Saturday, April 14, 2012

The exit points of Dajjal, Dajjal will not enter Makkah and Madinah

The exit points of Dajjal, Dajjal will not enter Makkah and Madinah

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

5. The exit points of the AntichristDajjal will come out of the east, from Khurasan [1], from the Jewish quarter Ashbahan [2], then he wandered over the earth, no one else had left the country except Makkah and Madinah, he would not be able to enter because the angels guarding it.
Fatima bint Qais in the previous hadith explained that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said about the Dajjal:
ألا إنه في بحر الشام, أو بحر اليمن, لا, بل من قبل المشرق ما هو, من قبل المشرق ما هو (وأومأ بيده إلى المشرق).
"You know the real him (Dajjal) is in the sea Sham, or the Yemen sea. Oh no, even (it will come) from the east. From the east? "(And he motioned with his hand toward the east). [3]
It was narrated from Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Allaah anhu, he said, "The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam hadith narrated to us, he said:
الدجال يخرج من أرض بالمشرق; يقال لها: خراسان.
'The Dajjal will come out of the earth in the east called Khurasan.' "[4]
And Allaah anhu narrated from Anas, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يخرج الدجال من يهودية أصبهان معه سبعون ألفا من اليهود.
Dajjal will come out of the Jewish quarter Ashbahan, with seventy thousand Jews. "[5]
Ibn Hajar said, "As to the place where the Antichrist will come out?So he came out of the east for sure. "[6]
Ibn Kathir said, "So the first time he emerged from Ashbahan, from a village called al-Yahuudiyyah." [7]
6. Dajjal will not enter Makkah and MadinahAnathema to the Antichrist to enter Mecca and Medina when he was out at the end of time based on authentic hadiths that explains it. As for other countries, then surely the Antichrist will enter one by one.
Described in the hadeeth of Allaah Fatima bint Qais anhuma, that the Dajjal saying, "Then I can get out. I will walk the earth, then I will not leave the village any but I stopped him in time and forty nights, apart from Makkah and Thaibah (Madinah al-Munawarah), both anathema to me, every time I want to get into one of them, then the Angels will menghadangku with a drawn sword which prevent me to enter it, and in every hallway there are angels who take care of it. "[8]
And has been fixed (in a history) that Dajjal will not enter the four mosque: the Grand Mosque, the Mosque of Madinah, ath-Thuur Mosque, and the Aqsa Mosque.
Imam Ahmad narrates from ibn Abi Junadah Umayyad al-Azdi, he said, "I and someone from among the Ansar went to one of the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then we say," Tell us what you hear from Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam which tells the story of the Antichrist ... (then he said that the hadith, and said), "Surely he will dwell on the earth for forty days in time she will reach any source of water and will not achieve the four mosques: the Mosque Haraam, Masjid Madinah, ath-Thuur Masjid, and Masjid al-Aqsa. "[9]
As contained in the history of al-Bukhari and Muslim [10] that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw a man with curly hair, blind eye, he put both hands on the shoulders of a man to perform Tawaf, then he asked about it? They (the angels) replied, "Indeed he is Masihud Dajjal." This hadith can be answered with the statement that the Dajjal ban goes into Mecca and Medina only happens when he is out at the end of time, wallahu knows best. [11]
7. Followers of the AntichristFollowers of Antichrist is at most of the Jews, 'Ajam, Turk nations, and men of all races and classes, most of them are Arabs the women of the village as well.
Imam Muslim narrated from Anas may Allaah have mercy of Allaah ibn Malik anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يتبع الدجال من يهود أصبهان, سبعون ألفا, عليهم الطيالسة.
"The Jews will follow the Dajjal Ashbahan that as many as seventy thousand, wearing their robes and thick stripes." [12]
While the history of Imam Ahmad:
سبعون ألفا عليهم التجان.
"Eighty thousand people, they wear hats of war." [13]
And in the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr Allaah anhu previous:
يتبعه أقوام كأن وجوههم المجان المطرقة.
"Dajjal will be followed by a few people, their faces like shields coated with leather." [14]
Rahimahullah Ibn Kathir said, "It seems-wallaahu knows best-that is the nation's aides Turk is Antichrist." [15]
We say: Similarly the people 'Ajam, as their properties are described in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah Allaah anhu:لا تقوم الساعة حتى تقاتلوا خوزا وكرمان من الأعاجم, حمر الوجوه, فطس الأنوف, صغار الأعين, كأن وجوههم المجان المطرقة, نعالهم الشعر.
"It will not erect the Day of Judgment until you fight the Khuz and Karman from the 'Ajam, their faces red, snub nose, narrow eyes, their faces are like shields coated with leather, and sandals, they are sandals made of feathers." [16]
As for the statement that most of their followers from among the Arabs because of ignorance had enveloped them in fact, also based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the hadeeth of Abu Umamah long:
وإن من فتنته - أي: الدجال - أن يقول للأعرابي: أرأيت إن بعثت لك أباك وأمك; أتشهد أني ربك? فيقول: نعم. فيتمثل له شيطانان في صورة أبيه وأمه, فيقولان: يا بني! اتبعه; فإنه ربك.
"And among fitnahnya-Dajjal-the slander that he said to the Arab village, 'What do you think if I raise the father and mother for you, whether you want to bear witness that I am your Lord?' He said," Yes. "Then two Satan transformed into a father and mother, both of them said, 'O my son! Follow him because he is thy Lord. '"[17]
As for the women, then their situation is more severe than the state of the Arab villages because of their quick tabi'at affected and ignorance which envelop them. Described in the hadeeth narrated from 'Umar anhuma, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
ينزل الدجال في هذه السبخة بمرقناة, فيكون أكثر من يخرج إليه النساء, حتى إن الرجل يرجع إلى حميمه وإلى أمه وابنته وأخته وعمته فيوثقها رباطا; مخافة أن تخرج إليه.
'The Dajjal will come down on the damp ground in this Mirqanah, then the most outgoing person with him was the women, so that one back to the law, his mother, son daughter, sister and aunt, and he strengthened their hearts out because they are worried with him. '"[19]
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]\

This is the Dajjal incredibility Actual

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

10. This is the Dajjal incredibility ActualBeen described previously a variety of incredibility that accompany Dajjal in the discussion of defamation does. All this fabulosity is something real, not imaginary or a hoax, as it is considered by some scholars.
Ibn Kathir has rahimahullah quoting from Ibn Hazm also ath-Thahawi, both of them said that the accompanying Dajjal is not essential.
Similarly, which was quoted from Abu 'Ali al-Juba-i [1] figures Mu'tazilah a phrase, "It's appropriate that it is the essence, so incredibility of witches are not similar to the incredibility of a Prophet." [2]
After they came to Sheikh Rashid Rida, he denies that the Antichrist has the incredibility. He said that it is contrary to the laws on his creatures. He said when commenting on the hadith of the Dajjal, "Something that is disclosed in which rival the greatest miracle that God gave to Ulul 'Azmi of the Apostles, or even exceed them, and therefore regarded as an ambiguity, as it is said by some scholars kalam. While most of the hadith scholars consider that it includes heresy among them (Ahl-ul-kalam), understand the miracle that God did not give it except to be used as evidence for his being in accordance with the provisions of His mercy that precedes His anger. So how could God give incredibility of the greatest to provide the greatest trial for group (Muslims) from among His servants!Because of these narrations explained that he circled the earth in just forty days except Makkah and Madinah .... "
Up in the phrase, "Verily, all attributed to him incredibility is something contrary to the laws on his creatures, and has remained in the texts of al-Qur-an that the laws will not be changed also changed, as these narrations mudhtharib ( jiggle) collide with each other again, so it does not deserve to be on the texts pengkhusus qath'i let alone making it an opponent. "[3]
He reinforces the contradiction between the various hadiths about Dajjal that in some versions, as has been described to have a mountain of bread-Dajjal is also the rivers of water and honey, he has also Heaven Hell ... and others. This is clearly contrary to a hadith in al-Shahiihain, from bin al-Mughirah Syu'bah, he said, "No one asked the Prophet J as a question which I have proposed, and in fact he said to me:
ما يضرك منه? قلت: لأنهم يقولون: إن معه جبل خبز, ونهر ماء. قال: بل هو أهون على الله من ذلك.
"What harm can it?" I replied, "Because they said that he has a mountain of bread, and river water." He said, "In fact he was more easy for Allah from it all. (Ie, rather than making verses to mislead the Muslims). "[4]
And among those who deny the awesomeness of the Antichrist is owned by Abu 'Ubayyah. He says in his commentary on the various hadiths discuss them, "What a lot of people will face a huge slander and much of this?! He turned on and off the person in front of many people and (his words) can be heard by humans, then God throw His servants into flame as it is exposed fitnahnya Hell! Verily Allah, Most Gracious Mahalembut against His servants rather than providing a great trial to those who do not there may be able to face except those endowed with perfect faith determination and strength of 'Aqeedah is very sturdy, and the real Antichrist easier for God rather than just giving it power over His creatures, and given him more dangerous weapons destabilize 'aqeedah and religion in the heart of man in the universe. "[5]
11. For Those denials can Summarized Statements with Some of TheseFirst: In fact the various hadith that describes the incredibility Dajjal (خوارق الدجال) is still more authentic, can not be denied also ditakwil and perceived similarity, there is no idhthirab (shock) in it, also no contradiction between the hadeeth.
While the arguments made by Rashid Rida that the hadith al-Mu-ghirah narrated in al-Shahiihain contradict the hadiths about Dajjal, then it can be answered with the statement that the meaning of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "بل هو أهون على الله من ذلك (even easier for God than these) "is that it's easier for God than keluarbiasaannya made to mislead the believers also give doubt in their hearts, even it is also to increase the faith of believers and addquestion for people who have been implanted in his heart disease, it's like saying someone who has been killed by the Dajjal, "I'm more confident about kedustaanmu today." So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "even easier for God than Such "do not mean that he did not have things like that at all, but its meaning is that it is easier for God than to make something as proof of its truth, especially God has made a clear sign of the lies that can be read also kekufurannya by every good Muslim who can read or not, as additional evidence for the person to talk to him [6], as explained in the discussion of its properties.
Second: If we accept the Zahir hadith, the sayings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam briefed him before the revelation of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam about all sorts of arguments keluarbiasaannya based al-Mughirah words to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Because they said, in fact he has ... "he said to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam," Surely you have to say about this and that (the Dajjal). "Then came the revelation after that that explains all sorts of incredibility that is owned by the Antichrist, then there is no contradiction between the hadeeth of al-Mughirah with the hadiths about Dajjal others. "
Third: In fact, all kinds of fabulosity that is owned by the Antichrist is a real, not imaginary nor is it a hoax, and all kinds of awesomeness of this is something that God determined to be a trial for libel and the servants, while Antichrist is simply not possible to resemble the state of the Prophets, because there is no history that explains that he was admitted as a prophet when he raises a variety of the luarbiasaan on hand to man. Even the release of all out-going habit when he was admitted as a god. "[7]
Fourth: In fact the attitude of Rashid Rida who thought it impossible that the Antichrist can circumnavigate the globe in just forty days except Makkah and Madinah was not based on the proposition.Even the argument that there is to explain something contrary to what he said. Because it is described in Muslim history that most of the days of Antichrist felt like a year, partly feels like a month, others like a week ... as already described.
Fifth: In fact, all kinds of fabulosity that is given to the Antichrist was not contrary to the laws in nature. Because if we understand the words of Rashid Rida in zhahirnya surely we will cancel all kinds of miracles of the Prophets by reason of conflict with the laws in nature. So all sorts is said to the Prophet that not all kinds keluarbiasaannya is opposed to the laws we can say also to all the fabulosity that is given to the Antichrist on the grounds that it constitutes slander, trials, and examinations
Sixth: If we accept the supposition that all kinds of fabulosity that is owned by the Antichrist in conflict with the laws of this nature, then we say that the days of the release of Antichrist is a remarkable time, and when major events will occur which implies the destruction of the universe, the destruction of the world and Doomsday nearby.And if he comes out when the time of slander God wants, then it is not true to say, "Verily Allah to His servant Mahalembut (so it does not deserve) to provide them with all the slander to the incredibility that delegated to him (Dajjal), for verily He Mahalembut andomniscient. But with His wisdom He gave to His servant trials, because Allah has given prior warning them of that. "
After mentioning this brief answer, it would deserve if we are quoting a few phrases of the scholars who define the awesomeness of the Antichrist. Indeed it occurs essentially, that God also made as a trial for libel His servants.
Al-Qadi 'Iyadh rahimahullah said, "The hadiths narrated by Muslim is also a proof for the other schools in determining the existence of truth (the Antichrist). Indeed he is essentially human, God gave the test to His servants through with everything that God has set; be the ability to revive the people he had killed, and it seems all sorts of glitzy world of fertility also with him, Heaven and Hell, two tributaries, all deposits of the earth that followed, the command to the sky rained so the rain descended, and he ordered the earth to grow a plant that grows, everything happens on the power of God Almighty and His will. Then Allah weaken after that, then he is not able to kill the other person also, and God canceled his business, after that 'Isa Alaihissallam can kill him, and God set the faith of believers.
This is the schools all the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah and the hadith, fiqh scholars and thinkers, in contrast to those who deny its existence and membathilkan like the Kharijites, Jahmiyyah, partly Mu'tazilites ... and in others who will acknowledge its existence but all sorts of keluarbiasaannya is totally imaginary rather than real, and they thought, if it is indeed true; then it can not lead to the existence of miracles of the Prophet's own beliefs.
This is the mistake of them all, for he (Dajjal) did not claim to be the prophet, then what is accompanying evidence of truth (for what is called for), he only claimed to be god, besides that within his own admission there is something who denied him, the situation itself, (ie) the evidence that had happened to him, such as deficiencies that exist in themselves, eliminate weaknesses in disgrace in his eyes, and eliminates the weaknesses in the written evidence of infidelity between the eyes.
The existence of this evidence and the other makes a person not to be deceived except those who want to cover all the lower needs kefakirannya also due to cover the famine, or only limited amit-amit for fear of doing bad deeds, because he is a very slanderous large, which makes the heart was amazed and confused mind, but that he walked on the earth at an alarming rate, he will not be silent so as to provide opportunities for poor people to observe the situation and the evidence showed and shortcomings, in the end many people justify in this state.
And because it was also the Prophet's warning (to the whole community) of fitnahnya and kebathilannya evidence.
As for those who provided taufik by God, then surely they would never be swayed, nor will it ever be fooled by all that he brought. As we have explained about the evidence lies, as well as knowledge of it that have been described. Therefore people who have been killed and the revival of saying, "It is not there something growing in me except the belief (that you are the Dajjal)." [8]
And al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "Verily, Dajjal is a test that God gave to His servants with all the awesomeness of that can be witnessed in his day, as has been explained that the person who answered his call, then the Antichrist will order the sky to rain, so come down rain, and earth in order to grow a plant that grows all kinds of plants are eaten by them as well by their farm animals, farm animals then they will get fat again. While those who did not answer his call and reject it undoubtedly will be crushed by drought, famine, poverty, death of cattle and at least treasure, souls and fruits decreased. He will be followed by the deposit of the earth like a bee leader followed by his troops, he would kill the youth and to hidupkannya, these are not imaginary, but real, as a test that God gave to His servants at the end of time. It will be a lot of people who get lost, so too will many people who walk on guidance, therefore, the people who doubt will disbelieve, while people who believe their faith will grow. "[9]
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said, "And on the inside of the Antichrist and all incredibility that he had no real proof for people who think because he has extraordinary abilities (only used it) that affect humans as well as visible flaws blind his eyes, and if he admitted that he was their god, the ugly, ugly situation of people who see the men of understanding, he would know that he (Dajjal) will never be perfected creation of others, change it, beautify it , as well as he could not refuse deficiencies within it, then at least he said, "O man who claimed himself as the creator of heaven and earth! Complete the rupamu, Trim and remove them all was the shame of it, and if you think that god can not create something in him, then please remove anything that is written between his eyes! "[10]
And Ibn 'Arabi rahimahullah [11] said, "All the apparent incredibility in the hands of the Antichrist in the form of the ability to rain down, providing fertility to those who surrender (the word) it, too dry for the person who denied him, saving the earth that follow it, Heaven, Hell , and the rivers that he had, everything is a test that God gives, is also a test for those who hesitate to die, but those who believe will survive, it is the case of the dreaded, because that's what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا فتنة أعظم من فتنة الدجال.
'No greater slander than libel Antichrist.' "[12]
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]_______
Protect Yourself From Defamation Dajjal

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

12. Protect Yourself Against Defamation DajjalThe Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave guidance to his people with something that could keep them from all the slander of the Antichrist, he has left his people with a very clear way of life, night as day, there will be no one who deviates from it but he will get hurt. So he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not abandon the good of the people except leadeth him, so never leave the ugliness except to warn people to leave him, and among the things that he caution is fitnahnya because he was profuse slander faced by these people until the establishment of Judgment. Previously every Prophet has warned his people that the Antichrist will be a blind eye, while the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is specifically instructed to provide a more alert, and God Almighty has a lot to explain about the properties of the Antichrist to him so that his people always careful careful. In fact he would come out to these people, because he was the last race and Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the Seal of the Prophets.
Here is some guidance given prophet to his people that he survived this great slander, no matter where we always ask God to provide safety and protect us all from it.
a. Uphold the religion of Islam and mempersenjati themselves with faith, knowing the Names of God and His qualities are noble which there is nothing in it of association. Then he will know that the Antichrist was a man who ate and drank, and that Allah Almighty purified of all that. Verily Dajjal blind eye, while God is not blind.Indeed, there would be no one who can see his Lord until he dies, while the Dajjal will be seen by man when he came out, both believers and unbelievers.
b. Invoke the protection of the Dajjal fitna, especially in prayer.Hadeeth was narrated some of it.
Among these are related by ash-Syaikhani and an-Nasa-i, of 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet of Allaah anhuma, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam prayed in his prayer with the prayer:
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب القبر, وأعوذ بك من فتنة المسيح الدجال ...
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, and I seek refuge in You from the fitnah al-Masih ad-Dajjal .... [1]
Narrated by al-Bukhari rahimahullah, of Mus'ab [2], he said, "Sa'd had ordered five things and mention of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that he ordered ... (among others):
وأعوذبك من فتنة الدنيا. (يعنى: من فتنة الدجال)
"And I seek refuge in You from the fitnah of the world. '(Ie from defamation Dajjal)." [3]
Interpret the world with a sign that the Antichrist is Dajjal defamatory libel is the maximum that occurred in the world. "[4]
Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah may Allaah have mercy of Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إذا تشهد أحدكم; فليستعذ بالله من أربع; يقول: اللهم إنى أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم, ومن عذاب القبر, ومن فتنة المحيا والممات, ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال.
'If any one of you bertasyahhud, then seek refuge in Allah from four things, by saying,' O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of Hell, the punishment of the grave, the life and death libel, and slander of evil Dajjal. "[ 5]
Al-Imam Thawus rahimahullah [6] ordered his son to repeat the prayer if he had not read this prayer in the prayer. [7]
It is a theorem that shows the spirit of the Salaf in teaching their children to do this great prayer.
As-Safarini rahimahullah said, "Among the things proper to every pious is he should spread the hadiths about Dajjal in children, women and men ... and has been reported that among the signs of discharge (Dajjal) is to forget mention in the pulpit. "[8]
Until he was saying, "Especially in our time, where it has a lot of slander and trials, while syi'ar-syi'ar Islam has much to disappear, the sunnah is considered heresy to heresy while the Shari'ahfollowed. Laa haula walaa quwwata billaah illa. "[9]
c. Memorize a few verses of Surat al-Kahf. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was commanded to read the beginning of Surat al-Kahf to face the Antichrist, and in some versions of the concluding verses of the letter, namely the reading of ten verses from the beginning or end.
Among the ahaadeeth that describe what it was narrated by Muslim from the hadeeth an-rahimahullah Nawwas bin Sam'an long ... (in which there are words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam):
من أدركه منكم, فليقرأ عليه فواتح سورة الكهف.
"Those of you met him, then recite to him the beginning of Surat al-Kahf." [10]
Imam Muslim narrated rahimahullah also of Abud Darda 'Allaah anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
من حفظ عشر آيات من أول سورة الكهف; عصم من الدجال.
"Whoever memorized ten verses of Surat al-Kahf beginning, then he will be guarded from the Dajjal."
The point of fitnahnya.
Rahimahullah Muslim said, "Syu'bah said, 'At the recent letter of al-Kahf,' al-Hammam said," From the beginning of Surat al-Kahf. '"[11]
An-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "These things are miracles and signs of God which is at the beginning of his letter. So who contemplate things, surely he would not be exposed to slander Dajjal, as well as at the end, that is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
أفحسب الذين كفروا أن يتخذوا
"So if those who disbelieve think that they (can) take ..." [Al-Kahf: 102] "[12]
These are among the features the letter al-Kahf. It has been narrated ahaadeeth which encourage to read, especially on Friday.
Al-Hakim narrated rahimahullah of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that the Prophet anhu Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن من قرأ سورة الكهف يوم الجمعة; أضاء له من النور ما بين الجمعتين.
"Those who read the letter al-Kahf on Friday, he will undoubtedly be illuminated by a light at the two Fridays." [13]
There is no doubt that the letter of al-Kahf has a great position, because in it there are verses that are very spectacular, like Kahf Ashhabul story, the story of Moses and Khidr, the story of Dhul Qarnain, and activities to build a wall of the cover-juj Ya' and Ma'-juj, set the day of Resurrection, blowing trumpets, and the explanation of those who lost their deeds, they are the ones who think that they are in the instructions when they are people who are in error and ignorance.
Then it must be for every Muslim to get excited in reading this letter, memorized, and repeated them, especially on his best day on which the sun rises, namely Friday.
d. And ran away from the Dajjal, and more particularly is settled in Mecca or Medina. Previously described that the Dajjal will not enter into the two forbidden ground. So when a Muslim Antichrist let out away from him, it is also doubtful because of a variety of things outside the box a very big God has given to him for libel for humans.Dajjal will come to someone who believes in his heart there is faith, but in the end he will follow the Antichrist. Only to Allah we ask Him to protect us and hopefully all the musliminh of fitnahnya.
Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and al-Hakim narrated from Abu rahimahullahDahma 'rahimahullah [14], he said, "I heard' Imraan ibn Husayn of Allaah anhu narrated a hadith, he said, 'Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
من سمع بالدجال; فلينأ عنه, فو الله إن الرجل ليأتيه وهو يحسب أنه مؤمن, فيتبعه مما يبعث به من الشبهات, أو لما يبعث به من الشبهات.
'Whoever heard of the arrival of the Antichrist, then let him get away from it. For the sake of Allah, someone came to him when he considers that he is a believer, then he followed him because of the accompanying doubtful, doubtful, or when attached to them. '"[15]
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]
The mention of Dajjal in Al-Qur-an

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

13. The mention of Dajjal in al-Qur-anThe scholars are wondering about the wisdom of the Antichrist is not mentioned explicitly in the Qur'an al-though fitnahnya very large.Similarly, the Prophet's warning against him (in al-Qur-an), also orders that implored the protection of fitnahnya in prayer. They respond with some answers include:
a. Verily Dajjal lafazh الآيات disclosed in the womb (the signs) mentioned in the word of Allah, the Exalted:
يوم يأتي بعض آيات ربك لا ينفع نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل أو كسبت في إيمانها خيرا
"... on the day of the arrival of the signs of thy Lord are not useful any more faith in someone who has not believed before that, or (not) trying to do good with his faith was ... "[Al-An'am: 158]
The signs in question is the Antichrist, the rising sun from the west, and animals. Everything is disclosed in the interpretation of this verse.
Imam Muslim and at-Tirmidhi narrated from رحمهما الله Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ثلاث إذا خرجن لا ينفع نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل أو كسبت في إيمانها خيرا: طلوع الشمس من مغربها, والدجال, ودابة الأرض.
'There are three things that if it comes out, it is no longer useful to a person of faith who have not believed before that or not (yet) tried to do good by their faith: the rising sun from the west, the Antichrist, and the beasts of the earth.' "[1]
b. Indeed al-Qur'an to refer to the decline of the Prophet 'Isa Alihissallam, and the Prophet' who will kill Dajjal Isalah. So says Huda Masiihul enough, so no need to mention Masihudh Dhalaa was. And habits of the Arabs are feeling simply by mentioning the opposite one without mentioning the other.
c. Behold he (Dajjal) mentioned in His Word:
لخلق السماوات والأرض أكبر من خلق الناس ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
"Verily the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the human will, but most people do not believe." [Al-Mu'min: 57]
Indeed is the man here is the Antichrist, this paragraph shall include disclosure of all the components for a portion of it.
Abul 'Aliyah rahimahullah [2] said, "Its meaning is greater than the creation of the Jewish Dajjal when making a big deal." [3]
Rahimahullah Ibn Hajar said, "And this, if it has remained a best-response, including the responsibilities of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to explain it, wallaahu knows best." [4]
d. Indeed the Qur'an al-Dajjal is not mentioned explicitly as pelecehen against him because he has been admitted as a god but he is human, in which a state is contrary to the Lord's glory, glory, perfection, and his kesuciaan of any shortcomings, because he's very humble Allah is very small and thus do not deserve to be mentioned (in the al-Qur-an). However, the Prophet gave warning of his arrival, explained the dangers fitnahnya, as has been described.Indeed every Prophet had given warning of (appearance) and give a warning against fitnahnya.
If no objection (to phrase it) with the statement that al-Qur-an was already mentioned Pharaoh when he was admitted as a god that is worshiped, then the answer is that the problem of Pharaoh had passed and completed, it is mentioned as a lesson for humans As for the issue of the Antichrist, then surely it will happen at the end of time. No mention of this in al-Qur-an as a trial for mankind, but its recognition as a god more clearly, so it does not need to be given attention because the Antichrist is very visible kebathilannya drawbacks, obvious ugliness, and lowliness more clearly than the recognition that in-serukannya. So God did not express it (in the al-Qur-an), because Allah Almighty knows of His servants who believe that this is not vague for them, and do not add to them except a sense of faith and submit to Allah and His Messenger His, as it is said by the young man who was killed by the Antichrist, "By Allah, I was more convinced you today that you are the Antichrist." [5]
Sometimes things are not mentioned because it has been unclear, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when the terminally ill do not write letters that will replace the Abu Bakr Allaah anhu because it is already clear. That is because the position of the great Abu Bakr on the side of the Companions of Allaah anhuma, which is why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يأبى الله والمؤمنون إلا أبا بكر.
"God and the people who are reluctant to believe, except to Abu Bakr." [6]
Ibn Hajar rahimahullah reveals that the question regarding the apparent absence of any mention of the Dajjal in the al-Qur-an always exist, because Almighty Allah says Ya'-juj and Ma'-juj in the al-Qur-an, while libel they are close to slander the Antichrist. "[7]
Thus, we think the first answer is closer, wallaahu knows best. Then the Antichrist has been revealed in the content of some verses in al-Qur'an and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the one who is obliged to explain the generality of paragraph (and he had to explain it).
14. Binasanya DajjalDajjal will die at the hands of al-Masih 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam, as indicated by the saheeh ahaadeeth. It was that the Dajjal will wander across the surface of the earth, except Mecca and Medina, his followers are numerous, fitnahnya thorough and there were no survivors from her except a little of the believers, in the time it came down the Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam on the east tower in Damascus, while the servants of God that believers gathered around him until he walked with them toward the Antichrist.The Dajjal is facing Baitul Maqdis when Prophet 'Isa down, then the Prophet' Isa found it at the door of Ludd. When the Dajjal see it, then he'll melt like salt is dissolved. Then 'Isa Alaihissallam said, "Behold, I have one hit you, you will not escape from me, finally' got Jesus and kill him with a spear and his followers were defeated, so that people who believe them to pursue and kill the trees and rocks said," O Muslims! O slaves of Allah! This is a Jew behind me, come here, kill him! "Unless Gharqad because he is a tree of the Jews".[8]
On this occasion, we describe some of the hadith which describes the destruction of Antichrist and his followers
Imam Muslim narrated rahimahullah of 'Abdullah bin' Amr anhuma Allaah, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يخرج الدجال في أمتي ... (فذكر الحديث, وفيه :) فيبعث الله عيسى بن مريم كأنه عروة بن مسعود, فيطلبه, فيهلكه.
Dajjal will appear in my community ... (and then he said that the hadith, and in it :) and then Allah sent 'Isa ibn Maryam as if he was' Urwa ibn Mas'ud, then seek and destroy him.' "[9]
Imam Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi narrated from Majma 'ibn al-Ansari Jariyah Allaah anhu, he said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
يقتل ابن مريم الدجال بباب لد.
'Ibn Maryam will kill the Dajjal at the door of Ludd. "[10]
Imam Muslim narrated from an-rahimahullah Nawwas Allaah ibn Sam'an anhu, narrated that the length of the Antichrist ... and in it there is the story of the decline of the Prophet 'Isa and the killing of Dajjal, and in it there are words of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam: "Infidels who smelled his breath will die and his breath smell can be smelled as far as his views. Then he looked, so to get it at the door of Ludd, and he killed him. "[11]
Imam Ahmad narrated from Jabir ibn rahimahullah 'Abdillah anhuma Allaah, that he said, "Dajjal will arise when religion and science are not addressed (religion) has been abandoned ..." (then he said that the hadith, and in it there is a saying :) "Then Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam down, then he shouted at the dawn of time, he said,' O man, what prevents you to deal with the liars out of this bad again? 'They said,' This is a man of the jinn. 'Finally they are all gone.Suddenly they met the Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam, then iqamah prayer echoed. Said to him, 'Go up to her priestly us, O Ruuhullaah!' He said, 'Should the priest you are advanced, and a priest for you,' and then after praying Shubuh, they all came out to see him (Dajjal). "He (the Apostle ) said, 'When the liar look (of Prophet' Isa), then he'll melt like salt melting in water. Then he walked towards him, and killed up to trees and rocks said, 'O Ruuhullaah, these Jews, "then he would not leave anyone who followed him (Dajjal), but he killed him." [12]
With the killing of Dajjal, may God melaknatnya-by Prophet 'Isa, it ended a great slander, and God saves those who believe in ugliness and ugliness of his followers by the hand and Kalimatullaah Ruuhullaah,' Isa ibn Maryam q and his followers who believe! Allah only belongs all praise and gifts.
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]_______
The fall of the Prophet 'Isa Alaihissallam

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

Before talking about the decline of the Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam it would be nice for us to know in advance that its properties are described in the texts of Personality'.
A. The nature of the Prophet 'Isa AlaihissallamHis properties are described in a variety of history that he was a man, stature medium, not too high nor too short, red-skinned and hairy, chest area, straight hair, as if he just stepped out of the bath, he has hair that exceeds ear lobe, combed neatly to meet both shoulders.
Some of the hadith that describes these properties:
In between what is narrated by al-Syaikhani of Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallambersabda:
ليلة أسري بي لقيت موسى ... (فنعته إلى أن قال ولقيت عيسى :) ... (فنعته فقال :) ربعة, أحمر, كأنما خرج من ديماس (يعني: الحمام).
"I met Moses when I was in-isra' out ... (and he says its up to him to say) and I met with 'Jesus ... (then he mensifatinya to say,) bodied medium (not high and not short), the red, as if he's out of the bathroom. '"[1]
Al-Bukhari narrated from Ibn rahimahullah 'Abbas anhuma Allaah, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
رأيت عيسى وموسى وإبراهيم, فأما عيسى; فأحمر جعد عريض الصدر.
I saw 'Jesus, Moses and Abraham (on the night of Isra'), while 'Isa is the people (who were) red, curly hair, and broad.' "[2]
Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah may Allaah have mercy of Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لقد رأيتني في الحجر وقريش تسألني ... (فذكر الحديث, وفيه :) وإذا عيسى بن مريم قائم يصلي, أقرب الناس به شبها عروة ابن مسعود الثقفي.
'I see myself to be near the Black Stone while the Quraish asked me ... (then he said that the hadith, in which there is a saying): It turned out that' Isa ibn Maryam was praying, the person who most resembles him is' Urwa ibn Mas'ud ats-Thaqafi. '"[3]
While the ash-Shahiihain of 'Abdullah bin' Umar anhuma, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
أراني ليلة عند الكعبة, فرأيت رجلا آدم كأحسن ما أنت راء من أدم الرجال, له لمة كأحسن ما أنت راء من اللمم, قد رجلها, فهي تقطر ماء, متكئا على رجلين أو على عواتق رجلين, يطوف بالبيت, فسألت: من هذا? فقيل: هذا المسيح بن مريم.
"One night I dreamed I was in the Kaaba, and then I saw the great brown-skinned man, of all men whose skins are brown, his hair to below his ears and very beautiful you've ever seen, neatly combed and dripping water, he leaned on the shoulders of two people or two people, he was doing tawaf, then I asked, 'Who is he?' Answered, 'He is the Messiah son of Maryam.' "[4]
In the history of al-Bukhari from Ibn 'Umar, he said, "No, by Allah!The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not say red, but he said (and revealed in the hadith in full). "[5]
In Muslim history of his Allaah anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
فإذا رجل آدم ... (إلى أن قال رجل الشعر :).
"Apparently he was a brown-skinned man (brown) ... (until he says) his hair neatly combed." [6]
While combining these narrations, he asserted that in some versions of his red-skinned, while the history of other brown-skinned, straight hair in some versions of history while at the other curly hair:
Surely there is no contradiction between the red-brown color, because it might be a clear brown color (so it looks reddish,-Desc.). [7]
While explaining the history of denial of Ibn 'Umar to the history which explains that the Prophet' Isa red-skinned, then it is against the memorized by others. Abu Hurairah and Ibn 'Abbas narrated that Allaah anhuma Alaihissallam his red-skinned.
As for most of history to show that his hair is straight, whereas in the other a history of curly hair curly but is opposed to the straight, then it might be to combine the two that he had straight hair, while the al-Ja'du pensifatannya (in the meaning is curly, -pent.) means that the al-Ja'du on the body, not the hair, the meaning of solid flesh. [8]
2. The fall in the nature of the Prophet 'Isa AlaihissallamAfter the release of Antichrist and the damage he did on earth, God sent 'Isa Alaihissallam, then he will descend to earth. He fell on the white tower east of Damascus in the Sham. He put two pieces of clothing are dyed with ja'faran oil, put both hands on the wings of two Angels. When he bowed his head, then her hair came down, and when he picked it up, then berjatuhanlah sweat like beads of pearl, it is not an infidel was a smell his breath, but he will die, while his breath as far as his views.
Prophet 'Isa Alaihissallam will go down in the ath-Thaaifah al-Manshuurah (Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah) who fought in the truth.They all joined to fight the Antichrist, then he will go down when iqamah prayer echoed and prayed behind him a leader of the group.
Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy say, "This is the most famous of the places he Alaihissallam downs, the white tower on the eastern part of Damascus, and I have seen on some of the book he's actually going down in a white tower jami mosque east of Damascus. Perhaps this is the opinion maintained that more ...Damascus is not known because there is a tower in the east than the existing tower on the side of al-jami mosque in Damascus Umawi on the east side. This is a more precise fit anymore, because he will go down in prayer is established, then the leader of the Muslims will say to him, "O Ruuhullaah! Go ahead, "then he said," You are ahead, because in fact echoed iqamat you. "While on some history:" Some of you are the leader of another of his, the glory that God has given to this people. "[9]
Rahimahullah Ibn Kathir says that in his day, namely in the year 741 H, Muslims renew the tower using a white stone. When the construction is taken from the property of the Christians who have burned the towers are located in their place, perhaps this is one of the prophetic signs that are visible, in which God destined to the construction of this tower of wealth of the Christians that Prophet 'Isa ibn Maryam down the tower, to kill the pigs, to destroy the cross, did not receive a tribute from them, but the options are to convert to Islam or be killed, as well as the disbelievers of the ka-Langan others. [10]
Described in the hadith an-Nawwas Sam'an long bin on the release of Dajjal and downs 'Alaihissallam Isa, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "When God sent the Messiah son of Maryam, he will go down in the white tower east of Damascus, by wearing two garments dyed and ja'faran wars, put his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he bowed his head, then her hair would fall, and when he picked it up, it will fall from it (sweat) is like a grain of pearl, it is not an infidel smell his breath but he will die, and the smell of his breath as far as the eye could see. Then he'll look for it-look-Dajjal until he got in the door of Ludd, and killed him. The next one would protect God's people who come to 'Isa ibn Maryam, and he will wipe their faces and told them about their degrees in Paradise. "[11]
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]_______Footnote[1]. Shahiih al-Bukhari, Book of Ahaaditsul Anbiyaa ', chapter Qaulullaah wadzkur fil Kitaabi Maryam (VI/476, al-Fat-h), Shahiih Muslim, al-Israa chapter bi Rasuulillaah sallallaahu' alaihi wa wa salalm Fardhush Shalaawaat (II/232, Sharh an-Nawawi).[2]. Shahiih al-Bukhari, Book of Ahaadiitsul Anbiyaa ', chapter Qaulullaah waddzkur fil Kitaabi Maryam (VI / 477, al-Fat-h).[3]. He was a noble Companions Abu Mas'ud 'Urwa ibn Mas'ud bin Malik bin Mu'tab ats-Thaqafi Allaah anhu. Converted to Islam after the Prophet sallallaahu 'wa sallam alihi away from Tha-if, before he has an important role in the peace Hudaibiyyah, he is a man who loved and obeyed by his people, the people of Ta if. So when he invited them to enter Islam, and they were all killed when their arrows hit him, said to him, "Did you see on your blood?" He replied, "It is the glory that God gave me, Shahadah is given to me, it is not in in me except the part that obtained by the martyrs who died along with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam before he leaves you, "then the Prophet said about it," The likeness of' Urwa as Friend Yasin, he invited his people to the path of Allah, then they killed him. "And some have argued, "He is in the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
وقالوا لولا نزل هذا القرآن على رجل من القريتين عظيم
"And they said, 'Why did al-Qur'an was not revealed to a major from one of the two countries (Makkah and Tha-if) this." [Az-Zukhruf: 31]
See al-Istii'aab fii Ma'rifatil Ashhaab (III/1066-1067) tahqiq 'Ali al-Bajawi, Ibn' Abd al-Barr, and al-Ishaabah fii Tamyiizish Shahaabah (II/477-478), Ibn Hajar and Asmaa-ish Tajriidu Shahaabah (I/380), adh-Dzahabi work.This hadith contained in Muslim Shahiih, chapter Dzikrul Masiih Ibni Alaihissallam Maryam (II/237-238, Sharh an-Nawawi).

Evidence in the argument drop in 'Isa Alaihissallam

ByDr. Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil

3. Evidence in the argument drop in 'Isa AlaihissallamThe fall in 'Isa Alaihissallam at the end of time has been fixed in the Scripture and as-Sunnah are authentic mutawatir again, it is a sign of great signs of Resurrection.
a. The arguments of the decline of the Prophet 'Isa al-Alaihissallam in the Qur'an al-Karim.1). Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
ضرب ابن مريم مثلا إذا قومك منه يصدون إلى قوله تعالى وإنه لعلم للساعة
And when the son of Maryam ('Isa) as an example of a sudden your people (Quraish) sings it. Up to his word: He 'Isa's really a Sign of the Hour ... "[Az-Zukhruf: 57-61]
These verses down in the context of talking about 'Isa Alaihissallam, in the end explained the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala وإنه لعلم للساعة, meaning that his coming on the Day of Judgment is one sign of her judgment, it was also impelled by the form-ah qira(punctuation) others وإنه لعلم للساعة with the letter 'ain and lam-hahkan that difat, its meaning is a sign of the establishment of the Hour.Qira-ah like it was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas, Mujahid and others of the clergy priests interpretation. [1]
Al-Imam Ahmad narrated with sanadnya rahimahullah to Ibn 'Abbas in the interpretation of Allaah anhuma وإنه لعلم للساعة verse, he says, "He is the decline in' Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam before the establishment of Judgment." [2]
Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy say, "The authentic that the word (إنه)-dhamirnya (pronoun) - back to 'Isa, as editor of the verse says about it." [3]
And far away if the meaning of the verse is everything done by the Prophet 'Isa Alaihissallam a turn that off, heal the blind, the leper is also another of those diseased.
Furthermore what is disclosed of some scholars that dhamir in the word (وإنه) back to the al-Qur'an al-Karim. [4]
2). Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم إلى قوله تعالى وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا
"And their saying, 'We killed the Messiah,' Isa son of Maryam, Messenger of Allah, 'but they killed him not (also) crucified him, but (they kill is) one that was likened to' Isa for their Up to his word Exalted: None of the Book, but will believe in him ('Isa) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment 'he will be a witness against them. "[An-Nisa': 157-159]
These verses show that the Jews were not killed 'Isa Alaihissallam, nor mensalibnya, but he was appointed by God to heaven, as revealed in His Word:
إذ قال الله يا عيسى إني متوفيك ورافعك إلي
"(Remember) when Allah said, 'O' Isa, behold, I will deliver you to the end ajalmu and raise you to Me ..." [Ali 'Imran: 55]
Then surely those verses also show that among the People of the Book there who believe in 'Isa Alaihissallam at the end of time. It happened when he dropped [5] before his death, as described by the saheeh ahaadeeth mutawatir again.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in his answer rahimahullah to questions put to him about death and the appointment of 'Isa Alaihissallam, "Praise be to Allah,' Isa Alaihissallam still alive, and has remained in the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that he said:
ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكما عدلا وإماما مقسطا, فيكسر الصليب, ويقتل الخنزير, ويضع الجزية.
'Ibn Maryam will come down in the midst of you as a fair judge and a leader, then he will break the cross, kill swine and remove jiz'yah (taxes).' [6]
Has remained in the hadeeth from him that Jesus would come down on Alaihissallam white tower east of Damascus, in fact he will kill Dajjal. Whoever his soul separated from his body his body might not be dropped from the sky, and if enabled, then indeed he is risen from the grave.
As for the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
إني متوفيك ورافعك إلي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا
"... behold, I will deliver you to the end ajalmu and raise you to Me, and cleanse you of the disbelievers .... "[Ali 'Imran: 55]
This is not meant to postulate that this appointment is death, because if that is the case it was death, undoubtedly 'Isa q will be the same like any other people of faith, where God took their souls, then take to the sky, so there is not anything special in his appointment. Similarly, his word ومطهرك من الذين كفروا "As well as clear you of those who disbelieve," and if that meant that his soul has parted with his body, his body on earth would surely like the other bodies of the Prophets.
While Allah Ta'ala says in another verse:
وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم وإن الذين اختلفوا فيه لفي شك منه ما لهم به من علم إلا اتباع الظن وما قتلوه يقينا بل رفعه الله إليه"... In fact they killed him not (also) crucified him, but (they kill is) one that was likened to 'Isa for them. Those who disagree understood the (murder) 'Isa, is really in doubt about him. They do not have a belief about who killed it, except the following conjecture, they do not (also) believe that they killed it was' Isa. But (the fact), God has raised `Isa to him ... [An-Nisa ': 157-158]
Word of Allah Ta'ala, بل رفعه الله إليه "But the truth of God has raised` Isa to him, "explaining that he was appointed by the agency is also his soul, as described in a saheeh hadeeth that he would drop his soul with the body as well, because if appointment in question is death, Allah says, "It is not they kill him, neither crucified him, but he was dead."
That's why there are among the scholars who say إني متوفيك "We mewafatkannya," meaning is holding you, holding the spirit and thrown you. It is said in Arabic (توفيت الحساب واستوفيقه) meaning there was to take it.
And lafazh (التوفي) alone does not imply the death of the soul without a body, nor the death of both simultaneously unless the qarinah (instructions) other apart.
Sometimes even meaningful sleep, as revealed in His Word:
الله يتوفى الأنفس حين موتها والتي لم تمت في منامها
"God holds the soul (person) when the death and (hold) the soul (person) who had not died in his sleep ..." [Az-Zumar: 42]
His words:
وهو الذي يتوفاكم بالليل ويعلم ما جرحتم بالنهار
"And He it is Who takes your souls at night, and He knows what you do during the day ..." [Al-An'am: 60]
And His words:
حتى إذا جاء أحدكم الموت توفته رسلنا
"... So that when death comes unto one of you, he diwafatkan by Angel-Angel of us ... "[Al-An'am: 61]" [7]
Conversation in this discussion is not intended to reveal the appointment of 'Isa Alaihissallam, but merely explaining that she was appointed to the body q and spirit, and indeed he is still alive today in the sky, and will drop at the end of time, and will diimani by people People of the Book that existed at that time, as revealed by the Almighty:
وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته
"None of the Book, but will believe in him ('Isa) before his death ..." [An-Nisa': 159]
Rahimahullah Ibn Jarir said, "Ibn Basyar narrated to us, he said," Sufyan narrated to us, from Abu Husayn, from Sa'id bin Jubair from Ibn 'Abbas:
وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته
'None of the Book, but will believe in him (' Isa) before his death ... "[An-Nisa ': 159]
He said, 'That was before the death of' Isa ibn Maryam. '"[8]
Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy say, "This is a saheeh sanad." [9]
Then Ibn Jarir said rahimahullah after expressing an opinion on the meaning of the verse, "And the most correct opinion is the notion that proficiency level is the interpretation clause" And no one among the People of the Book who do not believe in 'Isa before the death of' Isa. "[10]
He narrated with sanadnya of al-Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah, that he said, "(meaning is) before the death of 'Isa. By Allah, he is still alive in the sight of Allah, but if he goes down, then everyone will believe in him. "[11]
Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy say, "No doubt that was said by Ibn Jarir is the correct opinion, because opinion is that of a few editorial paragraphs in establishing recognition baatil all Jews that Jesus was killed and crucified, then handed it to the newsChristians are stupid. God then told that the problem is not so, there is only one of his diserupa out for them, so they kill people similar to him ('Isa) while they are not seeking the truth of it, then he was appointed to him, and indeed, he would go down before the Day of Judgment, as the hadiths of mutawatir shows it. "[12]
He (Ibn Kathir) said that was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas also other anhuma Allaah that Ibn' Abbas made in His word dhamir قبل موته returned to the People of the Book, and he said, "The truth is if history is correct, surely would be contrary with this explanation, but correct in the meaning and sanad is that we have just described. "[13]
b. The drop-premise proposition of the Prophet 'Isa Alaihissallam In the as-Sunnah al-Mu-thahharahThe arguments of the as-Sunnah about the fall of 'Isa and mutawatir Alaihissallam very much, some of which we have described, and we will mention here some of it for fear that would seem too long, among them:
1). Narrated by al-Syaikhani of Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
والذي نفسي بيده; ليوشكن أن ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكما عدلا, فيكسر الصليب, ويقتل الخنزير, ويضع الحرب, ويفيض المال حتى لا يقبله أحد, حتى تكون السجدة الواحدة خيرا من الدنيا وما فيها.
'For the Lord that my soul was in his hands, was the son of Mary was near falling in the midst of you as a fair judge, he will break the cross, kill swine, stop the war, and to transfer the property, so that no one accept- her, until one is better than the world bow down and everything. '"
Then Abu Huraira Allaah anhu said, "And see if you wish.
وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا
'None of the Book, but will believe in him (' Isa) before his death.And on the Day of Judgment 'he will be a witness against them. "[An-Nisa': 159]" [14]
This is the interpretation of Abu Huraira Allaah anhu for the verse that referred to in the verse is among the People of the Book who believe there will be 'Isa Alaihissallam before he died. It happened when he fell at the end of time, as previously described.
2). Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Abu Huraira Allaah also anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
كيف أنتم إذا أنزل ابن مريم فيكم وإمامكم منكم?!
'How do you as the son of Mary lowered while the (leader) your priests from among yourselves?' "[15]
3). Muslim narrated from Jabir Allaah anhu, he said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي يقاتلون على الحق, ظاهرين إلى يوم القيامة; قال: فينزل عيسى بن مريم, فيقول أميرهم: صل لنا. فيقول: لا; إن بعضكم على بعض أمراء; تكرمة الله هذه الأمة.
"Always there is a group of my Ummah who fought to defend the truth, they always get help until the Day of Judgment." He said, "Then 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam down, their leader said,' The prayer lead the us." He said, 'No, the real part of you is a leader for others, as the glory that God has given to this people.' "[16]
4). Previously described Hudhayfah bin ASID hadith about the signs of the Apocalypse, in which revealed:
ونزول عيسى بن مريم.
"And the fall of 'Isa ibn Maryam Alaihissallam." [17]
5). Al-Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Huraira Allaah anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
الأنبياء إخوة لعلات, أمهاتهم شتى ودينهم واحد, وإني أولى الناس بعيسى بن مريم; لأنه لم يكن بيني وبينه نبي, وإنه نازل, فإذا رأيتموه; فاعرفوه.
"The prophets are paternal brothers, their mothers is different, but their religion is one. Actually I was the most eligible (close) to 'Isa ibn Maryam, because there is no prophet in between me and him.And indeed he would come down, if you see it, then get to know him! "[18]
[Copied from the book Asyraathus Saa'ah, author Abdillah bin Yusuf ibn Yusuf al-Wabil, Daar Ibnil Jauzi, Prints Fifth 1415H-1995M, Indonesia Issue Doomsday is near, Beni Sarbeni Translators, Publishers Press Ibn Kathir]

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