What other arguments Evidence Shows That Night Prayer is Sunnah.
From Umm Salamah radi anhuma, he told me, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam woke up one night and he said:

سبحان الله ماذا أنزل الليلة من الفتنة, ماذا أنزل من الخزائن, من يوقظ صواحب الحجرات, يا رب كاسية في الدنيا عارية في الآخرة.

"Good Heavens, what God has sent down test tonight and saving what He sent down to those who awaken women who had been sleeping in his room. Dear people, many dressed women in the world but naked in the Hereafter." [7]

Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said: "No necessity to pray the night, taken from the attitude of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that does not require the women to do it." [8]

From Abu Umamah radi anhu he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

عليكم بقيام الليل, فإنه دأب الصالحين قبلكم, وهو قربة إلى ربكم, ومكفرة للسيئات, منهاة عن الإثم.

"Do you pray by night, because it is a habit of righteous people before you. He can bring you to your Lord, remove all the errors and prevent it from sin." [9]

From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu he narrated a hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, who among his saying is:

تعلموا القرآن, واقرأوه, وإن لم تقوموا به, فإن مثل القرآن لمن تعلمه فقرأه وقام به كمثل جراب محشو مسكا, يفوح ريحه في كل مكان, ومثل من تعلمه ورقد وهو في جوفه, كمثل جراب أوكي على مسك.

"Learn by your al-Qur-an and read, even if you do not perform the night prayers by reciting the Qur'an, for verily the parable of those who study al-Qur'an and read it and perform the night prayers reciting the Qur- 's it, like a bag containing musk oil and semerbaknya spread all over the place. while parable who study al-Qur-an and he slept (not get up to do the night prayers) were al-Qur-an that there dihafalannya, like sac covered with musk oil. " [10]

A man said to Ibn 'Umar anhuma, "Actually I wanted to do Tahajjud prayer for Allah, but I was not able to because of the weak." Ibn 'Umar anhuma said, "O son, brother, lay down everything you can and keep your duty to Allah everything you can, too." [11]

Sufyan rahimahullah said, "As bad as the worst state of a believer is when he is sleeping and the best state of the wicked is as he slept. Due to a believer when he woke up he was always in a state of obedience to God, and it was better than he was sleeping. While the wicked when he awoke he was always in a state of adulterous in God, then sleep better than subdued. " [12]


No special procedures of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about how to perform the night prayers, but there are procedures that are diverse, so a Muslim should do any way.

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah in his book Zaadul Ma'aad [13] made the article with the title: "The article on the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in performing the night prayers" Here he mentions a lot about the procedure for evening prayer that comes from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Some of these are:

First: How to put forward Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam then get up at night to pray two raka'at to prolong standing, bowing and prostrating. Then he went and slept until blowing. [14] Then he did it three times with six raka'at. At each time he bersiwak and wudoo ', and he read,

إن في خلق السماوات والأرض واختلاف اليل والنهار لأيات لأولي الألباب

(Until the end of the letter). Then he prayed Witr three raka'at, and the muezzin's call to prayer, and he came out to perform the prayer Shubuh ... (and so on until the end of the hadith). [15]

Second: The way that conveyed 'Aisha radi anhuma, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam start by doing two raka'at prayer short, and he perfected his routine as much as eleven raka'at praying. In each of the two raka'at his greetings and perform Witr one raka'at.

Third: Thirteen raka'at like a second.

Fourth: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray the night with eight raka'at greets every two raka'at, then pray Witr raka'at as many as five at a time, without sitting raka'at except at the end. [16]

Fifth: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed nine raka'at continued to do it without sitting on eight raka'at raka'at except in the eighth, where at the end of this raka'at he sat for dhikr of Allah, praise Him and pray to Him, and then he got up without a greeting and continue raka'at the ninth, and after that sit, read tasyahud and greetings. After the greetings he prayed again two raka'at to sit. [17]

Sixth: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed seven raka'at like how to nine raka'at before, (ie six concatenated raka'at done without sitting raka'at except at the end, where he sat for dhikr, praising God and pray to Him and then get up without regards to doing raka'at the seventh and after that he regards), and after greeting he prayed two raka'at with sat.

Seventh: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed two raka'at-two, then he would pray Witr raka'at three raka'at without division among the three raka'at it with a greeting (salam after three raka'at). Imam Ahmad narrated from 'A'ishah radi anhuma, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam Witr prayer three raka'at without separated between raka'at-raka'at it. [18]

Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazi rahimahullah said: "The way that we choose for people to pray the night was, do two raka'at-two raka'at, with regards to each of the two raka'at it, and finally covered with a raka'at, based on these hadiths. " His words, "It's our opinion" is an option and not an obligation. For have self-wayatkan of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he prayed five greeting raka'at without exception at the end. Thus, the words of the Prophet, which reads, "Prayer was made two raka'at-two raka'at," is an option. Meanwhile, for those who want to do it three raka'at, raka'at or five, or seven raka'at, or nine raka'at without greetings except in the end, it may be, but the good thing is, greets every two raka'at and Witr one raka'at. [19]

Standing With the Old:
Among the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is that he prolong standing in prayer.

From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu, he said, "I prayed with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he would prolong the establishment that I want to do bad things." He asked, "What are you going to do?" He said, "I want to just sit down and leave the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." [20]

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said: "This hadith indicates that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam choose prolong standing in performing the night prayers, and Ibn Mas'ud was a strong advocate who followed the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. He did not want to sit , but after the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam stood for a long time that he does not normally do. "[21]

Standing and Sitting In Prayer
Ibn al-Qayyim argues, that the evening prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has three ways: [22]

First: Prayer is standing and most often he did.

Second: Prayer in a state seat and bowing in a state seat anyway.

Third: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam read a letter in a state of sitting and reading when he got up and live a little bowing in the state of standing.

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "The third way is sourced authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." [23]

[Copied from the book "Kaanuu Qaliilan minal maa Yahja'uun Laili" by Muhammad ibn al-Su'ud 'Uraifi given an introduction by Shaykh' Abdullah al-Jibrin, Indonesia Edition Complete Guide Tahajjud Prayer, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader]

ETHICS night prayers

Suud bin Muhammad Al-Uraifi

Indeed, the night prayers had a few ethical guidelines Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in doing so. Among these are:

1. Prayer Intentions When Will Build To Sleep
It was for someone to get the reward of prayer at night if he did not. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إنما الأعمال بالنيات.

"Indeed all deeds is determined by intention." [1]

An-Nasa-i and others narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من أتى فراشه, وهو ينوي أن يقوم يصلي من الليل, فغلبه النوم حتى يصبح, كتب له ما نوى, وكان نومه صدقة من ربه عز وجل.

"Those who rise to the top of his bed while he had intended to get up to pray at night, but he was asleep until the time Shubuh, then wrote his reward what he intend and sleep it is charity from his Lord." [2]

2. Dhikr upon awakening
If a person wakes from sleep to perform Tahajjud prayer he disunnahkan dhikr of Allah.

Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam when waking up at night to perform Tahajjud prayer he read:

اللهم لك الحمد, أنت قيم السموات والأرض ومن فيهن, ولك الحمد, لك ملك السموات والأرض ومن فيهن, ولك الحمد, أنت نور السموات والأرض ومن فيهن, ولك الحمد, أنت ملك السموات والأرض ومن فيهن, ولك الحمد أنت الحق, ووعدك حق, ولقاءك حق, وقولك حق, والجنة حق, والنار حق, والنبيون حق, ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم حق, والساعة حق, اللهم لك أسلمت, وبك آمنت, وعليك توكلت, وإليك أنبت, وبك خاصمت, وإليك حاكمت, فاغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت, وما أسررت وما أعلنت, أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر, لا إله إلا أنت.

"O Allah, praise be to Thee, Thou who administers the heavens and the earth and all the creatures in it. Divide thy praise, thine kingdom of the heavens and the earth and the creatures in it. For Thy praise, Thou light of the heavens and the earth and what is in it. Divide thy praise, thou the King of the heavens and the earth and all beings therein. praise thee for thou art haq, thy word is haq, Your encounter is haq, Thy word is haq, Heaven is haq, Hell is haq, the Prophet is haq, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was Haq and Haq is also the Day of Judgment.' God only to you I surrender, to I believe in Thee, Thee I put my trust, to You I returned, with proof of thy I fight, I beg thee sentence. Forgive my sin that was the past and future, the hidden and overt. You prioritize and Yang Yang Meng-akhirkan. entitled No god in-
ibadahi except You. "[3]

Abu Salamah ibn 'Abdurrahman ibn' Awf said, "I asked 'Aisha about what first read the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in starting a prayer when he prayed the night? ' 'Aisha explains,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when praying night prayers start by reading:

اللهم, رب جبرائيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل, فاطر السموات والأرض, عالم الغيب والشهادة, أنت تحكم بين عبادك فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون, اهدني لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنك, إنك تهدي من تشاء إلى صراط مستقيم.

"O Allah, the Lord of the Angel Gabriel, Mika'il and Israfil, Creator of heaven and earth and Yang Knowing the hidden and visible, you who judge between thy servants what they differed. Shew me on what is true from what disputed it with thy permission, verily You are indicating to whom You will to the straight path. "[4]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah said in al-Majmuu ',' disunnahkan for everyone who got up to perform the night prayers, rubbing (eliminate) the sleep from his face, bersiwak, looking up at the sky and read the last paragraph of the letter Ali 'Imran (إن في خلق السماوات والأرض), (until the end of the letter.) This method is described in a hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "[5]

3. Bersiwak When Waking To Perform Prayer Night
It is based on the hadith history Hudzaifah radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when waking up in the night to perform Tahajjud prayer he rubbed his mouth with Siwak. [6]

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma, that she slept close to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and he got up and bersiwak and wudoo '. [7]

4. Waking Family To Perform Tahajjud Prayer
This is to run the word of God:

وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى

"And please-menolonglah you in (doing) virtue and piety ..." [Al-Maa-idah: 2].

Umm Salamah radi anhuma said, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam woke up one night and he said:

سبحان الله, ماذا أنزل الليلة من الفتنة, ماذا أنزل من الخزائن, من يوقظ صواحب الحجرات, يا رب كاسية في الدنيا عارية يوم القيامة.

"Subhanallaah, exams which Allah sends down tonight and saving what He sent down to those that wake-istrinya.Wahai the wives, many women in the world who dressed but naked on the Day of Judgment day." [8]

'Ali ibn Abi Talib radi anhu, said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to him and to Fatima on one night, "Do not you praying?" [9]

Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "Ibn Bathal explained that in this hadith contained primacy of prayer night and wake the people who are still sleeping from family members and friends to also do so." [10]

From 'Aisha radi anhuma, he said, "That the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam prayers at night and when he did he Witr Salah said: 'Get up and pray Witirlah O' Aisha! '" [11]

5. Starting Prayer Groups Prayer Night With Two raka'at The Short
From 'Aisha radi anhuma, he said, "That the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam when waking up in the night to prayer, he prayed two raka'at begin with a short." [12]

Of Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhani radi anhu, he said, "By Allah I saw the prayer the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the evening. Raka'at He prayed two short and then prayed two long raka'at." [13 ]

From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

إذا قام أحدكم من الليل, فليفتتح صلاته بركعتين خفيفتين.

"If one of you up at night to let him begin to pray two prayers short raka'at." [14]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah commented, "This hadeeth indicates disunnahkannya Tahajjud prayer begins by performing two short raka'at for someone passion to do raka'at-raka'at next." [15]

6. Crying While Reading Al-Qur-an and ponder
As for crying, so the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when praying her voice sounded like the voice of a pot, because crying. [16]

From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu, he said: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to me,' Read the al-Qur-an to me! ' I said, 'Do I deserve to read al-Qur'an unto you, while kepadamulah al-Qur'an was sent down?' He said, 'Behold, I am glad to hear from others.' So finally I had read to him the letter in an-Nisa ', until to the verse:

فكيف إذا جئنا من كل أمة بشهيد وجئنا بك على هاؤلآء شهيدا

'Then how (as disbelievers later), when We bring a witness (Prophet) of each and We brought ka-mu (Muhammad) as a witness against these (as a your people).' [An-Nisaa '/ 4: 41].

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Enough! ' When I raised my head, I see tears flowing from her eyes. "[17]

Al-Hasan said, "'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi anhu who regularly read verses he read at night, and he cried until he fell and remained at home until he dijenguk due to illness." [18]

The contemplate and appreciate reading the verses of al-Qur'an, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is exemplary in this regard. Even sometimes he prayed at night just to read a single verse as such in the history of 'Aisha radi anhuma. [19]

Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma said: "By Allah, read the Qur'an, and meditate with Tartil more I love than reading the entire al-Qur'an in one night." [20]

7. Pray In Prayer Night
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam always multiply prayer in the prayer and also in Tahajjudnya, because at times the most likely granted the prayer.

From Jabir radi anhu, he said, I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن في الليل لساعة, لا يوافقها رجل مسلم يسأل الله خيرا من الدنيا والآخرة, إلا أعطاه إياه, وذلك كل ليلة.

'Indeed, in the evening there is a time, which if a Muslim appeal to the goodness of God and Hereafter coincide with the time, God will grant it and the time it is on every night.' "[21]

8. Not burdensome Life In Running Obedience
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن الدين يسر, ولن يشاد الدين أحد إلا غلبه, فسددوا, وقاربوا, وأبشروا, واستعينوا بالغدوة والروحة وشيء من الدلجة.

"Verily this religion is easy and anyone against him would have difficulty, therefore being fair (moderate in worship), hold the left; download, be happy and make time in the morning, afternoon and most of the night to worship." [22]

From 'Aisha radi anhuma, he told me, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam came to him and when he was with a woman. He asked, "Who is this?" 'Aisha said, "It is known Fulanah very active in prayer." He said: "Mah (stop it), do what you can do! By Allah, Allah never felt bored until you yourselves are boring, and the most beloved religion of God is one that is run continuously." [23]

Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "The word 'house' is a cue dimakruhkannya it, for fear of weakness and boredom will overwrite the culprit. Purpose is so that he does not quit running deeds he used to do, so he pulled himself out of what he has give to his Lord. "[24]

9. Not Doing Prayer Tahajjud If Drowsiness
From Anas ibn Malik radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

إذا نعس أحدكم في الصلاة, فلينم حتى يعلم ما يقرأ.

"If one of you drowsy in prayer, let him sleep so that he knows what he reads." [25]

From 'Aisha radi anhuma, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إذا نعس أحدكم في الصلاة, فليرقد حتى يذهب عنه النوم, فإن أحدكم إذا صلى وهو ناعس, لعله يذهب يستغفر فيسب نفسه.

"If one of you drowsy in prayer, let him sleep for sleepiness disappeared. Because if one of you could pray in a state of drowsiness so he begged forgiveness to God, and he chided himself." [26]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah commented, "In this hadith there is a boost in a state of prayer humility, concentration of heart and spirit. Inside there is also a command to the sleepy bedroom or other items that could eliminate sleepiness." [27]

10. Sleep After Doing Prayer Tahajjud
Disunnahkan for a believer after praying Tahajjud for sleep. Ie at meal time and this is one of the guidance the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

'Aisha radi anhuma said, "I do not find the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam Sahur at my house or near me but in a state of sleep." [28]

'Abdul Qadir al-Jilani al-Hanbali, a person who lived ascetic in his time said, "disunnahkan for people to pray Tahajjud to sleep at the end of the night because of two things: (1) It can eliminate the sense of sleepiness in the morning. (2 ) Sleeping late in the night to eliminate the yellowish color on the face. because when someone tired and did not sleep there will be a yellowish color in her face. these should be someone to remove it, because it is vague and included door popularity of the hidden shape and includes a vague polytheism. because he will get the thumbs up (praised) and will be mistaken as a righteous person who always stay up (for prayer), fasting, and fear God because there is a yellowish color in her face. We seek refuge in Allah from shirk and riya 'as well as matters were brought to him. "[29]

11. After pray Prayer
From 'Ali ibn Abi Talib radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam Witr prayer after each reading:

اللهم إني أعوذ برضاك من سخطك, وبمعافاتك من عقوبتك, وأعوذ بك منك, لا أحصي ثناء عليك, أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك.

"O Allah, I seek refuge in Thy good pleasure from Your anger, by Your mercy from Thy punishment, and I seek refuge in You from You. Compliment I can not count against you, you are as you pujikan against self thine own. "[30]

Syamsul Haqqil 'Azhim Abadi said, "That is prayed after the greeting, as described in another report." [31]

[Copied from the book "Kaanuu Qaliilan minal maa Yahja'uun Laili" by Muhammad ibn al-Su'ud 'Uraifi given an introduction by Shaykh' Abdullah al-Jibrin, Indonesia Edition Complete Guide Tahajjud Prayer, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader

Benefits of Evening Prayer, Prayer Tahajjud Leaving

Suud bin Muhammad Al-Uraifi

Among the benefits of Tahajjud prayer is:
First: A man when he stood praying Tahajjud for God, then it will be easy to stand on the day in which all men will stand facing the Lord of the universe. But if someone have fun and spend his days with the futility of it will get into trouble in the afterlife there. So someone who is tired of the world, be happy, be happy and enjoy the atmosphere in the afterlife there.

Second: The man who always prayed Tahajjud will be given by God on the Day of Resurrection future wives that many of the angels. Reply is in accordance with human deeds.

Third: Getting health agencies. Someone woke up in the night to perform Tahajjud prayers will be his God, authoritative, glowing and radiant.

Fourth: Hidayah, Taufik and guidance to the goodness of all human affairs there is if he is to fulfill the rights of Allah. God will menunjukinya the streets without realizing the goodness and variety faidah, of understanding and grace came in the dark of night. If people are not able to understand anything then he wakes up to perform evening prayers God will open pemaha-man to him.

Fifth: This is the greatest benefit and glory, which saw Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. When the experts worship knowing that they will not see his Lord on the Day of Resurrection later, they would perish as stated by al-Hasan al-Basri. [2]

LEAVE Tahajjud Prayer
The state of the person who left Tahajjud prayer can be classified into three groups, namely:

First: The person who left the prayer routine Tahajjudnya
That is, those who can not do Tahajjud prayer because there is an obstruction, such as illness, or asleep, or otherwise. People like this with the permission of Allah, the reward still written for him, as the hadith that has been presented previously. However, they make up disunnahkan 'prayer Tahajjudnya left it in daylight and without performing Witr.

From 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi anhu, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

من نام عن حزبه أو عن شيء منه, فقرأه ما بين صلاة الفجر وصلاة الظهر, كتب له كأنما قرأه من الليل.

"Those who fall asleep from wiridnya or other habits, and he read his reading at the time of the Fajr prayer and perform the noon prayer, then the reward is written for him as he read it at night." [3]
From 'Aisha radi anhuma, he said:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, كان إذا نام من الليل من وجع أو غيره, فلم يصل بالليل, صلى من النهار اثنتي عشرة ركعة.

"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when sleeping at night due to illness or other so he was not praying Tahajjud, then in the afternoon he prayed twelve raka'at." [4]

Second: People who leave after Tahajjud prayers regularly do
Know may Allah have mercy on us and you, that you should not leave the Tahajjud prayer, if you include people who like to do it. Because it indicates you are turned away from worship. 'Abdullah ibn' Amr ibn al-'Ash said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to me:

يا عبد الله لا تكن مثل فلان, كان يقوم الليل فترك قيام الليل.

'O' Abdullah, do not be like the Fulan, formerly Tahajjud prayer he likes to do, then do not do it again. "[5]

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "This hadeeth indicates disunnahkannya do good is usually done on an ongoing basis without ignoring it. From this hadith conclusions can be drawn about dimakruhkannya stop the worship, though worship is not worship compulsory." [6]

Third: People who have never done the night prayers at all
Without a doubt, that people who are not praying Tahajjud have neglected to establish communication with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. How does one claim to love God, and when it opens the opportunity for him to air-khalwa (menunajat outs to God), he actually underestimate, lounging and sleeping. He did not want to accept this Tahajjud prayers, which he was sheltering place. Instead, he wasted a virtue and a great reward and encouragement for praying Tahajjud Allah. Only Allah is the place to ask help on the lack of parts available and the loss of his taufik.
Consider sanctions received by the person who left the prayer night!

From Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said about someone who is sleeping, do not wake up until morning, and then he said,

ذاك رجل بال الشيطان في أذنه.

'That is someone whose ear in-kencingi devil!' "[7]

Al-Bukhari rahimahullah said, "'Aqdusy Syaithaani' ala Qaafiyatir idza Ra'-si bil lam Yushalli Lail," Chapter: Association devil binding ties at the base of someone's head, when he prayed Tahajjud. " Then he narrated this hadith through isnaad that came to Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

يعقد الشيطان على قافية رأس أحدكم إذا هو نام ثلاث عقد, يضرب كل عقدة: عليك ليل طويل فارقد, فإذا استيقظ فذكر الله انحلت عقدة, فإن توضأ انحلت عقدة, فإن صلى انحلت عقدة, فأصبح نشيطا طيب النفس, وإلا أصبح خبيث النفس كسلان.

"Satan binds three ties at the base of the head of one of the guys when he is sleeping, that each bond is written, 'your night long, then go to sleep!' When he got up and dhikr of Allah, then the bond off, then when he do wudoo 'a loose bond again, and when he prayed one more loose ties. Then in the morning he had a passion and a good soul. Yet if he did not do this, the soul in a bad state and he was lazy. "[8]

Some of the Salaf said, "How can one survive the bad reckoning, while he slept at night and during the day he play?"

Strive, O brother, may God protect you-for praying Tahajjud, although only two raka'at light (short) before dawn, because in it there is blessing. Raka'at a bit of prayer at night is countless. Be patient for it and do it continuously, because with patience, humility, and humbly ask for God you will have firmness, loss relief and exhaustion as well as a heavy burden.

[Copied from the book "Kaanuu Qaliilan minal maa Yahja'uun Laili" by Muhammad ibn al-Su'ud 'Uraifi given an introduction by Shaykh' Abdullah al-Jibrin, Indonesia Edition Complete Guide Tahajjud Prayer, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader]


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