Friday, July 13, 2012

The prayer of Angels On The Miser / curmudgeon With Smashed his property, "the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا, ويقول الآخر: اللهم أعط ممسكا تلفا. 'Not a single day in which a slave was to him except the two angels come down to him. One of them said, 'O Allah, give change [1] for people who berinfak.' While the other said, 'O Allah, destroy [2] the wealth of the miser.' "[3]

The prayer of Angels On The Miser / curmudgeon With Smashed his property, "the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا, ويقول الآخر: اللهم أعط ممسكا تلفا.
'Not a single day in which a slave was to him except the two angels come down to him. One of them said, 'O Allah, give change [1] for people who berinfak.' While the other said, 'O Allah, destroy [2] the wealth of the miser.' "[3]

Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divine

Among those who dido'akan with ugliness by the Angels are the ones that stingy to berinfak in the way of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, has passed the arguments which show that, among which are:

Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim has narrated from Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا, ويقول الآخر: اللهم أعط ممسكا تلفا.

'Not a single day in which a slave was to him except the two angels come down to him. One of them said, 'O Allah, give change [1] for people who berinfak.' While the other said, 'O Allah, destroy [2] the wealth of the miser.' "[3]

Al-Malla 'Ali al-Qari said in Sharh Hadith, "The meaning of' niggardly 'here is stingy as a benefit or property of others." [4]

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "As for the supplication to be destroyed to mean that the property itself is destroyed or the property owner, meaning the loss of the good being busy with something else." [5]

The Imam, Imam Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and al-Hakim narrated from Abud Darda 'anhu Allaah, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said:

ما طلعت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يناديان يسمعان أهل الأرض إلا الثقلين, يا أيها الناس هلموا إلى ربكم فإن ما قل وكفى خير مما كثر وألهى ولا آبت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يناديان يسمعان أهل الأرض إلا الثقلين, اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا وأعط ممسكا مالا تلفا.

"It is not the sunrise but was sent on the two sides are two angels who cried. All the inhabitants of the earth to hear the jinns and humans except they both said, 'Oh man you guys to face the Lord for you because it's quite a bit and certainly better than many, but used for spree Spree, and is not sent unless the sunset between the two sides are two angels who cry, all the inhabitants of the earth to hear the jinns and humans except they both said: 'O Allah, give change to people and destroy property berinfak a stingy person. '"[6]

Two Imam, Ahmad and Ibn Abi Hurairah narrated from Hibban Allaah anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

إن ملكا بباب من أبواب السماء يقول: من يقرض اليوم يجزى غدا, وملكا بباب آخر يقول: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا وعجل لممسك تلفا.

"Truly an angel in a door from the gates of heaven, saying: 'Whoever lent on this day, it will be rewarded later in the day." And an angel who is at the door again others said,' O Allah, give change for people who berinfak and percepatlah destruction of property of a cheapskate. '"[7]

Hopefully with God's glory to us all, we go down among the people who are dido'akan berinfak with replacement by the Angels, and not included in the class of persons who dido'akan stingy with destruction by the Angels. Yes wal Aamiin Dzal Jalaali Ikraam.

[Copied from the book Man Tushalli 'alaihimul Malaa-Man Tal'anu ikah wa-hum. "Author Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divinity, Publisher idarah Turjuman al-Islami, Pakistan, First published H 1420 - 2000 AD, in Indonesian Title: People who cursed Angel, translator Beni Sarbeni]

To the Three Ruling Class Gabriel Alaihissallam Man For All Those deprived of God's grace

Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divine

There are three groups of people who dido'akan with ugliness by Gabriel and diaminkan by the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, they are:

1.Orang the month of Ramadan but have not forgiven him (after getting out of it-pen.).

2. People who have both parents still alive or one of them, but he went down into Hell.

3. People mentioned in his presence the name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, but he did not bershalawat him.

There are some hadiths that show that, among which are:

First: Al-Imam Malik narrated from Ibn Hibban bin al-Huwairits Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam climbed into the pulpit, when he climbed to the top of the stairs, he said' Aamiin, 'and then he rose again to top of the stairs (second level) and said, 'Aamiin' and then he climbed back up the stairs (third level) and said, 'Aamiin' then he said: "Jibreel came to me and said, 'O Muhammad, anyone who finds Ramadan and he was not forgiven, then God will melaknatnya. "Then I (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:' Aamiin. '"

Jibril said, 'And anyone who finds his parents are alive or one of them, and then he goes into Hell, then God would remove him from his grace.' I said, 'Aamiin.'

Jibril said, 'Whoever when your name is mentioned, then he does not bershalawat to you, then God will melaknatnya, say aamiin, then I say,' Aamiin. '[1]

Second: Al-Imam ath-Thabrani narrated from Ka'b bin 'anhu Ujrah Allaah: "Verily the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam on a day out to the podium, when he climbed onto a ladder, he said, 'Aamiin.'

Then he rose again and said, 'Aamiin.'
Then he climbed the stairs again to the third and said, 'Aamiin.'

When he got out of the pulpit and finished berkhutbah, we said, 'O Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, we have heard a word from you on this day. '

Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' You guys listen to? '
They answered, 'Yes.'

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Verily Gabriel revealed itself when I was climbing the stairs, and he said, 'God's grace much for people who find both parents in the parents or one of them, and he did not put it into Heaven.' Prophet said: 'Then I said,' Aamiin.''

Jibril said, 'God's grace is much to people when your name is mentioned, but he did not bershalawat to you.' And I said, 'Aamiin.'

Jibril said, 'God's grace is much for the person who finds Ramadan, but he still did not forgiven.' And I said, 'Aamiin.' "[2]

Al-Imam ath-Thaibi explains why the prayer to the three classes of this when he explains the other hadith [3] the real blessings on the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam a glorification of him. Thus, those who glorify the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Allah will honor him, exalt rank in the world and the hereafter. And whosoever does not glorify it, then Allah will humiliate it.

Neither the month of Ramadan is the month that glorified Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان فمن شهد منكم الشهر فليصمه ومن كان مريضا أو على سفر فعدة من أيام أخر يريد الله بكم اليسر ولا يريد بكم العسر ولتكملوا العدة ولتكبروا الله على ما هداكم ولعلكم تشكرون

"(The other day it was determined) month of Ramadan, the month in which down (start of) al-Qur-an as a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference (between the haq and the falsehood). Therefore, whoever of you is present (in the country where he lived) in the month, and things who are sick or on the way (and then he broke), then (wajiblah fast for him), that left as many days, on days that other. Allah desires ease for you, and does not want hardship for you. And you shall glorify God for His guidance given to you, that ye may be grateful. "[Al-Baqarah: 185]

So, anyone who finds a chance to honor him by doing qi-yaamul Lail (Tarawih) with sincerity, but he did not take that chance, then Allaah will humiliate it.

Both parents are meant to glorify glorify Allaah, so Allaah be kind to both connect with bertauhid to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in His Word:

وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا إما يبلغن عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and let the mother do well with the best father. If any one of them or both in pemeliharaanmu old age, it is not ever say not to them saying 'ah' and do not be shouting at them and say to them was a noble word. "[Al-Israa ' : 23]

People who are given the opportunity to do good to them, especially in the elderly (senior citizen), in fact they are both at home like a piece of meat over wood, and no one meladeninya unless he, if the child is not using this opportunity, it is worth if he was humiliated and degraded position. [4]

Hopefully by the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala we are not in-put by him into three categories. Yaa Aamiin Dzal Jalaali Ikraam wal.

[Copied from the book Man Tushalli 'alaihimul Malaa-Man Tal'anu ikah wa-hum. "Author Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divinity, Publisher idarah Turjuman al-Islami, Pakistan, First published H 1420 - 2000 AD, in Indonesian Title: People who cursed Angel, translator Beni Sarbeni]
[1]. Al-Ihsan fii Taqriib Shahiih Ibni Hibban, the book of al-Bir wal Ihsan, chapter Hakk ul Waalidain (II/140 no. 409), al-Hafiz al-Haitsami said, "This is narrated by the ath-Tha-Brani, in which there 'Umran bin Aban, who ditsiqahkan by Ibn Hibban, while others mendha'ifkan, while the other narrators tsiqah. Ibn Hibban narrated this hadith in Shahiihnya of the road (Majma'uz Zawaa-id wa Manba-ul-id Fawaa X/166). Shaykh al-Arnauth Syu'aib said, "This is another hadeeth, while sanadnya weak." (Al-Ihsaan Hamisy fii Taqriib Shahiih Ibni Hibban II/140)
[2]. Majma'uz Zawaa Manba wa-id-ul-id Fawaa Ad'iyah chapter book of al-FII Man Dzukira j 'indahu falam Yushalli' alaihi (X/166). Al-Hafiz al-Haitsami said, "This is narrated by the ath-tsiqah Thabrani and narrators."
[3]. That is a hadeeth narrated by al-Imam at-Tirmidhi from Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said, "Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

رغم أنف رجل ذكرت عنده فلم يصل علي ورغم أنف رجل دخل عليه رمضان ثم انسلخ قبل أن يغفر له ورغم أنف رجل أدرك عنده أبواه الكبر فلم يدخلاه الجنة.

"Lost the person who mentioned my name (name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in front of him, but he did not want bershalawat me. Lost the person who entered Ramadhan, then Ramadhan passed before his sins forgiven. And lost the one who have both parents in old age (elderly), but they can not cause it to Heaven. "

'Abdurrahman (one of the narrators) said: "And I think that he said,' Or one of them. '" (Jaami' at-Tirmidhi, chapter ad-Da'awaat (X/372 no. 3545). Al-Imam at -Tirmidhi said, "This hadith is hasan Gharib, from this history." Shaykh al-Albani said, "Hasan Saheeh." (Sunan at-Tirmidhi Shahiih III/177). See also note the edge of the book Misykaatul Mashaabiih Shaykh al-Albani's work ( I/292).
[4]. See Sharh ath-Thaibi (III/1044).

Ruling Angels For People Who Berinfak Substitute For Getting What They Diinfakkannya

Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divine

Among those who received prayer from the Angels are the ones who are always on the road berinfak goodness, and among the arguments that demonstrate this are:

A. Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا. ويقول الآخر: اللهم أعط ممسكا تلفا.

'Not a single day in the morning where there is a servant to him, but two angels come down to him, one of them said:' O Allah, give change [1] for people who berinfak. 'And the other said:' O God , destroy [2] (property) of the miser. '"[3]

Among the things that we can understand it from the above that the hadith ash-Shaadiqul Mashduuq, which our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told that in fact the Angels pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala replaces the property of the berinfak.

Al-'Allamah al-' Aini when explaining the hadith says: "The meaning Khalaf is a substitute, as in a phrase: 'Akhlafallaahu Khalfan' meaning that may Allah succeed." [4]

Al-Mulla 'Ali al-Qari when explaining this hadith says: "Khalaf is the functional significance is huge, a good substitute in the world and a reward in the Hereafter, in this case Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

وما أنفقتم من شيء فهو يخلفه وهو خير الرازقين

"And whatever things you spend, Allah will replace them, and He is the Giver of good luck is the best." [Saba ': 39] [5]

Al-'Allamah al-' Aini explain faidah-faidah that can be taken from the Hadith by saying: "And in it there is the Angel prayer, while prayer is a prayer that the angel will always be granted by the argument of words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:' Whoever is right aminnya speech by saying amen the Angels, it is past sins forgiven. "[6]

And that the meaning of infak, as expressed by the scholars, is infak in obedience, infak in a noble spirit, infak to the family, a banquet room, Sadaqah and others are not censured and not categorized as waste. [7]

2. The Imam, Ahmad, Ibn al-Hakim Hibban and related from Abud Darda 'anhu Allaah, he said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

ما طلعت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يناديان, يسمعان أهل الأرض إلا الثقلين: يا أيها الناس هلموا إلى ربكم فإن ما قل وكفى خير مما كثر وألهى. ولا آبت شمس قط إلا بعث بجنبتيها ملكان يناديان يسمعان أهل الأرض إلا الثقلين: اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا وأعط ممسكا تلفا.

'It is not the sunrise but was sent on the two sides are two angels who cry, all the inhabitants of the earth to hear the jinns and humans except they both said:' O people face the Lord you to you, because that's quite a bit and certainly better than many, but used for spree Spree. And it is not sunset, but was sent between the two sides are two angels who cry, all the inhabitants of the earth to hear the jinns and humans except they both said: 'O Allah, give me change for people who berinfak, and destroy (property) of a miser.' " [8]

3. Two Imam, Ahmad and Ibn Hibban narrated from Abu Hurayrah Allaah anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

إن ملكا بباب من أبواب السماء يقول: من يقرض اليوم يجزى غدا وملكا بباب آخر يقول: اللهم أعط لمنفق خلفا وعجل لممسك تلفا.

"Truly an angel in a door from the gates of heaven say: 'He who lends to the one today, it will be returned on the next day, and the other Angels in the other door saying:' O Allah, give me change for the berinfak and immediately destroy the (property) of the miser. '"[9]

Imam Ibn Hibban provide the chapter with the title of this hadith: "Ruling Angel Berinfak for People with substitutes and the For People Destroyed miserly to his property." [10]

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make us the people who always berinfak, which dido'akan with replacement by the Angels.

Aamiin, yaa Dzal Jalaali Ikraam wal.

[Copied from the book Man Tushallii 'alaihimul Malaa ikatu wa-Man Tal'anuhum, author Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divinity, Publisher idarah Turjuman al-Islami, Pakistan, First published H 1420 - 2000 AD, in Indonesian Title: People In Do'aka Angels, Beni Translators Sarbeni]

Angels prayer for one who pray brother of Distant

Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divine

Among the people who are happy with the blessings on the Angels are a dido'akan by his brother from a distance, nor the person who mendo'akannya. Among the evidence that shows this is what was narrated by al-Imam Muslim from Safwan, it was Ibn 'Abdillah bin Safwan, and the age of ad-Darda' under it, he said: "I went to Sham and visited Abud Darda 'Allaah anhu in his house, but he was not home, there is only Ummud Darda 'رحمها الله تعالى, he said:' Is this the year you will go to Hajj? '' Yes, 'I replied. He said: 'Do'akan us with kindness, because the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam once said:

دعوة المرء المسلم لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة عند رأسه ملك موكل. كلما دعا لأخيه بخير, قال الملك الموكل به: آمين. ولك بمثل.

'Ruling on a Muslim for his brother who carried out without the knowledge of people who dido'akannya [1] is a prayer to be answered. Angels on the head there be a representative for him. Each time he prayed for his brother with a good, then the angel said: 'Aamiin and you also get what he got.' "

'Abdullah said: "Then I went to the market and meet with Abud Darda' anhu Allaah, then he would pronounce the words as it is narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." [2]

Of this noble hadith we can see that there are two classes of people who get the prayer of the Angels, they are the people who dido'akan by a fellow Muslim brother while he did not know it, because the Angels are assigned to people who are evaporating: " Aamiin, "the meaning is:" O God, graciously prayers for his brother. "[3]

While the second is the one who mendo'akannya, because the angel who was sent to him saying: "And you also get what is earned by your brother." [4]

Al-Imam Ibn Hibban create a chapter in Shahiihnya entitled: "Recommendation to Increase the Muslims pray to your fellow man without knowledge of Dido'akan, with hope application to be granted both." [5]

In the Sharh Muslim Shahiih there is a comment to this hadith, the writer says: "In this hadith there is a primacy of prayer for his brother without the knowledge of the dido'akannya. If someone prayed for one group of Muslims, then he will get the reward that has been established, and if he prayed for all Muslims, so that I understand it, he was determined to get the reward. "[6]

People who are persistent in getting the blessings on the Angels, pray for them all excited about their brothers without the knowledge of his fellow Muslims who dido'akannya it and this is always there, alhamdulillaah.

Al-Qadi 'Iyadh said: "If the Salaf generation going to pray for themselves, they also pray for a fellow Muslim brother with a prayer, because prayer is an efficacious prayer, and she will get what is earned by fellow Muslim brother. "[7]

Al-Hafiz adh-Dzahabi mention the story of Ummud Darda 'رحمها الله تعالى that Abud Darda' anhu Allaah has 360 lovers in the way of Allah is always dido'akan in prayer, then Ummud Darda 'to question it, he replied: "Am I not be like if the Angels mendo'akanku? "[8]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has praised the believers who have preceded them, this is as set forth in His Word:

والذين جاءوا من بعدهم يقولون ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان ولا تجعل في قلوبنا غلا للذين آمنوا ربنا إنك رءوف رحيم

"And those who came after them (Emigrants and the Ansar), they pray: 'Our Lord, give Forgive us and our brothers who have been faithful before us, and do not you let the hatred in our hearts to those who believe. Our Lord, Thou art the Clement, the Merciful. "[Al-Hashr: 10]

Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Alan al-Siddiqi commented on this verse by saying: "Allaah praises them for their prayer-prayer for their brethren of the believers who have preceded them, praise them when they is pray. "[9]

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make us all down among them with gifts and keuta-tamaan from Him. Aamiin, yaa Dzal Jalaali Ikraam wal.

[Copied from the book Man Tushallii 'alaihimul Malaa ikatu wa-Man Tal'anuhum, author Dr. Sheikh Fadl bin noon Divine Divinity, Publisher idarah Turjuman al-Islami, Pakistan, First published H 1420 - 2000 AD, in Indonesian Title: People In Do'aka Angels, Beni Translators Sarbeni]


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