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Humility in prayer for a Muslim AND EFFECTS
Shaykh Abdul Bari ats Tsubaiti
I wasiatkan to all of you and myself to fear Allah. Allah Ta'ala says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون
O ye who believe, God bertaqwalah actually really taqwa to Him, and do not you ever die but in the Muslim state. [Ali Imran / 3: 102].
إن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر ولذكر الله أكبر والله يعلم ما تصنعون
Indeed prayer restrains from (deeds) cruel and unjust. And remembrance of God (prayer) is greater (primacy of worship others). And Allah knows what you do. [Al Ankabut/29: 45]
Talk about the prayer needs of remembrance and repetition, boredom should not be there to listen. Since prayer is an obligation that the most impact, explanations and kebaikannyan greatest and most dangerous when left. Prayer is the pillar of religion and the keys of heaven God. Those who maintain the prayer, then she has adhered to the Islamic law and take foundation. Those who neglect prayer, it means that he has neglected his religion from the foundation.
Prayer is also a cure for liver diseases, evil souls and their diseases; pekatnya like a light that removes sins and wickedness. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave permisalan in his saying:
أرأيتم لو أن نهرا بباب أحدكم يغتسل منه كل يوم خمس مرات هل يبقى من درنه شيء قالوا لا يبقى من درنه شيء قال فذلك مثل الصلوات الخمس يمحو الله بهن الخطايا
"What do you think, if there was a river at the door of any one of you, that river he bathed five times a day, if there is dirt / grime is left?" They said, 'There will be no dirt left at all. "The Prophet said," Thus permisalan five daily prayers. God eliminate errors with cause prayer. "[Reported by Muslim]
This is also corroborated by the hadiths about the virtues of ablution, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
فإن هو قام فصلى فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ومجده بالذي هو له أهل وفرغ قلبه لله إلا انصرف من خطيئته كهيئته يوم ولدته أمه
When he stood up for prayer, then praise and glorify God with praise worthy of God, he mengkhusyu'kan his heart to God, unless he parted with his guilt as the situation on the day of birth by his mother. [Reported by Muslim].
Such is the fruit of worship, and so much the result of the implementation of these prayers, so it deserves to diperhatian and enforced. Let us make prayers to decorate our lives and our inner voice.
Allahu Akbar; Hayya 'alash prayer; Hayya' alal Falah (let's do pray, let's to happiness), calls echoed from every corner, which penetrates the ear prayer to awaken the luminous body with faith and heart humility.
قد أفلح المؤمنون الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون
Indeed fortunately those who believe (that) people humility in prayer. [Al Mukmin/23: 1-2].
With humility, someone who prays to unify the cleanliness and hygiene lahiriyah Baatinites, when he said in his ruku `:
خشع لك سمعي وبصري ومخي وعظمي وعصبي
Humility to Thee my hearing, vision, brain, bones, and muscles. [Reported by Muslim].
While the history of Ahmad:
وما استقلت به قدمي
And when lifting my legs to God.
With kekhusyu'an, be forgiven of sins and errors removed, and pray at the scales ditulislah goodness, as mentioned in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ما من امرئ مسلم تحضره صلاة مكتوبة فيحسن وضوءها وخشوعها وركوعها إلا كانت كفارة لما قبلها من الذنوب ما لم يؤت كبيرة وذلك الدهر كله
It is not a Muslim finds the obligatory prayer, then he `perfecting ablution, humility and ruku'nya, but would be eraser for sins of past, while not committed great sins, and for all time. [Reported by Muslim]
Prayer, when decorated with humility in speech and movement adorned with humility, sincerity, reverence, love and peace, indeed, he would be able to hold perpetrators of atrocities and munkar. His heart is shining, keimanannnya increases, the stronger passion to perform kindness and desire to do evil will be annihilated. With humility, bertambahlah munajat man to his Lord, as well as her closeness to her Lord. Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Nasaa-i reported words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
لا يزال الله عز وجل مقبلا على العبد في صلاته ما لم يلتفت فإذا التفت انصرف عنه
Always Allah 'Azza wa Jalla servants face in prayer, as long as he (the servant) did not turn. When he turned his face, then God turned away from him.
Humility has a very large position. He was very quickly lost, and rarely obtained. Moreover in our day. Can not reach humility in prayer is a disaster and the greatest disease. He also felt the need to hide from him, as he n pray:
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من قلب لا يخشع
Oh, God. I seek refuge in You from a heart that is not humility. [Tirmidhi]
And it is not moral lapses overwrite some Muslims, but because they like the carcass of prayer without soul, and limited to a mere movement. Ath Thabrani and in others narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أول ما يرفع من هذه الأمة الخشوع حتى لا ترى فيها رجلا خاشعا
The first time was lifted from my Ummah humility, so that you will not see anyone humility.
Companions radi Hudzaifah anhu said: "The first time you go away from religion is humility, and the last time missing from your religion is prayer. Sometimes a person who prays is no kindness, and almost entered the mosque you see in it no one is humility. "
Prayer is a Muslim sedative and entertainment, the highlight goals and ideals. Messenger of Allah said to Bilal: "Calm us with prayer". He said:
وجعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة
And the air made my heart in prayer. [HR Nasaa-i and Ahmad]
Prayer becomes conditioned heart, soul and delight the heart of heaven for a Muslim in the world. It was as if he was always in prison and narrow, until finally enter into prayer, so that the new can rest from the burden of the world by prayer. He left the world and its pleasures in front of the mosque door, he left there treasures of the world and his work to turn the page he cites in his heart. Entered the mosque with a heart full of fear because glorify God expects reward.
Abu Bakr Siddiq radi ash anhu, when it is in a state of prayer, as if he was like the stick is plugged. When hardened reading, sobbing filled the neck. While 'Umar al Faruq radi anhu, when reading, people behind him could not hear the reading because crying. Similarly, 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz rahimahullah, when in a state of prayer, as if he was like a stick of wood. While 'Ali bin Abi Talib radi anhu, when it comes time to pray, and he turned his face bergetarlah. When asked, he replied: "It is now time that God's mandate to offer to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, they are reluctant to bear and scared with this mandate, but I carry it".
Among the people there were praying with the body and all the joints, moving his tongue with words, subjecting them to ruku 'backs, down to earth to bow down, however, their hearts are not moved in the direction of God the Creator, the Most High. They manifest submission, while her running away. They read al-Qur `an, but not meresapinya. They glorify, but do not understand it. They stand before God and in His house, however, the actual gaze toward their jobs, living with them in the spirit in which they live. The way it is, someone has his prayers for a long time, but he never perfected his prayer, though for only one day, because he is not perfecting ruku'nya, prostration and khusyu'nya. Whoever situation like this, he really can not take advantage of the prayer, so sometimes it takes people with vanity treasures, doing damage among humans, as opposed to carrying out the practice of religion and morals, he even made the prayer just to get the praise of men, to cover up the crime both hands and feet.
Brothers and sisters, the following hadith as an afterthought, sikapilah yourself honestly, to be able to see our own position. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن الرجل لينصرف وما كتب له إلا عشر صلاته تسعها ثمنها سبعها سدسها خمسها ربعها ثلثها نصفها
Surely someone finishes (of prayer) and it is written (reward) for him, except for one-tenth of prayer, sepersembilannya, seperdelapannya, sepertujuhnya, one-sixth, a fifth, a quarter, a third, setengahya.
Narrated by Abu Dawud, that Hasan bin 'radi Athiah anhu said: "Indeed there are two people in a prayer, but differences in virtue (reward) between them is like heaven and earth."
O you who pray, prayer is real fire fighting with demons, battle anxiety and whispers, as we stand at the site of the great, the close position (with Allah) and most hated demons. Then the devil adorned in front pandangamu with pleasure, offering beauty and temptation. He also reminded that you forget, so he was pleased when prayers damaged, as the clothes worn, damaged, not rewarded nor get the virtue.
O you who pray, whoever take the method of the Prophet and the Prophet pursue in his prayer, surely he can get kekhusyu'an. In order to achieve khusyu `there are some things that can help. Ie people who will pray, should immediately go to the mosque with calm and unhurried, he has to clean his clothes, purify the body, mengkosongkan heart of the busy world, fragrant fragrant body, straighten the line and close the gaps in the line, and he did not raise his head to sky during prayer, because it is forbidden and can eliminate kekhusyu'an.
Including that can also help to humility in prayer, that does not disturb others by reciting Qur `an, do not pray with clothes or clothes with pictures, writing, or colorful clothes to bother him, and disturbing others. Likewise, the sounds coming from a cell phone disrupt the Muslims, thus damaging kekhusyu'an. Therefore, do not take the music humming in the houses of God mixed with the word of God. We ask God Salamah and 'afiyah from sin and error.
From Abu Qatadah radi anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أسوأ الناس سرقة الذي يسرق صلاته قالوا يا رسول الله وكيف يسرقها قال لا يتم ركوعها ولا سجودها أو قال لا يقيم صلبه في الركوع والسجود
"Ugly-ugly is the thief who stole his prayer". They asked, "O Messenger of Allah. How can someone steal his prayer? "He replied," He did not tune bowing and prostration ', "or he (the Prophet) said:" Do not enforce his spine when bowing and prostrating ". [Narrated by Ahmad]
Duty to Alah with truth piety, and instill a feeling of closeness of God in you, when alone and when with people.
Including the biggest thing to be calm and humility in prayer, and contemplate the meaning permeates. When saying Allahu Akbar, then contemplate the depth of understanding and guidance. God is greater than the devil that deceived the world. God is greater than lust, wealth, status and children. Then solidified and implanted into the heart, and then carry out all its consequences.
Also reflect a great reward to any reading of al-Fatihah, bowing `reading passages or other prayers. Think big reward, including when the priest says
غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
(Not the way the people you murkai, nor the way the people astray), then the angels say "Amiin". Whoever aminnya speech along with words amen angels, will be forgiven his sins has past. Similarly ponder the great rewards, as well as other great virtues while standing, sitting, dhikr-remembrance bowing and prostration. Those who contemplate, he will be convinced by the grace of God, sesembahannya.
Including that could lead to humility, which is an eternal testament to the Prophet: "Pray the prayer of people who will be separated (with the world)".
(Appointed by Shaikh Abdul Bari khuthbah Friday Tsubaiti ats in the Prophet's Mosque, Madinah al Munawwarah, on 16 Rajab 1426 AH).
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XI/1428/2007M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala the prayers prescribed sunnah to complete obligatory prayers which are sometimes not perfect reward. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إن أول ما يحاسب به العبد يوم القيامة من عمله صلاته فإن صلحت فقد أفلح وأنجح وإن فسدت فقد خاب وخسر فإن انتقص من فريضته شيء قال الرب عز وجل انظروا هل لعبدي من تطوع فيكمل بها ما انتقص من الفريضة ثم يكون سائر عمله على ذلك
Indeed, the practice was first brought to account of a servant is prayer. If good, then he was lucky and survived, and when broken, so he had loss and regret. When lacking a bit of obligatory prayers, the Lord Almighty says, "Look, if my servant has tathawwu prayer '(sunnah prayer)," and then perfected with less than the obligatory prayer, then all such deeds enacted. [HR at-Tirmidhi]. And among the Duha prayer is prescribed.
Duha Prayer virtue
1. Living on alms as human joints, which is 360 joints, as described in the hadith:
عن أبي ذر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال يصبح على كل سلامى من أحدكم صدقة فكل تسبيحة صدقة وكل تحميدة صدقة وكل تهليلة صدقة وكل تكبيرة صدقة وأمر بالمعروف صدقة ونهي عن المنكر صدقة ويجزئ من ذلك ركعتان يركعهما من الضحى. (أخرجه مسلم).
Abu Dhar, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he had said: "In every morning, there is an obligation on every joint charity from one of you. Every tasbeeh is a charity, every tahmiid is a charity, every tahliil is a charity, every takbiir is charity, kindness amar nahi unjust is charity., and can be adequate for all of them, two cycles were performed at the time of Duha ". [1]
Also word he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
في الإنسان ثلاث مائة وستون مفصلا فعليه أن يتصدق عن كل مفصل منه بصدقة قالوا ومن يطيق ذلك يا نبي الله قال النخاعة في المسجد تدفنها والشيء تنحيه عن الطريق فإن لم تجد فركعتا الضحى تجزئك
"In man there are 360 joints and required alms from every joint," they asked, "Who can afford this, O Prophet of Allah?" He replied, "Harbored ripples in the mosque and eliminate something (interference) from the street. If not get one, then two raka'at mencukupkanmu Duha prayer." [2]
2. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamenjaga who pray Duha four cycles of the day, as described in the hadith:
عن أبي الدرداء أو أبي ذر عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الله عز وجل أنه قال ابن آدم اركع لي من أول النهار أربع ركعات أكفك آخره أخرجه الترمذي. قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن غريب
From Abu Dardaa 'or Abu Dhar, of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alabahwa Allah says: "O Children of Adam, Pray for me at the beginning of day four rak'ahs, will I take care of the rest of the day." [3]
3. Prayer Salat al-Duha is awwâbîn. That is a lot of people who repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. As delivered the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi anhu which reads:
لا يحافظ على صلاة الضحى إلا أواب قال وهي صلاة الأوابين. (أخرجه الحاكم).
It is keeping the Duha prayer except that many people repent to Allah. [4]
Duha Prayer LAW [5]
The scholars disagree about the law in some Duha prayer following opinion.
1. Absolute legal sunnah, and disunnahkan do it every day.
Such schools the majority of scholars, who had argued with several arguments.
a. Generality of the hadiths about the virtues of Duha prayer as mentioned earlier.
b. Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi anhu which reads:
أوصاني خليلي صلى الله عليه وسلم بثلاث صيام ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر وركعتي الضحى وأن أوتر قبل أن أنام
Beloved sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was intestate me with three things: fasting three days of every month, two rak'ahs Duha and Witr before sleeping. [Agreed upon].
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah stated, this hadith shows that Duha prayer is sunnah absolutely done each day. [6]
c. Mu'âdzah Hadith al-'Adawiyah when asked' Aisha with a question:
كم كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي صلاة الضحى قالت أربع ركعات ويزيد ما شاء
"In the past, how many cycles of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Duha prayer?" He replied, "Four rakats, and add as they please". [7]
2. The statute sunnah, but is not done every day.
3. The statute is not sunnah, it is the opinion of Ibn 'Umar anhuma
4. Duha prayer disunnahkan only because of certain factors.
This opinion dirajihkan Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah vol.
According to him (Ibn al-Qayyim), any person who examines the hadiths marfu 'and atsar friend, would be simply summed up this cause. As for hadiths in the form of suggestions and will to do so, then a saheeh from it, such as the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah and Abu Dhar radi anhuma not indicate if Duha as sunnah prayers that continue to do for everyone.
He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam bequeath to Abu Hurayrah radi anhu with a will, as was narrated that Abu Hurayrah radi anhu hadith before choosing to study in the evening of the prayer, then he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam commanded to do it at a time instead of Duha prayer night. Therefore, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded to not sleep except after berwitir, and ordered it to Abu Bakr,' Umar and all other companions radi 'anhum. [8]
While Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah, after explaining Sunnah Duha prayer, he rahimahullah stated, the problem is whether it is more important to do it on an ongoing basis or not, because the example of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam? So this is the disagreement of the scholars. That rajih said, anyone who continually perform night prayers, then it's insufficiency of praying Duha constantly, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam before that. Those who do not perform the night prayers, then pray Duha prayer be a substitute for the night. [9]
As for the opinion-penpat rajih of these, God willing, is the first opinion, because of the generality of the advice to pray Duha. Similarly dirajihkan Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah. He states, which is sunnah rajih absolute constant done. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يصبح على كل سلامى من أحدكم صدقة
(Obligatory charity every day for every joint of one of the guys).
The scholars explain that the human body there are 360 number of joints, so that each person should give charity 360 alms every day. That dimakusdkan with this charity is not a treasure, but practice form taqarrub (closer) to God. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ففي كل تسبيحة صدقة وكل تحميدة صدقة وكل تهليلة صدقة وكل تكبيرة صدقة وأمر بالمعروف صدقة ونهي عن المنكر صدقة ويجزئ من ذلك ركعتان يركعهما من الضحى
(Each rosary is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, every tahlil is a charity, every Takbir is charity, kindness amar nahi unjust is charity. Replenish from it all done in two cycles Duha time).
Based on this hadith, we found that the law Duha prayer is Sunnah has always done, because most people are not able to give alms to 360 charity. [10] Allaah knows best.
TIME OF Duha prayer
Duha prayer time begins from the rising of the sun until late sun slips (zawâl). While the end of time Duha, with the sun slipping start Dhuhr time.
In detail, Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen explained that the timing Duha begins after sunrise sized pike, which is about one meter. As in the calculation of hours, which is about 12 minutes doing good, or to be more cautious about 15 minutes. When 15 minutes have elapsed from the rising of the sun, then there goes the time limits and time to be able to go pray Duha. While the end of his time, was about ten minutes before the sun slips. [11]
Argument of the initial setting time of Duha, the hadeeth of Abu Dharr that reads:
عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الله عز وجل أنه قال ابن آدم اركع لي من أول النهار أربع ركعات أكفك آخره أخرجه الترمذي.
Of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alabahwa Allah says: "O Children of Adam, Pray for me at the beginning of day four rak'ahs, will I take care of the rest of the day."
The pause before, because there is a ban prayer before the sun slips. Therefore, Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen t stated, "If so, Duha prayer time begins after the exit of a ban at the start of the day (early morning) until the ban at noon". [12]
The most important time in the implementation of Duha prayer is at the end of time. Similarly, according to the explanation Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen t, and this is explained by the hadeeth:
أن زيد بن أرقم رأى قوما يصلون من الضحى فقال أما لقد علموا أن الصلاة في غير هذه الساعة أفضل إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال صلاة الأوابين حين ترمض الفصال
Indeed Zayd bin Arqam saw one of the praying Duha, and he said: "Do they not know that prayer at this time in addition to more mainstream? Indeed, the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, Salat al-awwabîn (is) when the child camel overheating ". [14]
A Muslim man praying Duha prescribed two cycles, or four, or six, or eight, or more without any limits. This is what dirajihkan Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah, as he has stated, that the opinion is right, there is no maximum limit, for' Aisha said:
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي الضحى أربعا ويزيد ما شاء الله
(Previously, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray Duha four cycles, and add to it very much). [15]
If someone work from sunrise until near the size of spears sun slips, such as 40 cycles, then all of these are included in the Duha prayer. [16]
As for implementation, all done in two cycles two cycles by the generality of the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
صلاة الليل والنهار مثنى مثنى
Prayers night and day are two cycles two cycles. [17]
So some explanation of Duha prayer, may be useful.
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 10/Tahun XI/1428/2008M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Is there someone who is fasting for Ramadan, but he does not enforce the five daily prayers that have become liabilities?
Questions above, it seems difficult to answer. Such phenomena exist in the community. For example, do not pray five times a day, or rarely do, but never missed fasting "as much as possible" in the month of Ramadan. The problem is, because in some people there is a perceived wrong. According to him, the obligatory prayers are repeated up to five times perceived burden. In fact, for people who earn taufik, praying five times a day it feels good. Wallahul-Hadi.
Shari'a attention to prayers is very large. Implicit in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn 'Abbas in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, when sent Mu'adh bin Jabal Umar radi country of Yemen on a mission to mission, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam restrict proselytizing mission only on three main issues. That bersyahadat la ilaha illallah, establish the prayer, and pay zakat. Not offensive that included fasting and pilgrimage of the five pillars of Islam.
The explanation, Islam that begins with the reading of the creed it hard for unbelievers. Similarly, prayers, contain elements that seemed burdensome because it is a repetitive duty. Similarly, paying zakat, because the love of wealth including human traits. Allaah knows best [1]
Inside the house, the husband is the Lord of all predicate-bait (the homeowner) or al-qawwam (controllers and regulators). Meaning, is the person who handles things in the form of care, maintenance and repair. [2] When connected to the family context, then a man (husband) is obliged to handle the affairs of the household. He's taking responsibility in caring for, maintaining and repairing the entire contents of his home.
As for providing subsistence for the household, his wife and children, not only the obligations incurred by a man. Number responsibilities very much as a consequence of his position as al-qawwam that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala created for himself. [3]
For example, the problem of persistence of the family to establish the prayer-which is the duty of every Muslim-also bind himself as a father and husband. The emphasis of this problem on the entire family is very influential for the whole house. Because of a servant, if he is right in upholding the prayers, then the other affairs in matters of religion, he will be keeping and diligent work. If he squandered the prayer, then he would be wasting more orders in the matter of religion. [4] As quoted by the Caliph 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radi anhu:
ومن ضيعها فهو لما سواها أضيع
Those who waste it, he will be more disparaging any other obligations.
About this important case, specifically Allaah by Allah that His Messenger, his family ordered glorious n prayers. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وأمر أهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها
Command and prayers to your family and be patient in doing it. [Thâha/20: 132].
That is, "and himbaulah family to establish the prayer, encourage them to pray, both obligatory and sunnah. This also implies, as an order to do everything, so he did a perfect prayer. [5]
Included in the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala above, is the commandment that teaches family members about the procedures prayer Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, cases that smarten and perfect prayer, as well as matters that can undermine and abort. Thus, prayer is actually enforced by the whole family fit guidance the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
By obeying the command above, the husband or father has executed a command of Allaah as the leader of the household. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded the Muslims in order to keep and maintain themselves and their families. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا
O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from the fire of hell. [At-Tahrîm/66-6].
Indeed, it is very hard felt by the human spirit. However, one must force and against their desires to undertake the obligation of prayer and worship always be patient with this. Because, a person will be rewarded with kindness if he educate and teach the slave woman, then of course if he is educating children and members of his family, he will also get the reward goodness from Allah al-'Alim ash-Syakur. [7]
Prayer in congregation NOT AT HOME
On the pretext that family members, especially children controlled their prayers, or to train the child to recognize the early prayers, then comes the symptoms of providing space in the house devoted to worship, in this case the priest pray in congregation with his father. In fact, the mosque or the mosque not far from the residence.
The decision of the father as head of the family, in this case less precise. Because Shari'a has determined that implementation of the obligatory prayers in congregation performed in special places, the mosques. Except in certain circumstances, such as when it rains. And consequently, by not attending mosque, the reward promised in the form of 27 or 25 keterpautan goodness than prayer alone was not able to reach. That is, he should still go to the mosque to perform obligatory prayers in congregation.
According to the understanding of the companions of the Prophet, that the hadiths that mention the virtues prevailing prayer in congregation in mosques jami 'or public mosques, not in the house. [8] The friends flock to the mosque when worshipers pray to their reward, not fulfilled in the places they live. When praying pilgrims missed, they just run the obligatory prayers at home. Thus, their worshipers pray at the mosque only. While the house to perform the prayers munfarid (himself). [9]
Ibn Nujaim rahimahullah said: "Whoever worshipers praying at home, he did not get the reward of congregational prayer, but because there udzur (which justified the Shari'a, Pen.)".
Landasar this explanation is the hadeeth the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
صلاة الرجل في الجماعة تضعف على صلاته في بيته وفي سوقه خمسا وعشرين ضعفا وذلك أنه إذا توضأ فأحسن الوضوء ثم خرج إلى المسجد لا يخرجه إلا الصلاة لم يخط خطوة إلا رفعت له بها درجة وحط عنه بها خطيئة فإذا صلى لم تزل الملائكة تصلي عليه ما دام في مصلاه اللهم صل عليه اللهم ارحمه ولا يزال أحدكم في صلاة ما انتظر الصلاة
Someone in the congregation prayer is greater than his prayer in the home and the market as much as twenty-five fold. This way, when he made ablution and do it well, and then he came to the mosque, but did not come out for prayers (worshipers), is not he stepped exception will raise in rank and erase mistakes. When he was running the prayer, then the angels will always pray for him while he was still in prayer (the prayer): 'O Allah, give him kindness. O Allah, rahmatilah him '. And any one of you remain in prayer for prayer tuned. "[Bukhari].
Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the above hadith "and then he went out to the mosque" is an' illah (reason) is manshûshah (explicit, clearly) stated in the hadith, so it should not be ruled out. [10] As for the issue of educating and train children to want to practice prayer, there are other ways that have been exemplified.
Prayers that should be done by a Muslim (male) in their home, is already determined. That was the prayers nawâfil (the prayers voluntary), such as prayer rawaatib, Duha, and others. Thus, the instructions and suggestions Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that perform the prayers at home is voluntary.
Mentioned in the history of Zaid bin Thabit radi anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
فإن أفضل الصلاة صلاة المرء في بيته إلا المكتوبة
Really, the best to pray, (is) one's prayers in his house except maktûbah prayers (obligatory prayer). [Bukhari and Muslim].
By performing voluntary prayers at home, it means that someone has applied the guidance the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and turn (Ihya `us-Sunnah). And again, by performing voluntary prayers at home, then adds a level of sincerity and reward, as far from the views of others. In another hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam spoke about the virtues of sunnah prayers at home:
صلاة الرجل تطوعا حيث لا يراه الناس تعدل صلاته على أعين الناس خمسا وعشرين
Sunnah prayer with someone without being seen by humans, (the reward) match prayer in the midst of men of twenty-five degrees. [Saheeh al-Jaami ', no. 3821].
Shaykh 'Abdul' Aziz as-Sad-han said the other functions in the implementation of voluntary prayer by parents at home. That benefit is tarbawi (educational). That children will be affected by what the father. Children watch their father is running the prayers (Sunnah) with their own eyes.
This is related to the innate nature of the children, that likes to imitate what was done by their parents. Through these properties, the children are expected to have a positive influence from the sunnah prayers. Then embedded in their souls praying about how to run properly and correctly. So sometimes you can see, the child stood in a row with his father, or imitate some movements in the prayer. [11] So in this case, means that the father has been educating the children (and their families) by example (at-tarbiyah bil-qudwah)
1. Prayer is one of the most important obligations.
2. Father (husband) shall order the family to prayers.
3. Fard prayers in the mosque in congregation applicable, not in the house.
4. More mainstream voluntary prayer done at home.
5. Prayer of voluntary work at home has educational functions (education) for children. Allaah knows best (Abu Minhal)
(Adapted from the book The core discussion: Al-Mubin fi Qaulul Akhthâ `il Mushallin, pages 266-268)
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 05/Tahun XII/1429/2008M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Enforce the prayer in congregation
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen
Let us always maintain devotion to God Almighty, and let us always try to keep praying, whether the prayer are obligatory and sunnah. Thus, may we be servants of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala devout work. Because we know, prayer is the pillar of religion. Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam. Therefore, people who do not want to perform prayers, as he is not religious and does not have parts that can be expected in Islam.
Enforcing prayer is a manifestation of one's faith. Instead, leave the prayer is kufr someone proof. Those who maintain the prayer, then he will have a light in his heart, the light in his face, the light in the grave and light when raised from the dead. He will have good luck on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be gathered with those who were given the pleasure of Allaah from among the prophets, shiddiqîn, the martyrs and the righteous people.
You know, the first time the charity will be judged by Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment is the prayer later. When we pray properly, then let all our deeds. However, if our prayer is damaged, it corrupted all our deeds.
Therefore, do not procrastinate in prayers, especially when we have a leeway. Always remember Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when free time, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will remember us as the narrowness. Anyone who forget Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will also be forgotten. Whoever wasted affairs Allaah, so God will squander the people's business.
Are there any among us who feel safe and feel is far from dead, so he said, "to repent later." That is, after being close to death, then repent and perform prayer?! Yet every day we are always concerned when the subject of death came to pick up, morning or afternoon. Death will come suddenly, while we do not realize it.
Then, after death, what will happen? Really, there is no longer an opportunity for charity. There is only giving retaliation against any acts that we have done. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
يومئذ يصدر الناس أشتاتا ليروا أعمالهم فمن يعمل مثقال ذرة خيرا يره
On that day the man came out of his grave in a state of all sorts, that is shown to them (children) of their work. Whoever is doing good weighing dzarrahpun, surely he would see (reply) it. [Al-Zalzalah/99 :6-7]
Therefore we deserved immediately repent, obey commands and avoid prohibitions Allan prohibitions.
One of the obligations of the prayer, the mosque is to carry on with the congregation. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة واركعوا مع الراكعين
And establish regular prayers, pay zakat and ruku'lah with people bowing. [Al-Baqarah / 2:43]
It's a path that has been taken by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions. One of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam named' Abdullah ibn Mas'ud once said:
"Whoever is happy to meet God Almighty as a Muslim, then let him keep the prayers ordered place. Indeed, Allaah has prescribed you the instructions to the prophet., And indeed the prayers included in Among the clues. Suppose you pray in their own homes as well as prayers of people who deviate, certainly you will leave your prophet Sunnah. sunna And if you leave your prophet, of course you will get lost.
Someone smarten wudhunya ablution and then he went to the mosque, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will write down each step with a kindness that will be raised in rank. With this step, too, will be deleted one ugliness. And I noticed, there is not excused except hypocrites who have obvious hypocrisy or people who are sick. Indeed, between them (the companions) there was a man who came to pray in congregation by being carried by two people, so he could be in the middle of rows ".
Praying in congregation in the mosque is one of the obligation to be fulfilled. People who pray with the congregation, then he has fulfilled the obligation that has been commanded by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Meanwhile, people who do not pray in congregation in the absence of factors that justified or udzur Shari'a, meaning he was adulterous to Allaah and had compromised himself. Some scholars said that whoever left the congregation without udzur prayer, his prayer is not valid. Similarly, Shaykh al-Islam said Ibn Taymiyah narrated by Imam Ahmad from.
Those who pray with the congregation, indeed it has been collecting the reward. Because of the prayer in congregation is more important than prayer itself, the reward of 27 degrees compared to pray alone. Those who left the prayer in congregation in the absence udzur, but only because I was lazy or negligent, then this includes sin. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala mensifatinya like hypocrites:
إن المنافقين يخادعون الله وهو خادعهم وإذا قاموا إلى الصلاة قاموا كسالى يراءون الناس ولا يذكرون الله إلا قليلا
Those hypocrites deceive Allah, and Allah will reward their scam. And when they stand up to prayer they stand up lazily. They intend riya (with prayer) in the presence of humans. Nor did they mention the name of Allah except little [An-Nisa '/ 4:142]
And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said about them:
أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر, ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبوا, والذي نفس محمد بيده لو يعلم أحدهم أنه يجد عرقا سمينا أو مرماتين حسنتين لشهد العشاء
Prayer is the most severe on the munafiqeen was praying 'Isha' and Fajr prayers. If they knew the virtue of the second prayer, they would come even by crawling. By the One, the soul of Muhammad in His hand, if one of them will get a bone (from goat) a fat or meat that is located between two nails were good, he would have come to pray Isha `(for that purpose).
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained, if the people who do not attend the prayer in congregation is aware that they will benefit the world's humble, he would have come. Indeed, most of the hypocrites who pray in congregation does not follow that, if they have an interest in the affairs of the world at the dawn of time, we would find it very vibrant and is never late.
In addition, the prayer in congregation will also further encourage the spirit, more tuma'ninah, eliminating the lazy nature and properties of a hurry, and avoid delays beyond prayer time. Prayer in congregation, it will also foster a sense of solidarity and love among the Muslims, brighten and reveal the symbols of Islam mosque. Prayer with congregation can serve as a means of teaching for those who do not know, a reminder for those who forgot, and more kemashlahatan-kemashlahatan other.
Can not imagine when Allah the Exalted has not prescribed prayer in congregation, what will happen with Muslims?
Muslims will be crumbled, mosques are locked, and no symbols of the congregation to see. Therefore, in the wisdom and mercy of Allah Ta'ala for Muslims, ie Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala require prayer in congregation for the Muslims. So let us give thanks to God delights. That is the way to fulfill the obligation of prayer in congregation. We should feel ashamed to Allaah, when we look at ourselves from a class does not include the people who carry out his orders. Similarly, let us fear the punishment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, when he saw us together with people who violate the ban on him.
We ask for the help of Allah Ta'ala that facilitated the dhikr, thank and worship Him.
Having learned the importance of prayer, then we need to ask, why are some of us who wasted prayers? Even the heavy feeling in congregation do? And prayer is a means of liaison between us and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. If there is no link, how can one worship Him, love Him and humble ourselves before Him?
Is not a disadvantage if someone hears appeals and perhisannya world, he was immediately welcomed. But instead, when hearing the call of God "Hayya 'alash-Salah ... Hayya' alal-Falah", he felt heavy and turned away.
Therefore, it is time we begin to consider the implementation of these prayers, and do it in congregation in the mosque. So we will feel pleasure.
(Appointed by Ustadz Abu Maryam, from the book Dhiya `ul Lami ', Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-' Uthaymeen, pages 404-406)
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 05/Tahun XII/1429/2008M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
source: http://almanhaj.or.id/
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