Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Terms potent treatment. Terms potent treatment. "It is not God sent down a disease, but has reduced her medication, it is known by those who know it and not known by people who do not know" [1]

Terms potent treatment. Terms potent treatment. "It is not God sent down a disease, but has reduced her medication, it is known by those who know it and not known by people who do not know" [1]

By Ustadz Dr Muhammad Arifin bin Badri MA

Thank God, prayers and greetings may always be delegated to the Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends.
Once when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
ماأنزل الله داء إلاقدأنزل له شفاء علمه من علمه وجهله من جهله
"It is not God sent down a disease, but has reduced her medication, it is known by those who know it and not known by people who do not know" [1]
To be an effective treatment and bring results, we should heed some of the requirements. And I am relating these two main requirements for effective treatment.
TERMS FIRST: THE RIGHT TREATMENT In order for a drug you use is really useful and efficacious, so that you suffer illness cured, you have the right treatment.
• Just when diagnosing a disease that you suffer • Just choose the medication • Appropriate doses of the drug • Proper use of time • Just to avoid the various restrictions and other things that inhibit the action of drugs.
When you make a mistake on one of those things it is very possible that you do the treatment will not bring results, as expected.
Such are some of the lessons we can learn from the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam follows.
عن جابر رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال (لكل داء دواء فإذاأصيب دواءالداء برأ بإذن الله عر وجل)
"From the companions of Allaah Jabir anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said," Every disease has a cure, and when you've found the right drug with a disease, He will heal with izzin God Almighty "[Reported by Muslim]
Ibn Qayim rahimahullah, commenting on this hadith by saying, "In the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam associate healing with accuracy (match) the drug with the disease. Therefore, no one creature, but has his opponent. And every disease must have become an antidote drug, with which the disease is treated. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam associate healing with the precision of the treatment. This accuracy is more than just the presence or absence of drugs (for a disease, pen) because of an illness if the drug exceeds the levels of disease, both in the method of use or dose should be changed to a new disease. When the method of use or dose of less than necessary, it will not be able to fight the disease, so that the healing was not perfect. When a physician in choosing the wrong drug, or drugs which he uses not the right target, then the cure is not 'it arrived. When the treatment is done not just with the drug, the drug will not necessarily be useful. If the patient's body does not match with the drug or not physically able to receive the drug or any obstructions that block the action of drugs, not necessarily cure it arrived. All that because of inaccuracies in the treatment. When the treatment is appropriate in all its aspects, must be God-with-recovery permit will be obtained. This is the best interpretation for the above hadith. [2]
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani rahimahullah said that Ibn al-Qayyim in tune with the words, "In the hadith of Jabir Companions of Allaah anhu history there is a sign that healing depends on the accuracy and the permission of Allah. That is because a drug is sometimes well beyond the limit in the method of use or dose, so that the drug is ineffective, it is even possible that the drug actually cause new diseases. [3]
TERMS TWO: GOD PERMITS As a Muslim you must have faith in the destiny of God. You believe that everything in this world happens by the will and the provisions of Allah Ta'ala.
إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر
"Verily We created everything according to the destiny (provision)" [Al-Qomar: 49]
And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر (كل شيء بقدر حتى العجزوالكيس)
"All things (happening) on ​​the fate (and the provisions of the will), to feel any lazy and passion (there's destiny)" [Reported by Muslim]
God's will and the provisions of this covers everything, is no exception and cure disease that afflicts humans. Therefore, Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissallam said as narrated in the Qur'an.
وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين
"And when I was sick, then He is the cure". [Ash-Syu'ara: 80]
Formerly the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when there is either a family member suffering from illness, or when visiting a sick person, he wiped it away with his right hand, while praying.
اللهم رب الناس أذهب الباس اشفه وأنت الشافي لاشفاء إلاشفاؤك شفاء لايغادرسقما
"Ya Allah, the Lord of all mankind, sirnakanlah complaints, heal him, while thou Essence of Healing, there is no healing but the healing of thy healing that leaves no disease" [Agreed alaih]
Therefore, the hadith of Jabir Allaah anhu above, in addition to linking relief with the precision of the treatment, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also relate it to the will of God.
"When you've found the right drug with the disease, will undoubtedly be cured with the permission of Allah Almighty".
Rahimahullah Ibn Abd al-Barr said, "And on the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
أنزل الدواء الذي أنزل الأدواء
"The lowering drugs are (Essence), which lowers disease" [4]
There are arguments (which explains) that the cure, no one was able to hasten his arrival, and no one knows the time of his arrival. Indeed, I have watched some of the doctor (physician) who tried to treat the two people he considered to suffer from the same disease. Both are overwritten disease at the same time, the same age, originating from the same country, even sometimes they are two twin brothers, and their food was the same. Therefore, the doctor treating them with the same drug. However, one of them recovered, while others even death or prolonged illness. The second man was recently revived after so long, that it was time that God has set his recovery ". [5]
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani rahimahullah said, "Among the lessons contained in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
لمه من علمه وجهله من جهله
"The drug is known by those who know it and not known by people who do not know"
(Among those lessons is) what is experienced by most patients. He treatment of a disease with a drug and then he recovered. Then at other times he was ridden by the same disease, and he was treated with the same drug, but the drug was not effective. The cause of this kind of thing is ignorance (ignorance) about some of the character of the drug. Maybe there are two diseases are similar, while one of them consists of several causes (diseases / complications), so it can not be treated with drugs that have proven effective for treating diseases that are not complications, herein lies the mistake. And sometimes both diseases are similar, but God wants to heal not, then the drug was ineffective, and that's when the doctors collapsed arrogance (the doctor). [6]
Denied the presumption of the above explanation or understanding of most people that when a case has been declared as a cure for a disease it must be effective and the disease would disappear. Or, if immunization against the disease has been given then our children would be immune and protected from the disease. Wake up, O my brother, all we do and we seek God while only limited efforts to determine and ordain. Previously stated.
إذا وقع القدر بطل الحذر
"If fate has come so sirnalah prudence"
That is, if God has determined an illness befalls someone, or when death has come, the various efforts made to avoid human beings are no longer useful, and will of God is inevitable. Of religion we should not forget that whenever we are, and whatever our profession. Relation to the treatment of every disease that we suffer, it can be summarized in the following.
A. Should we believe, that the disease was God who created, and who determines that the disease is upon us is God. We need not complain, we accept it gracefully. Believe that the disease must be stored behind the thousands of lessons. In this way, whatever we would naturally good for us, both in this world or the hereafter.
عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له
"It's amazing how the affairs of a believer, in fact its affairs well, and it is not owned, but by those who believe. When he replaced pleasure, he was grateful, then it's fun to be good for him. And when he distress, he was patient, then the distress it is good for him "[Reported by Muslim]
2. The next thing we should do is to invoke the healing to God, grow in faith and conviction that only God who can heal our diseases. Therefore, the Prophet Shallallahui 'alaihi wa sallam taught his people prayer
اللهم رب الناس أذهب البأس اشفه وأنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما
"Ya Allah, the Lord of all mankind, sirnakanlah complaints, heal him, while thou art the Healer, no healing of thy melainan healing, healing that leaves no disease"
We often forget this. In fact, it often becomes a last prayer that we do in curing disease, or simply we do when the medical personnel had trouble, or we have a lot of money that has enveloped the despair and heart-maybe-we prayed with great doubt 'a healing appeal to God, saying, "Who knows our prayers answered." Subhanallah, with our medical staff are optimistic, but we doubt the power of God, so we said, "Who knows our prayers answered"?
[Copied from the Al-Furqan magazine, Issue 08, Year ke-10/Rabi 'ul Early 1432 (Feb - 2011. Published By Lajnah Da'wa Al-Furqan Ma'had Al-Islami, Address: Ma'had Al-Furqan, Srowo Sidayu Gresik in East Java]
Glimmer Advice To You O The Doctor

By Syahrul Fatwa cleric Abu Abdillah bin Lukman

Including the favors of Allah upon His servants is the God teaches and has preferred some people in the medical field. They help the sick and the cause after God in healing the sick. Here's a glimmer of advice that we wanted to convey to all the doctors of my brother, as a warning and counsel in his favor. Please accept this simple advice from your brother who did not want but good. Accept it with open heart, may God show us all to the straight path.
FIRST: GOD HAS MELEBIHKANMU O my brother-doctors-may God keep you. You have been given favor by God with a lot of favors. One of them is God has chosen you to become a doctor. This expertise is not shared by everyone. So be grateful for this great favor. Do not forget yourself. Remember the science we have is a gift from God. It is not we remember that once we do not know anything? God said.
وأنزل الله عليك الكتاب والحكمة وعلمك ما لم تكن تعلم وكان فضل الله عليك عظيما
"And Allah has sent down the Book and the wisdom to you, and have taught you what you do not know. And is a great gift of God is upon you "[An-Nisa: 113]
God also berfiman
والله أخرجكم من بطون أمهاتكم لا تعلمون شيئا وجعل لكم السمع والأبصار والأفئدة لعلكم تشكرون
And God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything, and He gave you hearing and sight and hearts, that ye may be grateful "[An-Nahl: 78]
Thus, medical science, doctors-you have is a gift from God, then give thanks to the science of how to use them in good favor.
SECOND: Intention who worships O my brother the doctor .... Intend when you run errands and treat to look for reward from Allah, not merely routine tasks or to achieve the abundant good luck. Intend of this noble task to do good to fellow Muslims, do not be drawn only to the affairs of the world. Remember, your job is very noble. Sincere in charity. However, this does not mean it should not take a salary in the treatment. Take the salary or the granting of the sick, but remember, do not be a burden to the patient to feel heavy. Give relief to the brethren who were stricken, God willing, your reward will be greater. God said.
وأحسنوا إن الله يحب المحسنين
"Be kind, for Allah loves those who do good" [Al-Baqarah: 199]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
من نفس مسلم كربة من كرب الذنيا نفس الله عنه كربة من كرب يوم القيامة ومن يسر على معسر فى الدنيا يسر الله عليه فى الدنيا والآخرة
"Those who paved the distress of the world from a believer, then God is paved from the distress in the Day of Judgment. Whoever ease (matters) for those who need it, then ease it in God's world and the Hereafter "[1]
Similarly, let your trust in carrying out this noble task. Do not tell the patient should buy this and that when not needed, or to prescribe expensive drugs that are not required to popularize the pharmacy where your job. Fear God from lies when on duty. Help your brother before God revoke this pleasure away from you
THIRD: DO WHEN IT WAS TIME Prayer Included is a form of thanksgiving to God if the prayer has echoed the prayers made haste depart. Do akhirkan prayer, because you are an example to the people around you. If you are doing good deeds in the hospital is urgent, such as being patient and surgery could not put it off, then why do not you pray to your job mengakhirkan completed, after which prayers haste. God said.
حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين
"Keep all the prayers (mu), and (guard) wusthaa prayer. Stand up for God (in prayers) with humility '"[Al-Baqarah: 238]
FOURTH: LEARNING SCIENCE OF RELIGION My brother, the doctor .. Perhaps you often find your patients do not understand how to perform ablutions and prayers ordinances of people who are sick. It is your duty to teach them, guide them how to keep worship when sick. O duty doctors to learn the science of religion, so you can direct the patient to the right path and serve it right anyway.
FIFTH: DO NOT alone with hands are not mahram. My brother, the doctor ... Sometimes the patient is a woman. If you can find a female doctor who can handle it then that is what it should be. However, if no then you still deal with the patient accompanied by a mahram. Do not just be alone with the patient wanitamu Duan, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
لا يخلون رجل بامرأة إلا ومعها ذومحرم
"Let not a man-Duan together with a woman except with mahram" [2]
If the patient mahram woman is not there, and there are no other female doctor, then you still treat while maintaining a reasonable fear of Allah. Treat as needed, do not add to the conversation is out of bounds.
SIXTH: awrah OPEN WOMEN? The next piece of advice, if your condition forced open and sue wanitamu patient's private parts, then open the nakedness of the sick that need to be treated, do not exaggerate. This is permissible because it includes an emergency. And it's an emergency measure only modest, if it has been completed then close it again. Fear is always to God to open the genitalia of female patients with no immediate need.
SEVENTH: KEEP CONFIDENTIAL PATIENT There are some patients who present the problem and tell you a secret, and his heart to you. So as a form of trust fellow Muslims, keep this secret and give the best solution and in accordance with the conditions, do not you spread the shame in the human audience. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
آية المنا فق ثلا ث: إذا حدث كذب, وإذا وعد أخلف, وإذا اؤتمن خان
"The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he told a lie, when he reneged on promises, and if given the mandate he was treasonous" [3]
EIGHTH: advising WITH KINDNESS If you see or know that your patient is healthy when people are arrogant, often interrupting others, and often commit sin, for example, then this trait when he fell ill, or even a weak soul, and turned like to receive advice, then use this golden opportunity be smooth and well advised. Tunjukilah into the path of righteousness. Hopefully when the recovered patient to be good and you also won a commensurate reward. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله
"He that leadeth goodness, then reward him like people who do it" [4]
NINTH: prostrate SOFT TO PATIENTS Whoever you find among your patients who have pain that is difficult to understand anjuranmu, recalcitrant in taking medication, dietary restrictions are violated, or to ask questions and others. Faced with the diverse nature of this patient is to be patient and gentle to them prostrate. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
إن الرفق لايكون في شيء إلا زانه ولا ينزع من شيء إلا شانه
"It is no tenderness in a case but will membaguskannya. And not forfeit the softness of a case but will pollute "[5]
Be patient in the doings of serving a diverse patient, gentle prostrate to them. Spread a smile, do not be surly, hopefully with the attitude like this can help cure them.
TENTH: READY WHEN ASKED TO ANY time The last piece of advice, expertise in treating that demands that you are always ready when there are people who need you. Ready at all times and places. Perhaps you hasten to leave when asked to help the cause-and-God-for his life after the life of a fellow Muslim brother. Keep in mind, perhaps with congratulations because you won your brother is a reward for good when he does recover. Contemplate always the word of God.
من أجل ذلك كتبنا على بني إسرائيل أنه من قتل نفسا بغير نفس أو فساد في الأرض فكأنما قتل الناس جميعا ومن أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعا
"Therefore, we set (a law) for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a human being, not because people were (kill) another person, or for spreading mischief on earth, as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever cares for the life of a human being, it is as if he had kept the whole of human life ". [Al-Maidah: 32]
Demikain we study this time. We should bear in mind that this study is extracted from Rasa'il Thabib Ila al-Muslim al-Thoriq work of Dr. bin Muhammad al-Khuwaithir with some addition by the author.
[Copied from the Al-Furqan magazine, Issue 08, Year ke-10/Rabi 'ul Early 1432 (Feb - 2011. Published By Lajnah Da'wa Al-Furqan Ma'had Al-Islami, Address: Ma'had Al-Furqan, Srowo Sidayu Gresik in East Java] _______ Correct Procedure Ruqyah Wednesday, March 31, 2010 15:04:22 PM

Ruqyah not alternative medicine. Are supposed to be the first choice of treatment when the disease struck a Muslim. As a means of healing, ruqyah existence should not be underestimated.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allaah have mercy said: "Verily, deeds are concerned with including a major. Concerned with including a habit of the prophets and righteous people. The prophets and righteous people constantly fend off the demons of the sons of Adam with the dictates of Allah and His Messenger ". [1]
Because of the importance of healing with ruqyah so, then every Muslim should know the correct procedure, so as to not deviate from the rules ruqyah syar'i.
Concerned with the procedures are as follows:
A. The belief that healing comes only from God.
2. Ruqyah be with the Qur'an, hadith, or the name and nature of God, with the Arabic language or language that is understandable.
3. Mengikhlaskan intent and expose themselves to God while reading and praying.
4. Read Surat Al Fatiha and blew limb pain. Similarly, reading the Al Falaq, An Naas, Al Ikhlash, Al infidels. And the whole of the Qur'an, can be used to basically concerned with. But the verses mentioned his arguments, would be more influential.
5. Appreciate the meaning contained in the Koran readings and prayers being read.
6. People who are concerned with reading ruqyahnya should play, whether in the form of verse of the Qur'an and the prayers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. In order for people to learn and feel comfortable that ruqyah which was read in accordance with the Shari'a.
7. Blow on the body of the sick in the middle of reading ruqyah. This problem, according to Shaykh Al Uthaymeen contain concessions. How, by blowing the water out gently without saliva. 'Aisha was asked about blowing the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in concerned with. He replied: "Like people who eat raisins puffs, no saliva (out)". (Muslim, Book of As Salam, 14/182). Or blow it out with a little saliva as described in the hadeeth of 'alaqah bin Shahhar As Salithi, when he was concerned with someone who is crazy, he says: "Then I read Al Fatiha to him for three days, morning and afternoon. Every time I finish, I collect and I ludahkan liurku water. He seems out of a bond ". [Reported by Abu Dawud, 4/3901 and Al Fathu Ar Rabbani, 17/184].
8. If you blow into the medium containing water or other, no problem. The best media for blowing the olive oil. Mentioned in the Hadith Malik bin Rabi'a, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
كلوا الزيت و ادهنوا به فإنه من شجرة مباركة
"Eat the olive oil, and rubbing the body with it. Because he comes from a plant full of blessings". [2]
9. Rub the sick person with the right hand. This is based on the hadith 'A'isha, he said: "Messenger of Allah, when faced with someone who complains of pain, he wiped it away with his right hand ...". [Reported by Muslim, Sharh An Nawawi (14/180].
Imam An Nawawi said: "In this hadith there is the suggestion to wipe the sick person with the right hand and pray. Many of the authentic history which I have gathered in the book Al Adzkar ". And by Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen said, the action taken by some people as concerned with the palm of the hand holding a sick person or a member of a particular body to read to him, (it) has no basis at all.
10. For people who are concerned with yourself, put your hand in a complaint saying بسم الله (Bismillah, 3 times).
أعوذ بالله و قدرته من شر ما أجد و أحاذر
"I seek refuge in Allah and His power of every evil which I have encountered and I'm afraid". [3]
In another report stated "In every sweep". Prayer was repeated seven times. Or read:
بسم الله أعوذ بعزة الله و قدرته من شر ما أجد من وجعي هذا
"I seek refuge in Allah and the might of His power of every evil which I have encountered from the pain of this". [4]
If there is pain throughout the body, how to blow two hands and rub into the face of the patient with both. [5]
11. When there is disease in one part of the body, head, foot or hand for example, then read on the site. Mentioned in the hadith of Muhammad bin Al Jumahi Hathib of his mother, Umm Jamil bint Al Jalal, he said: I came with you from Habashah. When you have arrived at Madinah night or two, I will cook for you, but runs out of firewood. I went out to look for it. Then the vessel touched my hand and arm roll hit. So I take you to the presence of the Prophet. I said: "The stake you with my father and mother, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad bin Hathib this". He spit in your mouth and rub your head and pray. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was spit on your hands as he read the prayer:
أذهب البأس رب الناس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما
"Eliminate the disease, O Lord of mankind. Heal, You are All Healers. There is no cure except Your healing, a drug that does not leave the disease" [6].
She (Umm Jamil) said: "It is not I stand with you from the side he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, unless your hand has healed".
12. If the disease is all over his body, or location is not obvious, like crazy, narrow chest or complaint to the eye, then read how to treat it with ruqyah in front of the patient. In a narration mentioned that the Prophet sallallaahu 'wa sallam laihi concerned with people who complain of pain. Mentioned in the history of Ibn Majah, from Ubay bin K'ab, he said: "She rushed to him and put him in the face he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Salla, m. Then I heard he membentenginya (ta'widz) with a letter of Al Fatihah ". [7]
Is ruqyah applies only to the diseases mentioned in the texts or diseases in general? In hadiths that talk therapy ruqyah, diseases mentioned is the influence of evil eye ('ayn), the spread could be toxic (humah) and namlah disease (humah). In connection with this problem, Imam An Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim: "I mean, ruqyah not mean only allowed on the three diseases. But the point that he was asked about three things, and He allow it. If asked about the others, it will allow it anyway. Because he was motioning for them besides, and he was never concerned with in addition to three earlier complaints ". (Saheeh Muslim, 14/185, As regards the book, chapter Istihbab Ar Ruqyah Minal 'Ain Wan Namlah). Thus at a glance how ruqyah. Hopefully useful. (Red).
Maraji `: A. Risalatun Fi Ar Ahkami Ruqa Tamaim At Wa Wa Ash Syar'iyyah Ruqyah Shifatu Ar, works Abu Ibrahim Muhammad ibn Mu'adh. Corrected Shaikh Abdur Rahman Abdullah bin Jibrin. 2. Kaifa Tu'aliju Maridhaka Bi Ar Ruqyah Syar'iyyah Ash, by Abdullah bin Muhammad As Sadhan, Introduction to Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mani ', Dr Abdullah Jibrin, Dr. Nasir al-'Aql and Dr. Muhammad Al Khumayyis, Cet X, Rabi End, the Year of 1426H.
[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine Issue 06 / / Year IX/1426H/2005M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]
Ruqyah The Wrong Thursday, April 1, 2010 22:55:12 PM

Truth ruqyah as a treatment has been proven by scholars first. As in the present (and past), the practice of medicine that is recommended by the Sunnah of the Prophet, seem to experience a shift in procedures and objectives. This shift, in addition has led to misperceptions about the ruqyah, also raises concerns regarding the matter of belief.
Deviations occurred, of which stemmed from the dual case. First, blind or not understand the problems of religion. Second, confirming the genie crap that pervades a person's body. For example, the Arab throws advice to people who will be treating, by saying, for example, people with this condition so, read the verse is the verse, or write the Qur'an in a certain way then it's done. From here, the therapist then follow the instructions genie that many people plunge into the abyss of unlawful acts.
Here we mention among ruqyah mistakes in practice.
A. Invites Jin To Communicate And Justifying her chatter. Frequent communication with the genie and asking him questions about many issues. Both of his name, age and faith. People are too easy to believe. This phenomenon will only lead men into destruction and violation. People seemed to forget that the genie is not the source talaqqi science. For kedustaanlah jin dominating lunge. This is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to Abu Hurayrah: "He (now) be honest to you, but he being a liar".
Practice as above an element of a violation of the instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Shaykh al-Albani said: In the past, the people who handle ruqyah before a trance, just handled a few individuals who worships the amount is not much. Whereas now, there were hundreds of people. Even includes a bunch of women mutabarrijah (dandy). As a result of this practice deviates from its status as a means of treatment syar'i - which is only done by the experts, turned into a phenomenon and the means of life are not known Shari'a or medical science as well. Instead I think including the practice dajl (lies) and the devil whispers to his enemy, man .... Anyone who asks for help in removing the influence of a magic genie or jinn would like to know the identity of a person who is possessed - the genie is male or female, Muslim or pagan-and later justified by the earlier and also the people who were with him, surely they are included in the content of the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "Whoever came soothsayer, or sorcerer, and justify his comments, he has denied the minutes revealed to Muhammad". [This is narrated by Imam Muslim and others. See Ghayatul Irwa `, no. 2006]. So I would like to give feedback to them-if they still run-time to communicate with spirits, not to exceed the instructions of the Prophet who just says "Come out, O enemy of Allah". See Genealogical Saheehah, 6/1009-1010.
Communication in the treatment of this would be bad ruqyah, including:
First: The occurrence of slander and enmity between people. Therefore, when the genie says that So and so is the actor who smuggle the influence of magic, and is heard by many people, it can lead to enmity and hatred among the Muslims. How many ties are broken, homes destroyed and families shattered because of the word jinn is in the body of the victim possessed?
Second: Jin will be longer lived in the victim's body, because reading the Koran with the communication is terminated.
2. Animal slaughtering sacrifices for Jin. This act of haram, because it is included in the category of Shirk. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Allah has cursed the person who slaughtered for other than Allah".
3. Too Dependent On Experience. Because it is too loose, many peruqyah which has its own way, differently from the way other colleagues. They argue, in this way has been through trials and it worked.
For example, smearing oil on certain body parts, read the Koran in front of the vessel with water and ablution, nor to bathe with excessive use of fragrant wood (bukhur), the use of violent means to intimidate the genie, the wish to burn it, or even wanted to kill him. Means used sometimes with beatings, strangulation (the victim), darken the room where the therapy, some parts of the body to burn victims. Or by doing ruqyah in front of the crowd to save time. How, using loudspeakers in mosques to focus on the verses as verses ruqyah claimed.
Shaykh Al-Albani said: "Not every useful experience shows, that in that way according to the Shari'a. Because, if this issue was opened freely, it will open a leeway for lies, heresy and superstition. Or did not rule out the occurrence of shirk ".
4. As a reader Ruqyah profession. There are some people who concern themselves with how to treat ruqyah. Time out just to read in front of people who are sick. Shelter extended and ready for the arrival of the patient. Schedule of visits was established as hospitals. Busyness is used as a work for a living. This phenomenon will cause a negative impact.
First: Most people would think, that this peruqyah has its own privileges. The proof is a lot of visitors come to him. As a result, lead to the assumption, if the position of the reader of the Koran exceed the reading position, namely the Koran. Therefore, any access to the resulting weakening of confidence in the Koran should be prevented.
Second: The peruqyah might also thinks he has super strength so that the demons of defeat in front of him. So that the disease 'and arrogant ujub possessed, as well as other bad feelings.
Formerly, in the days of friends, there are so many friends who are known prayers had been answered, such as Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash, and also from the Uwais Al Qarni tabi'in. Even so, it is unknown which showed atsar people thronged his house to ask for prayer. Though efficacious prayer is needed for people to improve the world and akhiratnya.
Third: People who busied themselves to concerned with, is like a person who specializes to pray for others, because the same type. Is it appropriate for a Muslim to say, come here I'll pray for you. Moreover, this practice is deadly to the spirit of people concerned with yourself and ask for healing from God alone.
5. Asking Wages With Various Ways. Trade-off is done with a variety of ways: First: To force given the high wages. Second: Rejecting concerned with except upon receipt of a nominal value of the patient. Thirdly: Intentionally repeating and extending the treatment time so that it can receive a wage for every occasion. Fourth: They said he did not ask for wages, but there are only buying and selling water "magic" that has been read ruqyah him. Air "magic" mixed with some natural ingredients, then sold at high prices.
6. Make-Dhikr Dhikr New In Religion. Mentioned in several books of treatment with Koran verses, dhikr, dhikr common in the Shari'a, but how to read the terms stipulated by the special ways.
For example, the provisions of this paragraph or dhikr that is read twenty times or a hundred times. Though there is absolutely no testimony in religion. Concrete examples in the book Itsbatu 'Ilaji Jami'i Amradhi Bil Al Qur'an (the healing of all diseases with the provisions of the Koran). Described in the book, after the author mentions the verses of therapy, he adds a provision "should be written in Chinese-made plates, white with no ornamentation. This is certainly a mistake.
Besides the ways ruqyah wrong above, there are still some other deviant ways, such as:
- Convinced that ruqyah really helpful and a healing factor. - Opening of treatment by asking the patient's name and mother's name. - Ask for objects that are never used in patients. - Ask for slaughter in a special way. And sometimes, after it ordered the agency to smear the blood of patients with these animals. - Jot down a few sentences that can not be understood as Morse code or dotted letters. - Conducting a phrase muttered incomprehensible. - Equipping the patient with a body to be buried around the house. - States are able to tell the patient about her condition. - The sight of the signs of wickedness in a peruqyah, like lazy to pray in congregation. - In the treatment of women, arguing as a healer or by reason of necessity, sometimes the female genitalia peruqyah open, saw a woman in the middle of treatment, the patient places a hand on a woman's body or rubbing cream on some members of his body. In fact, she is the greatest fitnah for men. This is where the devil tried to plunge into the abyss of the therapists Shari'ah under the pretext of violation of healing, and many others.
Thus ruqyah practice that could be considered to represent the unfolding of some of the errors that occur around the ruqyah. For those who do ruqyah therapy, should adhere to the instructions of the Koran and the Sunnah are authentic. Do not let the devil making fun of them. Allah says, which means: Then let those who violate the Prophet's command to overwrite fear Allaah ordeal of a painful or overwritten. [Surah An Nur verse 63]. (Red)

Ruqyah, Healing With Al-Qur `an and Sunnah
By Al-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

Allah created the creatures by giving trials and testing, and then sue the consequences of pleasure, which is grateful, and consequent distress, the patient. This could happen by God to reverse many of the human condition that human beings worship God becomes apparent. Many arguments suggest that disaster, suffering and disease are common to humans. And all that would befall them, to bring worship to God alone, and to see who the best charity.
"What makes life and death, that He may test you, who among you a better charity. And He is Mighty, Forgiving" [Al Mulk: 2]
Life is not free from trials and testing and even the trials and testing are the laws of life. Humans are tested in all things, both in the groove of things and in terms of the hated and disliked. He said:
"Every soul shall taste death. We will test you with evil and good as a trial (in truth). And just to Us you shall be returned". [Al Anbiya ': 35].
Of this verse, Ibn Abbas said: "We will test you by hardships, joy, health and illness, wealth and poverty, halal and haram, obedience and immoral, hints and error". [1]
Various diseases is part of the trial of God given to His servants. Indeed, the trials it was established under the laws of grace and the silver lining. Behold, God does not specify anything, either kauni destiny (fate that certainly applies in this universe) or syar'i, but in it there is a very big lesson, so it may not be illogical to the human mind. Various trials, trials, suffering, disease and hardship, they have benefits and wisdom very much.
These days, many diseases that afflict humans. There is a known cure, and some are not yet known cure. This is a trial from God, who is also a result of sin and sinners by man. He said:
"And whatever misfortune befall you, it is caused by the act of God to forgive your own hands and the majority (of faults)". [Ash-Shura: 30].
There must be some cure any disease. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ما أنزل الله داء إلا أنزل له شفاء
"God did not reduce disease, but surely lowering medicine". [2]
لكل داء دواء, فإذا أصيب دواء الداء برأ بإذن الله
"Every disease has a cure. If a drug is appropriate (effective) for a disease, it will recover with the permission of Allah". [3]
A Muslim, when overwritten disease, he must endeavor to find the medicine to try to the fullest. In an effort to treat his illness, then it must consider three things.
First: That the only means of medicine and healing physician. As for who really is God's cure.
God says, tells the Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissallam.
".. And when I am ill, he was the one who healed me". [Asy Syu'ara ': 80].
"If God inflict harm anything to you, then nothing can remove it except He. And if Allah willed goodness for you, then no one can resist grace. He gives it to whom goodness among His servants He pleases, and He is the All-forgiving, Most merciful ". [Yunus: 107].
Second: In the endeavor or trying to find a drug, should not be done in ways that are haram and shirk.
Such unlawful treatment by using an illicit drug or illicit goods, because God did not create the recovery of illicit goods.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن الله خلق الداء والدواء, فتداووا ولا تتداووا بحرام
"Verily, Allah created the disease and the cure, then seek medical treatment but do not seek it (drugs) are illegal". [4]
إن الله لم يجعل شفاء كم في حرام
"Verily, Allah does not make recovery (from illness) you on what is forbidden". [5]
Also should not be treated with things that shirk, such as: alternative medicine by approaching shamans, witches, psychics, smart people, using a genie, treatment with long-distance and so are not in accordance with the Shari'ah, which can lead to fall to the great sin of shirk and the greatest. People who come to the shaman or wise man, he will not be accepted for forty days. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من أتى عرا فا فسأله عن شيء, لم تقبل له صلاة أربعين ليلة
"Those who come to the shaman (a psychic or fortune-tellers), then ask him about something, then it will not be accepted for forty nights". [6]
من أتى عرا فا أو كاهنا فصدقه بما يقول, فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد
"Those who come to the clever (soothsayer or shaman), and he confirmed what he was saying, then indeed he has disbelieved in what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad". [7]
If someone exposed to magic, witchcraft, black magic, possession, or jinn, and other chronic diseases that never healed, so once again he should not go to shamans, witches or psychics. The act is a grave sin. Similarly, one should not ask them about the disease and about the things unseen, because no one knows the unseen matter, but only God alone; even the Prophet was not aware of the unseen matter. He said:
"Say:" I can not tell you, that the treasury of God is upon me, and not (too) I know the unseen and not (too) I tell you that I am an angel. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. "Say:" Are the blind and the seeing? "Will ye not think his (her)?" [Al-An `am: 50].
Third: Treatment with what is shown and taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as ruqyah, reciting verses from the Koran and prayer-prayer that authentic; as well as honey, habbatus Seed (caraway black), zam-zam water, cupping (gross bleeding with a bruise), and others. Treatment and cure of the most good with the verses of the Koran because the Koran is a guide for mankind, healing and a mercy to the believers.
No doubt, that the healing of the Koran and the teaching that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ruqyah form, is a worthwhile healing, as well as the perfect antidote. He said:
"Say," the Koran is the guide and antidote for those who believe ". [Fushshilat: 44].
"And we send down from the Koran to be something bidder and mercy for the believers". [Al-Isra ': 82].
Understanding "of the Koran" in the paragraph above is the Koran itself. Because the Koran as a whole is as a healer, as mentioned in the paragraph above. [9]
He said:   "O mankind, there came to you the lessons from your Rabb, and a remedy for the diseases (that are) in the chest, a guidance and mercy for the believers". [Yunus: 57].
Thus, the Koran is the perfect remedy among all heart medication and physical medicine, as well as a cure for all ills of the world and the hereafter. Not everyone is capable and has the ability to do the healing with the Koran. If the treatment and cure of it is done well against the disease, with the underlying belief and faith, full acceptance, the conviction is for sure, the terms are met, then no one penyakitpun are able to fight for good. How might these diseases will oppose and resist the words of the Lord of earth and heaven, that if the words that come down the mountain, he will ravage the mountains? Or if it came down to earth, He would certainly have split? Therefore, no heart disease and physical ailments but also in the Koran there is a way of healing, causes, and prevention against the person who was blessed by God's understanding of his book. Allah 'Azza wa Jalla (the All-mighty, All-glorious) has been mentioned in the Koran several liver diseases and physical, is also accompanied by the mention of the heart and physical healing.
Liver disease consists of two kinds, namely: illness doubtful (vague) or disease free and lust or passions. Allah Almighty has mentioned some of the sacred heart disease in detail along with a number of reasons, as well as how to cure these diseases. [10]
He said: "And is not enough for them, that we have sent down to thee the Book (Koran) is rehearsed to them? Verily in the Koran that there is a great blessing and a lesson for those who believe". [Al 'Ankabut: 51].
Al-'Allamah Ibn Qayyim rahimahullah suggested:
فمن لم يشفه القران فلا شفاه الله, ومن لم يكفه فلا كفاه الله.
"Those that can not be cured by the Koran, it means that God did not give him relief. And whoever is not paid back by the Koran, God did not give him sufficient". [11]
About diseases or physical body, the Koran has guided and showed us to the key points of the treatment and healing, as well as its rules. Rules of treatment of diseases of the body as a whole contained in the Koran, that there are three points: health care, protect yourself from things that can cause disease and removing the elements that destroy the body. [12]
If a servant does heal the Koran are good and true, surely he will see the amazing effect of the rapid healing.
Rahimahullah Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "At one time I ever sick, but I did not find a doctor or a cure. Then I tried to treat and cure myself with letters Al Fatihah, then I saw the most amazing effect. I grab a glass of zam-zam water and recite Al Fatihah to him a letter many times, and I drank until I get a complete recovery. Next I lean that way in treating various diseases and I feel a huge benefit ". [13]
Similarly, treatment with ruqaa (plural of ruqyah) Nabawi whose history is authentic, is a very useful drug. And also a prayer that offered. If prayer is to avoid the barriers that prayer granted, then it is very useful because in rejecting the things that are unpopular and the achievement of desired things. Thus it is one drug that is very useful, especially when applied repeatedly. And also serves as a prayer against misfortunes' (catastrophe), prevent and cure it, blocking the fall, or relieve it when it was time to go down. [14]
لا يرد القضاء إلا الدعاء, ولا يزيد في العمر إلا البر.
"Nothing can prevent qadha '(fate) other than prayer, and no one can give extra life unless the policy". [15]
But that must be understood correctly, that these verses, remembrance, remembrance, prayer, prayer and some ta'awudz (application for the protection of God) which is used to treat or to ruqyah, in fact in all the verses, dhikr- dhikr, prayer-prayer. Ta'awudz itself is a huge benefit and can also heal. However, it requires acceptance (of the sick) and those who treat the power and influence. If a cure fails, then so was caused by the weak influence of the perpetrator, or the absence of acceptance by the parties who were treated, or the presence of strong barriers that prevent them drug reactions.
Treatment with ruqyah this can be achieved with the two aspects, namely from the patient (the sick) and of the people who treat.
Derived from the patient, is a strength of himself and of his sincerity in dependence on God, and his conviction is certain that the Koran is as a healer as well as a mercy for believers. And ta'awudz correct, the fit between the liver and oral, then so it is a form of resistance. While someone who did fight, he will not gain a victory from the enemy except with two things, namely:
First: The state of the weapons used to be true, and good hands that use it must also be strong. If one of them is missing, then the weapon will not mean much; especially if both of the above does not exist, the empty heart of monotheism, resignation, piety, tawajjuh (face, depending entirely to Allah) and do not have a weapon.
Second: Of those who treat the Koran and Sunnah also must meet both of the above [16]. Therefore, Ibnut Fig rahimahullah said: "Ruqyah ta'awudz by using a few sentences and the other of the names of God is a spiritual medicine. If done by an oral people are good, then by the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala healing will manifest. " [17]
The scholars have agreed to allow ruqyah with three conditions, namely: [18] First: Ruqyah it by using the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, or asthma 'and his attributes, or the words of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Second: Ruqyah it should be spoken in Arabic, spoken clearly and understood its meaning. Third: It must be believed, that the influence is not ruqyah Essence itself, but the influence is the power of God. The ruqyah only be one reason alone. [19]
And Allaah knows best Shawab bish, Washallahu 'ala Nabiyina Muhammadin sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam.
Maraji ': A. Tafseer Ibn Jarir Tabari, Cet. Pole Dar Al 'Ilmiyyah, H. Year 1412 2. Zaadul Ma'ad Fi Hadyi Khairil Ibad, juz 4, by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, tahqiq Syu'aib and Abdul Qadir al-Arna UTH, Cet. Ar Muassassah Proceedings, Year 1415 H. 3. Fathul Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, Cet. Darul Fikr. 4. Majid Fathul Kitabut Sharh Tawhid, ta'lif Abdurrahman bin Hasan bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, tahqiq Dr. Walid bin Abdurrahman Al Furayyan, H. Year 1419 5. Adda 'wad Dawa', by Ibn al-Qayyim, Shaykh Ali Hasan bin tahqiq Halabi. 6. Al 'Ilaj Bir `Minal Ruqa Was Sunnah Book, by Dr. Sa'id bin Al Qahthan Wahf
[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine Issue 06 / / Year IX/1426H/2005M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]

Specializing law concerned with, and Make Yourself To Work For Stay
By Al-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

At this day and age, there are some thullabul ilmi (claimant syar'i science) became famous for treating people with ruqyah. The ability concerned with making it known so that it can be found the means are in the midst of society.
With so many benefits obtained from the concerned with this, they are willing to let go of busy-busy and take a shortcut by a craftsman specializing ruqyah. They also extend the time for that lot and is always ready when there are people who come for treatment, so keep them busy to set the hours for treatment as the doctors and hospital specialists, and concerned with making this a permanent job (profession).
They specialize in and make it as concerned with job security (livelihood) that made him famous. In this way could bring harm to both peruqyah itself and for those who diruqyah. Among harm include:
With so many visitors who come for treatment to peruqyah, could cause misunderstanding among the laity. They think, just by looking at the many visitors who come to him, peruqyah is having specificity that is not owned by anyone else. Thus, the importance of exceeding importance peruqyah readings that are read by peruqyah earlier, the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Even ordinary people no longer see the importance of what is read by peruqyah, but just look at the peruqyah that's all.
In the case concerned with, the real benefit is what is read from the Koran, while peruqyah itself just to read it. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"And We sent down the Koran from a bidder and a mercy for the believers ..." [al-Isra ': 82].
In another letter of Allah said: "... Say:" the Koran is the antidote and guidance for those who believe .... " [Fushilat: 44].
We do not deny any of keshalihan peruqyah atsar, strong faith, his tsiqah to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and tawakalnya him, but actually, he's just read it. Because having a healing effect, actually is kalamullah, namely the Koran al Karim is read by the peruqyah it.
So what every person against kalamullah undermine confidence, then it should be prevented and is not allowed.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: "So the Koran had been the perfect remedy for all liver diseases, disease entity, and the ills of the world and the hereafter. No one could cure her except him. If someone was to improve the way medical treatment using the Koran, then had him put on the sick limb with confidence and faith, accept gracefully, and with a steady conviction, and all its terms are met, then the disease does not will ever get in the way of healing. Because how could the disease can prevent or fight the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, his Lord whatever is in the heavens and the earth when the Koran was sent down on the mountain, the mountain will be destroyed, or if you inherited the earth , then the earth itself will be cut and split "[1].
If we look at the sirah (life's journey) Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, his companions sirah and history of the Muslim clerics who do not doubt their faith and the excess, then we will not find anyone among them who left their jobs and specializes in opening practice of medicine through ruqyah. We also will not get either one of them that make ruqyah for a living, so that made them famous among the people, when called his name, then this job is called its name.
No doubt, that every time these diseases increase. But we do not see any one of the leaders of the Muslims who attribute themselves as builders ruqyah as penisbatan the mufti (fatwa giver) and Qadi (judge). In ancient times, people who suffer from an illness, and he alone is concerned with using the Book of Allah (Koran) and the prayer-prayer that comes from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And if there is someone who is sick, then he diruqyah by people who understood the religion, then it is okay. As mentioned in the hadith of Jabir bin Abdillah, he said: There is one among us who were bitten by a scorpion at the time we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, then there is a saying, "Yes, Messenger of Allah. Meruqyahnya May I? "Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من استطاع منكم أن ينفع أخاه فليفعل
"Whoever among you is able to provide benefits to his brother, let him do". [2]
I wish to specialize and make it as concerned with a steady job (profession) and spread it among the people is a virtue, of the friends would do it earlier than us. This, as well as a practice which is part of Islamic law, but done in a way that does not comply with the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and never performed by the friends and well-regarded by the community, so it includes heresy. This is consistent with the explanation of Salt As the son of Bahram, he said: "It was a day of Allaah ibn Mas'ud 'anhu walked past a woman who was holding prayer beads that he uses to glorify, then Ibn Mas'ud was cut off and threw the rosary ". Then he also passed a man who was hymn (praise to Allah) by using small stones, he was kicking the stones with his feet, and then said, 'Negligence has brought kebid'ahan which is a kezhaliman, or you have exceeded the science of the Companions of Allaah 'anhum?'. "[3]
Actually, that makes the builders ruqyah in our time is more famous, because they provide special places to meet them when they like, as do the doctors, merchants or other corporate owners.
If Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah opened a special place for would-be concerned with many who came, and then he was busy just to meet them when they want, of course he will not be able to teach science syar'i, and also can not explain the truth about Islam people. What's more in the days of ignorance are overwhelmed as it is today and spread ignorance and superstition, addicted to other than Allah, to the saints the devil, the sheikh and to a certain figure.
The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah they do not specialize solely to serve ruqyah treatment with this, because they really understand the religion of Islam, may God have mercy-. The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah many busied themselves with their studies to understand the Islam religion, mendakwahkannya and strive in the way of Allah.
The devil, when seeing someone to peruqyah dependence who had helped him, then without his knowledge, the demon will pretend to be afraid to peruqyah, will then say that he would come out of the body and the person who had entered the semisalnya, with the aim to increase confidence in the had to peruqyah stronger than his belief in what is read by peruqyah it. In addition, the demons also meant for the layman believes that ruqyah has its own peculiarities.
In the history of Abu Dawud with lafazhnya as follows: Zainab, the wife of Abdullah bin Mas'ud c - said: Surely Abdullah saw a thread around my neck, and he said, "What is this?" I replied, "Yarn for meruqyahku". Zainab said: Then Abdullah took it, then cut it, then he said: You all O Abdullah family, really do not want to shirk. I've heard the Messenger of Allah said.
إن الرقى والتمائم والتولة شرك
"Indeed ruqyah [4], tamimah [5], and tiwalah [6] is shirk".
So I said: "It was my eyes water, and so and so I treated the Jews. If he meruqyahku, so I feel good ".
Abdullah then said: It's just a vicious act. Satan is to stimulate her with his hand. Therefore, if he is concerned with, he kept him from guilt. You will but suffice to say as the Prophet said.
أذهب البأس رب الناس, واشف أنت الشافى, لاشفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لايغادر سقما.
"O Rabb Hilangkanlah human disease, and heal! You are the Essence of Healing, there is no cure except for the healing you, healing that leaves no disease". [7]
The cunning of Satan on people was immense, to the extent not known, except by those who faqih in religious matters. As for what ordinary people do when they hear strange stories about the peruqyah, they are only competing to see artisans ruqyah and provide them with wages that are not few in number. Even more so when they heard that the demons to speak with the tongue of people who had entered before peruqyah, then peruqyah had made a pact with the devil was not to enter again into the body of the person who entered it.
The more scattered bizarre stories like this, the more people who come to this peruqyah with a view to ensuring that in him there is no genie. If these circumstances are true Karamah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then it must be for peruqyah it for fear of repercussions caused by the offense. Especially if he can not guarantee that it could lead to istidraj, or it was just a deception of Satan.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "When the events that are extraordinary to happen to someone, then it does not reduce the degree of that person. Many of the righteous people who repent of anything like this. they repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as repentance those who do sins, like the sin of adultery and stealing. They complained about it to others then pray ask Allaah to eliminate them. They were also ordered to people who want to repent so do not expect these strange happenings, then making it an ambition to be acquired. Do not be too proud of it and thought that it was as part of Karamah. What if, if it's really vicious act with the intent to mislead them? Because I know, the people who had been invited to speak by the plants, he tells us that in him there is no benefit. I know, actually talk to them it is the demons that exist in these plants. I also understand the people who were told by a stone, a tree, then rocks and the trees said to them, "I hope to please you, O guardian of God". When recited verses to her seat, then there goes all that. I also understand people who go and catch a bird and then the birds were said to him, "Bring me that I was eaten by the people who desperately need". It can happen, because the devil entered into the bird's body; as he enters into the human body, and said as spoken earlier ". [8]
It may be that people who are concerned with the feeling that he was one of the guardians of God worship Him, or feel proud and whatnot. This is because so many diseases that have been cured by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala through ruqyahnya; as well as see how the devil afraid of him and directly out of the possessed person, and others. The first salafush deeds, may God have mercy on them, feeling scared and worried about things like this, and they closed the entrance of such feelings.
People who are concerned with, as was mentioned earlier, it is not like a doctor who visited her patients to seek treatment, because a doctor is treating with medications that are known, and he did not know that the drug benefit itself unless the patient is saying him about his illness. Even a patient believes that his recovery was dependent on drugs provided by physicians, not by the treating physician. This is different from a peruqyah; then he thought that healing depends on him not to what they read, by reason of the Koran on every Muslim, they can read them anytime they want, but even so, they surrendered to the it should read the peruqyah. This could include feelings and pride in self ujub peruqyah; he thought himself to a variety of prejudices. No doubt, stay away from things like this is better. Allah knows best shawab bish.
One of the criticisms that need to be directed to the builders ruqyah using procedures which are not exemplified syar'i. That is, sometimes they speak without knowledge based. For example, if they are concerned with someone, but the genie is in the person's body would not talk, they simply say "there is no genie in the body, but you just hit 'ain', or saying" there is no genie in the body and is also a disease 'ain'. They also said "we are not concerned with the possession, but the genie was definitely going to talk and dialogue with us due to our fear, or the passages we read."
Things like this does not necessarily reflect the peruqyah is knowledgeable. Because the people who actually possessed, if recited prayers and dhikr, dhikr which is used to concerned with, then the genie is in the body's fear, because fear is that he was speaking. Or maybe the genie did not speak and not fear. So, from where the builders ruqyah said with conviction, that there is no genie or disease 'ain in a trance of self that is diruqyahnya? Trance like this could happen, because the sick person had left the prayers taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and instead he was convinced by the words of the carpenter ruqyah. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"And do not follow what you do not know the knowledge of it. Fact hearing, sight and hearts, it would be held to account". [Al-Isra ': 36].
It is necessary also criticized from the peruqyah, that is how they bring together people who come for treatment to her, then he read to them at once with a single reading, in order to shorten the time, because so many people came to him for treatment. Then the visitors had to take saliva peruqyah using their vessels. Or hold special assemblies to invite more people to diruqyah, then diruqyah one by one, with a view as to the community as a media spectacle of mass treatment.
Seeing so many advantages gained by using such means by the peruqyah, as many possessions, then some shaman or wise man and a big liar vying ruqyah manifest themselves as a handyman. They also opened a special places for this purpose, mixing truth with falsehood, so opening the doors of destruction to mankind. Thus, it is difficult to deny the shaman and smart people, because it mixes with people who do not confuse them with deceptive reading or forecast which made it difficult to distinguish between them. And a kemungkaran it plunged to destruction, it is mandatory for us to prevent it, even people who do it well-intentioned.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and his companions as well as renowned scholars forbid to hang Koran kalamullah though it is, as a way of forbidding, so it does not lead to the gallows tama'im [9]. And as this is difatwakan by the Standing Committee Ad Da'imah Buhutsil Lil 'Scientific Wal Ifta' Saudi Arabia. [10]
People who specialize in and concerned with making it a permanent job (profession), they thought if it was okay to do that laws are made and the Sunnah, and the Sunnah, including one who is a legal syar'i worship. Then this act could plunge them into the act of heresy, because it makes ruqyah as a profession has never been done by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and not also by the Rashidun khulafa'ur.
As happened in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, when some friends of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam passed through a water source nearby there is a group of people. One of a group of people are bitten by venomous animals. Then one of them said: "Did any of you concerned with because it can be near water sources that there are people who stung the beast?" Then came one of the companions of Al-Fatihah read a letter to the agreement, if he recovered, he paid with a goat. Once read, the man was healed, and he gave a goat, in accordance with their previous agreement. When the friend came back to his party by bringing a goat, his party would not accept the goat and said, "You have taken wages from the book of Allah". When they reached the city of Medina, they also reported the incident to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They said, "O, Messenger of Allah. Can we take the wage of the Book of Allah? "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then said:
إن أحق ما أخذتم عليه أجرا كتاب الله.
"The best reward is that you take the wages of the Book of God". [11]
Some friends have known for prayer is efficacious, such as Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas. He was one of ten people who were given the good news to go to heaven, and among those who prayed for by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that her prayers were answered. Sa'ad said: Messenger of Allah pray for:
اللهم استجب له إذا دعاك
"O God, graciously his prayer when he prayed to You". [12]
There was also some tabi'in (followers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) as Uwais Al Qarni Allaah' anhu. However, even so, it does not make the Muslims desperately need their prayers kemustajaban to improve the world and the religion of the Muslims, even though there is no prohibition syar'i to come and ask for prayers to them, as did Umar bin Al z to Uwais Qarni, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam memberitahukannnya to do just that. However, no doubt, if Umar saw people of Madinah gathered at the Uwais to ask for prayer, as well as residents of Mecca and Iraq, he will prevent it, although he also had asked for prayer to Uwais. This he did for fear of slander on the people themselves and for their own Uwais. And because Uwais Al Qarni kefakihan Allaah 'anhu, he tried to hide his prayer blessing and not plunge yourself and others against defamation.
Narrated Jabir bin of USAir. In the past, when Umar Allaah 'anhu was visited by a delegation that came from the country of Yemen, he asked them: "Did any of you have called Uwais bin Amir?" As he pointed out to Uwais, then he said: "Do you Uwais bin Amir? "He replied," Yes, I Uwais bin Amir. "He said," Uwais Qarni from Bani, of the tribe of Murad? "Uwais said, 'Yeah, right.' Umar then said," Once you been affected by leprosy, but after that you were cured, but still lag a bit longer? "Uwais said, 'Yeah, right." Then Umar continued, "You have a mother?" Uwais said, "Yes." After that' Umar said: again, "I heard the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' will come to you Uwais bin Amir with a group of delegation from the country of Yemen, he was from the tribe of Bani Murad Qarni. Previously he had been exposed to leprosy, but he was cured of the disease but still lags a bit longer. He was very devoted to his mother. When he was sworn in the Name of Allah, because of his devotion to his mother, Allah will grant every request. If you want him to ask forgiveness for you to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then do it '.' Umar then said: "Pray for forgiveness for me to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala". After that Uwais also pray that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala forgive.
After that Umar asked, "Interlocking where are you?" He replied, "To the country of Kufa." Umar said, "Do you want me write a letter to the governor in there?" He replied, "I'm more pleased with these poor people. "narrator says:" After one year of their meeting, one of the chiefs of Bani Qarni come to Makkah to perform Hajj. When the chiefs were meeting with Umar Allaah 'anhu, Umar asked him about the state of Uwais. The chief then replied, "I leave him in a very sad, very poor." Hearing the answer, then tell him what Umar as the Lord the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam him about Uwais. Umar said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' I'll come to you Uwais bin Amir with a group of delegation from the country of Yemen, he is from Qarni surnamed Bani Murad. Previously he had been exposed to leprosy, but he was cured of the disease, but still left a little longer. If you want him to ask forgiveness for you to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then do it '. "
When finished working on the Hajj, the chief went home and went straight to Uwais, then said to him: "Pray forgive me for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala." Uwais said, "You have just returned from a trip deeds (virtues). You are more appropriate to ask me forgiveness to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Did you meet with Omar? "The chief replied:" Yes, I met him. "After that Uwais were praying, so people can know about him, then walked away. USAir said: "Uwais burdah wear. And everyone who saw the clothes, they must ask, where did Uwais get that dress? "[13]
Ruqyah essentially the same as prayer, prayer and even categorized as a semisalnya. If the inhabitants of a country alternately come to someone who seems to be a benefit to their children in a way to tahnik it with dates or other, then there are many people who come bring their children to the tahnik. Become visible at the time of the Prophet, many babies are born, but not brought to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked for in tahnik. Therefore, should be concerned with people who are concerned about him or against them of defamation.
The irony in this day and age, there are some thullabul ilmi (claimant syar'i science) is visited by thousands of people with the purpose of requesting ruqyah him, then they leave the clergy; if they are not afraid to slander ujub, riya ', arrogant and so?
If it is clear in this matter there is damage to the community, especially the ordinary people, the onset of dependence and their submission to peruqyah greater than dependence and submission to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His word, they thought, healing is associated with only peruqyah because at the number of visitors who come to see, while this is something they have never seen in most of the righteous scholars, no doubt, to prevent the destruction of the good is better than expected, especially when the devastation is greater than the expected good . In addition, concerned with such a well can bring damage to themselves peruqyah own: for example, distinguished himself and make him feel proud, then start ruqyah in ways that have never known among scholars salafush righteous, as a way hit, or a certain style, or read of the hundreds of people simultaneously with one reading, then blew on their vessels after passage. All this is an act of heresy.
Those who specialize concerned with, just like people who specialize themselves to pray for others; and thus, ruqyah and prayer are the same. So it is proper for a prosecutor science says "come here, come to me, I will pray for you".
This is contrary to the instructions of the salafush deeds. In addition, Umar formerly of Allaah 'anhu and other companions and the tabi'in hate when someone comes asking for their prayers. They said "if we are a prophet?"
The negative impact of this spread, which could cast doubt on the lay person and the people who are not knowledgeable, they thought, this is the correct way of doing ruqyah, so they go ask ruqyah to others and forget about the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam in concerned with, which is concerned with self and surrender before Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to invoke healing in Him.
The conclusion from the above explanation, that specializes into peruqyah and make it as a profession (livelihood), according to the explanation of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah, not justified. Things like this will plunge to the danger, slander, etc., as described above. And Allaah knows best shawab bish.
Hopefully this article useful for writers, thullabul 'ilmi and the Muslims. Hopefully we still were shown to the right path, follow the Koran and Sunnah according to the understanding Salafush Salih.
Washallahu'ala Nabiyyina Muhammadin sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Like gay disease therapy

By Cleric Muhammad Arifin Badri

In each of the treatment process, the first step taken by the physician or medical personnel are making a diagnosis. The goal, is to find the cause of the illness. Diagnosis can be reached by a variety of ways, ranging from interviews with patients, up to the test laboratory using advanced technology.
Islam itself has facilitated the treatment process. That is the way to teach his flock diagnostic results that really actual. Allah Ta'ala has lowered the disease, has been reported to us that among the factors that cause disease is the arrival of our own sin.
Allah Ta'ala says:
وما أصابكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم الشورى 30
"And whatever misfortune befall you, then it is the result of his own hand-made". [Asy-Syûrâ/42: 30]
Abu Bilaad rahimahullah born blind in the state asked the al-'Ala' ibn Badr rahimahullah: "How can these verses apply to him, when he suffered a blind eye since the mother's womb?"
Answer al-'Ala' ibn Badr very surprising, he said: "It is a result of the sins of your parents". [1]
In short, the diseases that afflict us, not least diseases like the same sex is possible is the result of sin, whether we do or are carried by people who are around us.
DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES LIKE OTHERS Here are some of the acts of sin or error that may have been experienced by people who prefer same-sex disease infestation.
First: The name of the No Shows Identity. Among the first duties that must be done by both parents, is to choose a good name for her son. Not just good when heard or spoken, but also better than any consideration of the meaning and historical value. Consideration of selection of a good name to show identity, either in religion or sex. Therefore, many scholars who denounced the use of names that seem "soft" for boys.
Ibn Qayyim may Allaah have mercy said: "There is a harmonious relationship between the name and owner. Very rarely the incongruity between the name and owner. That is, because every word as a sign of its inherent meaning. And the name is a clue to the personality of its owner. If you are contemplating a nickname a person, surely the meaning of the nickname is available to him. So bad name is a sign that the soul of a bad owner. As the face of a bad, bad sign for one's soul ". [2]
Therefore, if a person who likes the same sex overwritten disease has a name that is less show his true identity, then let his name be changed, so the more demonstrated its identity as a male or female.
Second: The Effect of Clothing and Jewellery. Islam forbids men to resemble women, whether in dress, jewelry, or other behavior, and vice versa.
لعن النبي n المخنثين من الرجال والمترجلات من النساء وقال: (أخرجوهم من بيوتكم). متفق عليه
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam cursed the men who like women and women who resemble men, and he said:" Expel them from your houses ". [Agreed alaih]
Based on this hadith, men are prohibited from wearing clothing and jewelry that are characteristic of women, and vice versa. As men are also forbidden to resemble the sound, how to walk, and all the movements of women, and vice versa. [3]
Based on this addition, it is forbidden for men to wear gold jewelry and clothing made of silk. Because those two things are characteristic of women. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
حرم لباس الحرير والذهب على ذكور أمتي وأحل لإناثهم رواه الترمذي والنسائي وصححه الألباني
"Forbidden silk clothing and gold jewelry for men of my people, and permissible for the women they" [HR at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa `i, and classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani]
The scholars explain the wisdom of this prohibition, that the gold ornaments and silk clothes can affect the personality of a man wearing it. Even Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah states, generally, someone who wore gold jewelery or silk clothing to behave like women. Both of these will continuously release the virility of men who wear them. Until the end (the nature of manhood) will be gone, and turned into a sissy. Therefore, the correct opinion is anathema to parents for their son to wear gold jewelery or silk garments, so that the child is not eroded masculinity. [4]
Rules to distinguish from the opposite sex. Likewise, it is emphasized to women, so they are also forbidden to behave like men, and are encouraged to do things in harmony with her femininity.
One can show the identity of a person's femininity, is a way to change the color of their fingers with nails hinna '(henna nails from certain plants, ed).
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: مدت امرأة من وراء الستر بيدها كتابا إلى رسول الله n, n يده فقبض النبي, وقال: (ما أدرى أيد رجل أو أيد امرأة) فقالت: بل امرأة. فقال: (لو كنت امرأة, غيرت أظفارك بالحناء).
"'Aisha Allaah' anha narrates:" There's a woman behind the veil of the thrusts of a letter to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then Nabipun holding hands, and he said:' I do not know, is this the hand of a man or woman ? ' Women and even then said: 'This is a woman's hand,' the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:' If you really a woman, surely you have colored your nails with hinna '. "[Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa` i and dihasankan by Shaykh al-Albani]
Third: The effect of Haram foods. Undeniably, temperament and personality of every human being can be influenced by the type of food he consumes. So it is not surprising that someone who ate camel meat disyari'atkan for ablution, to eliminate the bad effects of meat he ate.
It was narrated from Jabir ibn Samurah, he relates: "There's a man who asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:' Are we obligated berwudlu eating goat meat? ' He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:' You should perform ablutions, and are also not allowed to perform ablutions, 'the man asked again:' Are we obliged to perform ablutions for eating camel meat? ' He replied: 'Yes, you berwudhulah eating camel meat'. " [Reported by Muslim]
Rahimahullah Ibn Taymiyah said: "People who perform ablution after eating camel meat would avoid the influence of the nature of envy and soul of the usual rigid awaits those who love to eat them, as experienced by rural people. He will avoid temperament and spirit envy of rigid as mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim:
(إن الغلظة وقسوة القلوب في الفدادين أصحاب الإبل وإن السكينة في أهل الغنم)
"Truly rugged temperament and soul of a rigid, common to rural people, the keepers of camels, while there are usually gentle on the goat keepers" [5].
If so, then no doubt that the food is clearly keharamannya have a detrimental effect on self and personality pemakannya. And between the unclean food can affect one's personality, so afflicted by diseases like the same sex and ass is pork. Ibn Sirin rahimahullah said: "There is no animal that does the behavior of the people of Prophet Lut besides pigs and donkeys". [6]
When a person familiarize himself and his family also eat pork or ass, slowly, a variety of bad-two animals can be transmitted to him. Na'udzubillah.
Fourth: The effect of Intercourse and Education. Each one of us must have had special experience of the association in influencing the formation of identity and temperament. To some extent, the human way of thinking and preferences are influenced by family, friends hanging out, or the surrounding communities. Therefore, the distant day the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has ordered that a good friend to pick for our children, so they are unaffected by the good and avoid bad influences.
From Abu Hurayrah, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "There is no one who is born but in a state of fitrah (Muslims), then both his parents who make it Jewish, or Christian, or Zoroastrian. Parables, like an animal who was born in the state of his limbs intact, so if you get a cut to her nose? "[Agreed alaih]
As Islam also teaches that parents begin separate bed boys with her child's bed.
(مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين واضربوهم عليها وهم أبناء عشر وفرقوا بينهم في المضاجع)
"Perintahlah your children to pray when they have set up seven years old, and beat if reluctant to set up a prayer when it was ten years old, and separate their beds" [Abu Dawud History and classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani]
Bed separation between boys and girls bed can grow in self-consciousness about their identity. So the boys began to realize that he was the opposite sex with his sister, as well as girls. In line with the passage of time and with a good education, each man will be straight again noble personality.
Among the fertility of identity can foster children, is to distinguish those types of games. By means of targeted and educational games, parents can raise awareness in each child about his true identity. One of the games that can foster the child's personality is her doll.
Umm al-Mumineen 'Aisha Allaah' anha said:
(كنت ألعب بالبنات في بيته وهن اللعب) متفق عليه
"Previously, I was playing with dolls of children in the house the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam" [Agreed alaih]
The scholars' claim that the permissibility of dolls made for children this young woman is a relief or exemption from the general propositions which forbids us to make a sculpture. Through means of this game, children are our women are expected to begin to understand his true identity and also the role they have to do later as an adult and a family. [7]
Thus, association and education has a major role in the formation of character and outlook of children. So that errors in education and promiscuity can lead to less commendable behavior later in life.
HEALING THERAPIES When through the diagnosis above, one can find the cause of the arrival of her illness, then immediately perform the steps of treatment.
Step One: What to do is to fix the error and repent of oversight.
Step Two: Pray To Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Behold, the act of sin and mistake can happen because we indulge in whisper dirty, both of which come from the devil or of the soul that is not holy. Therefore, the first of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam constantly begged to be blessed with a pure heart and kept away from bad behavior:
اللهم آت نفسي تقواها وزكها أنت خير من زكاها (رواه مسلم)
"O Allah, bestow piety and purify the soul. You are the best of the Purifying Essence of my soul" [Reported by Muslim]
On another occasion, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من منكرات الأخلاق والأعمال والأهواء (رواه الترمذي والحاكم والطبراني)
"O Allah I seek refuge in You from the character, practice, and the bad passions" [History at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim, and ath-Thabrani]
Therefore, for people who have been affected by this disease, should memohonlah to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala for his soul purified, and temperament straightened. He hendaklnya sure, if earnestly pray, especially when it was prostrate and the final third of the night, rest assured, surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will grant.
Step Three: Conduct Activities That Fit Your Sex Kita. Among the ways that we can take to foster identity is to conduct activities in harmony with ourselves. For women, for example by caring for small children (nieces, sister, or other), cooking, dressing, sewing, making wreaths. For men, for example by plowing, sports weightlifting, martial arts, carpentry, swimming. And be away from all the action and behavior is usually done by the opposite sex.
Step Four: Hormone Therapy. One method of treatment which is now known to the public is with hormone therapy. Therefore, there is no harm if a person suffering from diseases like sex try a treatment in this way. However, before trying this therapy, he should first consult the competent medical personnel, to determine the extent of its usefulness. Also to ensure that the whole process of this therapy can not contain things that are forbidden or violate the shari'ah.
Step Five: Be strong spirit and mettle of Hope. As already hinted above, that every human being born into the world under normal circumstances and the holy spirit, and just because someone luarlah influence of the world is changing. Allah Ta'ala says in the hadeeth qudsi:
وإني خلقت عبادي حنفاء كلهم ​​وإنهم أتتهم الشياطين فاجتالتهم عن دينهم (رواه مسلم)
"Behold, I have created all my servants in the state of saint straight again, then they were accosted by a demon and then it was Satan who deceived them from their religion" [Reported by Muslim]
From there, let us always encouraged and optimistic hope that all the diseases that we suffer can be cured. Rest assured, we suffer from a disease that is one result of the act and the temptations of Satan. It was Satan who had desecrated the sanctity of our souls. Therefore, the exaggerated expectations, round determination, and strengthen the spirit to reclaim the sanctity of our souls from the bondage of the devil is always dhikr of Allah Almighty and read Al-Qur `an. Know, O brother, read Al-Qur `an with humility" and a full appreciation is the most powerful weapon to destroy the trap of Satan.
Also included among the ways to avoid the trap of the devil is always attended with majlis majlis-science, and strive to always be together with good friends.
إن الشيطان مع الواحد, و هو من الاثنين أبعد (رواه أحمد وابن ماجة وصححه الألباني)
"Surely he is with people who are alone, and he will stay away from two people" [Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani]
Hopefully this brief exposure is beneficial to us. And may Allah Almighty always bestows sanctity of life and your character to us. Prayers and greetings may always be delegated to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, his family and friends. And Allaah knows best-Shawab bish.
[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine XII/1429H/2008M 06-07/Tahun Edition. Foundation published Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Gondangrejo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]

Healing Without Medication

Drug is a substance that is used to reduce, eliminate or cure the disease a person from the disease. Treatment has been known since antiquity, even the prophets also have a special way in terms of treatment.
Healing of the sick person is the absolute power of God, not man's power. Because the disease comes from Allah, Allah will surely lower the cure. The Prophet said,
إ ن الله لم ينز ل د ا ء إ لأ أنز ل له شفا ء فتد ا و وا
God will not reduce disease, but lowering the cure, then seek medical treatment. [HR Ibn Majah].
A person who provides drugs, both modern medicine, traditional medicine ways of the Prophet, or other alternative treatments, are intermediaries of God's healing.
وإذامرضت فهو يشفين
And when I am ill, He is healing me. [Asy Syu'ara: 80].
When looking for alternative medicine, do not let anyone fall for disobedience, shirk. But that must be justified by Islamic law.
إ ن الله لم يجعل شفا ء كم فيما حر م عليكم
Verily, Allah does not make a prohibited drug at all to you. [HR. Thabrani].
Healing without medicine, without drug treatment is meant chemical and modern medicine. But with alternative treatments, which can be accepted teachings of Islam. Or in other words, can be cured without the use of modern medicine developed in the medical field.
DEFENSE FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN NATURAL MEDICINES In some diseases, sometimes it does not need medication. In other words, can be cured without the use of drugs. Because actually, the human body has its own antibodies or defense against a disease. Normally the body's defense is better than using drugs. Some diseases are cured by itself, for example: flu (influenza) and colds.
To help the body to fight, fight and overcome the disease, should be prioritized and considered three things. Namely: personal hygiene, drinking plenty of rest and eat well.
Even in severe disease, who are in need of medicines; body itself must overcome the disease. Medications only help him. Personal hygiene, adequate rest and eat a good drink, remains a top priority. Some of the ways of health, is not and should not be dependent on the use of drugs.
Even though we live in areas without modern medicine, many things can be done to prevent and treat various diseases which are common.
HEALING WITH WATER [1] We can live without drugs. However, no one can live without water. Because more than half (57%) of our body is water. If all people can use water as well as possible, then the number of illnesses and deaths-especially children-may be avoided. Insha Allah.
For example, water use is fundamental, both in prevention and in treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea). In many areas, diarrhea is the most common cause of death of children under five. Dirty contaminated water and are often the cause of the disease proficiency level.
One thing to note in the prevention of diarrhea, is to boil water before consumption, drinking or before processed foods. This action is very important, especially for infants. Milk bottles and baby equipment, should be boiled before use dadulu.
Washing hands with soap after defecation, urination, before eating and before handling food, need to be overlooked as well.
Healing with water is required at all for children suffering from dehydration or lack of fluid from diarrhea. By providing a lot of honey or salt water to children with diarrhea, dehydration, God willing, it can be prevented, repaired and healed
Water therapy, also can cure some diseases. Even drinking water as much as possible in the morning is very good for health. As much as possible here means not excessive. Because the stomach should be able to receive it. He also mengisaratkan, that the stomach is divided into three parts, one-third for food, one third to one-third for drink and the air.
DISEASE PREVENTION A. Diarrhea, intestinal worms, intestinal tract infections: Boil water, drink and do not forget to wash your hands 2. Skin infections: Frequent bathing 3. Injuries that may have an infection, tetanus: Wash the wound as well as possible with soap and water
TREATMENT OF DISEASE A. Diarrhea, loss of body fluids: Drinking plenty of water 2. Disease with heat: Drink plenty of water 3. High heat: Stroke of the body with cold water 4. A mild urinary tract infection (common in women): Drink plenty of water 5. Cough, asthma, inflammation of the throat (bronchithis), inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), whooping cough: Drink plenty of water and breathe steam to liquefy mucus (sometimes takes certain drugs specifically for this peyakit) 6. Ulcerative wounds, impetigo, ringworm of the scalp, acne: Clean with soap and water 7. The wounds infections, pockets of pus (abscesses, boils): Compress with warm water 8. Stiff joints and muscles: Compress with warm water 9. Itching, burning, or stimulation of the skin: Apply with cold water 10. Minor burns: Soak in cold water 11. Neck pain or inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis): Gargle warm salt water 12. Acid, alkali, dirt, dust, or materials that stimulate the eyes: Immediately flush eyes with cold water 13. Nasal congestion: Inhalation of vapors of water / salt water
If the alternative healing with water could not cure the disease, immediately contact health personnel skilled in the art.
HEALING WITH THE BEE PRODUCTS In the Qur'an Allah Almighty has spoken about the benefits of bees.
وأوحى ربك إلى النحل أن اتخذي من الجبال بيوتا ومن الشجر ومما يعرشون ثم كلي من كل الثمرات فاسلكي سبل ربك ذللا يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فيه شفاء للناس إن في ذلك لآية لقوم يتفكرون
Meaning: And Rabbmu revealed to the bee, "Make the nests in the hills, in the trees, and in places which made man," Then eat from every (kind) of fruits and head in the way Rabbmu which has been facilitated (for you). of the abdomen of bees came out drink (honey) that a variety of colors, in which there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is really a sign (the greatness of Lord) for people who thinking. [An-Nahl: 68.69].
Contained in Saheeh al Bukhari, Sa'id Ibn Jubair from, from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
الشفاء في ثلاثة شربة عسل وشرطة محجم وكية نار وأنهى أمتي عن الكي
Healing is in three cases: drinking honey, berbekam with glass and burnt fire. But I forbid my people to burn the iron. "
Honey is a sweet liquid stored in the honeycomb cells is through making plant nectar by honey bees.
Since the first, honey has been used as a special diet for vitality, cosmetic and general health. Recorded in the days of empire, such as: Greece, China, and Egypt. there are modern studies, honey has properties to kill bacteria and fungi. In the clinical studies, have helped the healing of skin burns, skin sores, stomach and gastroteritis. Honey can stop bacterial growth, because of the high sugar content. Other anti-bacterial component that is formed from hydrogen prioksida glukos oxidase enzyme activity. Although both of these abolished, it still contains anti-bacterial honey. Antibacterial activity of honey is crucial as health food. Because honey can reduce the likelihood of diseases associated with bacteria and fungi. Honey is a simple sugar content, good for the vitality of the body needs. With the addition of the physical properties of honey, honey is highly recommended for cosmetic skin care in the family menu.
Honey is one of the types of foods with nutrients that are very good. Components that make up the honey is 20% water, 38% fructose, 30% glucose, 1% sucrose, 70% maltose, 1% other sugars, free acid 0.4%, 0.6% total acid, laktosi 0.1%, 0.2% ash and 0.04% nitrogen. Minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon. The content of the honey in the form of the enzyme invertase, glikooksidase, diastase, catalase slightly acid, porpatase. Vitamins contained in honey include: B1, B2. B3, B4, B5, B6 and C. Favorable physical properties such as honey and uskositas hygroscopicity. May often take an amazing honeymoon effect medically.
Apart from the honey bee which is a creation of God, there is also a material called Royal Jely. Is a substance resembling jelly (milk) that is secreted by young worker bees, through the gland hipotaring as special food for the larvae would be queens and young larvae of prospective workers.
Royal Jely known as catalytic materials, the material balance in the metabolic system. Royal Jely so often indicated as functional foods for appetite stimulants that evoke, control body weight, aid in digestion efficiency, anti depressant, stimulant gland secretion, metabolic harmonization, antibiotic, increased immunity against disease, normalization of sexual function, and the driver of tissue for be healthy. Several cases of successful health records be addressed by taking Royal Jely among others, are: allergy, angina (heart), anorexia, anxiety, asthma, hair loss, acne, shortness of breath, bronchitis, cancer, colds, constipation, coronary heart disease, seizures , synthetic, fatigue, depression, dermatitis, menstrual pain, dyspepsia, aksim, fever, headache, herpes, impotence, insomnia, nausea, pain, malmetisi. Another function of the Royal Jely is beauty care and improve the pretense of intelligence.
Two-thirds of the Royal Jely of water, and a third form of solids consisting of: proteins, sugars less fat, ash and materials that have not been identified. Nutritional components in the Royal Jely dominant form of protein (38%). Composed of 30 amino acids (15 essential proteins) are useful in the treatment and the formation and function of reproductive tissues. Nutritional components as much as 33% sugar in the form of fructose and glucose. Fat components as much as 9% (in contrast to animal and vegetable fats) that are useful in biological aspects of Royal Jely, such as the anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, antioxidants (anti free radicals), purification and triglesida cholesterol in the blood and tissue repair. Mineral nutrient components as much as 3%, which is dominated by potassium and other minerals along with the magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese. Is contained vitamin B1, B2. B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, A, D, K and C. Other components that have not been identified as many as 11% of the material called R and could be expected to contribute to the Royal Jely.
HEALING WITH AL Black Sauda In the hadeeth of Abu Salamah Shahihain, from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
عليكم بهذ ه الحبة السود ا ء فإ ن فيها شفا ء لكل د ا ء إ لا السام,, السام: المو ت
Use this black seed, because in it there is a medicine of all diseases except poison, the poison is death.
The black seed is a lot of benefits. Sayings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, drugs of all kinds of diseases; as well as the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in Al Ahqaf: 25
تدمر كل شيء بأمر ربها فأصبحوا لا يرى إلا مساكنهم كذلك نجزي القوم المجرمين
Meaning: The command to destroy everything with his Lord, then they have nothing to be seen again except (traces) in which they live. Thus We reward the guilty folk.
The point is that everything can be destroyed and the like with it.
HEALING WITH berbekam Described earlier, that berbekam sunnah of the Prophet. Berbekam (hijamah) is bleeding from a person's body heat to invert the bowl on the skin, so skin becomes swollen, then scratched with a sharp object, so that the blood came out.
It is worth noting in berbekam equipment is used must be in an aseptic (sterile), so it does not cause disease (secondary infection).
Here are examples of body parts dibekam, taken from the book of essays At Tibbun Nabawi Ibn al-Qayyim.
• pembekaman in the upper back, shoulder pain and the benefit of the esophagus. • berbekam in the arm vein, useful against diseases of the head and its parts, such as: face, teeth, ears, eyes, nose and throat, It's because so much blood, or blood damage, or for both. • Anas Allaah 'anhu said, "It is the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did berbekam in veins at the top of him and he's back (the hump)." • contained in Shahihain, from him, "It is the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam berbekam with three bekaman. One in a hump and two in Her arm vein. " • contained in Shahihain, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam berbekam on Her head, Her armpits in a state of ihram. Namely to eliminate dizziness in the head of him. " • contained in Sunan Ibn Majah, of Ali, "inspired Gabriel to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to berbekam in both veins, arm and hump." • contained in Sunan Abu Dawud, the hadith of Jabir that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam berbekam at the hip to eliminate sluggishness He suffered. "
HEALING WITH TRADITIONAL MATERIALS Experience proves, that traditional medicines are many health benefits. Even now the pharmaceutical companies have started to use traditional materials in a mixture of drugs that result.
Traditional materials had been used for generations by the community and commonly used in domestic life. For example, turmeric, ginger, betel leaf, cinnamon, cloves, Noni and many others. Materials such as these easily grown as a medicinal plant families (TOGA) which is prepared for family members.
HEALING WITH prayer Indeed ill fated human endeavors must find a cure, either by modern medicine and natural. In addition it must be realized, that most essential of treatment is to appeal directly to God in prayer with tawakal or surrender. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم إن الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي سيدخلون جهنم داخرين
Meaning: And Rabbmu said, "Berdo'alah Me, He will let me, for you. Those who boast of worship will enter Hell abject in the state." [Al-Mu'min: 60]
His word also tells the application when the Prophet Ayyub Alaihissallam to be cured of his illness.
وأيوب إذ نادى ربه أني مسني الضر وأنت أرحم الراحمين فاستجبنا له فكشفنا ما به من ضر وآتيناه أهله ومثلهم معهم رحمة من عندنا وذكرى للعابدين
Meaning: And (remember) Job, when he cried to his Lord, "(Oh my Lord), in fact I've overwritten the disease and you are the Most Merciful of all merciful." We also then allow his appeal, then we eliminate the disease on them and we return to her family, and we fold their numbers doubled, as a mercy from Us and a Reminder for all who worship God. [Al Anbiya: 83.84]
Narrated in the hadith are also many prayers taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when we are sick, among other things,
عن عثمان بن أبي العاص الثقفي أنه شكا إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وجعا يجده في جسده منذ أسلم فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ضع يدك على الذي تألم من جسدك وقل باسم الله ثلاثا وقل سبع مرات أعوذ بالله وقدرته من شر ما أجد وأحاذر
Of Uthman ibn Abi al-'Ash Ats Thaqafi, that he complained to the Prophet about the pain he suffered in his body since he converted to Islam, the Prophet said kapadanya, "lay it hands on the sick and read Bismillah three times and read seven times, 'I seek refuge in Allah from the evil things that I have encountered and I'm afraid'. "[Reported by Muslim, 4/1728].
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعوذ بعض أهله يمسح بيده اليمنى ويقول اللهم رب الناس أذهب الباس اشفه وأنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما
Of Aisha, the Prophet pleaded that protection for his family, he ran with his right hand and prayed, "O Allah, Lord Keeper humans, eliminate misery, heal. Thou art the One Who is able to heal. There is no cure but from You alone cure, cure that leaves no pain. "[Muttaffaqun 'alaihi].
If the pain and no hope of a cure or life, the Messenger n also taught us to always pray and pray.
اللهم اغفر لي وار حمني وألحقني با لر فيق الأعلى
O Allah, forgive my sins, mercy me, and I arrange a meeting with you, Beloved of the Most High. "[Reported by al Bukhari 7/10, Muslim 4/1893].
CLOSING Healing without medicine is an alternative treatment that does not use modern drugs or medicines that contain no chemicals. It could also be called a drug-free healing treatments based on natural and divine treatments.
Healing without drugs, not by going to the smart people (shamans), using a spell, spell, using the power of alternative medicine paranormal (supernatural), or other means that lead to shirk. It is forbidden and prohibited.
Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziah in the book At Tibbun Nabawi mention, that the Prophet's treatment of the disease, there are three kinds. Ie: with natural medicines, drugs and a divine combination of both.
Although these natural treatments have many benefits according to experience, but preferably it is necessary further studies so that is scientifically, so it can be accepted by the whole society. (Dr. Ira)
Maraji: - Al Quran Karim nul. - Ibn al-Qayyim Al Jauziyah. Of 1997. Method of treatment of the Prophet, Library, London. - Muslim Hishnul - Abdullah bin Ibrahim bin Al Jarullah Jarullah, 1997. Sick and Adabnya law. Mantiq Library, London. - David Werner,. Of 2000. What Do You Do When No Doctor. Essentia Medica Foundation, Yogyakarta. - Honey, Royal Jelly and Benefits for Health. Without year. National Center for beekeeping - Set Ruling In the Qur'an and Hadith, Said bin Ali bin Al Qathani Wahf, Dar al-Haq, Jakarta.
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah Foundation Published 02/Tahun VII/1420H/1999M Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 08121533647, 08157579296] _______

Treatment Using the Black Sauda ', With Honey And The Bruise

By Al-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"Verily in the habbatus Sauda '(black cumin) there is a remedy for all diseases except death".
Ibn Shihab said: "As-Saam word here means death, while habbatus Sauda 'means syuniz" [1]
Black Sauda 'is very much beneficial. [2]
Black cumin is very useful for treating various diseases with the permission of Allah.
TREATMENT WITH HONEY Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
"From the belly of bees came out drink (honey) that a variety of colors, in which there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is really a Sign (of Allah) for people who think "[An-Nahl: 69]
And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"Healing is in three things, namely: In pembekam knives, drink honey, or treatment with a hot iron (kayy). And I forbid my ummah to treatment with a hot iron (kayy) ". [3]
TREATMENT WITH BEKAM [4] Berbekam [5] including treatment taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, even the Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam never do cupping and cupping rewards builders.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"Truly the best of what you do to treat the disease is to do a bruise" [6]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"The best treatment of the disease is to do a bruise" [7]
Angels testament to berbekam Of Allaah ibn Abbas' anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It is not an angel, I passed when the Mi'rajkan into the sky, except they say,' O Muhammad, do ye berbekam" [8]
Abdullah bin Mas'ud of Allaah 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam told when he was in Isra'kan, is not he pass a bunch of angels but they ask us, "Command ummatmu to berbekam" [9]
Time of Most Good For berbekam Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Whoever wants berbekam, let him berbekam on 17,19,21 (Hijriyyah month), it will cure every disease" [10]
Allaah ibn Abbas' anhu said: "Truly the best day for you to berbekam is day 17, day 19 and day 21 (month Hijriyyah)" [11]
The best day for berbekam is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Instead avoid berbekam on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday "[12]
WATER TREATMENT USING ZamZam Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said this about Zamzam water.
"Zamzam water is full of blessings. He is a glut of food (and medicine for the disease) "[13].
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said.
"Zamzam water depends on the purpose of drinking" [14]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never carry Zamzam water (in the places where the water) and girbah (where the water from animal skin), and he poured meminumkannya to people who are sick "[15]
Rahimahullah Ibn al-Qayyim said: "I myself and others had practiced healing with Zamzam water efforts against several diseases, and the result is amazing, I managed to cure many diseases and I was healed by permission of Allah" [16]
We ask Allaah that He gives to us for guidance facilitated the use of treatment within their Shari'ah (Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).
[Copied from the book Ruling & wirid Treating To-Use And Magic According to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the author of Yazid ibn Abdul Qadir Jawas, publisher of Imam Ash-Shafi'i Library, Sixth Printing Dzulhijjah 1426H/Januari 2006M]

Healing With the importance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah
By Al-Yazid ibn Abd al-Qadir Ustadz Jawas

No doubt that healing by the Qur'an and with what is being taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ruqyah form [1], is a worthwhile healing as well as the perfect antidote.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
"Say, Al-Qur'an is the guide and antidote for those who believe" [Fushshilat: 44]
"And We send down from the Quran something that became bidders and mercy for the believers" [Al-Israa: 82]
Understanding "of Al-Quran", in the paragraph above is the Qur'an itself. Because the Qur'an as a whole is a healer, as mentioned above in paragraph [2]
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
"O mankind, there came to you the lessons from your Rabb, and a remedy for the diseases (that are) in the chest, a guidance and mercy for the believers" [Yunus: 57]
Thus, the Qur'an is the perfect healing of the entire heart medication and physical medicine, as well as a cure for all ills of the world and the hereafter. Not everyone is capable and has the ability to do the healing by the Qur'an. If the treatment and cure of it is done well against the disease, with the underlying belief and faith, full acceptance, the conviction is for sure, the terms are met, then no one else is able to fight diseases of the Qur'an for good. How might these diseases will oppose and resist the words of the Lord of earth and sky that if (word-word) down the mountain, he will ravage the mountains, or if it came down to earth, He would certainly have split .
Therefore, no heart disease and physical ailments but also in the Qur'an there is a way of healing, for healing, as well as prevention against the person who was blessed by God's understanding of His Book. And Allah Almighty (the Mighty, the Sublime) has been mentioned in the Qur'an several liver diseases and physical, is also accompanied by the mention of the liver as well as physical healing.
The diseases of the heart consists of two kinds, namely: illness doubtful (vague) or in doubt, and the lust or passions disease. Glory be to Allah who has been mentioned several liver diseases in detail, along with several causes, as well as how to cure these diseases. [3]
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
"And is not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an) which is rehearsed to them? Actually in the Qur'an that there is a great blessing and a lesson for those who believe "[Al-Ankabuut: 51]
Allama Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah suggested.
"Those that can not be cured by the Qur'an, it means that God did not give him relief. And whoever is not paid back by the Quran, Allah does not give him sufficient "[4]
About diseases or physical body, the Qur'an has guided and showed us to the key points of the treatment and healing, as well as its rules. Namely, that the rules of treatment of diseases of the body as a whole contained in the Qur'an, that there are three points.
1). Maintain health 2). Protect yourself from things that can cause disease 3). Removing the elements that destroy the body. [5]
If a servant do the healing by the Qur'an is good and true, surely he would see a very remarkable influence in the rapid healing.
Rahimahullah Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "At one time I ever sick, but I did not find a doctor or a cure. Then I tried to treat and cure me with a letter of Al-Faatihah, then I saw the most amazing effect. I grab a glass of water of Zamzam and read her letter of Al-Faatihah many times, and I drank until I get a complete recovery. Next I lean that way in treating various diseases and I feel a huge benefit. Then I tell the people who complained of an illness and many of those who recover quickly "[6]
Similarly, treatment with ruqaa (jama 'of ruqyah) Nabawi which authentic history is a very useful drug. With verses and prayers are offered. If prayer is to avoid the barriers that prayer granted, then it is very useful because in rejecting the things that are unpopular and will achieve the desired things. That is one drug that is very useful, especially when applied repeatedly. And serves as a prayer was against misfortunes' (catastrophe), prevent and cure it, blocking the fall, or relieve it when it was time to go down. [7]
"Nothing can prevent making up '(fate) other than prayer, and no one can give an additional exception to the age of virtue" [8]
But that must be carefully understood, that the verses, remembrance, remembrance, prayer, prayer and some ta'awudz (application for the protection of God) which is used to treat or to ruqyah essentially on all the verses, dhikr- dhikr, prayer, prayer and ta'awwudz itself a great benefit and can also heal. However, it requires the acceptance (of the sick) and those who treat the power and influence. If a cure fails, then so was caused by the weak influence of the perpetrator, or the absence of acceptance by the parties who were treated, or the presence of strong barriers that prevent them drug reactions.
Treatment with ruqyah this can be achieved with the two aspects, namely from the patient (the sick) and of the people who treat
Derived from the patient is in the form of strength and sincerity of his dependence on God, and his conviction is certain, that the Qur'an was indeed a healer as well as a mercy for people who are faithful and true ta'awwudz the fit between the liver and oral, the so it is a form of resistance to disease. And someone who did not fight to win the war from the enemy except with two things, namely:
First: The state of the weapons used to be true, good and use both hands had to be strong. If one of them is missing, then the weapon will not mean much, especially if both of the above does not exist, ie, the empty heart of monotheism, resignation, piety, tawajjuh (face, depending entirely to Allah) and do not have a weapon.
Second: Of those who treat with the Qur'an and Sunnah also must meet both of the above [9]. Therefore, Ibnut Fig rahimahullah said: "Ruqyah ta'awwudz by using a few sentences and others of the Names of God is spiritual treatment. If done by an oral people are good, then by the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will manifest healing "[10]
The scholars have agreed to allow ruqyah with three conditions, namely: [11]
[1]. Ruqyah it by using the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, or asthma, and his nature, or the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
[2]. It may be pronounced Ruqyah in Arabic or other languages ​​that understood its meaning.
[3]. Must believe that Essence is not itself ruqyah that gives effect, but the influence is the power of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while ruqyah only be one reason alone. [12]
[Copied from the book Ruling & wirid Treating To-Use And Magic According to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the author of Yazid ibn Abdul Qadir Jawas, publisher of Imam Ash-Shafi'i Library, Sixth Printing Dzulhijjah 1426H/Januari 2006M]
source: http://almanhaj.or.id/

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